HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding Correspondence 1977-02-15CITY OF SP]RII\TGFIEIIJD DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS SPRTNGFIELD. OREGON 97 477 February 15, 1977 Rqnald B. Clark Superintendent of Building tr^^W'kU/uA- 346 MAlN STREET 7 47-A221 CERTIFIED LETTER Glen R. a Rita JoY Marks 1975 North 16th Street Springfield, oR 97477 Dear Mr. & Mrs. Marks t The sewer project serving your area has been completed and has been accepted by the City Council. Since it is necessary for the health of the cororm:nity to require all properties to connect to the sanitary sewer as soon as it becomes available, Chapter 2, Article 10 of the Springfield City Code requires that all property within 120 feet of a pubIlc sewer lateral must connect to said sewer lateraI. Therefore, this is your notice to connect to the sewer; the work shall be completed within 50 days frsm the date of this letter. The sanitary sewer connection fee of $l-00.00 is payable at the tfine a permit is wiitten. The permit fee of $t0.30 can be obtained at the Building Department at 346 Main Street. If you plan to do the work yourself, we have a diagram of construction detaiLs that wiLl be furn- ished at your request. If you have any further questions, please call 747-422L anytime between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., Monday throrgh Friday. Sincerely, BUILDING DEPARTMENT { RBC: snnn O DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS CERTIF]ED LETTER Gten R. & Rita JoY Marks 1975 North 16th Street Springfield, OR 97477 CITY O]T' SPH,I\TG}FIIIJ]D SPRINGFIELD, OREGON 97 477 February 15, 7977 346 MAIN STREET 7 47-4221 Dear M.r. & Mrs. Marks, The sewer project serving your area has been completed and has been accepted bY the CitY Council. since it is necessary for the heaLth of the comntrnity to require aLl properties to conn."t to the sanitary sewer as -soon as it becomes available, Chapter 2, Article 10 of the Springfield City Code requires that alL property wiihin 120 feet of a public sewer lateral mrst connect to said sehTer Lateral . Therefore, this is your notice to connect to the sewer; the work shall be completed within 60 days from the date of this letter' The sanitary sewer connection fee of $100.00 is payable-at.the time a permit is written. The permit fee of $tO'30 can be obtained at the Buii-ding DePartment at 346 Main Street' If you plan to do-the' work yourself , '" t.".,u- a diagram of construction detail.s that will be furn. ished at your request. If you have any further questions, please call 747-422L anytirne between 8:b0 a'm' and 5:00 p"m" Monday throrgh Friday' SincereLY, BI]ILDING DEPARTMENT frru"W'b,Ut/k- Renald B. Clark Superintendent of Buil-ding RBC: surn