HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 1987-11-23Rceet 7-. RESIf " trTlAL" APPLICAtTiN/PERI'LIT 225 North ith Street Sprtngfield' 2tegon 97477 Bui.Ldi,ng Nuisi.o.n 7 26- 37 53 Job locaticn: Agaeleors t'!ao tl Subdioision Asner: Adtiress: City:zip: SPFIINGFIEI-D- "11-o /c/fu tllq,lb t-t Nes RenoieL Le Date of App Licaticn -23 "$ Descrtbe hlork: f- Cu,ntl-q W*- Z ? lrL nu"! U/U//^/a V Sioned: Date:/ (- Val.ue Aa.aress jrn 0325.J-Ic,z lat #03 Phone:Z GeneraL Plt"oncing 1 Mecivt:,iceL Conatntcttoa Leruiet It i. tha seapot*ibility of tl* penrit hol&a. to .ee that aL.L inapeetiona oe nad,e at tltc pro?e, tine ' tLat ecch cddreas is reasn\i.. ftztr tle atueet, and tltdt the p**tt ca:d ia located at the fnnt of tle p"oPe?tlxguiui.g Dioicbrt afirw-ed plot sltcll temain on tie Building Site at aLL ti.nes. PROC,DUPE ?OI? mSPrlIOn RS?tEST;CALL726-3769 (recordet) stdte !ou" City desiqr-tted job nto;ber, iob a,linees, type of irnpgc:i-c-tt eatiyforir,spcction,cont?dcto?8orotmelsnanecndpianertwnber.P,equestsreceit:edbefcre7:00c, ;till be nade the eane tby, requeats naie afxer 7:00 on vLLL be nade the nc,zt:.wkinE d rou" city Desigr.ated. Job Ntnber ,"' "'' 810 e q 0 BeqtireC fnspecLiezs -l Sfig I::3?9C!IO::: ?o be nacie afterll-| | acauaxion, but. pt"icn tc ee1 up of . ,orns. -t UI:DERSLA? PLUIRI". Df f^aof ..7 e I l.::Ch;.,.rf,;-: rO De maae DeJOre Cny t o?K La eo{eved. l l l l l l l FC)!Ii;C 2 FOUNDATICIT: To be rmCe afxer xtenciaes are eseauatei anC fotms ate erectei, but p"iot xo puring ccnctexe. u NDERG?CL':! D pLur.rzr !!C, EsEi, l]!E_i, DRAII|ACJ: Io be naae prLor to fil-Lir4 trenei,ec. UTIDEPFLCA? PLUBT\]G A L!*!]A!:ICAL: I'o be naie prioz, to insxallation of floor ineulction or deckina, P)ST AilD BEA.l.r: To be nedc prior to instclla;icn of floor insulation on deekirg. R)t-tcil P!t-t:31::c. lLE:::?!c;,: i IITC!:- AHICAL: i:o uo?k is to oe coo^eTea GiL t'^et, ittspeetiors iaue beer maie orc qoroued, FI1EPLIE: PrLor to plccir:g fceincmcyerials anC bcfore frcting inspee- tion. FR4!'Jj:c: Must be tecuesteC af;er @rouai aj rouoh plwr,bing, e'lectri- cal d neciunical, AL! tooiin:: btacirul t, chinmcys, etc. nrrst be cornpleted, llo ucrk ie to be cort-...cecled until this inspeetion hae'been nanie anC approued. II|SULA.TION/VAPOP BARRIER II]SPIC?IOII : lo be nade after aLL insulaci-tn e.d tcquired oqor ba,rie.a dre in pla.ce bttt before oty lath, Wpsln bcavi or tnLL couering is applied, otd before oty insula.tion is concealed. DRYWALL IIISPEIION: ?c be made aiter aLL aryuall is in plnce, but prior to cny tapirg. l4AS1!lP!: Steel Loeation, bond beotis, orouting or Derticcls in aceorci.otce Dith U,B.C. Section 241s. W0cDST0,/E: At tpleteA. After installation is CUPB t, APPRCAC|I APPON: Aftet formsee erectei but prior to pouring cone?ete. SfDtlnALK & DRflEh'Af: For aLL eon- cr'" t en"r,AAtir; s tre et right- of-&A, to be maie after aLL esea- oatinq canplete & font wrk & sttb- base mcter-ial in place. OR :-:CW) EUTLD|;:CS Sani:at1 eeser capped zt propertg Lite Septic totk p'"aped ann filled vith gtate-: Fincl - hthen obcte itens ave canpleted and. uhen Cazclltion is can?Lete o" st?uc- tupe moue! ai prarLses cleanei up. l':cb Blocking otd. Set-:tp Plunbing eonnections -- sa)e? od. uatet Electriccl Cc.nnection - Bloeking, det-u: ani piunbina connections r;st be apprcr;e; bef or c requestz,ng elee'-r'tcal inspec:io:z Aecescory BuilCtrtg ?tnal - Aftc" Dot,ches, akirting, declcs, etc. a."e ccnole'.ed. iEl!!!t ltrhen conplete -- ProuiCe qaxea or mouable aectians through D t, t ll xl FIIIAL PLU!.EII:C FIIIAL II!'HA:IICAL FINAL ELECTSICAL -\1 'ALL HA!:!!9Lrs AUD cLEAEou?s ilu97 BE AC?ES,IELE, ADJUgt:t::tT To g, t,jDt tT t:o casT TC CI:!Pege 2 of 2 I tr T ALt project condittons, such ad the i.nstallaxion of street trees, eotoletion of the required tandsccpir-g, ctc., nast be aatisficd before the BUILDII:C FINAL canbe requested. FINAL BUILDIN?: The Final Building Inspection tntst be requesteC cfter the Fittzl Plwbinn Electnical, o'tC tteclanical Inspections i:q.uc been made arui approued.. SOLAR A4ESS REQ.-L-CO G+ Cntu TEA TWE _ Interion _ Cor.nef _ Panlundle CUL-de-eac Ci;F,3: Bez'oqls: tot Sq. Ftj. Z cf Lot Cawagc 3 of Storiea Total Eeight Topogryhy Buil<iing Peittit State ?otal listoea Resitiential (1 bcth) ieaa t1.c c LdCP i,/ooascote -- Fees -- Building Volue & Permit This pem"Jt io qranted on the efrtess condition ttat the sail. eonstruetion a_laL.L, in a-ll respects, conform to the Orciinance edoote,l. by the City ofSpr:ingfield, inelud.inq the Zoning Cydlnance, regulct'ing the ccnstraiti'cnord.use of buildings, otd nzy be suspend.ed or reuoke! at c-y tine upon vic-l.ation of @ty pncvisione of said Orciir.ances. a I PLan Datc Paid: Reeeiot # Sig::eti: Plumbing Permit No petcon slta.ll constract, inslal!, alter or chanpe cny ,eD cr e.=isting ylur,2ing or dtainaoe systen in uhoie or in part, unless auch person is- tIELe-gal possessot of a r:alid plunber,s License, ezeept th.c,t a De:sonml doplunbing ootk to property uhieh is ottneC, Leased or operated by the qpli- JOB NO. Lot Facea - Setbaeks Df ll ouae Caraoe Aceess North East Sot;th lJeet Jr9.1-,I Valuc r,,.in C@Dcrt Aceessotq TOTAL VALIJ' L L'CS.D.C. f.5.r Sozittnt Sezter \lcte! Plotbing Perrit State Sutcl.anpe I la/*t"rrd Circttits Setttice Pentrit Stcte ?otal Cnarces Electricol Permit llhere sto.te la.t reauires tiu.t the eleetrical uork be done b,1 an Electrical Conxro.ctat, the elec=rical cottion of ;izis pernic siull rat, be ualii wttilthe Label ias been signeci by the Electr.Lcal lonttd.xo?. L/ 4 ItnoK a2.so o ll.q---I 5,oo 3'7 - s,o / .tr8 .3? Mechonicql Permit : E=lwtet Hoo!. Vent P@t ,looCstorc Penrit fssusree lle:iunical Pe"ni .- E,']CRCACHT:!:,'T -- Secti Deco:tit Storaae Pcrtrit I'Lar| Lranlne" n f HAW CAREFULLY SX/LLIINED the conoleted aoplication fon oerni-,, crtd. dohereby certiflt that aLL itfot:ation hez,eon is true and correc;, attl Ifutther cerr-ify thax any arl aLL uonk peniornei si;all be cione ia aecor- <iance tith the Ordintnces of xhe City of Soin3ficl,l,, anl th: Las of theState of Oregcn pcrtainino to the utork ieseribcd hcrein, cr.d. atut NO OCCI- PAllcy t'till be nade of anu st?ucture uithott permission of the suilding N-vision. I further c-erti'fg thst otly eontrasto?s at-d, enplcyee" iho are incanpliance urth CRS 701.055 uiLL be used on this project pt ": 3il-(os? tcl Cnanoes }.trbat) Si.dddlk 9en:e Electrical I robile Hap (----- 1(-)3 .2o \ :?TAL AIQU:T D!!:' )q1 B 7Q.zg 5LOn2d. / D2te -k7 I I ...t i .l I I't.: Caace ri.rt a