HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1989-04-26LINE ERMITCOMB I TI 53 EIIERGY SI)URCES: Ra Hea t ['later l]ea ter Owner 6c - * tuAfi AA0l So. C; Job Address l-egal Descri ption ,TD,'bUb.@ Sq. Ftg. Access..-.-__.- _l,lew--Ad d_A I te r_ne p . _Fence_Demo_C ha nge/ U se 0ther . I'lai Sq. Ftq. Other Address Descrnl t,lork dFarni l Bu .e., Build Single r..!Cn t/)A)tL 2ffir. &c,^ od, I Constructi on er Addres s \-./ I'hone @ 6 DESIGN TEAII nante addrrss I lics. no.exD res ohone no. Pri ma n Il o0 -< -rl) Structura I El ectri ca I i"|ec ha n i ca I name addres s I Iics- no.(exni rpc,I ohone no. Genera I I umbi I - ft. Brahr{a^El ectr i ca I w Can / ay 11r,-,*-al,techanical PLUIlBl NG EL ECTR I CAL MECHANICAL FEE CHARGE N0.FFF f HAEG F NO FFF CHARGF Each single fjxture Residence of FTSQ furnace/burner to BTLI' s *-P Rel oca ted bu.i 1 d i ng (new fix. additional )t-" 'New c'i rcuits alts. or extensions12n ,L4D,4€ Floor furnace and vent S. F. Res i dence(l bath)SERV I CES Recessed wal I Soace heater and vpnt Duplex (1 bath) each Additional bath Temporary Construction Apol iance vent sepa rate l,later servi ce rps i dpncp Change in existing Stationary evap. cool er Sewer Industria'l multifanr.i 1y, conm. or Vent fan with sinole drrct Storm Sewer Vent system apart from heatino or A.C. c0t4t1./IND. FEEDERS Mechanical exhaust hood and durt Instal I /a I ter/rel ocate d i ct ri h fppdprs lrlood stove/heater 0f /W<kyzs.-75 /5: ISSUANCF OF PFRI,IIT TOTAL CHARGES -^:r>TOTAL CHARGES ^a//./9,*TOTAL CHARGF,S THERE STATE L1l.l REQUIRES that the Electrical work be done by an Electrical Con shall not be valij until the label has been signed by an Electrical Supervisor and tractor, returned the electrical portion of this permit to the Bu'ilding Division I HAVE CAREFULLY IXAMINED the completed application for permit, and do hereby certify that all information hereon is true and correct, and I further certif_v that any and all r^rork oerformed shall be done in accordance with the 0rdinances of the Cityof Springfield and the Laws of the State of Oregon Dertaininq to the work described herein, and that l,l0 0CCt,PAt,lCY will be madeof any structure without the permission of the Buildinq Division. I further certify that m.y registration vrith the Builder's Board is in full force and effect as required by ORS 701.055, that if exempt the basis for exemption is noted hereon, and that onl-y subcontractors and emrrloyees who are in comcliance with 0l?S 701.055 vrill be used on this rrroject. l,lAl'tE (p1 ease pri nt)S IGIIATURE DA.TEJ-o\-n--Er,.t i {/-f ? Zone_-_=__-_lyoe/Const. __._______Uni ts _-___ So. Ftg. l,lai lue lue lue Access x Va ornu"lxiB{,*raPE , va - TOTAL VALUATI oll /O-eza --- Occv Group,__ _ Sq. FtS. .0ccy Load _ --------sq . Ftg Fl ood Pl ai n-.-..