HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1985-04-03" RESID-.{TIAL" APPLICATT)N/PERI4rr 225 North Sth Street SprLngfield, 2regon 97477 BUL LdLrLg DI,DLSLO0 7 26-37 53 GenepaL 14eclut;iecL I SPTTNGFTET-D Date: Cons!@on_L"nd9!_ rt is tIB neapotaibility of tle penrtt hol4d to see tlut atl inspec^tiotts oe nade at the prope! tine' that each cildreas is reaCoble fra n the atneZL and thZt the pdnrtt catd id. l,ocated at .!h3 ftotzt of the .ryaPertA.iaui.U;"s Nuic'iot appro"*ed pLan sltcll venain on tle Building Sitc at aLL times- pRocEDUpE Fo4 rNspEcrroN .E]=Q.|!EST:CALL 726-9769 (tecotdet) state your city Cesignated iob rumber, job aCitess' type of inspeeticn, requested and Dhen lou u1,L L be read! Jor t nspection, Conttactor" oi A-.r"" ,rorn Lnd ptate nunber. P.equests receixed befcre 7 :00 an r,iil be nade the sdle dcy, requests-iade afie.r 7:00 an urtll be nnde the nert'xrking dag. vots ci.ty Desi-gzated Job Nwnbez' ,r' Ef a 3 I b q7{ T- O t4/ Job Iocaticn: Aesessore*p # flc)33s &t ,*-1,nm Subditsision: n n4 Otmer: 7</6-0 7PhoneAddress: 0 zip:ci Descrtbe Work: Date of / da il* -/zL Va ldlition Page 1 of 2 Reauired SI?E INSPECTI)N: ?o be nwde aftet' $;Aeon,-rut prLor tc set up of fonne. IINDERSLAB PLUMBING. ELECTRICAL & WCHTUICAL: To be nade before anY ffi76a6rseted. FOOTING & FOANDA?ICN: To be nnCe ;fretffites are ercaated and forns ate erected, but Prior to pottt'ittg ccncreta. UND9RGROUI\D PLUME rNC" SEW,ER' .W.\TE-!' DRAIIIAGE: To be tnad.e pt*Lor to JLL- @-Tinehee. Io floor insu tion or deeking. PIIIAL PLUMBING FINAL MECHANICAL FINAL ELECTRICAL INSI.]LATION /VAPOR BARRTER IIISPEC?ION.: To be made aften aLL insuleticn and required oqor barwiera @e in PUee bui be|ore any Lath, Wpswn baa.rC ot' tnLL cooering is cppli.ed, atd before otA insulati.on is concealed. DEtl1LI?l2!! 0R !!)wD Sanilaty seaer eapped at properfi; Lhte Septic tork p;inped ard fi-Lled tith gra;;el Einal - h%ten abcue itens ote ecrnpleted and uhen Cqnolition is eomplete o! struc- ture motsed otd ptemi-ses cleaneC up. e Hcmes Bloeking otd Set-uP Plunbing connectiona -- seL)e? atd. uater Electr"ical Cotnection ' Bloeking' sei-uD and olwnbinq eonnecttons mtst be qprctei be fit' e requbsti,ng eleclrt cal i'nqteeliot Acceesory Bui.Ldittg & DRYWALL INSPECII)N: Tc be nade @er-ffi@udTts in place, but priot' to any taPing. WS0NRI: Steel Locati.on' bond Effilgtouting ot oerticals in accordonce tith U,B.C. Section 241 5. After installatton is of ecmp POST AND BEAM: ?o be made Prtot' to ffiTTdGn of floor insulation or &eki.ry. ROUCH PLut,lBrltc. ELEC?RT?AL & MECHA ANICAL: No aork is to be cou"€?