HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1990-10-15I t5v zzs North Sprtngfi.e Bui.Ldi.ng 7 26-37 53 .. RESIDENTIAL.. APPLICAT. -\/PERMIT SPFINGFIELD III) |th Street ,Ld, 2negon 97477 Di,uision 25790 2-90 253C 544 7 10-90 I 10-90 6 89-5567 11-90 747-5989 747-7445 6 86-090 5 Mta: Ceneral CaPs tone Homes, Inc. of Plumbi S-J PTunbi l.le nrca MarshalTs Heat ectr P.O. Co. 1147* I{ain st.d 97477 20- 41 a. st. SpfJd 97478 Rose Tectric 89976 Da Lane 9 2 It io the raaponoibility of tla permit holden to oae lrotn the acr.eeb, ard that the pomtit oafi ia Looated1\uildinJ D,loicior. appror:ed plan slu:ll tenain on the PNOCADUPE FON IN,PECNO,IY B9OUES".'CALL 7 requectod ancl uhcn you ULLL De roctay lort,iil be rmde thc eane dcg, requeets mcde that all inopectiona ara nade at the proPer tine' ihat acoh cddrees ie realai at the fpnt ol the proPettY. Buildi.ng Sitc at all tines. of inspeclict befone 7:00, Rom n'-notl fn qn ao f.i.nns Job tocation: Tat lot taaAeoeooone l*tp I LUCERNE II,IEADOWS 'Subcliviaion: A*ter: CAPSTONE HOMES, INC. OF OREGON 2ci Phone: 689-5567Address: P.O. Box 22636 Date of appt;*t;on- /Oy'S -?O VaLue Deaoribe Work: STNGLE FAtttILY RESIDENCE lilec u rS rr tre c titn phiT Rose 15685 SITE INSPEC"IAN: ?o be nade afber' @oarrai;;;-fri prion to eet up of forms. ANDENSLAD PLUNBING. ELEfiWCNL T nv .ffifriiituct ed, IPOTINC 4 F)UNDATIC\I: lo be rmCe ffiffixcauated atd forns are enected, but prior to pouring ccncrete. UNOSRCROUIID PLUNSINC. SSHER, II.ATEN, - @Gnchee. uilDqnFtno| PLU|IDMC t lrECllANLC4L:ot floor inoulction or deckinlg. POSI AND BtAtl: To be nnclc Ption to fri*taafaffiof floor insulation on decking. noucil Pl,u:tqrllc. Er,Eg:nlQAL e NECry ANICAL: llo ttork ia to bc oouered Giil-thcse inopecttona have been nade aru! approoed. FMEPIACE: Prior to plcciruT laoingt,a;;frG arul bcfore -fruning inapeb- tion. FfrAttINc: lluat be requeated after ffit of rough plinbing, ilectri- cal E neclunical. All noofin4i bnacittg ! chinmcys, etc. naat be . aonpletod. No uork is to be con- ' oacleQ, uncil ttrio inapeof,ion llr,a 'been nade anC approved, l--liit Dnyl,tAl,L INSPECIIOII: To bo rmda I Xl;fcen7ll6v,,nfta in ptace, - but prior to any taping. MASINRI: Steel location, bond, Tffilgrcuting or vertiaala in aoootdance tith U.B.C. Section 2415. I'\)ODSTOVE: ltften installation io enpT;fA. ln cuna E An?nelel!