HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1988-12-19Fcce Date tl.. RESIDE}'"IAL.. APPLICATIONTPERMIT 225 North |th Street Springfield, )regon 97477 Building Diutsion 7 26-37 53 tb Locaticn: SPFTINGFIELD ssessots Map i :ubdittision: Atmer: Address: Tct Lot ll Phone ilI /7 fr 47 ,r 3 d{ l'v T K ) /E/JLL Descr.ibe h'orli Value n Nea cf*/-9"A/ Date of App Licatian Additicn !.lobi *, ov^.)G tGene?a L PLunb 14echariccL It ie the reeponaibility oi tte permit hoaet, to aee that aL! inspec-Lions ote nade at lhe propett time' that acch address is readab'"e fnan the streZL ad that the _pewi:t -cayd ia Located at .t_hP. front of the -property.'tgui|-di.% Do\oisi.ot apptou^ed plan shall renain on the Build.ing Sit; at aLL times. Construction Lender desigrn rtctne cnd Pilo c E D u R E ! Q!? -I lr 1EEQII e !!- t EQ!!S!: C A L L 7 eadY for uiLL be nade the sane dcy, requests made aCiress, type of insPec=ioi26-3769 (r,ecorder') state yout' City ted job nunber, iob sts recei"-ed befcre 7:00 ctphone nur,ber. 9equeinspection, Contraetors or a)ne"s after 7:00 an utill be made the Iour City Designated Job DEI.IOLITIO!] OR !.:OVE)1. Sanitary seser eapped ct properts" Lire Septic tank plrped and tilled uith gra;:el Final - I{hen abcue :rtens ate canpleteC and uhen Cenclition is complete or stlus- ture notsed anl prerniaes cleaneC up. e llcmes Blocking and Set-uP Plunbing connections -- sal)e? anC water Eleett:ical Ccnneetion - Blocking' set-u: and plunbing conneetions nust be apprcr;e,i befoie requestlng eleclrLcal inspec|io:t Accessory BuilCtng FinaL - After pcrekes, skirting, decks, etc, an,e ccmpleled. P.t,.:e 1 o{ ! SI?E INSPEC?I0N: To be nade aftez' ffiilory but pr.iar tc set up of fonns, UNDERSLAB PLUMBING. ELECTRICAL & MECHATIICAL: To be made before ang ffi7iiiooted. FOOTING & FOUNDATICN: To be rmCe INSI}LATION/VAPOR RARRIER II\SPECTION: Toni-naie atier aLL insulaticn a:"d tcquired oapor barrie?a ate in place bui before aq Lath, gApsun bcat'C or tnLL cooering is applied, and before ay insulation is concealed, forns are erected, but pri,ot' to pouring ccncreta. UNDSRGROU!]D PLT]MEING. SEINER, W,LTER'+DR4Ti4CE:--T;E idie prior to fi-L- T@-66nches. I,)NDERFLOOR PLUI4BING & MECITANICA!: o7 flooz, insuktton or decking. POST AND BEAM: To be made Prior to TGTfrTitlffof floor insulation or decking. ROUCH PLA|BIIIG. ELECARICAL & I,IECH: ANICAL: No uotk is to be couered ffiiTth"se inspeetiotts hatte been nade and approted.. FLPEPLACE: Ptiot, to plaeirq facing materiale and befot:e froning inspee- tion. FRA\IING: l,tust be requested after apptooal of rough plunbing, electri- cal & meclnnical, ALL roofittg bracing E ehinmeys, etc. trust be eonrpleted. llo tnrk is to be con- cealed until thie inspeetion has been nade anC appro.