HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1987-08-11'ar...r-: r: . .1, r, !.;.:-. . e'.-,-::;r&!.i5fii*?i-.d * "*;''r-''r.:!'r*! - . . :} r . , ; r_, . ; . i . t L r -:- _ ; r ' _ :.: - 1 . .'RESIDtsr{TlAL" Zzs North rr, irrnnor"'rcAT ro* /PERMrr SprLngfield, 2regon 97477 Building Ditttsion 7 26-37 53 SPRINGFTELI) //44 &/'or' Job Ipcaticn: Subdioision: Adliticn RenoCel 5ol o1,t lrtl Descz,Lbe Work: Value Lo3 V r k'v"L. d/Yq CLr-l Itobile flome Date of AppL 1- LZ-tr Date { 1=H ryoJ 3t 3 ?c,s Iot # e--t,t 7t/Phone& A)3Oumev: Addtess: zip:ci GeneraL C^ru NL L 14echat:ieaL Coryln etion_lede!_ It ie the teaponeibility of tte permit lzotter to aee that aLL inspectiow ee nade at the ptope" time' that each cddress is reaCahie fltt tle at"eet, and, that the Pentlt card. ie Located at th9 froat of the,propetty.*Auitding Nuiciott apptot:ed p|.ot sltcll remain on tlte euilding Sitc at aLL tines. PP}OCEDI\1E FOR TNSPEnlptt lEQWggrCALLT26-3769 (tecotdet) state yout, Citg designated iob nwtbet', iob aCi.:,.ess, type_of inspee=icn eadyfot,inspection'contraetc?soia,n.x,s-no,e-andp?onenunbel.Requestsreceixedbefcre7:00cluill, be made the sane dcy, ?equests nad.e aft* ?:00 an uLLL be nade the nert aorking day. ?1c ,5r{ SITE INSPECTf)N: lo be made afte?eiAado", b"t prLar tc set up of forns. To be nsCe tt'enches are and fotms ote erected, but priot, to required oapor bavie?s @e in pla.ce bat before oty Lath, Wpslnn boatC or tnLL cooering is applied, and befot'e aty insulation i.s concealed.ll !ou? Ci Desigr.ated Job maCe after aL INSPECIf1N: Tc be made aftet, aLL dryuall is in plaee' but prior to any taping. MASONRU Steel Loeation, bond beans" gzouting or oerti,cals in aceordotce uLth U.B.C. Section 24L5. crete pauing uithin stteet right- of-rny, to be nade after aLL eoca- oating eanplete & fotn tnrk & sttb- base naterLal in place. OR Saniluy szt:er capped =t PtoPer4i Line Septic tutk V"itryed and filled tith gra;sel Final - h1ten abcoe ttens are conpleted and uhen Cqtclition is conplete o" strus- ture moued ord prenrLses cleaneC up. e Hcmes Blocking otd Set-up Plunbing eonnectians -- sate? otd. ttatet Electrical Ccnnection - Blockir-tg, set-uo and plunbing eonnections m;st be apprc'-ed before nequesting eleclrLcal inspeeliot Accessory BuilCing 2 toTo trenchee ANICAL: NO w:til these to or decking. ?o be made prior to of floor insu Lation orL(> 3l CURB & APPROACH APPON: After fotnsoe erecteC but prior to pour"ing cone"ete. SLDEIIALK & DRfIEWAY: ?or aLL eon- to inspections haue- been nade and approtteC. FTPEPLACE: Prior to placirg fccingmatet*ials and befone fz,aning inspec- tion.t- F\WIING:vMust be nequested aften approoal of rough plwrbing, electri- cal & mechanical. ALL roofirq btacing A chinncys, ete. mast be : conpleted. llo wrk is to be con- . eealed until this inspection las 'beett nade anC approtted. 