HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1986-06-09, " RESID-,{TIAL" APPLICATION/PERTIIT 225 North ith Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 Building Ditsision 7 26- 37 53 Aeeeasors Mag # 4 0 Job Iocaticn: SPRINGFIEL.D Rccei 0/- 4 lc,s Lat # Subdirision A,mer: Addtess t{ LL Add.itian RenoCeL /fu lflu{-1N Describe l,lotk: Value d Date of Apglicaticn GenereL A .3C. F T/y Phone:/ PLwtb lLeexricaL l.!eciur.ie.zL Constrteticn Leruien I! is the' respotzsibility of the permit holder to see that aL! inspections are nade at lhe p?oper tine, that ecch adiress is nsn;n"'." ;ron xhe at?eet, druC tildt the '3ui1dir4 D"iticiol ae*oxea i -r.?Ci-lf '-'.,5 Fa.? ::t:?:::IaI i.5AL'|S!:CALL 726-3769 (reeordet,) state yout' City desigr.ated job nur.ber, iob aitvess, t'yce of irspee-'icn on, Cont?actc?s ctt A;neis rtc:ne crii aitone nianbcr. P,eques=s vecei;:eti befcre 7:CC c- 00 cn vLLL be mad.e tite ncs,t :sotkina ac;;. Icut, Ctlty Desiar,ated Job l,lunber f s: pernrit catd is Located at the front of tf,-e proDe?ty Lan si,tcll renain on tia Eutlci:.na Site at aLL tines. "eouesaea ana uien uou uiLL be readu fct, insoceti;til be made the s&e day, ,norn"r""ooie cfter Z: ?eati-to 1' Ts cnoa-i rt cI l l I To be nacie after ezcdraticn, cut prtcr to se:. u? of fcrms. axD!.qsL1? ?L|_':.BI:;C, ZLIC:PIC,"L I ri'f---,,1w^-: tO D2 maae Deio?e cna Dork is couct,ed. FjC!.filG , FOU:ID,ITICN: ?o be naCe af t e t c r e ncii s-d e-et c ats at ed and forns ote ereeted., but prior to pou"ar.g ccneret€, UIJDENGPCU:,|D PLU].{3 trN C L EEWE!, WA!E!. DRAIIIACZ: Io be rnaie prior to fil-Lir4 trenches. POI.ICII PLLI:BI:,'C. ELE:?!?!CA: .1 iTSCH- A.:|ICAL: ,iio uork is to bc cotereci uztiL these inspeetions haue been nade and approved.. PfPEPLACE: Pr.Lor to plceir4 facingmcteztials and before frordng inspec- tior. FRAilIltC: ltust be requested. after approval of rough plwrbing, electri- a.L & necita,nieal. ALt roofing bracing E ehinmcys, ete. rrust be eotrpleted. llo ucrk is to be con-. cecled until this inspeetion las-''been nad.e anC appnooed. ?o be naie after aLL insulaxicn cd. teouireti oapor bon iers @e in p'La.ce but befcre ory 'La.th, Wpsun bcayi oz, tnLL eouez,ina i.s cDolie.i, cnl before oty ir,sulation is concealed. DRYHALL filSPICTICN: ?c be nade -. aixer ali cryuall is in place, but prior to any tapirq. i!ASOI|P!: Steel Location, bond beons, gtouting or verticals in aceondorce Lttth U.B.C. Seetion 2415, t100DS?0,t8: ccraT;iA. After installation is CURB & APPRCACH AP.D.ON: After forrns a.re e?ecteC but prLor to pouring concrete. StDWALX & DRfIEW/.!: Eor aLL can-.";Cn"o@Atffi stt eet right- of-txA, to be naCe after aLL etca- oatinq canplete & font uoz,k & sub- fuse materLal in place. 'E.'::LTT:C:] CP -1 uaocnrLocR 1,LU:EiltG & t.lEcltArrcAL:tof floor insulction ot decking. 