HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 1989-11-28,tob Locatl'.)tt 57 Asoesso..c t'tap # i-l 3 ?aoTc.r Lot ll Subdtoiston: Asner e) - //,5.f Ltr Pl;one 1"lA sl-1 .,RES'DqIilA[...( ,/PnRl,ttT SPFIINGFIELD APPLI r;A'i'- 225 Nov,th |th SLv,eetspringfield, 2regon 97477 Bui,Ldi,nq Diuision 7 26-37 53 ed Date:( t) DEI.ILILI:TIO!! OR |;OVED BU- Sanilary1 seuer eapped et ptoperty Line Septic tank p;trped and. filled uith grattel Ftttal - l'lten abcue itens are ccnpleted and uhen Cenolition is eomplete op st!'u3- ture noued and premises cleaneC up. Mobile Hcnee Blocking and Set-up Plunbing connections -- aa)er ad uater Electriccl Connection - Blocking, set-uc and phtnbing conneetions m;st be apprcted befot,e requesting electrical inspection AccescoP,i BuilCnng Pinal - Aftar pcrcb.es, skit'ting, decks, etc- at,e conpleted. Pege 1 of 2 ( Address 5 Ctty:S,r&.-- Neut Describe [t'otli: Value Additictt RemotleL nAA tNG He*f q nL u^/) -r- 1-!objJnllg,,.,, oate of App Licoticn .:L: tf illii S rS ()il r lteraL uurb i.ng chan Lcal Ec -8r, )e!v_:Sllli li I t't'l l t( iirrr ia the responsibility oj' the permtt. ln,ltler to see that aLL inspections are nade at the propert tine, that ecch cddrees is t'eadabie t the streeL, anC that the pernrtt rtard is Located at the ftont of the propert!.'Lding Nui::t.ot ttpproced pl.zn shclL ).en.tin on tha Building ::Ltc at aLL- tines. IDUPE FOR INSPTLYT\| R|QAEST:CALL 726-3769 (yecorder) state Aour City designated job nunber,, job aCd.z,ess, type of inspectiqt @eady1,ct,inspcctton,cont?actcr,soia^n,"-,*,,e"endphoienulnbel,.-Pequestsreceil;edbefcre-?:00clbe nnde the sane dcy, nequests m,:ie. after, ?:00 on uiLL be nnde the next torking dag. 81 t 9ITE INSPi;,.)';'l")N: '[o be mtde aJ'Ler, zseauatiott, but pr'tcr tC set up .)J' Pormg . INDERSLAB IT,I,'TIBINC. ELECTRICAL I ECHL]IICAL: '[o be node before ,:ny ct,k is coucred. ))TINC & L-0U.\DATICN: To be ruLlt 'tet tyen,:hes ape er:caDated an,l vns a.re erected, but prtor to uring ccncrete, )ERC\?OU\]D ?!,UMBrN92 S!qEP' W.|',t',!:!l) lIllAGE: lo be naCe pt"iot, to J'tl-,g trenchee. EPFLOOR ?!,1/!,!BING,i I.IECIIANICAL : 1@ltatloioTtt, insulction or decking. ' Al,lD BEAi.t: ?o be nade ptiot' Lo frTitGn of floor insulatioti ot' ing, ry Pr,u!|BTllC, ELEC?RICA!, e MECti,-_q.L: N,t :.,4nfu is Lo bc coter,"i l-thes,z i. rtspectiot:s h,zoe beer, and apprtted.. TLACE: Py,iot, to plccirg fce'i.nqials arul befor,z fratntng insl','1l- fcut, City Designated Job Nwnber Is tNi;ut,A'trov/vAPolt BARRrrR rllEP.IcTI)N To be rutCe aj'ter uLL insuleticn at"d requlred uapor baruiers are in place but l,elbre any l.ath, gApswn boarC or tmLL couet,ing is applied, and before oty 'tnsulation is concealed, I)RYUALI, INSPECI'I)N: Tc be made;fte; aTT-A;auaTfis in ptace, bub pri-or to any taping. MASONRY: Steel locatton, bond tifi{grotrtirtg ot, uet'ticals in accor.dartce titlt U.B.C. Section 2415 . IIOODS'IOVE: cc,nr,l;TA. After installation is CURB ,& APPRCACH AP!?ON: After fonnstt'. "r,r*tA-6utVEA tu pcuring concrete. SIDEIIALK ,9 DRf|'lil.lAl: For aLL con- eP"te WnrrJ-frrnfi street right- of-tury, to be made after aLL erca- uatinq eornplete & for'n rmrk & sub- base mcterial in place. bhe tvv ru'- i,n E, ltu::b be "equested aft,:,'tal of rough plwnbing, ele.:ti,i- meclanieal, ALL r'ocfing g E chinmeys, etc. rntst be ted. !,lo uotk is to be aon- unttL this inspection lns tde anC approted. LIJ!!BI i:.:; ':CIIAN I CAI, iE!