_APltott: After fornslZ) are ar.ec;tr"r-ut prtoP to -pourtng oowrete. t-TIl SIDillAf,X A DRM,,lAy: Fof all con- lA I orate wtttrh tithin atneot rtght-* of-*i, to ba nade aften all exoa' vating canpleta E fora wrk t aub- bse nnterial in Place. ?EtlCE: lthen canPlate '- PnoviCe frlii or rauable aectiono thtough P,A.E. a 5|'rt TJ*o* RlquIJ\I"& BUI Sani!a41 eaner, sapped ab ptopcrte" Lina Septic tank ylnped ail fitled tibh gra. Ftnal - llhen a}"cve itons are canpletcd antl uhen damlition ie oanplete op ott't ture noved atd pnemtsea oleaneC up. Dlooking atd Set-up Plwbing oonnectione -- lc.,tar atd, tsale Elootrtoal Cotneotion - Dlooking, aet-, and plrnbing conneotions rruat be appro. beforc nequeeting elec2rtcal inspeolio Aoreosory BuilCitrg w ull @ty m tr w tr w Pinal - Aftar pcncheo, okinting, decka eto. ate oatpleted. FT./IIAL PLUIIDTTIC FTIIAL NECIIATIICAL FIIIAL ELE(TNICAL AtL proiei:t conditiona, ouch ao tlw t.notallatjon of atreet tr,.e11 caplotton-of the n"qitr"a Landsccping, ctc., rmtet be oatiefiod bofone tl,e EUILOiltC FIllAL.can ba rcqueoted FILIL BUILDINC: lflo Final Building Inopection n,uat ba retpteoted aftat tho Final Plwbin. Elcotribal., attd llechanical Inepeobiono hqto been nnda atd approued'w AAt,t, ttANilclt:!; AND C\.EAN1U'1'' ttil!:t nE Act:ESSInl,E, ANt':iTtlt:tlt To nl: ttllrl: tt'r N0 cLts'f 'l'0 cl'lY Ptlra ! ol' *{-*ni- lY n",' A ^oorrron7 n^ot", V ,ou.r" ,,*,o I @ JOB NO. rat Sq. Ptg ?d?a, rTEM 7 cf tot Couerage4/ ! ol Storiea 2- rotal ttaight -'^ { roposmphy f 24 soLAR ACg.Ess REQ.- TNT TTPE ,X ntur'ior Cornef Panhandle Cul-de-eaa Va L-co d t Building Volue & Permit I Thiapermitiagtlcntedonthee';Pr:esseotlditionttla..tthe.eaid,constntction ",ii|[, t" 4L r"eepea[,-ioiJir.'to tlrc otditunce adopted by the ciLy 2f sninofield. inoUai.i,-o'tSrL'i"i"g Cvdinance, regulat-ittg the ccnsttucbtcn ;;"';;"';Tl";:iei;;;,: ";i iv ao' '"opended or rZvokec ac cnv tine upon uic- 7;;;;;,;ww*y'*rz@,{, ?,...:,=.) 7E .e-o} " '-)fi'/s5*x'' , ?a<r*-' TOTAI, VALUE s.D,c. 1.5 x Duilding Pentit Stdta ?otal Clnrgea Fbturee Residential (1 bath) ,4.Pr^l?271 a L I ilAVE CAREFULLy EXAI,:II|ED the conpleted application fo.n permit' and do hereby certify tn* ai'i-inio,'*lion t'ereoi ia true attd' contect' an'il I 'frnli""n- iZntltly tn* iia ":i atl wrk perfor'ned alall be dote in accor- 'd";;;; "r1; ln| orai""","'n""lf 7ii ilty bt bprinsfield, .atd th.e .t4n8 of tho Sta,e of Ofegon p"rt"illig-'to- tte,,n7t<2ee)criaZd herein, dnd llat N0 ^CCI-pAttcy Ltttl be rmde of"i"j" "lr"Zi"i- "iitii"t permteaion of the Building D.i- uieion, I further "*7,i71- ln t otly contrac'tore and .etplcyeee uh'o are tn Ziitil"i.L*n ons ?01.'0"5s uiLL be-uaed on thia proiect a tat Facea - t llouae GaraqeP. L, North qrrEaet South il BeCroono n'lleat , FTG x3WlW ffi ,24/%.a 6/tatp Fee te Paid: il: Signed: FEE Sater Plumbing Permit No nerlon alnll. construct, inatall, alter on change -cny neD.cr eriating ;i,;;'i;" ";'\i"ilZiZ- ,i,;;- i;-;ii" ot