€d ffiifthese inspeetions hat;e been nade and appnotted.. FIP.EPLACE: Prtov to placitq facingnatffiffi and before franing insPee' tion. FRAIINC: llust be nequested aftet' ffiffit of t'ough plwrbing' electt"i- &'L & necltanical. - ALL roofittg btactttg & ehimnegs, ete. nast be . eonpleted. lto uork is to be eon- . ce;Led until this inspectLon las 'been nwde anC approoed. CURB & APPRCACH AP-'.QN: After forns d,e e"ect;A=il, prioi to Poln'ing cotttete. SIDEWALK & DRf\rEWAl: Eor aLL con- 6;T;i6fu-Dithii street rLsht- of-txu-. to be made after aLL e*ca- uLtl."lo- eanplete & fotn wz'k & sttb- base inaterial in Place. Finat - Aftar pcrekes' skirting, deel<s, etc. ane eortPLeted- ?ENCE: When conPlete -' ProuiCe jfi6i or morsable sectians tht'ough ILL project conditions, such as the i.nstaL-Lat4on of street t?ee-s-,- ccncletion of tie required. Landseapir.g, Lt"-., ,*"t be satisfiid t"fore the BUTLDTilG FrllAL can be requested' ?INAL BUILDING: The Final Builditq Inspeetion mtet be requested aftet the Final Plwnbing tt"i7i"it,-'oi u""hori'"il tnspectTons h*oe been nade and appnooec' P,U.E, II *ALL IIANHCLES AND CLEANOIJTS IIUST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUSTITEIII TO BE I'L4DE I'T IIO CCST TO CIIY M 1r; a l-l ,-,, T tr T soLAR, )ESS REQ.-L-co c Bedroome Reeeipt #: Signed Plumbing Permit No pe,eon shazl construet, inetall,, alte, ot ehange ana neu cr existingql-yli"s or drainage "a"-l? in uhoie 2r in part, Lnles"s ,uoh pni:io, is the :1?:!,11":.1:lo: ,f a oalid plttnberts License, ec,cept that a pZrson nay dopLunblng uo?k to prope?tA which is otmed, Leased or operated by tte ippli._eant. Plwbing Penrit State Sutcl,arge 7 PLcn Eranine?uate IotaL f HAW CAREFULLY EXAilllEq t_lte conpleted apptieation fot, permit, and dotyrela eettify_ that aLL info:natilon t ei"oar'r" ttae and. eorreet, and ffurtker .certifg that any ald aLL uork pet,fozned stail on- doin-ir- o""or_dance rrlth the ,rdinanc-es of the clta 'of biA.r:sfjJi, "rra ti" i,Ls o1 tne !lt-e_of,olr9scn p,ertainins to the uoik ceszribl:a-iZ"Li., "ii-riii ro occu_PLNCy vill be nade of anA- stzacture uithout pernisei9n -o7 ti" suitahg n_uision. r further .Lry_t1a- ln19-_;Ly';;;;;;ctore otd enplcsees uho are ineanpliance dith oRS zot.bss uiLL be used oi thr:" i"iiiii -"--' '" i .t- 1-4_*/J* JOB NO.OA Building Volue & Permit This permit is gtanted on the e$press cond.ition ttnt the said consttwctions^lnl.L, 1n-a.ll.r,espe-cts, gonfonn to the Ordirnnce adopted 6:y the City ofsp,ingfiel^d' ine-luding the zoning cydinance, r,egulatZng thb ecnstruztibn fy.ru" of building.s,. utd may be-suspended or reuokeC at oty time upon oic_Latl-on of oly prcuisions of said Otdinances. Value TOTAL VALUE Ileat NEM F?C x rTEM NO FEE CHARGE S.D.C. 7.5 c DT House Lot Faces - Building Pe"ftit ?otal Charyes State _ Interiot _ Cormer _ Panlwnd.Le CUL-de-sac Int Sq. Ptg. % of Lot Ccue?age_ # of Stortes Total Height lopography Fishpes Resil.attial (1 bath) Seuer Electricql Permit N ezt / Eot end. Cit'cui t s Y:1 tyr. Lan z'equires ilat the electrLcal uork be d.one by an Elect*icalcont?acto"' the eleetz*Lcal portion of this pernit srwll rci be tsalil. untilthe Label lns been signed 4 tne tleZ*ical' Conttaetor.Sewice 1 lotal NC FEE Mechonicql Permit kltant HooC Veat Pot ilcodstotse Permit fssu€nce Meclwnical Permit 6d -. EIICROACEMENT -. !!g!os" Palrtt Clttbeu! Si.da,talk Fence ElectrieaL LabeL Mobile Horne TMAL AMOUNT DUE: *Signed a 4_ Date 3 'ls-