HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1983-02-04" RESI.-ENTIAL.. 2 2s North rrr 'rrruaPPLicA?ro,/P,RlurSpr.tngfield, 7regon TZ4ZZ Building Dit;ision O6A -a--I z0-o / d6 SPFTINGFTELD Date: ,Iob Locati,cn: Aosessor, Jlap ,4 j-:ner: Adtitess Descibe itonk: IqrL_;t-t oc)Date of App Lieaticn Additicn RenoCeL cors GeneyaL ELectricaL ^:ttnr fFfa! ao '.^rE- Sanilary seser cap?ed :t Wcper.?i Lir.e Septic totk p'"i::ped ard fillad ,,rtth gra:;el Pinal - i.,1'ten cbcue itens ate ea;clecei an:C then Tenclition is eotralele Zy s:t;;:-tute noueC dri arc;rlees clbazed ut. !1Cn2S tsLocking od. Sex-up Plunbing connections -- aa)er od. uanet ELectr.Jcal Ccntectlon - BLcekin4, set-ut and plttnbing eonnecticns nr;st be cp??dea beJ'ore z,equestlng electrical insgec-iot .4ce e s : c,.9 BuiT.iirq Pinal - After:cnckes, skttting, decT-s, etc. @e ccnole;ad. ?zie 1 of 2 Cons It is lhejroat the*3uiAizg ty thB pentistreet, anC that, the' )"luictot ap?r.ou'ed p ito Aer 3ee that eL tnsoect'tcr"s pyope?-L -t -;)-1-ScatdLALccatedrU^permit Lan sitc tAi74frctt at ,?oDettuth'e LL ?eda1,n cn Iour Cifu Desigra.ted Job Nu,nber fs: DR!ilA.LL lilSPlCTI?N: Tc be naCe after aLL at-1uall is in pl.aee, but ptior to any tapin4, i,lASC!]!l!: Steel Location, bond beanc, crouting or lterticcls in accordorce ,.tLth A.ts.C, Seetioa Aftar instaliatton ""s CUPB & A?PPCA.CH ,I.PF.ON:Aftet fozns 'z,e ev,ec-ced. but pr)or to po.an)rg caft,2tete. :I)!.#.LK 2t ,RI',TiA!: Foz, all ccn- crete pauirq uixhln street right- of-txA, to be maCe afler a7.1- etee- uatinq caroLexe ,3 fotn ,;otk & eub- base mcterLal in plaoe. !Yi2^!E-e. F?4 {tllsPinrctt IiayESr;CALL 726-3769 (recorCer) state sou! city Cesisnttec jobt.equested a??.d, aaen gau -uiLL be read.E for insoecticn, cont?dctc?s or a;nez's r.ctTte -erd. thoneL'LLL oe rad'e the 9@ne Ccg, tequests nade after ?:00 cn ttiLl be nade the ncct';orkinE'd,ay, I nuibe?, job aCiress, type af insree=icnnunbey. Pequests receiued befcre 7:0C c:, 3) UIDEPSL;.3 PL;.]:.BTIG, ?L|C??IC,I: TiECi;.;1iC;L: 7o be narie before Zngunrk is ecuerei. lC)TIilG t FaUilD,4?7CN: lo be r",aCeaftet tr-nc'nes ati-escaated arL forms ote erected,, but ptior to pour-irq canc"et€. l7 utolacpcry:tD ?!L'y?r::G, ssap. u.l!!R.,J Lir4 trenchee. 11 wo*r:cc?. ?LU:.srtG M\C!!.4!trcAL:it@oi fLoot .!.neulction or Cecking. P)ST AND 3EA!,!: lo be naCe prior installaticn of floor insulaticti deekirq, FCt-tc't ?:'x!E:::c, !!!c:Prc:! I :!tc1- AiliCS.:: .::o ,o?;,. !; ;c ce cotered. uxtil ;'nese ly,acecticrs ',tcue been naie erd. rpprcv'ei. Fr-:pr:1=t h'^, L^ r,.--a'-- €--.-- ,nct;nAG arui before ;'rair4 ;itpnZ- , PRA-llillC: !,!ttst be teo.uesteC afler cpgtou;L cf rough plu-bir.g, eleetri-cal ! neci.enieaL. ALt rcoilr4 breainq I ehinmcgs, etc. nrtsc be . cornplete<i. .'lo -;crk is to bc- con- - cecled until this insoecticn l,aa'been nade cnC aporo"-ed. II|SULATI'N /VAPOP tsA.RRIIR ITIS?!CircII :to be naCe after aLL ins,tlaiicn ed. required uaot' buvie?s @e in olacebat lefcre ory tcth, g"lpstul? bccyi cr tnLL couering is