HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1985-10-01T I AL.. DT'DI'TM, L DlttJ!L SPFIINGFIEI.I) 3 53.. RESIDE APPLICATIL 225 North Sth Street Sptingfield, 0regon 97477 Building Diuision ? 26-37 53 lob Loeaticn:T// Subdittision: 'lmet: ry0 7 5 lcs Lot ll U4L Ju/-- OAAddtess: :ity: 7 /)b ldditicn Descz4be ltotk: Value l/urffi Yruo RenoCel Date of Applieatian on jeneral 4.3 Date L 2onstn r!!cn_!e*lg!_ -t ie lhe responsibilitg of the pentit |plden to see'non the etreet, anC that the pemit Lot sTtcl catl. is ZocatedsuiTdingDiuicioncppt o"*ed p L z,emain on the LL7a!:en lou ready fotbe na<ie the sone dcy,request.s nade l 7o be nnde aftet forme. p1La7 tc set up of that-aZf, inspections oe nade 1".!1". fzont of the p?ope?At.uulLding Sitc at aLL'tr!nei."- ffiffi;"ii,,,LZZ:"but prior to any taping. YSOW!: SteeL Location, bond. 1"_y",, gz.outing or uertiLals in tro;.r:*". vith a.B.c. section ygS!o:/E-J After instaltation isempLeted. W at the prope! tine, that 2ssfi :rlatsss is tea)a-^.e 'f*;;3]ifi,ff""rffi":r'.x:'.y,'*'::r*:'m':! iob ru.o,ber, iob aci.,ess, tspe or inspee=icnaft* ?:00 on "ili-i; naae tni-)L;;;"i;,ne?;e nu,bet'. P.equesrs ,.Zni,lLiLLf"i'7ioo o yout' CitA Design,ated Job Nttnbey Js:5 7YW' d7;;ror);." maae before ana 7dffiX.":Z"Z"oW I::, *" etected, t"t piiJ" lipou?Lrtg ccne?ete. 1 7 IiEpE;:y *i#: ::iri:;!l ? !,,t!l c14 N r cs, fL.;; ;;,fi;;z;:i ,i\i*f"r." "r 1 H--4!2:EIU: ^r3 be nad,e pr.iot to- T^i.1!.t"ticn of floot irtsula.tion iaecK1.ng. 7 until these inspeetions l*;;";;;_ ma.d.e cnd. appz,ouLd. I lliEpL,Ag: pr"tot to.plaeir4 faeino--t nctetials ard. before y;;A ,r;;;,;Z_ f pnn:ntc: ttust be 'W:,fi;:i,i;iffwi;t-D?delng a- chinmeye, ete. ,nusi- S". c-o1e,te,ted. .-tto G* ;, to'iZ-.1o7_-.?ecLed u-ntit this ;""pn"Uii -ii- been ma.de anC apprcued.. Aftet fsslsto pottz-ing '**w,;z:,11n;r- oI-.YA' to be maCe after aZL'iiea_ !1!r"s ?orel?". a f"; rnrk & sub-M.se natertal in ptace. !!!g: hthen eo_nplete __ pyouiCe,r:"r:;.* nooable aections lUiin ALL proieet conditions, .such as the instatit"?G "ir.tir",i*rir"ir*_required Landseepirq, ;tu., ;;t-; "iiiZh"a b"fo;"-;h;,;uiLrii, FtrAL ean be requested. I:#i"i!1"i::m ,#:*x:zi ii;30;yr.:;"r;3:'il#":"i" "xroii:i tten the pinat ptunbins lll l PTilAL PLUI1BIT\C FTilAL I.TECHAIIICAL FIIIAL ELECIRICAL '' llzn/t..)t-/4-l 37aTl/ #-)/-1 Phott DEtlcLrSroi OR seuer capped et propetty Lire Septic totk pryed atd. fitled tith graset Pinal.- Mett abctse itezs ote ccztpleteland. uhen C3nclition is conaZete bo- "-*rr_t'ure moued otd. g,enri.ees .LZ;;;;;p.'