----_.Stori es Fire Zone Bedrooms Plan Ck. Comm/lnd 65%/81do Per Fee fz^ r>Svsterns Deve Charse (1.51 opmentBU]LDING PERMIT Charges anC Surc ha rges PLUI4BING PTRMIT Charges and Surc ha rges Plan Ck. Res _991/oldg Per F_qe-_, _ Fence Sidewalk Demo Total Comb. Fermit __-_#-57_av ILTCTR I Cil.L PIRIlI T Charges and Surcha rges A/C Pavi ng Curb Cut ,P,ry€1tzr4s4t4 lorAft44tvz?I,IECHAN I CAL PERMIT Charges and Surc ha rges \ --- fr> 0f amps COMBINATION APPLICATION/PERMIT (CAP) i. Applicant to furnish A. Job Address B. ..Lega I Descri Pt ion.: 1. example- Tax Lot 100, Lane County Map Reference 17 03 43 2. example- Lot l. Block 3, Znd Addition to Springfield Estates C. Name, etc. of owner and construction 'lender D. Energy Sources 1. example- heat/electrical ceiling/o' 2. examt-] e- wa terhEEteilEf ec trJca7or E. Square fOotage or vaiuation, etc. l. example- 1250 sq. foot house' 500 I 2. eiample- if new project, check new check add, etc. F. 'Building permit information: 1. example - construct single family I attached garage 2. example - remodel existing garage 3. examFle - convert single family re: iEfTalFant (change of use) G. Value of work as defined in Section 30, r forced air gas sol ar sq, foot garage - if addition, house with an into family room sidence into 3 (a) of the Structural Specialty Code H. DESIGN TEAM AND CONTRACTORS To avoid design or construction delays' Building Division Staff must be able to contact appropriate persons regarding design information or iob site corrections, etc. II. Abbreviated Plumbing, Mechanical, & Electrical Schedules A. Except where blank spaces occur in the description portion of the Mechanical and Electrical Schedules' the applicant need fill-in only the No. Boxes adiacent to the appropriate item(s) to be instal led B. Full Plumbing, Mechanical, and Electrical Schedules are available at the Building Division 1. To conserve space on the permit form the schedules have been abbreviated 2. If the item(s) to be installed are not covered on the abbreviated schedules you should consult the full schedulesC, BUILDING DIVISION STAFF WILL FILL OUT ALL FEES AND CHARGES ON THE SCHEDULES D. As noted on the CAP, the label must be delivered to the electrical contractor for signature by his electrical supervisor. The general contractor is not authorized to sign the electrical label. IIL Applicant to sign and date Whenever possible, the initial application will be used as a worksheet oniy. Where possible, Building Division Staff will prepare a type written copy and return it to the applicant at the time the actual permit is issued for his s i gna ture.IV. Fees and Charges Plan check fees are due and payable at the time of the application, and no plans will be processed until these fees are paid. AII other fees and charges are due and payable when the permit is issued. V. FOR OFFICE USE ONLY PERMIT VALIDATION Perm'i t Cl erk PROJECT CONDITiONS TO BE SATISFIED BEFORE OCCUPAI{CY: Permit applicant exempt from registration wjth the Builder's Board because: Add'itional Project Information : PLANS REVIEWED BY: name sig nature date /*Ze of ELOP},ENT SPRINGF IE L L.L THIS DEV srra Ptaff fiEyr'v nF,r/Dr Ahr.