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Permit Electrical 1997-05-02
'-' ',-l I---fr ot 3U U9r e D&ttr (l s,'ltNorrsio EI,ACTRICAL EERI(IT ADPIJCArIOH Cost $ R5,00 $ 15.00 Lrnf225 yrcra smEET SPRI}IGFIBII,, oREco]t INSPEGIIOI| REQUBBTT OPEICET 726-3t59 974 -2'Pn Cl ty Job Nunbe'r q 1\Wg COHPI, TE P8E SCEEDUI.E BBI,OY Nev Resldentlal-Slngle or SllJi;lTl:I,ff1, o,i,rni un' t. ftems 1000 sq.ft. or less Each addttlonal 500 s!1. ft or portlon thereof Each Hanuf ,d'Eonc or -Hodular Dvelllng Servl'ce or Feed6r _ $ 40,00 Servlces or Feeders'fnstallatlon, Alteratlonsor Relocatlon: 200 amps or less J_ $ 5o.oo -fr,u 201 anps to lgg amps - i Oo.OO -401 amps to 600 anis I- STOO.OO501 anrps_ to 1000 .ips]- aiio:oo -over 1000 amps/volt; -- SfOO.OOBeconnectOnly - $40.00 Temporary Servlces or peeders Installatton, Alteratlon or i,elocatlon Punp or ltrtgatlon Sslgn/outltne Ltshttnq- iLloltcd Energy/Rrs v- iLtDlted Encrgy/Cooa - 5 SUBTOTAT OF 48OVE5f Statr Surcherge 3Z Adotnlstratlvr Feā¬TorAL .4.'. 1 TTON 3 A I.EGAI,.t1 0 0t Sum &tffi Permlts are non-trans{grqblg and'explrelf sork ls not started'vlthtn-iaO alr"-of-tssuance or lf.vork ts sripini"i-to, 180 days. JOB Electrlcal Cont Address tI lu' ///{/:;Y lijLrtt- {VttAt ,t " -r lk- 7.-41,663.1 /{rcs 2. CO}ITRACTOR INSTALT,ATIOII ONLT ractor L.(. bZ,t//tnu, B ci 5 Phone Super,visor Llcense Number Explratlon Date /0lr /q 0vners Address Den/ 70 7 conitr conrr. Number A\bql Explratlon Date B 7 Stgnat 6f Supervistng Electrlcian c ( ;3? :ffi: :; iEi'",ps - I IB:BB -over 401 to 600 anls - i 80:OOover 600 amPs or r000-?6Tis ;e;-'iB; affi ct OVNER INSTALI,ATION &nx, t,t/itbn< D. Branch Clrcults Nev, Alteratlon or Extenslon per penel One Clrcutt $ 35.00Each Addtttondl -t*i=t., Clrcutt or vlth Sorvlcee:Et'- or poedei-pcirit--' _ja $ 2.oo f,t, E. Htecelrancous (servrce/fecdGr not rn.il'l-Each tnstallatlon pnoncl th 'l bl The lnstallatlon ts bctng nadc onproperty I ovn vhtch ls not lntendcdfor ealc, lease or rent.t Grnerc Slgnaturer 40.00 40.00 20.00 36.00 ('t, DATE: RECEIUED 5 a