HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Plumbing 1985-02-01.. RESID ,{TIAL.. APPLTCATT0N/PERMTT 225 North Sth Street Spz,ingfieLd, 1regon 97477 Butlding Diuision 7 26-37 53 *o SPFlINGFTELD Page 1 of 2 oJob Locaticn: Aesessors Map #Tas Lot # Subdixision: A,ttet,: Address Phoned o Descri.be h'otk: Va'!.ueDate of App Licaticn Add.itian Remodel A.?J.r/"b /oo / Electri.eaL Date General t4eclwnicaL Conelvuetion_Lende? I^t ia the responsibi-Lit-y of-the pernrit holder to eee that aLL inspections ee nade at the p?ope" time, that eaeh cddress is z,eaCabiefran the at?eet, attd that the peznrit eatd is Located at the ftont of the orooertu-*Building Ditticiot appro"^ed pLan shcll remain on tLe Building sit: bt att'1;inis." 'S?:CALL 726-3769 (yeeoydey') state your City Jesigrated job ,ou be ready fot, inspection, ContTaetcrs ct, Ottnets nc,rne end pTnne nunbez,, job aCi"tess, type of inspee=icn rutnbez,. Requests "ecei"^ed befcre 7:a0 an'evl L be rnade the sane dcy,"eErcsts nade after ?:00 on urill be made the nert uotkirg dati. UNDERSLAB PLUMBING, ELECTRTCAL & I"IECHAIIICAL: To be made before ang uork is cooered. foms ?OOTING & F)UNDATfCN: Io be tnaCeA$a=;mes ate eacauated attl fozms are erected, but prioz, to pouring ccncrete. UND1RGROUTID PLUI',{BTNG, SEWER, W.ATER, DRAIIIACE: ?o be maCe priot, to fil- T@-l-renchee. UIIDERFLOOR PLUT'BING & IiEC\ANTCAL :of floor ineulatian or decking. POST AND BEAI|: To be made prior to ffi:talZTEl6i-of floor insuT)tion or decking. ROUGH PLANBIIIG, ELECTRTCAL & futECH: ANfCAL: No aork is to be couez,edwftil these inspections hatse beon nad.e and. approued. SITE INSPECTION: eacil;t\oa-iut PIPEPLACE:,ratil;G Pt*Lot to plceirq and befot,e franing To be nade after pr"iot, tc set up of TfiSULA?ION/VAPOR BARRTER IT\SPECTION : Io be rutde aftez, aLL insulaticn ald. required uapoz, buvie?s @e in place but before ary Lath, Wpsum baatC oy tmLL couering is applied, and. before any itaulation is concealed. Youv CitA Designated Job Nwnbez, fs: DRYWALL INSPECIf)N: Tc be made ffter.'itT&guATfi.s in place, but prior to ang tapirq. I,IASONRY: Steel Location, bond beons, grouting or oerticals in accordotce Dith U,B,C. Section WOODSTOVE: ccntpleTA. After instalLation is qlRB e APPRCACH APPAN: After fortnse,e e"ec;;AE nAA tu paning conc?ete. STDEWALK & DRf',WAY: Fot, all con- ct et;nau@Atifr street right- of-tnA, to be made after aLL erea- oating conplete & forra uotk & sub- base materlal in pl,ace. !E!!E: h*ren conplete -- ProuiCe gates or mouable sections tlwough P.a.E. DELIOLITfuI] OR !.:OW) BUTLDIilCS Sanitatg saser eapped et properfg Lire Septic tank putped anl, filled tith gra;;eL Final - Wen abcue itens aze ecnoleted and uhen Cqnclition is eotnplete b, "tuo"-tuz,e moued and. prerrises cleaneC up. Hcmes Bloeking otd. Set-up Plunbing eonnectians -- sa)e! otd. ualer facing inspee- Electrical Connection - Bloeking, set-ut and plutnbing eonnections rn;st be apprct:eC before requesting eleelrical inspeeliot: Accessory- BuilCing ?irnl - After pcrehes, skirting, decks, etc. are eompleted. tion. YQ4]lIilG: l'tust be z,equested after. @oGt of z,ough plunbing, ilectri-cal & meclwnical. AL! z,oofing bracing & chinrneys, ete. nltst be completed. llo ucrk is to be con-. eealed until thi$ inspection lns'been made anC approoed. rTilAL PLUMBIIlG EINAL I,IECHANICAL FINAL ELECTRICAL ALL project conditions, such as the i.nstallation of street trees, cc::roletion of the requined Landsecping, etc., tntst be satisfied before the BUILDINC FI|AL ean be requested. FINAL BUILDING: The Ei,nal fuildirq Inspeetion rmtst be requested cfter the final Plmbing Electtical, anl Mectnnical Inspeetions 114De been made ard approoed- *ALL I4ANHCLES AND CLEANOUTS I,IUS? BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJIJSTIIENI TO BE IL4DE I'T T]O CCST TO CITY 8{o/11 l u T 9 soLAR / -eEss REQ.