-.- lAa :If[iij*:{ DE,EL,PHEIIT AGREE}',ENT ',;,i;i;;..""":;3:i?",".tr&1th,.,i,.,ff i;Tli RECITALS d"y 3.080(3 hereina fter rr AppIi c he rein ant af )3. 09 0(3),and . UHERE,Appri";;i"f ';';;' ..;'f'ln'fi'o;i'i:#i"i;.'lf3'0.'r0""!;,rrTii;;ii*rn" Final si te r CTTY JOINNconstruc,ro'ft ^IUI.I.R B9-c *r*,**r*u:l:^r:"ir"ij,,,,,.ji*",;ur,,,,.'ffi ti:",i,,'u j*L+?- I/IiEREAS # ::r r : 1$ggfi;;rygHgg6fiffi'.,;, ; uevelopnen t #*+1fi D-- IJHEREAS . .- - -"urth'nlch,odifi""tion"-';;'".::;lf;;S I:""'-;;;";h"1$$*i,tr"iffi ,,,':?i,;i"$:+iip";,i#+.,i"+1{ uevefopment (specific condj a. A11 ih,,'lii;J."ifl tlr;,$';#,"Jriti:il'if :,iiliri*i;.,,Fril;r.,,,rr:b. Any modification of the Final Site plan must be appror;F'i'T3%*ix#fi:'Bftr'iril :r,ri:dii,sflJil.^rT,,fr,:, In,., *, i,,Ijl1 il A pARr 1. FTNAL qTTD AGREEMENT accordanc"',iin' ,l"rlf""1.floro ]l",nlrgoriffif,"l;;j:i];jjii .loll,", site pran in iitrifi i",*ii;:i*u,l#tlT*i{**1u,.,,'.* *;ltf ui:.:f ,ii ji3' c.NDrrr.Ns'" :i:;::"""'-":;*:";::'":'.::" speeiric c'ndi'iions'r I approval required by the City 1isted in RECI:conditions h.y: !:un"d;i;,;;;'.i'l'i:,:: ::::ti:t prior to occupancy, unlessof the sprineri.ia-ou;:i;il::,t:"i"1"t"r date in accord"n.. irth Section 31.04 pr.n Xi,n"X?olllcArr0Ns. rhe. applicanr a.sre,reviewej ;;',;:;:j"x::'jilil-,:::;!j;l; ,5;iiiiid:i:::,:"ii:,.jhe. approved Fin ti,e spr r n*r i"io'il;:r:il:" ir8:,il5. MAINTAINING THE USE. The applicant . (a) The buildino agrees to the folloving: provisions oi the rorirriilfo 3lo .site shatlDevelopment coJe l: itl"tained in accordanee wirl *^j-^ (b) rt sharr be rhe :^^:.'- :"ou 'n order to continue ;;;-;;". \ marntain the r i'L;ii" ;.:' ri : s J irif*;r'.1}l * : i,i, " *- ::r *, i' i!" I il',, : L :i: lI, : ff r l,:ir i, ::standari in""..o.o"n;; -,;;;";::;i";;f.;#t:r+":.iiEoo,lf ;::. the 2 r,z_ioli heig.the springfield oevefopmi;; ;;:.(c) parking lots sIcondition'iree or. ri,,", ir""l,, be maintat":l^ll-the property ovner or renant in aimproved to maintai, "",io.;"":';lin"?fl""3":::il::i:J-r;;#;t condi.i","-"["rr be lf-,,..".h i:l 'i:::1"'i5i"orrli:'y:tl': the development area sharr be maintained rreeshall not be u""a io, ;;;;il:t In a moved and attractir"-rlrn".. undeveloped rand rincrfiin,'"',?olll'"l,,li,l], :i:F:iTi::";."xii;i^Ii 3;,ii::iilo,ll,","L;,":o:i,,Ordinances), ^:tll:::i-;;;".',nri"ciiy=i"i."lnror"u ippii;;il,s responsibiriiies uy;::lil#"F".lfii;;;;it;*;im ,:*;;:Xr"]:"ii,,,, .ni'*ili,i'n.,ing any remporary "o,,"].. ,iiil,l'li: ;:i: Il"in3,5lil"3roiii:";,:::*"ii: ,",0 if construction does not j:,:'H::: H::il:i"j:",:lflil:"'and the citv have executed this Agreement as or the lo te r EO OREGON, Count yof wal/_ 1r vo unt ary act. Be APPLI BY:C+-+t- BY: . Perso v ppeared, vho acknov ed d thore me: the above namede foregoing instrument to8e a I Site Plan Development Agreement 2 Site plan Development Agreement3 , lrLtILI.r 1'U* IrLU I$ -t. r*t't JnB* 8$0*54 farq r IhlrflL T Ltt,,l{.'li - A nI!F:HSg -isI 5 i.