HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1989-12-21..RESIDENTIAL.. ,PERMIT SPFIINGFIELD Rcce Date V 2zs North stt, s;t nnAtPPLrcAT) Springfield' )regon 97477 BuildLng Dtuisio.n 7 26-37 53 f-. LDCJ res Tas Int ll Job Locaticn: Subdioi.sion: Assessore Map # ODner:S+ Address: llork: totoc'4, CL TI Nan Value\ (9^I tc Date of tdditian RemoCel o P lurnb ing General l.lechanica EJ.ec E.r ca1 ElecEriciannervSu DEMOLITIOII OR !.:OVED Sanitos'y serset capped ct pr.operty Lire Septic tank pwped and filled uith grat;el Final - h1ten abcoe:utens axe eonpleted and uhen Cenclltion is complete or strus- ture noued anL pz'enises cLeaneC up' Le Hcmes Blocking and Set'uP Plwbing connections -- sa)ter ard' aater Electriccl Ccnnection - Bloeking' set-uc -inl oLwnbinq connections mtst be apprctei beforc requbst:ng eleclt"ical inspeelio:: Accessory BuiLC'-ng Final - After pcrekes, skirting, decks, etc. ote conPleted. Page 1 of 2 Ldet,tha L L'.nspections dle nade at the pvopel'tisne,add.ress LA readab eItLgthereaponsibiLityotthepermithotoeea from the stree and that the permit Lan sha card L8 Locat ed the front of Lding Sitc at the _prqpertyL tlmes.*Bui 7.ding Di t)1,9LOn approxed P L L venaln on the Bui a 1 P11CEDUPE FOR INSPECIIOI\ ,8-9=Q!EST:CALL 7 requested ard uhen gou uiLL be readA lor xiLL be nade the sane dcy, requests mcde 26 3 7 6 9 'recordet'tate aour ty Cesigrn nctne and ted job nunber job aCiress' t_YPe Pequests receLled of inspec '-icri befcre 00inspection,Contractars or A,sners phone nwnbcr aftet,7 00 oll t/rl L 1 be nade the nert:,nrking *re,C Nwnber r", ,- l l 3S1Iour'tu Desigr.at ed J'ob SITE INSPEC?I1N: To be nade aftet a;aoat|oa TC prior tc set uP of fonns. UNDERSLAB PLUMBING, ELECTEICAL & utcirl,nlfar: To be nade before ang 6it-ii-iooered. FA)TING & FOUNDAIICN: To be rmCe afTer trincEes ane etcauated attd' forns ate erected, but Priot to pouring ccncrete. POR To be after d required oapor but before any bas,riers are in pl,ace boarC orLath,gapswn tn L L cooet ing app Lied,and before o1a Lnsu La tion concea Lea DRY\\ALL INSPECTION: Tc be made after-dt-fiwatTl's .in Pl.a'ce, but prior to cnY taPtng. MASINRI: Steel Location, bond diffijgrouting or oerticals in aceordorce LYLth U,B'C. Section 24L 5, UNDERGPAUN) PLUMDTNG=, SStg.R, w'|T-E!' ffinaee pt'ion to fi.L- T@denchee. i-]1 upomrr'oon pr,ummc 4 uecry-4nrc;tt' -l-) To be nade prior to LnstdLLatlon oI floor insuT,ation or decking' WOODSTOVE: ccnpT;TA. Aftez' instaLlation is To be made Prior to CURB & APPRCACH APRON: After forms ffiprioi to pauring con'erete. SIDEWALK & DRfvEI'tAY: For aLL con- creteiat fr';l;E; sireet right- of-txy-, to be naCe after aLL ecca- oating canPlete & forn unrk & sub- base rnaterial in Plaee' insulation ot' deeking. No to be these hatse beer; nade and approtted. EfPEPLACE: Prior to Plceirg facing mat;id; arrd before froning inepec- tion. FRA\IINC: ltust be requested after dp;;otral of rough plwr,bing, electri- eil & neelunieal. ALL roofirq bracing 8 