-^*L,JOB NO.L-CO Bedtoons Sources AccessP. L.House Lot Faees -tat Sq. Ftg. % of Lct Cooerage # of Stories Total Height Iopogrqhy LCT ?WE _ Inten)or _ Comer _ Panltandle Cal-de-sac -- Fees -- Building Vqlue & Permit This petnrrt is granted on the ecpress condition tlnt the said-construetion stwll', in aLL r"espects, eonform to the ordlrnnee adopted 6:y the City of Springfield, including the Zoning Cvdinance' regulating the ccnstructicn otd use of buildings, urd may be suspen.ded ov' reuokeC at cnA time upon uic- Lat'Lon of dtA prcoisions of said 1rdirances, TOTAL VALUE ITEM FTG x Value *S.D.C. 1.5 x Building Permtt Iotal Clnrges State Date Pdad.: Signed: Reeeipt #: Plumbing Permit No pereon slnll constmtet, instal!, alter or elange anA nel, cr eristing plwnbing oz, drainage systan in ulale or in pott, unless sueh pet'son is the legal possessor of a ualid plunbet's License, e&eept tlnt a pe?son may do plwnbing uork to propertg uhich is otmed' Leased or operated by the 6ppli.- eant. FEE CHARGEN0. Fi.ct-uz,es Resid.enti-a.L (1 bath) Seuet Ptwnbing PenrLt State Sut,ch"arge Electricql Permit Wev,e State Lan requires th,at the electricaL uork be done by an Electz*ical Contractor,, the electrLcal por.ti.on of this perTnit slnll not be oaliC until the Label \ns been signed bg the Electr|eal Contractot'. IotaL Nas/E*ten"d Circuits Setoice ?EE , * Mechqnicql Permit Echanst HooC llcodstotse Vent Fot Pertnit fssuance Meclnnicel Penntt -- ENCROACEMENT -- Secaritu Deposit Storage fubintetunce Pettnit C'Lt?bcut Si.da,salk Pen=e Mobile Hoote PLan Eraniner Date TotaL f EAW CAREFaLLy EXAILINED tlte conpleted application for pernit, and do hereby cettify that aLL infornation hereon is true and. correct, and I fuz.tkez. eet,tify that any ard aLL uork perforned slnll be done in accot- dance rtith the 1vdinanees of the ci.tg of spr"ingfield, ard. the La,ts of the* s_tate of olgeon pertaining to the wik ceser"Lbioa n"ri"ln, end. tlat No lcca-PANcv ?,riLL be na.e of ana structute vtthout permisei_onby ttte Buitding N-tsisio-n' r fut'ther ebrtiiy_ that_only coittactot,s ad. *opiog"L" uho are ineonpliance uith lRS Z01.7ss aiLL be"used. on thie i"oini.t--"-"" fr-r-TO?AL AMOI]N? DIJE:*/()*Date rTEM l))h H) {/lletct 40 )n'/ulotal Charaes 1T]I DTF IotaL ChaToes State Surcharqe Lal>e7, - SPRINGFIELD CrTY OF SPRINGFIELD Department of Public Works Date: 18 0ctober 1985 Dear l4rs. Mi 1 1 er, Enclosed please find the fo1lowing items requiring your a'ttention: X BID SPECIFICATIONS Homeowners are requi red to obtain b'i ds from at least twocontractors. The selected bid must be within 15% of Staff's job est i mate . x CONTRACTORS' LiST This js a list of contractors who have expnessed interest inworking with the C'ity of Springfield Substantial Housing Rehabi'litation Loan Program and is not a recommendation of thesecontractors. Owners may negotiate prices with contractors oftheir choice prov'ided that these contractors are licensed by theState Bui I der' s Board. The use of mi nori ty contractors andlocal contractors is encouraged. CONTRACTOR'S APPLICATiON FOR BID APPROVAL Have the selected contractor complete and neturn this form. #564 X 225 North 5th Street . Sprin#ield, Oregon 97477 a 503/728-3753 BID SPECIFICATIONS FOR:DELMA G. MILLER 1054 N. STH ST. SPRINGFIELD, OREGON Ph: 726-1822 97477 These specifications are for bid purposes only. Some modifications may be required shouid bids exceed.available fundingr or should a bidding contractor discover an omission in the specifications. Thefinal draft of work item specifications will be developed after the bid selection. It is the responsibility of each bidding contractor to notify the Housing Rehabiiitation Specialist upon finding a work item not included in the bid specifications. Shouid the Housing Rehabilita- tion Specialist agree with the contractor's recommendation, each contractor from whom bids are being solicited will be notified of the change and allowed to adjust their bids. Contractors are responsible for hauling away all debris created by construction activity. Contractors may suggest alternate materials, methods or design. Contractors must submit prices on all numbered items on the bid sheet and any alternative. Total ail bid items at the space provided at the bottom of the bid sheet and complete other requested informa- tion. Return bids to homeowner. AIl work must comply with the applicabie State of Oregon Specialty Code. All permits and inspections are the responsibility of the contractor. Upon completion of repairs, the dwelling must comply