HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1982-03-26..RES )ENTIAL.. zzs North stt, itorffPLrcArr,N/P,Rtrrr SprLngfield, )regon 97477 BuiLdtng Diuision n^n aoFo/AO-Ot/OO SPHInIGFIELD Job Locaticn: Assessots Map #Tcz Lot # Subdiut,ston: (sv/vet H /+4h4 9C\.mer: Addyess:y/K N 3E pL. Pvane:7?7-77/Z Cifu: S/FL D. O Z, 3 -2a -y >- value C;bP Desct4be llot k: Additicn Date of Afrzag. OePrzoeT ' 522 -)Date: Peeeiot t 58R,z -E >* s,od.u8.2 r'6 GeneraL ELectz,ical V l4echanieaL DEil1Lnr0t! aR jlcvzt Sotitug se"ser cqtped et proparfu Line Septic tank p;nped aad iilled aith gra;:el Final - ith.en abcue Ltens ore ecnoleted ar,a uhen ienclr.rion is conrplete bn sitor- ttee noueC anl. pz,e;'riaes cleaned up. Hcnes Blocking otd, Set-up Plunbin4 conaeetione -- sa)e" od. uatet Electyical CoTl/leetion - Blockittg, set-ut atd. plwnbing eomections rntst be apptc"*ed before requesttng el,eelz"ical inspecli-ott Aceessot i BuILC:.rq skirtirq, decks,pcrekes,Finzl - After etc, a"e conp Pege 1 of 2 It ie the responsibilitg ci tle peri?it ho\de" tn aee tl1a,t aLL inopections @e nade at the proper tine, that ecch aClress is readab';e iran the $t?eet, and. tiut the penrit cad ia Located at the front of the p?opertA.*euil-ditq Nut)ciott dpprov'ed pl.ot sVnll reaain on tle tsuilding Site at aLL- tines. P1OCID|IRE F1R INSPECTIQy_gfiytSf.'CALL726-3769 (reeoydet) state Aou? Citg Cesigrnted job nttrber, job aCfuess, type of inspec=i.cn @e4dgfot.in,spection,contracta?s"?a*,","-,,o,,"-",dptoi"runber.-P,equestsreceix.edbefcre.7:00anl>iLL be made the eone dcg, ?equeets ncde aftx 7:00 an urLLL be nadathe neet aorkinq Ca;;. YaE CitA Desigr,ated Job Nunber fs:BA o)sy' -1 SIIE INSPECTI)N: To be nnde after i i ".."ud"|o", 'a"t pricr cc set up oJ' ) v- ttte. ConsJn stian_lile!_ FTilAL PLUMBING PINAL MECHANICAL ifilAr ?fraaDf^Af ANDERSLAB PLUMBING. ELECTRICAL & |ECH!-IIICAL: io be made before any uoyk is eouet,ed. P))fIilG & I)UNDA?ICN: Io be rnaCe Afte; $frtr; ate;scaated and. forms ate erected, but prioz, tc pottz*izrg ccnctet€. AND1RGRAUIID PLUI,{EINC, SEWP.'1,4?TR, DRAiilAGE: To be nw,le priot, to fil-TffiiJnehee. UIIDERFLOCR PLUI,EI:iIG 4 WCIANTCAL : @offloor insul,ction or decking. POS! A]tD BEU,I: To be nad.e prtor to ffiiL-GGToi floor tnsulacion or d"ecking. ROUGH PLNfiIIIG. TLEC?P.TCAL E MECfl- AltfCAL: No aork is to be ccxered ffilT-these inspectiotis hate been maie and anprcued.. FIPTPLACE: PyLor to pkcir4 lacingmcterials and before irantng tnspec- tion. YFAIING: lhtst be requested aftet, approual of rough plunbing, eLectri- cal & neclnnical. ALL toofing braaing & chinm"eys, etc. nttst be . completed. Ito ucrk is to be con- .. cecled utttt)L this inspectLon |as:"YYY'- INSULAUAN/VAPOR BARRIIR ITSPSCTICN : Io be nade after aLL insukticn cd, required uqor berie?s tre in place irut befoz:e any l.ath, gApslnn boarC ot, uaLL couering is cppLied, ard beforeay iraulation is coneealeti. DRWALL IIISPECIIA!: ?c be nadeffi..after aLL CryuaLL is in pl.a.ce, but ptiot to cny tayLr.4. WS1IIW: Steel iocation, bond ffiTg"outing or Del,ticals in