HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Fence 1987-08-25Job Locat'Lcn: t- Ia Lot #4Aesessore MaP # t'l Svbdioision: Aumer: -qJPh,one:1\Add?ess Descz,Lbe l,lot'k: /noea-o<- RenoCeL Additian EDOValue8-a5 -vlDate of fcore- Genet aL # .. RESIL -TIAL.. APPLICATI)N /PERI'IIT 97477 SPFln|GFIEI.D 225 North Sth Street SprLngfiaLd' )t'egon BuiL&Lng Dtt;tsion 7 26-37 53 VDEA . ---D rtcK c{L Siqned: llllqo> 6\"f drz- Date:Y',?.-€ -Bl It iB the neaponaibility of tle perrit hoWer to eee that aLL inapeetioas oe nade at the prope! time, tl,at each adfuess i's reaCable fron th.e sttebL and. tltat the penrit catd ie Located at -t-hs front of the -woPerty.i*uitding bJoici,ot dry"or^ed plan shcll yemain on the Building Srt. dt aLL times. pnOCEDUpE=FOn= TSqECTION,E-!=ilyEST:CALLT26-3769 (recotder) state Aou? City desigrated. iob ntotibez', iob aCi-z'ess, tgpe of inspec;i-cn @uiLLbereadaI.o?t.nspection,Contractarso7a,,n,"-,o,,.-o,,dp7,onnnuttber,Pequestsreceiaedbefcre7:00ant-*ii.L be nade the sane daA, ?equests nade aftez, 7:00 an urLLL be nad.e the next aorking dag. Consj@_Leder_ Remti.ro,4 TncnonT:i nnc Iout, City Desi.gr,ated Job Nwnber Is:?o Lat SITE TNSPECTION: To be nade aftez, er;auffion,-but priar tc set up of forms. ANDERSLAB PLUMBINC, ELECTRICAL & WCHAIIICAL: To be made before any uotk is coueted. FOOTING & FOANDATICN: To be naCe afte" trencdes at,e *caoated and forns are eteeted, but ptior to pow"ing ccncrete. INDTRCF)U\ID PLABING, SE\^IER, 9/.4TER, DRAillAGE: To be nade prioz, to fil-Lirq trenches. rNSI|LATTAN/VAPOR BARRIER I}ISPECTION : ib be made aftet' aLL insulaticn c.-d z,equiz,ed oapor bavie?a @e in plaee but before ory 'l.ath, Wpslrn boarC or mLL eouering is applied, and before o-ty iwulation is concealed, DRYWALL IIISPECEON: Tc be MAdE -. after aLL dtyuall is in p'lace, but prior to ang taping. I,\AS1NRI: Steel Location, bond beans, grouti.ng or oerti-cals in accordstce tith U.B.C. Section 241s. ilooDSTOI,/E: ;cnpT;tA. After installation is CURB & APPR1ACH APPON: Aftet forrnsee erecteC but prior to pouz.tng ancrete. SIDEWALK & DRIIWAI: Fot aLL eon- erete patsing trithin et?eet right- of-ung, to be nade after aLL etca- oating eonplete & for+n wrk & sub- base rnatertal in place. q\ AIIDEPFLOOR PLUIETNG & I|ECI]ANICAL: o7 floot ineu'l,ation or decking. POST AND BEAM: To be made priot, toinstallatian of floot, insulation oy decking. ROUG.T PLTruBIIIG, ELECTRICAL & I,TECE- ANICAL: No uork is to be couet'ed .GllL these inspeetions haue been nad.e and. approueC. FIPEPL,.ACI: PrLot to pkcirq facingma.tetials and befone froning inspelc-tion. FRA|,!INC: l,tust be tequested aftet, approtsal of rough plurbing, electni-cal & nechanieal. ALL noofing bnacing & ehitrmegs, etc. nast be . eonpZeted. Ilo ucz,k ie to be con- 'cealed until this inspectLon has'been mad,e anC approtsed. Vl gqgq, h4-ren cotnplete -- prouiCe A.AAC ot motsable' eeetions thnougho P.u.E. DEil1Lnroil 0R BUILDIiICS Sanitaq sa.ser eqtped at ptopertii Line Septic tutk p;.t,tped ann filled urith g'a;;el linal - I{hen abcoe itens ate ccrnpleted and ahen Cetnalition is cornplete or sttue- htre notsed and. g'enrtses cleaneC up. e Hcmea Plutnbing connections -- aa)e? ad, ualet Electrical Conection - Bloeking, eei-up ard plwnbing conneetions rntst be apprctsed before requesting electrtcal inspectiott Aceessory- BuilCing Final - After pcrches, skirting, decks,etc. an,e cornpleted. Bloeking otd Set-up Page 1 of 2 FIIIAL PLUMBING PINAL MECHANICAL ?INAL ELECTBICAL ALL project conditions, such as the i.netallation of sy,eet trees, colpletion of tierequired Landscaping' etc., tmtst be satisfied befot e the BUILDfN1 ffNiL ean be requested.. FINAL BUfLDING: The Pinal Bui.Lding. fnspection nrust be requested aftet the Final plunbingElectrical, and Meclunieal rnspeetlone hque been nad.e- ard'oppooond. *ALL MANIICLES AND CLEAIIOI|TS fuIAS? BE ACCESSTBLE, ADJUSTIIENI TO BE I,IADE AT NO COST TO CNY r T l T zJOB NO.(7 Building PermLt State ?otal Cltatges Planbing Pernit State ?otaL SOLAR A :ESS REQ.- L-COG* Bedrooms Building Vqtue & Permit This perrnr,t is q?anted on th^e esp?ess eondition tlnt the sai.d constructionslwll, in all rzsoeots, confornt to the orii*n". ad.opted 6:y the city ofspytngfield' incrlud.tnq- tn" 2.iii"i- c"ir.nZnZZ, ,ngutating the ccnstracticn?!,y:" of building.s,."""a,1iy -2.q"";;;;;;;:d'.y teuokec at cry time upon ttic_Latlon of anA ptcuisiona of baid Oyditnnces. Paid: #:* Signed: Plumbing perrnit No pe?son shaT-L consttuct, install, alter ot etnnge -ana neD cr eristingql^*iy Z" drainage sA2lq in uloie ot in part, "unles"" "i.n- pnio, is the !??:!..1o-"l.n"lo: ,f a ualid plurnber,s LicensZ, eccept that a pZr"o, nay dopLt/nblng ao?k to property uhich is otmed, Leased oi operated by the "bptl_cant. PLan Erantnez'Date I HAW CAREFULLY EXAI,IINED the conpleted applieation for perttrlt, and do hereby certify that aLL infonnation heteon is true and carrect, and. I furtker certify that any ard all uork perforned slnll be done in accot- danee rtLth the 1tdinances of tlte city of Springfield, ard the Laas of the* State of oregon pertaining to the wot'k Cesctibed hez'ein, old tlnt No occa' PANCY t'titl be taCe of any structw'e urithout pemnission of the Building Di- oision. f further certifg that only contt'actot's and enplcgees uho are in eonpliance aith oRS 701.055 uiLL be used on this proiect \a!l Lot Faees - L llnt Sq. ptC. I of Lot ,*n og"- - # of Stot tee ?otat Eeight - lopographg F?G x Value ?O?AL VALUE S.D.C. 7.5 x NO TLL CHARGE Fistt*es Resilzntial (1 bath) Seuer Nan/Eotend Circ-uits Set"uice Electricq I Perm it where state La) ?equives tlnt the electrical uoz,k be done bg an EleetrLcalcontractor, the eleetrical portion of this pennit s?nLL noi be oalil. untilthe Label has been signed by the Electrtcal- Contyactot,. Stete Total ITlM NC FEE CIIARCE , Echanet l!oo,L Vent Fal Vcodstotse ,( Mechqnicol Permit Permtt Issuorce Meelnnicel -- ENCROACIIMEN? -- Seeuri Permit Ctttbcut Silanalk oo Mobile Hone TOTAL AMOUN? DUE: *{Date * LOT ?WE _ fnterdot _ Corne? _ Panlnndle _ CUl-de-sac