([t h\en conpl.ate -- ProuiCe gates or nouable sectiorts througlt P.U.ti. tll.L pyct,jet:t aondLt.i.ons, suc!^, us tle'i.nt;tallat'ion of styeet trees, conpleLion-of the ,r,qr,in,rid LanCsccpirg, ctc., mtst be sabisfiad before the BUILDfNC FMAL ean be requested- IINAL BUILDINC: The l:i,nal Bui,Lding Inspeati-ort mtst be *equested after the Final Plmbi'ng ' ; ;;;;;;:;;," i1 ini1,"i ""i i""i ""t7o"s't'K,,c b e en made ard appt oo e d' *xt.f, 1A:;:!'..11' Il/ll Cf"EAI\l()U'1'!: MttST Rtl ACCESSIBLE' ICI'l.lt,'Al AD,II)5T!1|:i),1 TO BE I,IADT I.T IIO CCST TO CI?Y r/ d// _l -t tr --tlri* SOLAR AC'-SS REQ._L-coGJ' BeCroons f,ot Faces - *- JOB NO So;tt"tcs Building Vqlue & Permit This permit is granted on the etpress condition tlnt tlte sai'|'constmtction slull, in all nespeets,"';o;;,i;;i, tt\e.1rrltnartr:e edoptec lt,y the city of SprinlTfield, inc!u'lirt'.t'li'Z'':"1'""i"n crrl'in't.tt".c' v':'tuLctit;11 iltc acnsttucl:^t:.r^ and uce of buildLn4::, ,,n"1-"'i11 b.i- susltcn'lc'l oY rcuokeC aL ':1':!! tLme ufon ulc' i)tion oi ,ny prcuisiotis of said ordinances' P. t,Il ou:i e /.t t(:i' lr)De -- Fees -- Value TOTAL VALUE l,^atc Pairl Aacc s so X FeeP CHAI]CEEFFNOITEM S.D.C. 1.5 x th t lteat Cat ITEI'l I'tain BuiLding PerwLt Total Chat'ges State Swchargle Range LOT TYPE _ Intericr Cornet' Panhandle CuL-de-sac Lot Sa. Fta. % of Lot Cooeraga- # of Stories Total lleight TopograPhY l:ire.r' llood;) Firtwes Residential (1 bath) SanitarY S9!9!- Ilcter. CHARCENO.EFI Nas/Efiend Circuits t't CIIARCE a3 ,bv EVFNCITEM Ethanst Hoo,l Vent Fot Wcodstotte -- ENCROACHMENT -- tSecut i Pernit Cvtbcut Sida,talk ELeetricaL L Mobile llone Receipt ll Signed: Plumbing Pe rmit No oereon shall cottsl'ttrcl:, ins'-ol!,- alLcr or cJtanqc cnlJ neD'cr exisbing ;i#b;:;'";"t;tlZ.iZ "'t-,',il,i i,ion;Ln or in parL, i^Lesl such person is the Lesal possessor of ,;7';i;"pi:'-i'ol'1"' L't"n'"'e"' e'ccpL that a 'pb,son nav do plrtbins uork to pn.p"liii"""i;i"1" ;";r;d:l.rrna c'r, operated-by the appli- cant. Electricol Permit VhereStateLa,ttequirestfud;theclecLrLcaluotkbedonebyanELeott'ical contractor, the electt'li"cnl i)'uon ol this pnitt slnLl not be oaliC unti'L 1;;L;;;1'L*" Lnnn aignetl lv ttrc ELectrical contractot' Plwnbing Petnit State State Total Permlt Issuance Meclnniaal Pernrit Mechonicol Permit Platl Exrvnittet' Total fttAVECARnFULLrEXAMINDDtJrccompleteclappltcationfo,rpermit'anddo hereby certifg tnat a7'L*linfo::ntati'on hereoii is true an'd cc*eet' art'i r further cet'tify tn"t ""y- ii oll uo.rk perforned shnll be done in accor' dance tith the ordinaic''n"-if ltn City'of bpri'ngfield, and Lh-e La;s of state of 1regon pertaining to the uoi'k Ceseribed herein, cnd !