HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1984-03-27..RESIDENTIAL.. 22s itotth stit streeAP?LrcA?r0Y/PEPJ'ln Spr-ryfielC, 2regon 9?177 tsuiLding ?iuision 7 26- 37 53 '-:"flI-r SPFl'NGFIELD Iottt City'Desigra.ted Job M,nbet fs: 2cee'-tt !5 Date: 26-376 9 (yeeorCer) state gour City Cesigttted. job ttratbet,i*pcctiott,Contfdctcfs ct A-ie:s trcne crL ci"ot:e nutbey.cfta 7:00 at wiZL be rule tle nat xrkini dag. u jel a)i-ess, tute P,eques-"s receixed of inspeelicn befcne 7:0C ,= 4 ::-?-?h" reeponaibility of .tte peni! ioller_u aee- ?Iwt aL! izspections @e r,ad,e at lhe propet tthe, t!.ct e*h ddresa is t,en;n'-.;rnat th. street, cni titct the -penot-catd. ia l.xated at ^lt,_e froni of the property.'9uiai-4 bluiciot- dzj"q-ed pbz shc,il r*.z,in on ctz a";Za:"rl- :;le "t alt tines. ?20C!DUP5 Fan iEptflCtt RgaLzS-t:CALL 7tzcttesxci ci uien -y.ou Lrill ce reariy lbr'-'ill be rmde tk sdte Cc1, ,"qr"rc"'ioil g+c\1+ ?eotiroi Job bcz:icn:<- (* tAa3esoor3 :r.q I fc. lat # Subdi'r)sicn: 7- 7 7/z t4 PTone e }-zar... ACI:ess: ACliCca r"./ // r/ ,4t VaDcta of A2plia,ticn V- tt- j.3q t, C'/b2e- cez /*r fe o .v, *?z*'"q. Deacribe ltbrk: .e- C-eterc-l.,t Itt to Conzrzc:oro Addr. cenetz.L *v fta;-W dcdlcxion, bux pricr rt se, u2 ol ,crfig. UID|RSLAS ?:L'i/gr:IC. ZLZq:?|C,1T.';ccp:t:iia@y r,lork is covcred. DE Dit:?LIrr?!! oR required vqor bo-n)e?s @e in pla.ce Sod:arg sw^e! ceped .t propatfJ Lite but before ozg lath, ggpstm bcatC oris qplied, and. beforeis cottcealed. rnLL eouering Septie totk ytneC an filled tlith SZ.i;2oty it*-tla.tion rl ,4 ruat pru:$!::c f tut :.!t:?r,:trcAL ffi:iscsrc;z be ttCe crd cre erecceci, butpurtrq ccnctete lo be 30 aretciae floor tsu cion or decking. coteaec tidce ;hese irscecticzs h:,ve bee:r.t4 -Vrciei.?-=-f | .-. zrccen-cLa ir'? A:tD 3r;.:.1: To be roic pricr to inszalk--'-cn of 11oor inst;l-a:iorz cr &ek'-ng. ': Tc be nadeaiter a in pla.ce,btt prior to cny ta?"r5. W.S?!|P!: Steel Location, bond. beons, arou*ing ot uerticcls in aceorbtce ,,n;h {l.B.C. Section 2415. ',l0ODS?C'/i: Atter instalZation is enpleted. : CUR1 E APPROACE .!.?P.)N: After formsa'e e;AA@ tu botz-rnsconJ?ete. SIDYIALZ d 2RETI/A!: For all con-ae@iE; etreet rdght-oi-rx!, lo be naCe aftar aL! ezca- oating eatplete I for.a uork E eub- base ntiero)al in plaee. Pinal - i{hea cbcue iteas are ec:alet-i e:<i uhen Ceacl:-iion is catplete L:r st:r.,:-ture nou"l. oi preniaes cle,nrei up. ilczes tslockirq o'td. Set-'tp PLwbinX cotttecz'Jcns - aa/re? otC, uatet Elec*iccl Ccdnecx-lon - Blockitq, set-u=od. plunbing eoltrcctions nr;st Le eprcu-bcbefore requeat:-ng eleclrtcal insoec=io- Aceessor* Buililttg oI ?f *br 'a plcs'Jr4 !c=--r.qard beiore yr*trq .:nep"L- ?i"rl - Aft." etc. @e Cj.,ro., tcrei.es, slirtir4, d,ec?.s, !P-dy!)lC: iLB. be nec.tected afler cVp,rcvc! of rcugh plurairtJ, electrJ-a,L J necistttcal. - AL! n-oi-:n1 brae-rq ! chilrmcys, etc. t:?l$c bcatrgle=cd. .',b ..pri is to be cctt- cecled. uncil :his inseecictt i.a,a been naie atd, cppmueZ. :g,Vtg,: l{hen eonglate -- fuotsiCe gates o" aouable sections thtou.gh P. U. E. ALL pro;ect conii:icns, such es the ins--allcx-Jon of sareet trees, lgnlcclon oy'tieteqaireri icniscccirg, etc., :tuat be satisiied before the 3l.liLtn:C !!:!AL zan be teqested. ?::lAL AaflJI:lC: Ta,e Einal Buildi^4 fnsoection -tst be lteouesteri :jler th.e linal ?lunbitgZleccrtccl, otd, llecia-iczl Inscecz-i.cns 'it<tsa been ncie anti'cccrouzd. 