HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 1997-03-17qr OF orvC 225 PIT N STRNET SPRINGFIEI,D, oREGoN 97411 INSrEC-TION nRQUEST ? 77.6*1769OFFICII: 7?.6-3759 I. I,oCATION OF INsTAI,I,ATIoN Borden Chemical #,dfco iF,.. IoFIELD NI,BCTRICAL PNNHIT APPLICATIOiI 470 South Second Street JOB DRSTNIPTIONfnstallation of 750I0I Backup C,enerator 2.. colrrR^cToR INSTAI.I,ATI0N oNr,y Electr icaI Corrtraetor Olsson Industrial .Ct Inc. Atlrlres.s 1919 Laura Street Cl ty Spr Id Plrorre (54L)747-8460 1000 sq.ft. or less Eaeh addltlonal 500sq. ft or portlorr thereo f Eaeh lfanuf ,d llome or _=- llodular Duelllng Servlee or Feeder B. Servlces or FeedersInstallat lorr, Alteratlonsor Reloeatlonr 200 arnps or less 7 201 amps to /r00 amps -Z-1r0l amps to 600 amps -2-601 amps to 1000 amps Over 1000 amps/volts -fReeonneet 0nly C D n Cl ty Joh llumber COHPLETR FEE SCNEDUI,E Pump or lrrlgatlon Sl gnl0utllne Llght I rrg- Llml ted Energy/Res -Llml ted Enengy/Comm SUNTOTAI, OF ABOVE 52 State Sureharge 3Z Admlnlstratlve Fee TOTAL t ' ,'l I 3. A. I Nev Resldentlal.-slngle orllultl-Famlly per dvelllng rnlt.Servlee Irrelttded: I tems Cost Perml ts are non-transf erable antl "*/1,r,"lf uork ls not star:ted vltlrln lS0 daysof lssuanee or: lf uork ls suspentled ior 180 tlays $ 8s.00 $ l5.oo $ 4o.oo L470.oo 73.50 44.LO-f58i.60- Sufir 350.o0 m.Ao ,00:ob Sttpervlsor l,l cerrse Ntrmber Explrat lorr Da te 1O-1-98 3334S $ 50.00 $ 60.00 $ 100. 00 $130.00 $300.00$ 40.00 200 amps or less g 40.00201 amps to 1100 amps $ 55.00 Over /r0l to 600 amps _- $ 80.00 Over 600 amps or 1000*GITs see ilB{ a Brarreh Clreul ts $ 40.00 $ 40.00 $ 20.00 s 36.00 Cotts t r Corr t r. Number 2O-241C Explratlon Date 1O-t-97 Slgrrr ture Super:vlslrrg Elec t rl el an Ovners Name Borden Chemical Address 47O South Second Street Cl ty Springfield Plrone (54t)746-e46L OSNEN INS'I'AI,I,ATION The ltrstallatlolr ls helrrg matl., orr proper ty I ovrr r.rhleh ls rrot lrrtenrletlfor sale, lease or rpnt. Oeners Slgnature: DATE: RTCEITT 6O0.A=O Temporary Servlees or FeetlersInstallatlon, Alteratlon or Reloeatloh bove New, Alteratlon or Extenslon Per Pahel One Clreult $ 35.00 Eaeh Atldltlonal Clreult or ulth Servleeor Feeder Pernrlt 40 $ 2.00 8o.oo Hlseellaneous (Servlee/feeder not lnelUded) -Each lnstallat lon RECEIVND B 5 ,,,1 I