accotdotee vLth U.B.C. Section 24L5. iiOODSTO"E:@fr.After installation is conc?ete. SfDgilALK & DRf-'ElAf : For all con- ct'etej6@ ,rlrG; stteet right- of-uny, to be naCe aftez, aLL etca- uating canplete & forn wrk & sub- base naterial in place. CURB & A-PPRCACH A.PPON: ue ereeteC but prior Aftet formsto pc'tznJng e ALL project conditions, suck as the instalLation of stl'eet trees, ec::pletion_of the requ.ired Landscaping, etc., n)st be satisfiedbefore the BtfiLDINC EfiIAL eenbe requested.. ?INAL BUILDING: The Einal Buildrng Inspeetion rntst be requested cfter the Pinal Plunbitq Eleetr-ical, cnC Meclanical fnspections hque been nade and approueC. *ALL I4ANHCLES AND CLEANOUTS MAS? BE ACCESS|BLE, ADJIJSTIIE\II TO B9 I.|ADE I.T NO:3ST TO CilY Reatirerl Tnsn eeti. cns I T 17 Ysttcs: when corwlete -- tuottiCe l) gffi or mottable' sections tlwough |-l - b.u.e. t-J L] 2 dJOB NO.SOLAR ACC 'S REQ.-L-CO BeCtoons: ll of Lot Cooerage_ LCT ?WE _ fnter.Lor _ Corner _ Parthctuile CUL-de-sac t or Eto?Les ?otal lleight lopogz,aplry Iat Sq. Etg. L.Eouse Lot Faces - -- Fees -- Building Volue & Permit This pentr,)t is granted on the eip"ess eond.ition t at the said eonstraetion s!"a.Ll, in aLL respects, conforrn to the Crdinance ad.opted b:y the City ci SpringfieLd, incT-uding the Zoning CrdTn-ance, regulctina the ccnsttucxicn and use of butldin4s, arzC rc.,1 be suspen-d.ed oz. reuokei at dr.! tane upot uic- Lation of cny prcoisions of saiC ardirances. ?OTAL VALUI 5u1- Ldlno .uel,arLX ?otal CVanges x Va Signea: Check /20 f,zo Plumbing Permit N9 per.eon sha-Zl _eqnstmtct, inetall., alter ot ehange anA nel) cr eristing glwnling oz, dtainage systan in uhole or in pant, t&Less such person is- the Legal possessor of a oalid plwnber's License, escept tl,at a p-etson nag doplwnbing aotk to ptopertu uhieh is ooned, Leaaed ci operated bg the "ppli-cant. ttn EEE Fiattzes Resid.etttial (1 bath) Sani Saner Plunbing Penit etate Electricol Permit I'lle?e state Lan requires t|".at the electr.ical utovk be done by an Elecb-fcal Cont?acto?, the electrical porlion of this pennit s?wLL not be oaliC untilthe Label ha,s been aigned by the Electr.tcal- Conttacto?. Total NailEetend. Circuits Semtiee -- ENCRCACEME]IT .. al, A Dad Mechonicol Permit khatat ilooC Vent Fa1 Penn t fssuotce Mechandcel Perrnt Secarit| Dzposit Storage l,laintetunce Pertdt total (nayoes Curbcu: Sida,:aLk Elech-teal Labe| Mobile l{one TOIAL AM)UttT DUE:*>o -{, 3 2a -7rt-- r tlAw IA,?EFULLT sx,4-ar.ilEq the conpleted application fo? pernrit, cn^d d.ohereby certify that aLL info:nation heteon'is true and. elcrrect, drr,C ifat'thet certifg that any ard aLL uork perforned ahall be dane i, o..oo- dan.ce rrith the }rdinatrces of the city of .sprtngfield, od. the L.,is of thestate oi aregon pertaining to the n)ork cescr"Jbed hereln, c?td. tl1a.t )lo occa-P.lllc.v will_ b3 n. "ude of qa stntctLtla ,rLthout petnission of che Buitding Di-o1-sion. f fuz,ther =ertiiT- titat o:zly ccnt"acto"s otd atrplcyees ako arZ incanpliance uith ORS Z01.0SS aiLL be-used on thie ptojeet Ta=r- Signed u. lence