^-* Sanilary e Hcmes Plunbing connections __ ar,lret otC. uatet Elecfu,iecl Ccmnection #::#!:;ffi,2?;:*;Yfi,i;i:*, Acceasory BuiZCing *:, : ^nf-r:!.p7eJ,:e s, ekintins, dect<s,eac. ct?e canpleted. BZocking otd. Set-ltp Page 1 of Z TALL I,TANECLES AND CT,EANOU?S TruS?BE ACCESSTBLE, ADJus?ltzilt ?0 BE I.rnDE t? uo cgsr ?O ery .4esessote Map I tu r r l.roa ruo. i', ''( - -')soLAR A,'^ESS REQ.-t-co c* Int Sq. Ftg. Z cf Lct Couerage i of Stortes Total P,eight ?opogncphy Cro LC? ?YPEJ _ Itterict _ Conner - _ Panlundle _ Cul-de-sac Lot Faces - -- Fees -- deal.oor1s Enzra;, Seat Date Pa;-d: Reeaipt #: Si-yred: Lace toue Plumbing Permit No person shall consttttct' instal!'- al'ter or elange dnV AeD 'c? e:isting ;i,f,Zr;"";'7;;i;;;i; ";-";;';;';i1" or in part' "u'Lesi sueh person is tt'e Lesal possessor of " ;A;1""i:;b'J'-'i li"-n""L' n-"npt tt'at d pb:son nay do plunbins uot'k to p""o'"ia*"ini;;7'";;e: lll"na oi opetated bv the qPLi- cant. Electricol Permit where state La,t requiz,es that the electrLeal uork be done by an Electrical contraeto"' the electiZolf,Znt;in- of this -pern'ii stwll 'oi be oati'C wttii ;;;hb;-L t-; r"; sisnec' 4 tne Electrical contracto?' Plwfiing Penr:Lt 1 N a,t / E zt erd C it' ctti t s State Iotal t Cvtbeu! Sida,talk Mobile Hcne uacePLan Ezantner hereby certify tnot oii--;''iit'*tibn t'ereoi- is irae ittd iortect' an'C I further eettifv th& ;;1";; it-i'o.ok pe^nf-orned slnll be done in ae'o?' -itcrce vith the orcine#1"*if li1t;.Llsi"iiit;''u'.ard the.Lc';a of thc StateofOregcnpcrtaining.tothet,lol,kcescrib"c1herein,ea.iutN0occl-ptNcy vttl be na.de ,f'';;;" "i;;ii,i"- r,itio"t p"ii""io, of the suitdins Di- ttision. f futther certi-f'g that -otly conttaiors ad eryLcyees uho are ;n Z*itil"."L;.a, cas iot.'ois uiLL be used on this proiect 0- Df Ilouse Cd"aae Aeeess. | | Wa llo"th ll Ran East l Sor,;th IIlltlest Var!il't FTC TOTAL VALUE S.D.C. 1.5 ;c Building Volue & Permit Thi.s pertntt is granted on the espreas condi.tion thLt the sail-consttaetion "f,on', i" all rZspects, eonform'to the 7rdirance adop.ted tiy the City 2f ip";A\tnti, inctivd.ing'tiL 2o"i"g Cvd:-nanc-e' regulctTng th" t:\"-t-:.:l:-t:'^ ,ka "'iL of -buildi-ngs,- utd mey be_ susp.end.ed or reuokec at c.ny t'?.me upon DLc- La.tion of onV prcuisions of said 2rdir,ances' Euilding Perwit Total Cltatges LlutluL Fistures Resilential (1 bath) Seuer v; Seruice btunst HooC Vetzt Fot llcodsto:se oc) I Mechq nicol Pe rmit PernLt Issuoee Meciwnieal Perrtrit PamLt ?OTAL TT'ICUIT DUE:./€" bo I t Date