\at N0 0 PANcy tvitl bb nnde of an11 structut'e uithout permisei.on of the Building oiston. I further certifii thet onQl cottttactoi,s atid enplcyees dho are conpliance dith CRS 701.055 r,ti.Ll l:e used on this pnoject // -2r-; TOTAL AMOUNT DIJE: A c * -r/ Drat: Total Char(tes .... Ros- So. fta. farporaYA Sensice AJ,SO ION LINE COMBI AP ICATI ERMIT 726-37 69 *hJob Address l-egal Description Owner .e., BUsc rirnli t I i1 t^lo trdth ng e Fenc Val ue Ran Ftg. Acces 'I EIIERGY SOURCES Hea t Sq. Ftg l,lew tlater lleater Sq. Sq. ller -lt€p. - hange/Use Add rcs s Phone\ Construction L \\ Adcl res s Phone name Structura I Pri ma El ectni cal t'lechani cal add res s (lics. no.n ameI nlcrons P lunrbi ) MECHAN i CAL T0 ELECTRICAT. t PI.tIIlB I NG furnace/burner to BTLI. s Residence of tlSQEach single fixture Fl oor furnace and ventNew ci rcui ts al ts or extensions Relocated bui lding (new fix. addi tiona l ) Recessed wal I Snacp heater and ventSERV I CESIles i dence Duplex (l bath) each Apol iance vent seoa ra t-eTemporary Construct j onAdditional bath Stationar,v evap cool erChange in exisbing res i dencehlater servi ce Vent fan with sinole ductmultifamily, conm T ndrrs t-r i a I or Sewer Vent systern apart from heatinq or A.C.0f s. Storm Sewer Mechani cal exhaust hood and ductc0Mr.1./IND. FTEDERS )l/ood stove/heaterInstal I /al ter/rel ocate d'i qtri h. feeders I Camp s.0f lI iSSIJANCF OF PFRI1IT TOTAL CHARGESTOTAL CHARGESTOTAL CHARGES I GIIATUREl,lAl.lE ( pl ease pr j nt) l:lectrjcal Contractor, the electrical portion of this permit Supervisor and returned to the Building DivisionIJHERE STATE Lxt'l REQUIRES that shall not be valil until the label tlre Electrical work be done by an has been signed by an Electnical permi t rformed he pernr effect It he0n nreo sI uetrrtIhatatIIn1anddoherecenbYf.yXe tedI a 'II ac otrLLppc0mp c tfthenan'I ces tycordancet,l theh 0rdnIsIhaIacedonbefucer1tftthaaandawoIkrpeIandrthernyndarrcotecv wl 1I madbenNCOCCUPAI'ICYtthaandn'tt to wor kthe ESd bedcrl here idthofwsthetasof0nrtatenefiIandLae0re.r_r pe nqSofpriI B 'Iu deI rthe s.I t re I trs ta o1 vnn htIsonfuhertcerrtthaIs1'Is oon thef u I.I Id D I fy m.y sttw1ngructuretthousaofny tha tandrItIonno teds hereonthatftfqIsbasthe,l empsa'I red 7ORS 10 05 5 exempndarequb.yaBo'Ird S 'I n fu 'II rcefo t055II'I be sndIar.rho 'Ire n II ncea tI./ 1 h 70i()PSIonsUtracbconatorscomDenrpoyeesv its TOTAL VALUATIOII X x al llps(. r 0c rle,/ Cons t dt upFlood Plain S tori es \6^tn Load c.y Group_ Sq. Ftg 5q. Ftg Zone Val ueAcce s s 0the r Fi re Zone Bedrooms Svstems Deve Charqe ( 1.5L o pmen tPlan Ck. Comm/lnd 65%/Bldq Per Fee Plan Ck. Res 30%/Bldq Per Fee BUILDING PERI'liT Charges and Su rc ha rge s Fence Dgmo PLUI4BING PERMIT Charges and Su rcha rge s Sidewalk Total Cornb. Perm'i tA/C Pavi ng tLtCTRICP,L PERIiIT Charqes and Surc ha rges Curb Cut rf,?5TOTAL MECHANICAL PERMIT Charges and Surcha rqe s FFF C}IAPGFNN .InAl f\ rn I \ I usF_nitd\z-l-" ,/ COMBINATION APPLICATION/PERMIT (CAP) I. Appl icant to furnishA. Job AddressB. Legal Description 1. example- Tax Lot 100, Lane County Map Reference 17 03 432. example- Lot I. Block 3, 2nd Addition toSfffilTietd EstaresC. Name, etc. of