HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1986-06-26i .. RESID NTIAL.. APPLICAI",ilN/PERILIT 225 North |th Street SprLngfield" 0regon 97477 Building Diuision 726-37 53 o 7// t# SPHINGFTELD-. Addt,ess: city:zip -O /< TI NeD FTUAL PLUI4BIIIC PINAL MECHANICAL FINAL ELECTRICAL Deeu,Lbe llotk: , "Ybio,k-{/tlbru LJ,//) Date of App Lieati.cn b-u,.Eb g tm Date Value GeneraL PLunbirn \1 l.lechanioal Constrwction Lenden \.ta &uo 4se SITE INSPEC?i)N: Io be made after erca'lation, but priar tc set up of forns. UNDE.?SLAB PLL'I4BING, ELECTRIC,IL & iECH,a.ilICAL: To be made before anytlotk is eouered. -f rcor.rnG t FOUtvD,trrcN: To be maCe ', I aft"r; t"en.@rcatsated and. forms are ereeted, but ptiot, to pou?Lng ecncreta. f, uyo1ncpoulo pzuazilc, ssr,tEp, w.qrm,)Lirq trenchee. 71 uaomprooR pLUiErNc & MEIHANTIAL:itof floor insulction ot decking. 1 Posr eno aem: To be rnad.e prlor toi I frffiTiliTof f'Loon ircul)tion or deckittg. R)UGH PLU'\BIIIC. ELECIRICAL & lttECH= ANICAL: No uotk is to be couet,ed until these irrcpections haue been Iottr City Desigr"ated Job Nurnbez, fs: II]SULATION/VAPOR BARRTER ilISPEC?TO\ : ?o be made after aLL insulaticn and. required oapor baruiers a?e in place but before ory Lath, Wpsun boarC or rnLL cooeying is applied, and before org irwulation is concealed. DRYWALL INSPECTT)N: Ic be nade -. after. aLL dtyuall is in place, but pz,ior to any taping. MASONRY: Steel Location, bond beons, gtoulirq or uerticals in aceotdotee uLth U.B.C. Section 2415. WOODST)|IE: After installation ie arnpleted. CURB & APPR2ACH APPON: After fonnse,e e;;;tAEtnio" to pourtns conctete. SfDEWALK & DRTIWAY: Eor all con- na.de and. appz,oued, i I FIPEPLACE: Ption to olaeira faeinoI I matetii; anrl befot,e f"*rifr ,:irpnl-tion. f rnuttnc: I'tust be requested aften' I approual of rough plur.bing, electni-a,L & nec?wnical. ALL roofing btacing & ehinmegs, ete. rntst beeontpleted. llo ucrk is to be con-. cealed until this inspeetton has-'"been nade anC approoed. cz,ete pauing within street right- of-teA, to be made after aLL erca- oating canplete & for+n Lsotk & sub- base naterial in place. F?itaD. gAeB PIID hthen eomplete -- PtouiCe or mottable sections through I :I l l o ALL project conditions, such as the i.nstallation of street trees, co.zpletion of the required Landscaping, etc., nntst be satisfied before the BUfLDING FLNAL ean be requested. ?INAL BUfLDING: The Einal Buildi.ng fnepeetion nuat be requeated after the Final PlunbingEleetrical, anC Meeltanical fnspections lwoe been made ard apptoued. 157 NJ2 rP t+ /oJob Ipcaticn: i"o","o,"r*# /70 eSS L//oo /c2Tat Lot # Stbdhsision: 1c/6 - bl z DEIfiLruTA]] OR :.:OW) BUILDTilCS Sani:aty seuet eaptped tt ptopertli Lire Septic totk puryed ann filled tri,th grawl Pinal - l{hen obcue itens ore ccttpleted and uhen Cq.olition i.s cornplete o! strae- tute nooed otd. pter,rLses cleanei up. Le Hcnes Plutnbing connections -- aaie? d. uater Electrtcal Ccqnection - Blocktng, set-u, and plunbing connecti.ons m;st be cpptc"*ed before requeeting eleelrical inspec!io;':, Aceessory euilCing pcrekes 1 ^L^S skirting, decks, Bloeking od. Set-up Fitnl - After etc. a?e comp Page 1 of 2*ALL \IANHCLES AND CLEAN)U?S !