ccplied, crd. beiore orA ligulation is concealed. c;-'Id::I<9taar.rr. e.c@)atian, but To be rm.de aftetpriar tc set up of r:l o FIIIAL PLU:,IBI:iG FI;IAL :,ISC;!A:$CAL FIIIAL ELIC!?ICAL :!l:CE: ilhen cOnOL;xe -- *OUaCe gateE o? nooabi-e sections through D lt I ALL pro:jecx ca.Cilions, such as the installaxion cf street craes, :o-cl,e-,ion cf zhe required Laniscccirq, ctc.' ntst be saxisfieC before tke ilftDliic EIIIAL ecn be reques:eC. lf)lAL tsUILDIlC: The Fi_nal But-Lding Insoection tust be requeste<i zfier th.e littal ?Lunbirugileecrical, cni. ileciu::ic:i insoecc--or1s 4auc ceen na<ie arti'=corcuei. IALL !4AIIHCLES AND CLEI.ilCUTS \MST EE ACCZSSItsL|, .!.DJUSr:!i:]! lO 3Z ,',t,DE !.Y IIO ::Sr ?C CrI CA I I JOB NO. Lot Sq. ?tg- z cf Lct Casetage ! of Stoi.es Total leight Topogr .ohY SOLAR A'JSS REQ.- _ Inte?io? Cofie? PaniuruiLe Cul-de-sac L-co * Reeeipt #: PL&L IE6'NLNE? f HAW CAREFULLy IX.LUINED ihe cotnpleteC copl,)cacion for peznit, cni d.o herebg certifg tlnt aLL infottnation herecn i,s true erd. eaz,rect, aml, f furtker ce!+.if7 ihat any and aLL uork periocned shall, be done in aceot- dance vith the azdintnces of the City of Spr|ngfield, ani. the Lcus of the State of 1regcn petrtzining to tke aork Cescr.JbeC herein, ct"d. iitct )i0 1CCU- Pl.llcy wLlL ba na.de of aty strwctw2 aithout perrnission of the Suiiding Dt-- uision. I furthen =ertifi ths.t o:zly ccntractors acd *lplcyees ai":.o cx2 in conpliance u:.th CRS 701.055 uill be used cn this project fl-rt-v3 ae-irootl.s 0f i{ouse .^+ ?-^.c - Iloz'th Fns x South Wesb d Value:(I!Z:I aaac2 iccesscyt a^fr.f .,1|lle l'-t- lt r ALai aa-D.U.L. l.! a Fee Building Vqlue & Permit This oertntt is gtanted. on the e.ress ca-nd'ition tLat the said'cona'ttwccion s.na,,.L, in til tesoects,"')o71,{ri'i- cl.e xdirnnce zco:.ie,1 bg ih.e ,itr--?i_"s:fr"g:a"i, ":,"ili)-"E'=ie'loning crCtnan:c.e, tegulclirzg ike ecns-"t'.tci'-cn . ar.a ule c: lu'-LaLY.gs, cnd. n:y c:,;usgeruiei or reuckei a! cL! tl:xe ulcli uac- 1.att-on of rtny prcr.tlaions cf saii Criirances' ?uilding ?er'ttLt lotal Clatges State Plumbing Permit Ilo pe?son stull cot-stract, instal!, alter. ot c?onge -ang nea.c? e:isting ilrkit,q cr drainage sgste'n in uhole ot in pott, unLess sueh person is tle i"jol p'o"""rto, o7", uolid pl*,b"r's Lic-ensb, e.-cept that a perso1 ma'1 !o-pt1*fi)g xork to ptoperq ahich is otned, Leaaed or opetated by the dPpli'- cant. FZ!i!a:4 !i:tu.res Resi-,l.antial ( 1 bath) Seuev Plmb:.ng Peftit 1 Electricol Permit Were State Lan requires tha.t the electrieal uork be done by ot lLectrical Contzlaetoz,, tlle electrieal pottion of thie 2ermit sLnLL not be ualiC until th.e Label iu.s been signed by the Electz"ical Contrdctor. Perit llau/Eztend Circttits '!.\4 Mecho nicol Permit Ezha:st llood. ilcod.sto;;e Yent ?at Pendt issuance Meelaniccl ?ezrrtt -- a:l c?.cAC::.;.:a:!: -- Seanr)tu Dacosit Storaae !4aintenzree Penmt Cutbcut Sida,:alk dlectrical Lcbel ?OTA, A/IIOA:IT DUE:, ltlobile ilone Date F!! .-\.r-x-; I lo)eL Chcroes State Sutchztae ?enze rgtr /nrlt