owner and construction lenderD, Energy Sources PERMIT VALIDATION 1. example- heat/electrical cei 1 ilg/2. exampTe- waterhEate7electr-ica]7o Square footage or valuation,EtEl- or forced air gas E r solai- 1. example- 1250 sq. foot house, glQ sq. foot garage2. example- if new project, check-new - if additlon, check add, etc.F. Building permit information:1. example - construct single fanri ly house with anattached garage 2. example - remodel existing garage into family room3. exanrple - convert single fanrily residence.into restaurant (change of use)G. Value of work as defined in Section 303 (a) of theStructural Specialty CodeH. DESIGN TEAM AND CONTRACTORS To avoid design or construction delays, Bu.ilding Division Staff must be able to contact appropriate persons regarding design information or job site correcti ons , etc. Abbreviated P)umbing, Mechanical, & Electrical SchedulesA. Except r.rhere blank spaces occur in the descriptionportion of the Mechanical and Electrical Schedules,the applicant need fill-in only the No. Boxes adjacentto the appropriate item(s) to be installedB. Full Plumbing, Mechanical, and Electrical Schedules are avai lable at the Building Division1. To conserve space on the permit form the schedules have been abbreviated2. If the item(s) to be installed are not covered on the abbreviated schedules you should consult theful I schedul esC. BUILDING DlVISION STAFF I^JILL FILL OUT ALL FEES AND CHARGES ON THE SCHEDULESD. As noted on the CAP, the label nrust be delivered to theelectrical contractor for signature by his electrjcalsupervisor. The general contractor is not authorizedto sign the electrical label. Applicant to sign and date Whenever possible, the initial application will be used asa worksheet on1y. Where possible, Building 0ivision Staffwill prepare a type written copy and return it to theapp)icant at the time the actual permit is issued for his s i gna tu re. Fees and Charges Plan check fees are due and payable at the time of theapplication, and no plans will be processed unti.l thesefees are paid. Al l other fees and charges are due andpayable when the pernrit is issued. FOR OFFICE USE ONLY \sJ+1 /c &t 81 II III IV V Permit Clerk PROJECT CONDITIONS TO BE SATISFIED BEFORE OCCUPAI{CY: Permit appl icant exempt from reg'istrat'ion with the Builder's Board because: Additional Project Information : PLANS REVIEWED BY: name SI gnature date L PlautsrEa-r -j Bnice"rl cDvfiltUtS iNSTfrLLAT / ON BY:3't.5'23 7 f 1t 7 o/ f oop 484fi-sD (!le ia uS <_a wv i*Fv 75t) ,CEILIN4. + ou <y lru 7 t? B I I i I I I i 75D NL\:-r 1f" Le*slSTtt\t G Ol/ fuf1N:z ('rtztvroVZ I No ot-sgast-) \ u/ c cllirivt UNOEft _.aN O E_$S ),1,'6-*kl,il.T N Eus F.e3D6D/6op Fpru:9.2 Esf "-oaT-D o-o&, " C att o ws -t1_N lT . oN K L bs. .& t/ NEsr+ IN5TNLLATION. 74-TON,K"r P{ht 9 \*C\ i t'*i ,fY\ i i i I :tllt-\ +- I ah 1\-rl\tt_] 75_o.750 SOOr_rS 2:-CArL-aECKtN G avErL t,,x2a,,LATntNATE? 6EA U15 -tq- E cOr -ON cZi fzf /,N, -5oo <Fm €1cho"n/ ? m.f CON MERCIAL A'IR2Lqt h)tjr ,S 73 E UGruE. ORE. -FIRESTONE sTORE _-SPr?/NOTJE"LO .O_REGON l7? s0. /il -/?f7 -rA I I I eT4 \ )