1 posr ntto atnt: ?o be natie pyio? to ) i"r"";7;A;of ftoor insu|axion or decking.I I l lxl l FfilAL PLUY:BIIIC FINAL AECHA\IICAL FINAL ETEtrRICAL o ?ENCE: hhen eonplete -- ProuiCe gate; or nooable aeetions tht'ough P.U.E. ALL project conditions, such as the i.nstallation of street trees, conpletion of the required Land3eqirq, etc., na6t be satisfied before the BUILDING FLNAL can be tequested. ?INAL BUILDINC: The Final Building fnspection nust be requested cfter the Pinal Plunbinl Electrical, otC l,teclur.ical Inspectiotts iute been nade atd approteC. Scnitarl sa,sen cqpei ct properiy Lite Se?tic tank ptped a.tn filleC tLth gzate" linal - ttlren abctse itens ate eczplevei cn<i uizen d.encl;.tion is eot:Le:e or s;?;3- ture nouei otc prenLses cl'eened up. e iicnes Bloeking otd Set-up Plurbing eonnectiots -- aaie? al, uclet Eleett'ical Ccnneetion - Bloakir4, set-u: arui plutnbing conneetions m;st be d???ca^ec before request:-ng e?.ee:rLcal inspec=io- Aceessory Buildiq Pital - After pctehes, skirting, decl<.s, etc. ane eonpleled. Page 1 of 2'ALL |4ANHCLES AND CLEAN)UTS ilUST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJASA\\Ei|! T0 BE ttnDE LT 110 C1ST T0 CI?v I d- {-l <q< JOB NO.soLAR AC,- -SS REQ.-L-CO G'rt Crout LC? IWE Intericr /Cor-st Eeatoons I?r:.1 Corner Panhand.Le CUL-de-sac lleat Receipt # Signeci LACe Build ing Vo lue & Perm it ?his -penntt .is granted on the ery?ess eondition ttla.t the said. eonsttwctions^lnll, in,a-ll l,espeets, gonform to the Ordirnnce adopted b,y the City ofspr,ingfie7.rl, ine_ludrng the zoning cydinance, regulctirg t].rL ccnstntcticnotd .use o^f buildings, otd nay b.e- suspended o, r'euokec Zt "ry time upon vic-Lation of any ptcuisions of -said Ordinanees. 3nFra- TOTAL VALUE Building Permit State ?otal Clarges Lot Fdces - Setbacks Df House Can aae Aecess North East Sotith tou-e West x VaLuc PLan a!,: -:IA. listures Sesiiential (L bath) Seuer D1.,-'^:-- D^*'. State *pel.a.yae 'lea/lzterui Cireaits Sensiee L Pernit Stcte Sw,e Plumbing Permit llo person slnll consttact, instalT-, a!.ter or change ana nea cr etistincqlwt2i. cr drainaoe systen in uhole on in patt, LrLesL such person i"'tt"nLe_gal possessor of a ualid plwnbez,,s Lieense, e.zcept th.at a D'e?son mau doplunbing uork to p?opettu uhich is or,med, Leased dr operateri by tte ippii- Electricol Permif Ifnere state La reouires tlu.t the eleettical uork be done bu an Electriealcont,actar, the elecrntccl portion of th* pen t-i "i*if i""'irZ uZLi untiltize Label iws been stgnei b11 tize Electr.ieal' Conxrcctar. J i: rJ1 e:Mechqnicol PermitP?U. S -lla$t Hooi jefit Fot Jcodsto;se ectritu Per*,rLt fssucnee Mecizanicel Pentri.t -- L|ICRCACIII4ENT -- t PLan trbcu! iCa,talk lee L cbiZe llane r HAw 1AREFULLy exLalyEl the eompleted apptication for permit, cnd. dohereby certif.y_ that aLL infornation het,eoi' is true "ia .2""".", or.L tfut,ther -eer+-ify that any ard. aLL uork perfor-ned. slnll be do:; ';.a acco?_danee vLth the ordinanees of the city of -sptingfield., and. the Lr;s of thestate of o,regon pertainina to the wz,k cescribZd henetn, cnd tiut No occu- l!tt-c-: Dil! b^e yCe of any stpuctu?e ttthout permission b7 tt, si;tding N_DLsLon. f furthen eentify thet otly cont?actors atd enplcyees uho arb incanplianee uith cRS ?01.jss uiLL be-used on this p?ojee't bD.5 'totade )TAL N4OUII? DT]E:'ls oo *Date '[ot Sq. Ptg. Z cf Lct Couerage_ ! of Stortes lotaL ileight !opography 6-q'vb