'AiL:|AJECIIS AilD CLEAI\Ca"S:!US! 3E.1CC1S5:212, .lDitS?:E:t::O 3r:.!1DE !t!::O::ST ?2 tr:y ?z;z ! of 2 Q 9 ( tr T t-_l JOB N SQLAMUCLSS fiEQ.-L-CO G+ 3ec:acea JO';e Building Vq lue & Perm it This pennt is grcated on the eq"eas eotditian thct the said constmtctia,siu.Ll, in all rescects, conJbrm to the CrC,Jnance tdoate,i 2i1 the Cttl ofSgingirelC, lnclud)ng !i.,e Sontng Ctd--nan:ce, regttlc:)Jno ;hL cczstr.iciZnd..use ol buiidings, ad. nz.g be susoend.ed or reuckei at cry t-)ne utan u"lc Latron of ,z.y prcuiaions oi saiC Oriirances. D.,:7 S.'-- .^-'+ State Su.reheae lotcl ClcTes Plwb-Jng Per+it State Ss-ste lotaZ Pentrit fssu.=tce !,1e :i:.an )c=L ? entr- t -- a;icF.2Ac:i:.!r:!7 -- $ o t Plumbing Permit It9 ?ereon sla-ll cozsi;r,tct, ins..cl!, alter ot charqe anA rea cr e:isiirq llwb-ina ot <itcinage sygtslt in ahole or in patt, tttzless such person is- tlelegal -posseasot of a oal,id olunber,s Licensb, eseept that a gb:son r,aX doplu;biltg uork to proper;g aii"h ia ooed, Leased, ir ope"atid by the qpii- c@tt. Electrico I Permit l{here stc.te ian re,quires tl.at the electical uonk be ccne by an llectrtcalcontru.ctar' the eleetrical porlion of this pe:nit shcll rot- be ualic wttilthe la.bel ita.s been stgneri by the Electr.l,cal' lontractor. Mechqnicol Perm!t f EATE CAAE?aLLY lXA.yfilED the conpleted aollcatica ior pe*i:, cnA dahere'og cettir'y tiut aLL i:ti'o:r,a-,ibn heteoi is tmte orrC .lorc""ti a*t f-f"etker certiii that cny crl. aLL uork cerJ'otaed siull be Cote in acccn-dar.ce ttth the Atdinoces of the City oi Soringfield,, otd. the Lc;s oJ- tia ' State of Ore-ocn pertcinino to the wrk Cescibcd herein, ad :i"a,= :tO CCCI- P.t-lc:t ',ril,L be ,uie of c.ny sttucellz rsithctt cermis;iott cy' the 3utidt-nc Di-vteion. I 1't;r":het eer+-ifi thzt o-Ly conttc3tors a-.,C, eq-Lcyees xho e-e ir:co;cliance u-Jch CRS ?0l.0SS aiLL be useri on this sroject 1 C*!et: '.'lobiie ilas -"ti e.^ 'aI-/.'\--8). ro 1-a7- :e/Ccr.sz: Lot lrces -x--icus2 | :arc.e ,!.cc4ss lio..h I fas;I So;tit t ?cnicnrile CUL-cie-sac _ lnzetict _ Corae" i.ot Sq. F'-.. Z cf kt ca)er1g. I of Stci.es ,^--7 2; -i-.w.qb -c-t..- ?ogogqb-t !.bin a=cce zBqs 35.to ;'h+.sqa- :C!.11 VAL:]g 3.aqa- S.D.c. l.s ='""t'"t za- \. \2 Receipt #:2q.tz - f'-') )/:?;:o. -F&tures z 5.*\o.oo P.es:Zzntial (1 bc;h) Sazit::-t Se.ser ,tcte! \o.ooLlo r{o :io. flas/Estend. Ciradts \\s.-\5. .'o larocrq Sertiee \5. -CA @:oczL L.aaes i\t:r.-:ee 3!tJ'S *letet HooC Vent Pzt Tcodsta:se D.H - Stor*e !.c'!nter=r:z SLCA)dL< - J;au d:tU,l:u'w bl, a Signed K/ ,\t\' .l.cecssctL I r)N a