*TH 5T .-traI ltF.,- al Iril iirl k : r iluN tr fi T .i.ill.l -OLJI{HR- I TTY DT SPTLTII0r. g" 18TH 5PE'ttr, 0R 97477 Ei-r/. i1rl,- 1/it-a*a}tDi *.f NF0* NE hI IO},IHEHI IAL 67$0 ItEI]T IAT,**';5 SIiA-RE{:,IU lAEN FER},I IT5*-- _*EEH"SURCHAR S01*';+1-FLAN f;HE{:ii EEE i5 " 00 0 " 003*004*ELEf,TR IIAL 45.00 ']. $EN-i.IIN Ii,IUI.I IN$FEf,T INN$ + RETIU IftEi'iENT$---- BS0 r';': / *91X 1X NEftIJY -$T*\T$* AT 1- :- trL'L'E ?il1'{E LA* ST{JR IH$ FI.OTITIPLA IN Nr:[:- EHlrEt't CIu[ fiRr' I]N I:TS iiTI E HET NIN$T TYPE -CNNT RAI] T I]RS _ fiENT,- I:ONTRATTO& FHINIi- FLi{E{* E'i I:f.T,.-.!LLK I ML.r.Ll- lltJtrll ITEScN* f; -TIATE- REIE lPT _ P ERi'i IT +--**---VALUE*** E; i]rrn 1 ':t 5 89Si?3 --Ei:TP ['ATE*-*ACT IIATTi- t! i"l H {jt 0 A 0 CI 1-.0+3*f IiJNItAT I0l'l 00?.. 04:l* trilu,3l{ ELEIT It IC OO:J-04'!.8 IN.{t ELEf, Tft ICAI" 0s4*tr1!l_E INAL FL' ILIr INLi ,j}$051.9 uLr !'r t',UJI*4t! BS05I'l N0TUli 35,,:]!li)519 rjl.i 35 E9i:1? fiH 35 sEu-* Itispe f, T IuN$-- -----C0i{i-lENl:5-- Ir ATE *-- - RE:SULT- - INSP * * - tliit-04'J-ftlllJGH 00?-04.?.-R0LJfilt 003-04T*r Il,lAL ELETIR IC LABEL 1&06f, E[,ECTR II EI,Hf,TH I[AL \- il 661 Date STATE 0F OREGON, CounN,.t/ 6 , ty o t 1 98 , vho acknov re me: \ CITY BY: Pers otary or 0regon Hy ission expires trator the above named edged the foregoing instrument to No or My ssion expires 3^4-?? Site PIan pment Agreement -JUILDTNG DIVI _ADDRESS- zOL S 1BTH ST DESCR:REI{ODEL -O'{NER- CITY OF SPFLD 225 N. srH SPFLD, OR 97477 726-3654 _INPO- REPAIR COM}{ERCIAL 5700 REPT CAT *825 SEQ-MTNTMUM TNSPECTToNS + REQUTREMENTS--- O 01 _03 } *ROUGH MECHANICAL OO2- O4?-ROUGH ELECTR IC O O 3- 049 -TINAL ELECTRICAL O 04- O 3 9 -TINAL },IECHANICAL sEQ - - TNSPECTTONS - - - - - - -CoMMEMTS - O 01- o4I_UNDMGROUND ELEC O 02- o44-ELECTRIC SERVICE 003- o44-ELECTRTC SmVTCE O 04- O 39 -FINAL },IECHANICAL O 05- 04 z-ROUGH ELECTRIC O05-049-TINAL ELECTRICAL OO7-O3I-ROUGH MECHANICAL OO8- 03 9 -FINAL MECHANICAL O 09- O 39 -FINAL }4ECHANICAL O 1 O- 049-FINAL ELECTRICAL O I1-016-PROGRESSIVE BRABHAM ELECT. TRAFFIC SHOP ONL ION JOB# B8O: LEGAL- OT BLOCK FINAL -VALUE- 50672 880712 / 8904L4 ENERGY_-STATS- 0- 2- BLIE ZONE STORIES FLOODPLAIN BEDRI,I OCC GRP UNITS sQ rEEr CONST TYPE -COMTRACTORS- GENL- COMTRACTOR PHONE- PL},TB- ELECT-LR BRABHA},I l,,(ECH- DESGN- .--EX(P DATE---ACT DATE- 881007 880927 880927 880927 - -DATE- - - -RESULT- - INSP- - - 880817 8809 1 3 8809r3 880927 880927 880927 88r007 881007 88I0l2 881013 890414 0K 35NR 350K 35oK 280K 35oK 35oK 28oK 28oK 280K 35oK 28