HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 1997-10-08lrFI IFIELD BI,EgTRICAL PERIIII APPLICATIOII cl ty Job llumber I,NTB FEE SCNEDULE NELOU C 1 225 TITTN STNEET SPRINGFIELD, OREG0N 97lr INSPECTION RRQUBSTz 72. LOCATION OF INSTAT,I,ATION 47O South Second-Springfieldr OR I,EGAI,oo JOR DESCRIPTION Wiring Indspec Tank Earm Aqltlres.s P.O. Box 70413 Cl ty EugenerOR 97401 Ihorre 747-8460 Nev Resldentlal-Slngle orHultt-Famlly per dwelllng rurlt.Servlce Ineluded: I tems Cost A Permlts are non--tral:sferable ar:tl exlf vorl< ls rrot started vl tlrln lB0 (lof lssuanee or lf work ls susperrdecllB0 days. dl,, n ays for 1000 sq.ft. or less Eaclr addltlonal 500sq. ft or portlon thereo f Eaeh Hantrf ,d llome or _- Hodular Dwelllng Servlee or Feeder on, Alteratlons lont 200 amps or less 201 amps to 400 amps --T- lrol amps to 600 amps -601 amps to 1000 amps-over 1000 amps/volts _- Reeonneet 0nly Temporary ServleesInstallatlon, Alter $ 8s.00 $ is.oo S 4o.oo 50.00 60.00 100.00 130.00 300.00 40.00 Feeders lon or Reloeatloh Surn Eo.r()c) 2. colmR^cTon Il,lsTAt.t,ATl0N oNt y n. Servlces or Feeders Elecrr ical Contraelo. otsson rndusrrial Elecrrtil"ri:l:::l Sttpervlsor Lleense Number Explratlorr Date 1f1-98 3334-S $ $ $ $ $ $ Constr Contr. Number 63473 Exlilratlon Date L-26-99 Slgrrrture o ervlslrrg Electrlelan Ovners f.lame Add r:ess Borden Chemical 470 South 2nd Cl ty Springfield pSone 746-846L OUNRN INSTAI,I,ATION I'he Installat lorr 1s belrrg matle on propet ty I ovn uh I eh I s rro t I rr tenrletlfor sale, lease or rent. Oelrers S lgna ture: 200 amps or less 201 amps to 1100 amps -over /r0l to 600 amps --0ver 600 amps or 1000-voT[s Branelr Clrcults C D or at 5. SUBTOTAI, OF ABOVE 52 State Sureharge 32 Admlnlstratlve Fee TOTAI, 40.00 55.00 80.00 ee rB,r aE6iE- I10.O0 5.50 3.30 New, Alteratlon or Extenslon Per Patrel One Clreult $ 35.00 Eaelr Addltlonal Clreult or ulth Servlceor Feeder Perrnl t 25 $ 2.00 lg:p Hlscellaneous (Servlee/feeder not lnclttded) -Eaeh lnstallatlon Pump or lrrlgatlon Slgn/0utIlne Llght lng- Llml ted Energy/Res -t,lml ted Energy/Comm $ $ $ s $ $ $ s 40.00 40.00 20.00 36.00 DATE: RECNI -o2 1-7La 7RIi(]IiIVIiI) BY:{O II8.80 a(tl B. I