chinmcya, etc. ffast be contpleted. No aork is 1;o be con- ,ceiled until this i.nspection has "been made anC approoed. IENCE: When conPLete -- Prooide l&ei on nooable sections througl"' P, U, E. FIIIAL PLUMBING EINAL MECHANICAL FINAL ELECTRICAL ALL project condttions, such as the installation of slr'eet t11e_1- conPletion of the required Landsccpir"g,'Lt"-., ,*"t be aatisfili-6efline- the BUTLDTNC EI1AL can be requested EINAL BUILDING: The Einal Building Inspectiott mtst be requested after the Pinal Plwnbing E L: ;; ;l;;;1:-' il u" "t*rt"iii 1 i' pi " t';oi" i'o' n b e en nade ard. appr ott e c' G*LL i4ANHCLES AND CLEANOUT| MtJSr BE ACIESSIBLE, ADJUSTIIENI TO BE MA1E AT tto ccsT T0 cl?v I 0',E bDr n tr tr I!eatSe House tou*eth t: Lot Faces - ^*(,JOB NO.L-CO Bedroons: SOLAR ACCESS REQ.- Crc r4t sq. Ftg. % of lct Cotserage LOT ?WE _ fntericr _ Corner _ Panhandle CuL-de-sac ll of Stories ?otal Height topography Building Volue & Permit This permLt is granted on the erp"ess condition that the sciid-consttaction slnll', in aLL r,1spects, conformTo the ordirnnce ad.opted tiy the City of Springfield, including the Soning Crdinance, regulcting the ccnsttacticn and use of buildings, and may be suspended or neuokeC at cny time upon ui.c- Lation of any prcrtisions of aaid fu'dinanees. ?OTAL VALUE ITEM F?C x Value *S.D.C. 1.5 x Building Pemrt t ?otal Clnrges State PLan Check Fee: Signed: Date Paid Receipt #: Plumbing Permit No person shal.L consttuct, install, alter or eVnnge anA nea cr ecisting plunbing or drainage systefl in uhole or in patt, unless sueh pet'son is the Legal possessoz, of a ualid plwnber'ts License, eccept that a pe?son nag do plunbing uork to ptoperty uhieh is ormed, Leased or operated by the appli- cant. Plutnbing Pernit NO.tLL CHARCE * Sani Seuet, ITEM Fi.stuves Residential (1 bath) Electricol Permit Wene State Lau nequires tLat the electrical uork be done by an Electrteal Contractot,, the electrical portion of this permit sLnLL not be ualiC until the Label Lns been signed by the Electtical Contractor'. s Nas/Extend. Citcuits Sentice Stete Total I1'9M Ncodstote tr, Meelwnicel Permit FSE CIIA}?CENC.Mechqnicol Permit bhanst HooC PTU, S -- ENCROACIIMENT -- Saeuritu Deposit Storage Maintenance Permit Cut bcut Sideualk Fenee Electrical Ia.bel Mobtle Ilone 71an Date f HAW CAREFIILLy EXAI,LINED tle conrpleted application fot, permit, and do hereby certify that aLL infotmation heteon is trae and. conrect, anC f furthet, eertify that any ard aLL uotk perfonned slnll be done in accot- dance tLth the 1ydinances of the city of Springfield, and the Las of the State of )regon pertaining to the uork Cescribed herein" and t?nt N0 )cCU- Pr'.NCy DilL be naCe of any structuye uithout permisaion of the Building N- uision. I futther centify that otly contractot,s and enplcyees uho are in conpl;-ance uith 1RS 701.055 uiLL be used on this proieet TotaL ,IO?AL AT/OIJII? DUE: *15 13 * I,Jat er State Swcl".atge Total Clarqes Val* DAI ,f\\6 4 s,a) \t ')4. trc) S Cf)