HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding Correspondence 1993-03-15"CITY OF SPRINGFIEITT, OREGO'V SPFlINGFIELE, DEVELOPMENT SERV'CES PUBLIC WONKS M ET NO PO LITAN WASTEWATE R M ANAGE M E NT I neeactio hazar Sincerel, Certified Letter l,Ia rch 15 , 19 9 3 DonaId R. Burnett 9L7 N 3rd Place Springfield, oregon 97471 RE: 9L7 N 3rd P1ace Dear l'lr.burnett: In reference to the previous letter sent to you dated February fggf regarding the Possible sanitary sewer problems at properti, we -have not received any communication from you requested. 225 FIFTH SIBEEi SPRINGFIELD. OR 97177 (50s) 726-s753 9, your as hear from you within fifteen (L5) days u will be undertaking to correct the dentified in our previous correspondence If you have any questions please feel.free to. calI me between hou?s of 8-9:OtJ i.m., 1-2:-00 p.m. or 4-4:30 p.m. at 726-3555. dtonyodsi to :" determine what tential health the fr,2* Ral6h sh Plumbing aw I nspe cto r //"-r-- nt)6. op ah oo c, o o -c co !o o CL Eo() .DlolulEIolol<l zlEI =lFIurlEI o I : 9omplete items 1 and/or 2 for additional services A ^ I. co.ir"iu iil; i,;";i"'i;.--""'"'-' ""'''"'l RALPH S.. .Print.your name Fnd address on the r€verse of tAr_ ,urm so that we canreturn this card to you. ' Attach this form to the front of the mailpiece, or on the back if spacedoes not pDimit. ' Write "Beturn Receipt Bequested,, on the mailpiece below the article number ' .The Return Fleceipt will show to whom the article was delivered and the datedelivered. 3. Artic le Addressed to DONALD R BURNETT 917 N 3RD PLACE SPRINGFIELD OR 97477 4a. Article Number 8n 1DZ 4b. Service Type fl Registered Xf,l Certified ! Express Mail I also wish to receive the following services (for an extrL fee): 1. fl Addressee's Address 2. ! Restricted Delivery Consult for fee. n lnsured E coo Return Receipt for J (,o CL'6 o o,E c oG C" .=o:, o o JtroEF 7. Date of D ?5. Signature (Addressee)8.(Only if requested and fee is paid) Form , December 1991 *u.s.GPo: r0e2-32+.r@ DOMESTIC RETURN RECEIPT SPRINGFIELD DEVELOPMENT SERVICES PUBLIC WORKS M ET FO PO LITA N WA STEWATE B M A N AG E M E NT If you hav the hours SincerelY, 2) Many of the problems that exist in the private sanitary sever s real or potenti.i-f1""lth hazards. Broken sever laterals not only a vater to enter the sanitary sever' but they also a1lov rav sevage t the ground. l. .iai,i"rl-i.rity sever or hrain vents may also a1lo expl6sive sever gases to enter into building' 225 FiF i S;fr;EI SPAIAJGFIELC OR 97J77 rii'.1t 716-,t, i.l February 9, 1993 Donald Rex Burnett 917 N. 3rd Place Springfield, 0regon ' 97477 RE: SANITARY SEWER DEFTCIENCY AT 9]'7 3RD PLACE' SPRINGFIELD' OREGON Dear Mr. Burnet t: In conjunction vith the construction of the metropolitan vastevater treatment plant and subsequent improveme"i;-i; ifrlngfield's sanitary sever systems' the 6liy *u", also cause certain repairs to be made to private sanitary sever =v"i"rt. There are tvo primary reasons for this action: i) Many riefects exist in the private se'*'el: system r''hich a]lov storm vater to enter the sanitary sever. As a i"iuit, millitns of gallons of vater that should not be entering the sanitary sever must be treated ai a great exPense to the users of this facilitY. stem are 1ov storm escape into toxic or vI o v Recently, several segments of the City's sanitary sevel-system vere smoke tested to locate potential problem areas. Tire tests on specific segments of the City's sever system, afso rlvealed thai the private sanitiry sever and/or plumbing drainage system serving youf-property'contains defects' The defect(s) are listed in the attachment. p1".s!-noi"-it"t, depending.on the type of.defect' it is not alvays p;;;ibla to speciiy i1r" exact'deflct or its exact locat'ion' For example, vhereas-imoke testing ,ly f,ir". indicated a leak in the sever lateral' there may be "".r.."i causes tot-iir.1eak. There may-a1so be-several defects in ii;;-;.;a"sever line. rn these cases, although ve viII be able to suggest a probable cause and location, ^nJ-ott"t as *uEh other information as ve have available, it vil} be up to you (or a contractor hired by you) to locate and correct the deficiencies' please contact Ralph Shav of this office as soon as possible regarding this matter. Mr. shav is assigned to the program and vili assist you in locating and identifying plumbing defects-. He vili also tespond- to your inspection requests as repair or replacement ygr\ p;;g;;;;";. If M;. Shav l,as not been contacted by you ,ithin 30 days, he vill initiate contact' e any questions about this matter, p1-e1:9 contact Ralph Shav betveen of A"-g, OO ". ,. or 4-5:00 p ' m ' at 726-3665 ' \,,I iJ rr David J. Communi tY t..0.\lrtrt -" Puent. Servi c Manager sf t'fr ADDRESS z 917 No 3rd Place REFERENCE NUMBER: 17033521 INSPECTION DATE: October 27,L992 DESCRIPTION OF DEFECT: Dur j.ng system, ground smoke appeared which may be the result of a d Corrective action may requireIine in that area. e smoke testing of the sanitary sewerthe rear yard east of the large tree,ective section of sewer line in that area. the replacement of a short section of seveer TAx LOT: 06400 rh in ef TN(3c) r/."/ rt I tf t{ (rt n/*/r= :LA -/fu VLd_; S,* - Uts,)F"n oct'*- Jd&-rtu, @P-n'*,' luol' f 'J 'r l?,f- Rf/,'"A