\UST BE ACCESSTBLE, ADJUSTTIEID TO BE MADE A? NO aCST r0 CEv D 7 ^*rro,7 an oantW*^, Nn-^4- I-t ie the tesponsibi_Lily oi-the penrtt ltoldet' to see that aLL inspectiotts ate nad,e at the prope? time, that ecch a,l4ress is realable i:r,l-t!y attee-t'. and tlnt the-permtt eatd ie Located at the froni of the propetty.*9ut1-ding. Nuicion appro"-ed pLan slrcll remain on tle Building sit; bt aLL' tiines." :t:ociDt;PE F1R. Il!.SPEcrI)N,WyES?:CALL726-3769(r.ecotder) state Aou! Citg Cesigrnted job runtber, job aCiress, type of inspee=icnP-z.quested ard uhen iiou uiLL be neady fo,r'ir'spection, Cont"actcy," o-t, a,tnets naneZnd phone nwnbet. -p.equests rec.txZa bZi*e'Z:00 ct'*'LLL be nade the sane dcy, requests mcd.e aftet, ?:00 on ttill be made the nest aoz,kiS dag. e,tner: lblurtl- * /ruur-7/l.w;,- Phone: l _l I t+gv . JoB No.8fu 4S= Zone: ^*(,SOLAR AC -SS REQ.-L-CO Bedroons: Lot faees -Ene?qy Soutees ?yoe Setbacks lleat Df House Cd.raqe Access.tlater, lleate?North East Fireplace South Woodstote bt Sq. Ptg. 7 of Lot Cooerage # of Storiee ?otal Eeight lopogtcphy LC? ?WE _ Intenior _ Corner _ Panlrzndle _ Cal-de-sac West -- Fees -- Building Volue & Permit This pennt is granted on the erpt'esa cord.ition that the said-consttactionslnll, in all respeets, conform to the hdirwnce adopted 6iy the City of Spt*ingfield, incLuding the Zoning Crdinance, regulating the ccnstnucticn cnd. use of buildings, and may be suspended or reuokeC at cnA time upon oic- Lation of mA prcuisione of said 1r,dinances, VaLue TOTAL VALUE Date Paid ITEM f tu x * N0.FEE CEARCE S.D.C. 7.5 c Building Petmit ?otal Clnrges State 15." QO (S .GC LNAfrULNO.FEE 15,@ bc ( s.bo ITEM Fiztut es Resid.enti.al (1 bath) Seuer Plunbing Perwit State Surcl"ange Net/Ectend Citcuits Setoiee Receipt #: Signed: Plumbing Perrnit No pe?eon stnll consttuet, instal!., alter ot ehange anA nel cr existing plwnbing or drainage systen in uhole or in pa.rt, unless sueh person is the Legal poseessor of a oalid pLunber,ts L'teense, eseept th.at a pbt,son ma,g do plunbing uork to property uhich is otmed, Leased or operated by the appli- cant. Electricol Permit Wet,e State Las requires t?nt the electrical uork be done by an Eleetrieal Contractor,, the electr.ical portion of thi6 permit slnll not be oali.C untilthe Label Ttas been signed bg the Electuical Cont!,actor. * Wcodstotse i secari Perwtt *sbeut Sida,talk ?otal Total Mechonicol Permit PermLt Issuartee Meelwnieal Pernrit -- ENCROACHMEN? -. L PLant Esaninet,Date f HAW CAREFULLY EXA]4fNED the eompleted appli.cation for permit, and do hereby certify that aLL information het,eon is trae and. correet, anC f futtket eertify that any ard. aLL uork perfotned slnll be done tt aceor- dance ,"ytth the 1rdinances of the City of Springfield, and. the Las of the State of Oregon pez,taining to the uotk Cescribed herein, end tVnt NO OCCU- PANCY uiLL be rmd,e of any structure uithout pernission of the Building Di.-oision. I further eertify that only contractors and enplcgees uho arb in eonplianee dith )RS 701.0ss uiLL be used on this projeet ftts Btnt"rega !,lobile Hone / NC tLa CllARCE iWnaee BTU'S bhanst HooC Vent Eat agbqi; QS.OO 'i,OTAL AMOUNT DUE: *56-Zo Signed