with the City of Springfield Housing Code. If questions arise on bid specifications contractors may contact Bill Schaub, Housing Rehabilitation Specialist, by calling 726-3753, DELMA G. MILLER 1054 N. sTH STREET SPRINGFIELD, OREGON 97477 EXTERIOR REPAIRS Remove deteriorated roof covering on north roof slope. Install owner-sup- plied three-tab shingles and furnish any additional shingles and materials needed to complete roof covering on north roof slope. Instali new flashing at aII roof penetrations. Remove unused chimney at center of roof; sheath and roof over with matching shingles. Remove old roofing and insLall half-lap roll roofing on storage shed. Remove garage door frame and casing. Frame in opening using pressure- treated mud siil. Install siding at framed-in opening which matches existing siding. Remove flanking, fixed windows at living room picture window. Instail dual-glazed, single-hung, miil-finished aluminum windows with screens. Instail necessary interior,/exterior trim to produce a finished installa- tion. Paint or stain and seal interior trim. Remove existing window in north bedroom. Install new, mill-finished, dual-glazed, aluminum window with screen. NOTE: Bedroom window must comply with section 1214, SSC, concerning egress,/rescue requirements. Install new, solid core, exterior door at front entry. Install new exterior lockset, threshold and weatherstripping at new front door. Install viewer (peep hole) in front door. Install mill-finished, alutninum storm door with screen at front door. Paint or stain and seal front door immediately upon installation. Furnish owner with two keys to front door. Instail miil-finished, aluminum storm windows with screens at ali single- glazed window locations where storm windows are not presently instailed. Storm windows at sleeping rooms must compiy with section 1214, SSC. tYhen ail other exterior repairs are complete, clean, scrape, sand and otherwise prepare exterior surfaces of dwelling to receive paint. Remove storm windows prior to painting. Replace deteriorated glazing compound at exterior windows. Protect windows, roof covering, surrounding shrubbery, etc., from paint overspray. Apply two coats of good-quality, exterior latex,. semi-gloss paint following manufacturer's installation instruc- tions. One trim and one body color may be chosen and appiied' Free-up all exteriors windows to open easily and fully. 1 o D 4. 5 6 7 INTERIOR REPAIRS B I Inslall a handrail in compiiance with section 3306 (j), SSC, at stairway to attic. lnstaii moderarc quality pad and carpeL at haliway and in 2 bedrooms on the south side of dwelling. Cost of carpet, excluding preparation, is not to e-xceed $17 per square yard. Carpet, must compiy with FIIA/HUD standard UM44C. i0. Install painted or stained and sealed triur aL kitchen wall/ceiiing ioint' anci at kitchen door to pantry. Install screen door opening towards pantry from kitciren io provide cross ventilation for dwelling'in warm months. ii. Remove deteriorared tub surround. Prepare wail surfaces and install one piece. pr.er-rnotded, "F'ormica" or equir.alent t,ub surround kit. Seai tub/ surrounci joint with silicone sealant. PLUMBING REPAIRS 12. Prior to instajiinq new tub sut'round kit, instaii new, single-handied, washerless faucet, tub filier, diverter, riser and shower head at tub heacl rvall. Faucet must be "Deita" or equivaient. Pipe hot water tank P/T valve lo buiicjing exterior'. tnstali new kitchen sink drain, trap and trap arm assembiy. ELECTRICAL REPAIRS i3. iiemove qld roof eshaust fan and wooti mounting stand. Instail new roof exhaust fan g'ith automatic thermostat controi. Instail neu' eiectric wali iteaters at pr.esent heater iocations in master bedroom anci southeast bedroom locations. Install necessary trim or plasier materials and paint tcr produce zr finished instailation. Install moderate quality ceiiing fan rvith wall control at presenl lot:ation of ceiling light fixture in iiving roonl. MISCELLANEOUS REPAIRS 14. Rernove e.xisting tree pr.esently located at nor.t hwest corner of dwelling. Haul away iimbs and branches. Leave cord wood for owner. TOTAL BID PRICE: SIGNATURE: DATE: ADDRESS: CONTRACTOR,S LICENSE NUMBER: