HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1994-11-14RESIDENIIAL PERMIT APPLICAT'ON lnspectlons: 726.3769 0lllce:726.3759 LOCATION OF ASSESSO LOT t1/ 7 R "5o JOB NUMAEFI 225 Fllth Streat Sprl ng ll elcl. Oregon 97477 TAX LOT BLOCK:SUBOIVISIO l,OWN ADDR CITY:STATE: ONE: ZIP: *u* Y. REMoDEL DDITION DEM ISH - OTHER DESCRIBE WORK: NAM AODRESS nt EXPIRES CONST. E GENERA coN PLUMBING: MECHAN ELECTBI E- V \ ? SRSL \\- OFFICE WATEB HEATERI RANGE: SECONOABY HEAT: r OF BDBMS: LAND USE: ZONING CODE: FLOOD PLAIN I OF UNITS: souARE FoorAGE:- lbq3 OCCY GROUP: r OF STORIES: OUAD ABEA: r OF BLDGS: CONSTR. TYPE: HEAT SOURCE: To request an lnspectlon, you must call 726-3769. Thls ls a 24 hour recordlng. All lnspectlons requested before 7:00 a,m. wlll be made the same worklng day, lnspectlons roquested after 7:0p a.m. wlll be made the followlng work day. REQUIBED INSPECTIONS Temporary Etectrlc [Y] nougtr Mechantcal - Prlor toLA( cover. [W Rough Etoctrlcat - Prlor to€( cover. B xL M Flnal Plumblng - When allplumblng work ls complete. Slte lnspectlon - To be mado after oxcavatlon, but prlor to settlng forms. Flnal Eloctrlcal - When all electrlcal work ls complote, Undorslab Plumblngl Elsctrlcal I Mechanlcal - Prlor to cover.B Eloctrlcal Servlce - Must be approvod to obtaln pormanent olectrlcal power. Flnal Mechanlcal - Whon all mechanlcal work ls complete. tr E Footlng - After trenches are oxcavatod.tl E B Flroplaco - Prlor to faclng materlals and framlng lnsp. BFJT I Bulldlng - When ail lred lnspectlons have been Masonry - Steel locatlon, bond boams, groutlng. approved and bulldlng ls completed, Framlng - Prlor to cover.B Foundatlon - Aftdr lorms are eroctod but prlor to concrete placomont. Othor - WallrC'olllng lnsulatlon - Prlor to cover. Undorground Plumblng - Prlor to fllllng trench.po**utt - Prlor to taPlng [v].' E x E B x. E Undorlloor Plumblngl Mechanlcal - Prlor to lnsulatlon or decklng. MOBILE HOME INSPECTTONS Wood Stove - Aftor lnstallatlon. Post and Beam - Prlor to floor lnsulatlon or decklng.E ts K. lnsort - A(tor flreplace approval and lnstallatlon o, unlt. Blocklng and Set.Up - When all blocklng ls complete. Floor lnsulallon - Prlor to decklng.Curbcul & Approach - After forms are erected but prlor to placomont of concreto. Plumblng Connecllons - When homo has been connected to water and sewer. Sanltary Sewer - Prlor to fllllng trench.Electrlcal Connectlon - When blocklng, set.up, and plumblng lnspectlons have been approved and the home ls connecled to the servlce panol. Slorm Sewer - Prlor to fllllng trench. Sldewalk & Drlveway - After excavatlon ls completo, forms and sub.base materlal ln place. Water Llno - Prlor to tllllng t16nch. Fsnce - When completed. Rough Plumblng - Prlor to cover, Slreel Treeo - When all requlred trees are planted. Flnal - After all requlred lnspectlons are approved andporchos, sklrtlng, decks, andventlng have been lnslalled. r' -4. E T HSE GAR ACC' iN I S W E Lot faces Lot sq. ftg. Lot coverage TopograPhY Total helght E Lol TYPo & nrq,t* {. cott.t - Panhandle - Cul'de'sac BUILDING PERMITrrEM r lry{t'trrlatn I t\-J-) Garase E@- l0*7+ Ex (A) Carport Total Value Bulldlng Permlt Fee State Surcharge Total Feo Thls permlt ls granted on the express condltlon that the sald constructlon shail,ln all respects, conlorm to the 0fdlnanCgadopted by the Clty . of Sprlngf leld, lncludlng theDevelopment Code, regulatlng the construcilon and Lse olbulldlngs, and may be suspended or revoked at any tlmeupon vlolatlon of any provlslons of sald ordlnances.I P NS v Plan Check Fee: Date Pald Recelpt N Recelved By: BUILDING VALU AND BUILDI.NG E, PLAN CHECK PERMIT SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENT CHARG.E (SDC) (B) I zarc,?