7-T FTilAL PLUAAIilG FMAL AWIUNICALqq FTNAL EIICTRICAL PiTtaL - After etc. ate comp pcrehes, skirting, decks, 1 ^L^) II _l ALL project conditiona, such as the i.nstallation of stteet trees, conoletion of tie teqtired Landsccpirq, etc., rmtet be satisfied before the BUfLDfNG FLNAL can be teqtested. FINAL BULLDIN1: Ihe Final Building Inspeetion mu6t be requested after the FiruL PlunbingEleetrical, otd Meclunical Inspeetions ltatte been nade ard approued. IALL MANHCLES AND CLEAIIOUTS MUST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUSTIIETII TO BE IL4DE A? IIO CCS? TO CIIY PageTofTi Aesessors lttap # I Carol anu V wooo_srovu: After iretallation isof l) empT;TA. la Ymce: h4en eomplete -- tuoui.Ce U *.rr..r mouab.Le' aeetions tlwough tr T Lot Sq. Ftg. % of Lct Caoenage # of Stories Total Height lopography rTEM Na,t/Ectend, Circuits lotal ,s Vent Fat t llcodsto;te Permit fssuqnee Meclnnicel Permit -- ENCR2ACHME|:|T -- Interict, Cormer Panhand,Le CUL-de-sae Siated: Electricql Permit Were State Lan requires t|".at the electy,ieal uork be done by an Electtical Contractor, the elee+-z,ical portion of this permit slnll not be oaLiC untilthe Label Lns been sigzted by the Electrical Contractot,. Mechonicol Permit I HAW CAREPULLy EXAI4INED the cornpleted appli.cation for pernit, dnd do hereby certify that aLL itfonnation hereon is trae anC. eotreet, attC f furtker certify that any ard aLL aork perforned shall be done in aceon- dance vtth the 1rdinences of the City of Springfield, and the Las of the State of Oregcn pertaining to the uork Cescribed herein, end tlnt N0 1CCU- PANCY t^rtll be rmCe of anA structure uithout permission of the Building Di-uision. f further certifg that onLy cont?actors aiid enplcyees uho are in eolpliance uith 1RS 70L.055 uiLL be used on this pt,oject Pentrit TotaL Ctsbcu! Sida,talk !enee ELeetrieaL 1 Mobile llane 1-_./4'/tCp<-Zl-'c'e JOB NO SOLAR ACAESS REQ.-L-co c BeCroons: Lot Faces -;LS Setbacks Df House Caraae Aecess Wate? lleatel,North \C\Range East ?\FirepLace South Ci I,loocistote Hest \L\. -- Fees --IYEII SQ. FTC X Value llain Gsaoe Carport Aceessot,,.t SNr\c.*-r 5Q(,a5."o TOTAL VALUE ?\ r-nR S.D.C. i.5 c u Eee: Date Paid Receipt #: \.Gi \GI) \3 - t tlAtiGL Building Volue & Permit This pentrJt is granted on the ecptess eondition that the said constraetion s-LnL.L, in all.nespects, conform to the Ordirwnce adopted 6iy the City oiSpr-ingfield, includtng the ioning Cydinance, neguldtittg th-e ccnsttu-cticn and. -use of buildings, and may be suspend.ed or rbuokeC it "ry tine upon uic-Lation of anA prctsisions of said 1rdinances. )F res\$qc\ P\r\r-) Krrers \se- Euilding Pelwtt State ?otal Charges {*GQ.tO 32. t qq.rs NO IDF Plbtttt es Residential (1 bath) Sanitarg Seaer ie*SruArt *(.rs \2.)-20.C}oF.d\Sr.lt-\\5-\5. cc> B5,CO \. \s 3".Is Plumbing Permit No peneon slnll consttuet, i.nstal'!., alter or cTonge cny neD cr etistina qlwnbing or drainage sAstetn in uhole or in patt, unless sueh person is- the Le,gal .possessot, of a oalid plwnber,s License, escept th,at a pelson nag doplmbing uoz,k to ptope?tA uhich is otmed, Leased or operated by the ippli- cant. Plunbing Penrit Ii).FEE Res. Sa, fta. \r/).e)22 50 Taipc?@y Sezviee Pq2-a \o w \?i ilc.FCP bhanst HooC -tiAL ,;i.:OiJi7 Dui: "ZBG -, i Zone: L, Enenau Sources Tupe lleat \)\N.