in patt, -unleai auch person ia the Legal pooeeseor of ";L1;;'p1:*'b'in'i l;'"n"o', &cept that a pe"son nas do plfiLi[ri ,"r* to p"opllti'iniZi-i" ooned, Leased ir operated by the appli- ant. a Plunbing Pernit €tate Nca/Extetd Circuits Seruice Electriccll Permit ttherestatela,trequireethattheelectricaluorkbedoneby.anElectrical contttetor, the eleatilali.rlii"- rf thts -permit stall not- be oalil until lii il"t 'hae been oigned Ay the Electrical contractot' " ?.-- r4i).ztozZ' /iz -7Vt4z c ftfu/rt ,t State ?otal NC.F9E .42, Eshanat llood 4>Vent Fa -O, .,Aa crl^ a Mechonicol Permit Permtt Ieaudnoe lleclunioal Pefintt Pcrmit Arbcu!l (Sidanlk Mobile llane i ae /D:5? d?taAr A^rtilq nrrr, r/94' ,, { Signcd )1 Date ?r- S.l aO, (S'qn NO. /2-P lJatar /9?-50 - a63 =Dz. /3Total Clnroed Sec,rttu Daoosit Storaoe Mai-nt onantt a /2.6 Fonce . Eleatnical Iabel *^arz.^rra 6tZ)#e TY OF StrrttN(iFtEL()l, 225 FIFTII STREET SPRINGTIELD, oRBGoN 97477 INSPBCTION RBQIIBST: 726-3769 0FFICB: 726-3759 1 or JQB Permits a ferabl and expirelf vork ls not started vlthln 180 daysof lssuance or lf work ls suspended for 180 days, 2. CONIltACf,OR INSTATIATION ONLY Electrical Contracto C Address clt Phone Supervlsor L e Number Bxpiratlon Date BLB TRTCAL PERHIT APPLICATION Clty Job Nunber 3. COIIPI,BTB PEB SCIIEDUIJ BBLOII A. New Residentlal-Single or Multi-Famlly per dvelling untt. Service Included: Items Cost 1-500 sq;f t. or }ess j Bach additional 500 sq. ft or portlon thereof Each Manuf ,d llome or -- Modular Dvelllng Servlce or I'eeder B $ 1s.00 $ 35.00 Servlces or Feeders (1.0 Dranch Circuits included). Installation, Alteratlons or Relocation: Sum $ 8s.00 a5 L00 amps or less 101 amps to 400 amps -40L amps to 600 amps -601 amps to 1000 amps- over 1000 amps/volts -Reconnect Only 35. 60. 90. $3oo $gs $ 3s.00 $ s0.00 $ 1s.00 30. 36. $ $ $ $ $ $130. 00 00 00 00 00 00 Constr Contr. Nufiber Explration Date Signa Supervislng Blectrlcian s Addres s Cl ty Phone OITNER The installation ls belng made on property I ovn vhlch ls not lntended for saIe, lease or rent. Ovners Slgna DATE: f,BCEIFI I: C. Temporary Services or Feeders Instal}ation, Alteration or Relocatlon 200 amps or less ' $ 35.00 201 amps to 4oo amps - $ 4o.oo -over 4o1 to 6oo amps - $ Bo.oo Over 600 amps or 1000-6T[s see ilgn "ffif Branch Circults Nev, Alteratlon or Extenslon Per Panel One Circuit Tvo to ten Clrcuits Bach Addt'l',ten orportion thereof B [liscel]aneous (Servlce/feeder not lncluded) -Dach installation' Pump or irrigatlon Sign/0utline Light i.g-- Signa} Clrcuit or Ilmited energy Panel-$ 36.00 SUBTOTAL OT N}OVB 5Z State Surcharge TOTI\L 3\ 00 00 t RICBIYBD I}I: 5 @ \5\oKS ,L