/ Systems Development Charge ls due on all undevelopedpropertles wlthln the Clty llmlts whlch are belng lmproved. ITEM Flxtures Resldentlat Bath(s) Sanltary Sewer Water Storm Sewer Moblle Home PLUMBING PERMIT FEE (c) 4.8C + I Plumblng Permlt State Surcharge Total Charge ADDITIONAL COMMENTS Wood Stovo/ lnsert/Flreplace Unlt Dryer Vent MECHANICAL PERMIT N0 oo sCI (o) Furnacg Exhaust Hood Vent Fan Mechanlcal Permlt lssuance Stato Surcharge Total Permlt By slgnaturq r state and agree, that l have caref uily examrnedthe completed appllcailon and do hereby certlfy that alllnformatlon hereon ls true and correct, and I f urther certlly that any and ail work performed shail be dons ln accordance wlth the Ordlnances of the Clty of Sprlngfleld, and the Lawsof the Stats of Oregon pertalnlng to the work descrlbed hereln, and that NO OCCUPANCy wlll be made of anystructure wlthout permlsslon of the Bulldlng Safety Dlvlslon.I lurther certlfy that,only contractors and employees whoare ln compllance wtth ORS 7O1.OS5 wlll be used on thlsprolect. I (urther agreo to ensure that all regulred lnspecilons aro roquested at the proper tlme, that each address ls lrom the street, that the permlt card ls located of the property, and the approved set of plans on the slte at al readable n at the front Iwill lmes durlng Slgnature Date MISCELLANEOUS PERMITS Total Mlscollanoous permlts dse&t,{r=D t3.qo, (E) ft fr Su Demolltlon Moblle Home State issuance State Surcharge Sldewalk Curbcut t i ,r .tl',' ,, i l. sl 14,t APPROVED: VALIDATION: BECEIPT NUMBE DATE PAID AMOUNT RECEIVTorAL AMoUNT DUE (exctudtns etectrlca n|t!L2&b(A,B,qQandEComblned)BECEIVEO BY tP^L. 1H=% ,1No a-rl- FT. FT. FT. 3 :1 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, OREGON .tPEtI{r ,ELO Tne. following project zontng, and doos not u" ur.lbrnitt"a n " 225 FITTH STREET SPRTNGFTELD, oREGoN 97477 INSPECTION REQITESTz 726-376 OFPICE: 726-3759 1 ON OF I..EGAL DESCRIPTION JOB DESCRIPTION Permits are non-transfera if work is not started vi of issuanee or if vork is require specific ELB TRICAL PERHIT APPLICATION 7r'/7/ 7 BELOg A. Nev Residential-Single or Multi-FamilY Per dvelling tmit. Service Included:Items Cost c $ 40.00 $ ss.00 $ 80.00 see trBrl E SUBTOTAL OF ABOVE 5Z State Surcharge 32 Administrative Fee TOTAL 2ao 1000 sq.ft. or less Each additional 500 sq. ft or portion thereof Each Manuf'd Home or Modular DvelIing Service or Feeder $ 85.00 $ 1s.00 $ 40.00 Services or Feeders Installation, Alterations or Relocation: 200 amps or less ior "*p. to 400 amPs -40L arnps to 600 amPs - 60L amps to 1000 amPs- 0ver 1000 amPs/volts - Reconnect OnlY TemporarY Services or Feeders Installaiion, Alteration or Relocation 200 amps or Less ior "rpt to 400 amPs -0ver 40L to 600 amPs over 600 amPs or fOOO voT[s Branch Circuits Nev, Alteration or Extension Per Pane] One Circuit $ 35'00 Each Additional Circuit or vith Service or Feeder Permit - S 2'00 Miscellaneous (Service/feeder not included) -Each installation Pump or irrigation Sign/OutIine Lighting- Limited EnergY/Res - Limited EnergY/Comn OD approval. Authorieed ble and exflrte thin 1B0 daYs suspended for Sum 1"80 days. 2. COMRACTOR INSTALINTION ONLY Electrical Contractor Address Ci ty Phone tl 1 ,',*,ll / l.t Supervisor License Number Tnl, s B c\'i $ s0.00 $ 60.00 $100.00 $r30. 00 $300.00 s 40.00 4b I Expiration Date Constr Contr. Number 6874{ D- t-q Expiration Date Q-u- Si ture of SuPervis Electrician 0vners Name Address Ci ty Phone, 2//44flc a666 D OVNER INSTALLATION The installation is being made on prop"rty I ovn vhich is not intended for sale, Iease or rent' Ovners Signature: $ 40.00 $ 40.00 $ 20.00 s 36.00 5 DATE: RECEIVED S:( L)4* -"n1 PZ CITY OF OREGON 225 FITTE STFGET SPRINGFIELD, OREGON 974 INSPECTION REQUBST. 72 OFPICE: 726'3759 SPrlIilL ,€Lr, as require ePectii,land u*e SCEEDTII^E BELOS A. Nev Residential-Single or Multi-FamilY Per dvelling unit. Service Included:Items Cost zoning, and approval. A'.rthcrlzecl qp zonins UOP -.