^ed. aftet trenches are er,caoated and FIIIAL PLUMBITIG FIIIAL MECHANICAL FINAL ELECTRICAL DRYI,IALL INSPEC?I1N: Tc be made ;?ter m-lnaualfis in place, but prior to any taPing, MAS1NRI: SteeL Locati-on, bond S)ffilgrouting ott uerticals in aeeordance LYith U,B.C. Section 241s. WOODSI'OVE: ccnpTAA. After installation is CURB & APPRCACII APP,ON After fonns are erecteC but p|Lot'to pouring concrete. SIDEIIALK ,9 DRLYEI'|AY: Eor aLL can-;;et;nifrAffi street risht- of-txg, to be made aftet' aLL etca- uating conplete & fonn utork & sub- base nnterial in Place. IENCE: When comPlete '- ProuiCe gate6 or mooable sections tht'ough P,U.E. m rn*-"-r }q ALL pnoject conditions, suc!'t as the'!.nstallaticn of street trees' cotyle""ion_of tne ,nquinnh Landsccping, Ztc., mtst be satisficd before the BttILDIIiC FIIIAL can be requested- FINAL BU71,OINC: Thrz Final Building Inspor':tion mtst ba requested cfter the Fi.nal llwnbiq Electrical, anC Mecharical fnspeetions hantc been nade and approucd. *At,r, tLANncr,ES AND CT"fiANOUTS MUST BE ACCt:{;SfBtt:, AD,ttl57',lri.;ilT T0 3E l.l,4n|,4T llo t'-1{;T r0 cI?y \ ,1, f3 an^oant r T [] z SOLAR A.CCESS REQ._ Lot Faces - # tZone JOB NO L-CO Bedv'ooms: !teat DI Ilouse tou"e Lot Sq. Ptg. % cf Lct Ccuerage i of Stories 'lotal Height Topography LCT TYPE Intericr Corner Panhandle CuL-de-sac -- Fees -- X ValueI?E14 ila.in TOTAL VALUE UcS.D.C. 1.5 r Itee Date Paid Signed Building Volue & Permit This pennt is granted. on the erpre$s cond'ition tha-t the- saidreonstrwetion stntl, in atl respecti,- eonforn to the ordinance edop-teC by the C:ty 2f sp*trgii"ta, ineluding' tie 2oning Cndina-nc-e, regulcL'i,rtg .thn u-:1t-7"-l:-t:*^ oira ,'i"" of Luil4ings, and mty be suspended or reuokeC at cnY tame upon DLc- Lation of any prcuisions of said )ndtr'ances' Euilding Pernrit Total Chat'ges State CHAII(;EN0.F[:E Fistures Residential (1 bath) SeuerSani l,latet, Plumbing Permit No Det,son slnll constyact, install, aLter or elnnge,GnA ned-ct' existing -'ii;^Z'tlg"""'1""a"i2"'"i"Lly t" '1noi." or in part, 1"1n"-: :-"oh-p^1::'" is the 'rl-go-1-'pl""n""o* o7"o;ZL;a pr*,,""'i LicensZ, eccept that a person nav do plGt;rg uot'k to b*"pi)ti-inl-ih i" o"tnnd, Leased o? operated bv the appli- cant. Plunbing Perntt State Sutckan'qe it0 L' Na,t/Extend Circuits Sewice Electricol Permit hhet'eStateLottt'equiresth,attheelectt'icaloorkbedoneby-anElectt'ical Contractor', the eleett'llcol plnt'l'o' of this -pernit shall not be taliC until liLe Label'\ns been signed iy the Electt'ical Contractot" L Permlt Stcte Total CIlARCEFSE bh@tst HooC Vent Fan llcodsto-:se (/ /5,)Lz *q1 Mechqnicql Permit PerwLt Issuanee Meclnnical PeY'mit -- ENCROACIIMENT -- tSecani Permit Cutbeu Sida,talk 1 Mobile Hone Reeeipt ll: UQLEPlanz Ercminet I HAW CAREFULL. EXAUINED the conpleted appltcation fo-r'pennit' and do i":;;L; .)1t7y- tnit "t't-i"iirr-tiLn hereoi is true and. cor, ect, cnC r ir-nti"n, c*'-i\a that aiy ali- o77 'tryk perf^or'ned slnll be dote in acoor- dance ttth the 0rdintntc"""- 61 the City 'of bp*ingfield, .and th.e La;s of the ;;1"";|' i";,g"n- prrtoiiiia 'to t'P uoik cescribcd he"ein' cnd ttat N0 ,ccu- pl.Ncy uitt be nnde .r'"".y" "ti"zi1i "ttii"t pernission of the Buildtng N- uision. r fu*ther """;;1fr";i;;'i71y-"o*tn"c'tors and.enp:Lcye.s uho are in Lipl',:or.n'rltn ons 701."0"55 uiLL be used on thie proiect TataL 2 -r?- ?f TOTAL AMQUIIT DUE: * ed Date Storaqe Mai-ntemnce !ense /5'2