HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1985-01-10" RESIDcNTIAL" APPLTCATT)N/PERILrT 225 Notth Sth Street Sprtngfield, Oz,egon 97477 BuiL&Lng Diuision 7 26-37 53 GenetaL PLmbi.ng ConslygEon-7and9!- /-r o- o to see tlnt aLL insPections ore nade at the propet tine, that eaeh alltess is rea'Cab';e L-/ ty /- teil Job Nwtber ,r, 8SOC5? Peceiot ! SPRINGFIELD frorn the*Buildivtg ?esDonsibilitg of the petnttt lo-Ld.er striet, and' that the -permLt card La " rt"r1i;"i'ippt'o"*ed plan s?cLL remain It ia the 'uYL be made the IOTI -To be nwde after prtor tc set uP of Located at the ftant-on tlp BuildinA situ oI the proPetf,A aLL'tines.at CALL 726-37 69 (tecorder) state Your CitY Cesigrnted job rumber, iob aCiress' tYPe of insPec=icn ' be ready for itaPection'Contractct's o! Anners nane ind PTtone nwrber. Reque sts receit:ed befcre 7:00 c:t requests mad.e aftet 7:00 an urLLL be rnade the nert wrkirg daY. Iour CitA Desigr'a To e maCe requi.red uaPot' but befot'e ary rnLL cotsering aty i,nsulation ccltp concrete. DEI.IOLIT OR srTE TNS.PEC!{)\!: escauatlcn' cut fortns. anu of To bePOST AND BEAM: -- instaLLail,an oj fLoor decking. No these irnpecti.ons haoe been ioan *ra aPProtsed" EIP,EPLACE: materiale and before placi.rq facing fratri.ng inePee-PrLor to tion. ?IIIAL PLUI,IBIIIG FINAL I4ECHANICAL Sanitary seser capped at ptoperf,vi Lir'e Septic tak p;,or'ped' ant filled t'ri'th gra;sel pina7. - L4ten abose itens ave ccmpleted'" irnn" ietnoliti'on is cortplete or stfi3- htve motsed atd pretnLaes cLeanea up'PC0TING & FQUNDATICN: To be rmCe after tYenches a?e etcaoated anl' ior.i *n erected, but Pt'ior to pourLrq ccnereta. @-6ench.ee. 7 uJ,,y,q o!, !!.ul !=, I3 *#Tri!:ilhx'l-) ro be mal'e Prt'ot - iio, insul)tion or decking' npvuAt]. \NSPECTION: Tc be made ;Wr:.s.in place, but Ptiot to cnY taPl'rtg' I,IAS}NRY: Steel Location' bond' ffimr*y,?,:;.7.'3zzL:,":: 24L5. nade Prior to iraulation or cuRB & APPRg4CH APPTON: ee ereeteC but PrLor After installation is After forrns to pour"Lng 'ffiw;"i""i,"-!.1nTl--o|-,nl;, to be maCe after aLL e*ca'-uLir:1o' "*Ptete & fotn r'sork & sub' base lrateYLal in Place' FWIN1: ltust be requested after ffi"t ii ,o"gl, Plhrbing' .electni-7i[ a in"tir"lcit. ' AL! t'oofitts-Wloirrg g, chinmeYs, etc' trust be Toititoa. Ito ubrk is to be con- ,Z-n[t"a until this insPectLon las 'Lien ^"dn anc aPPror:ed' nEnlni.When conPlete .-- tuot:iCe gates or nooable- sectians through P.U.E, ALL proi ect cotditi,ons, suck as the i.nstallation of street ttees' requit'ed LandsecPing, etc',mtst be satisfied before thE BUILDING FINAL BUILDING The Einal Electrical, au7 Mecharical conoletion of the ilim """ be requested' Buildt)ng Inspection rrust be requested. after the Final Plwnbi'ng "fi\{""ii")'" iioe been made atd appro,ec' Job Locati,cn:7b lU, ?* ?ca Iot #Aesessors Map # Sttbdiuision: Amer 1r*'7 y6'07Address:76 Phone: g7//77zip Desct'ibe llot'k: vor-u" d 535t-/c-85 L^) Date. of APP Licaticn o ?,r//-Jt'aAd&Ltion RemoCel Le Hcnes Blocki,ng otd Set-uP Plunbi.ng connecti'one '- aa'e? otd ualer Electrical Ccmnection - Bloekirt?' let-uD-) 2"7 pt*rtt"g eonneetions m;st be qp"dec i,itin" reqiesting eleelttcal inspecli'on Accessor7 Bui,L*ittg skirtin4, decks,Ptnal - After etc. ate eomP pctches, Page 1 o! 2I :l EINAL ELECTRICAL *ALL T,ANI\CLES AND CLEANO(JTS MUST BE ACCESSIBLE'ADJUST!'IEIII TO BE \'L4DE AT NO CCST r0 CEv l il n I o JOB NO.gSN57 soLAR / aEss REe.-r--coc* BedtoonsLot Sq. Ftg. % of Lct Cooetage_ LCT ?WE Lot Faees - fnterict Cortter Panhand.Le CUL-de-sac Ileat # of Stories lotal Height Iopogt aphg pr House Access. Fi toDe ITEM FTG -- Faes --x Value Building Volue & permir This penntt is qranted on th-e erp?ese condition that the said, eonstmrctionshall' in all rbsoects, gonforrn io the crii*r.n adopted g;g the city ofspringfield' includ.ina- tn" 'z.iii"i- c"iinhZ", o.grtating the ccnst"ucticnand..use of buil,inssi*ra $y q,"."";;i;;;;d"'"" teuokec at cny time upon,ic_LatLon of dta prcuisione of Laid Uil.r,*ri"r'. TOTAL VALIJE S.D.C. 1.5 c Building pe?mit State Date paid ?otal Cltargee NO.FEE CHARGEPiztuz,es P I bUm I n g Pe a tResid.enti-al (1 bath)r m I Seuer N-g per.son staZl eonst?uet, inetal!.q"-*b.rry or drainage systm in uhoLlgaL .possessor of a ualid phnbetpLuttbing aotk to p"ope?tA ihioh i"cant. ,. alter. ot eltange anA nel cr ezistimLe o? Ln pant, unless such person is- the's License, esceDt thn."";;,'1;;"e";i";:x:r2or;;?i"^zrlx_ Plutnbing petnrtt State F. Neu/Ecterd. Cit euits Set uiee Mechonicql Pe rm it NC CHARCE * Pennit Meehanical Permtt Eohanat Eood Yent Eet Permtt fsaucnce Mobile Hone 4,(o L Sida,taLk ,bo o Ctpbcut #: Signed: llheye State Lan t equiresCont"acto"', the elictt icathe Label tns been sig:ned Electricol pe rm it th.at the electr.teal uonk be done buL,po?tlon-of this permit slnll not".cA tke ELecfu*ical Cont?actop. an Electrieal be oalil. until Total ?otaL ?O?AL AMOTJN? DUE: *t5,Go { HAyE CAREFULLy ExAtL P" i?a .,o u, ri- iti' i iy'*'#;":#;" iZX "y: ^t:1:c 1!:io n f o r p e nri t. cnd dar;;:2";ir"i;trr'*X::*":,a.oiL*oi";;;;.:;":oY*1f r?fr3:.'i,%"1,,_ {rrar+phrf*tff ur:*;;Y,'IIs;*,*''#,Weo,pliancz;;;;"2;r"i;!,!Prr'Hir,il,":.*':X.i{l:;;;-,*i;;Z"'llebin