HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding Correspondence 1987-05-29SPRIhlGFIELD
Office of Community & Economic Development
May 29, 1987
Mr. Ed t,lilson
Borden Company
470 S. ?nd Street
Springfield,0R 97477
Subject: Development of park'ing 1ot between I'Crr & "D" Streets on South 2nd Street
The proposed improvement of tax 'lots 2300 and 2400 for an employee parking lot is sub-
iect to the following development standards:
1. The perimeter of the parking 1ot sha1l be planted with a 5 foot landscape strip
which must e'ither:
a. be provided with a permanent, underground irrigation system, orb. be stocked with plantings which a landscape architect will verify wi'11
survive without irrigation.
If the alley is to be used for access it must be improved to City standards.
If access to these lots come from "C" or "D" Streets, full irnprovement of these
streets will be required. Additiona'I1y, a Major Variance will be necessary for
these access points because of Code standards requiring 75 feet of separation
between the driveway and South 2nd Street.
Site drainage w'i11 be picked up by the system at "C" and South 2nd Streets.
A formal app'lication for Site Plan Review is required.
In addition to the preceding'items, several questions were raised concerning thetransfer of specific requirements onto other property. Transferring required bi-cycle racks and handicapped parking sta'lls to Borden's plant site'is acceptable.
Placing requried perimeter landscap'ing in the park strip between the curb and side-walk is not acceptable. Crossing the alley right-of-way with a private water lineis not desirable but may be permitted if no reasonabie alternative exists.
Alley vacation was also discussed as a possibility for control of development andaccess. You may pursue this action as you see fit. The City Council must approve
such a request and their decision may or may not be influenced by the sentimbhts ofadjacent property owners
I have inc'luded an application for Site Plan Review with this letter. If you have anyquestions, p'lease contact me at your convenience.
Cordi al 1 \MS-
Mott - Development Code Administrator(:
225 North cth street . springfield, oregon 97477 . s03/726-3753