-*--BI^ECTRICAL PERHIT APPLICATION .-r City Job Nuuber nA 1 LOCATION OT JOB DESCRIPTION pllrre ays for 1.80 days. 2. COMRACTOR INSTALI.ATION ONLY Electrical Contractor Address rd Ci ty Phone q-?5-lg Supervisor License Number (Y)/. \ Expiration Date IC-l-Q( Constr Contr. UumUer lrBl!( Uxfiration Date si ture of SuPervising Electrician Ovners Name Address ciq 57f tJt>,Ynone 3A 4 *& 7€ 200 amps or less ZOi "*ir" to 400 amPs -40L amps to 600 amPs - 60L amps to 1000 amPs- Over 1"000 amPs/volts - Reconnect OnlY Temoorary Services or Feeders Insiallaiion, Alteration or Relocation 200 amps or less S 40'00 over 4bL to 600 amPs - $ 80'00 over 600 amps or ibOO *ns see ,Brr a6ffi- Branch Circuits Nev, Alteration or Extension Per Pane} Services or Feeders Installation, Alterations or Relocation: SUBTOTAL OF ABOVE 5Z State Surcharge 32 Adrninis t ra t ive Fee TOTAL (L000 sq.ft. or less Each additional 500 sq. ft or Portion thereo f Each Manuf'd Home or Modular Dvelling Service or Feeder I g Bs.oo L $ 1s.00 $ 40.00 $2 00 Sum% 3DPermits are non-transferable and ex if vork is not started within 180 d of it"uunce or if vork is susPended B $ 50.00 $ 60.00 $100.00 $130.00 $300.00 $ 40.00 q- +- \6- c D E One Circui t Each Additional Circuit or vith Service or Feeder Permi t $ 3s.00 Miscellaneous (Service/feeder not included) OSNER INSTALLATION The installation is being made on ptop"tty I ovn vhich is not intended for sale, lease or rent' Ovners Signature: -Each installation Pump or irrigation Sign/Outline Lighting- Limi ted EnergY/Res - Limited EnergY/Comm $ 40.00 s 40.00 $ 20.00 s 36.00 DATE: RECEIVED 5 @ \ '^r +. ATTACHMENT 81 .tog No.%zzzz c ITv 0F IPRI NIFI ELff;di{ffErn:':"r1 'HARGE tcotlurniinl. a nEs toENTIAL) NAME OR COMPANY "/ LOCATION: 5. DEVELOPMENT TYPE BUILDING SIZE: 1. STORH NRAINAGF IMPERVIOUS SQ. FT SN{TTARY SFWFR-CITY x $0.209 PER sQ' rr' X $43.26 PER PFU Ft. SIZ 2 COST PER TRIP /r ,6r s z ?'ZZ NO. OF PFU'S (See Reverse 't TBANSPABJATJON N0 0F UNITS x TRIP RAIE X \ l,Ol Xs436'19 '1, ------x $436.19 x $436.19'lt--.-- 4 SUBTOTAL (ADD ITEMS i'2' & 3) s17.19 PER PFU + $10 |'1UIMC ADMIN'FEE s NO. OF ,fu;Above)PFU' S 6 o (Use PFU Total MUMC CREDiT iF APPLICABLE (sEE o'utot'loro.-"" t0' SUBTOTAL (ADD ITE}4S 1'2,3 5. ANMINISTATIVI FFFS AB0VE) x .05 BASE oate: / t'f &4) s f'f'?6 ( 9.P.E SOC Ha .5' 82. SDC inator IOIAI SDC q q $2/F.? I Bathtub..... FIXTURE UNIT cALCULATION TABLE: Number of New Fixtu, X Unit Equivatent = Fixrure Units(NorE: For remodels, carculate only the NET additional fixtures) FInTURE TYPE tr|flu'f*o'f^" 'oJ'!"'L'*' 5fiI3"' Drinking Fountain.... 2 1 2 3 6 .2 6 b 1 J 2 1/Head 2 2 1 6 4 Floor Drain. lnterceptors For Grease/Oil/Solids/Etc lnterceptors For SandiAuto Wash/Etc Laundry Tub/Clotheswasher Clotheswasher - 3 Or More.... Mobile Home Park Trap (1 Per Trailer) Receptor For Refrigerator/lvater Station/Etc Receptor For Commercial Sink/Dishwasher/Etc" Shower, Single Stal|.......... Shower, Gang........ Sink: Bar, Commercial, Residential Kitchen" Urinal, StallllVall..l.:.....'....'... Wash Basin/LavatorY, Single. Toilet, Public lnstallation Toilet , Private. Miscellangous: rT'4t roc3 gnt L TOTAL FIXTURE UNITS 2 _,L CREDIT CALCULATION TABLE: Based on assessed value lf improvements occurred after annexation date in table, calculate credits seParates Year Annexed Rate per $1,OOO Assessed Value Year Annexed Rate per $1,000 A,ssessed Value 1979 or bef ore 1 980 1 981 1 982 1 983 1 984 i 985. s3.46 aoa 3.32 3.21 3.06 2.92 2.73 1 985 1 986 1 987 1 988 1 989 1 990 i 991 1 993 $2.46 2.14 1.77 1.37 o.97 0.61 0.44 0.15 Credit for'Parcel or Land Only lf Applicable 2 "/A X$/0 , F-? (Rate X Assessed Value) lmprovement (if after annexation date)x $_ (Bate X Assessed Value) CREDIT TOTAL = $)4,6{ I 2