HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1990-01-10t,4..RESIDRNTIAL.. I/PERMIT SPHINGFIELD APPLICAT 225 North |th Stteet Springfield" )tegon 97477 BuiLding Diuisio.n 7 26-37 53 Job Iocation:\ Tar Lat llAeseeaors Map #\ Subdiuision: Otmer \t\Phone:Address ICity: ui&L mrl Descrtbe h'ot'k: Date of Appli.ca t-t Neu Ln VaLue eddition RemoCeL tr Hi,1-03n,RO&ffiGeneral rtPlumbi ( L I4echanica ElecErical \ Elec tr: ic ianStretrv DEMOLIT. Satritorg aaset capped at ProPettq Lire Septic totk pmped ail filled vith gra;tel Final - l{hen abooe itens axe ccnpleted and uhen danolition is cattplete o? strue- ture mooed ord. pnenrlses cleaneC up. Hcnes Page 1 of 2 n- Date: rt ia the reeponaibility of tlo permit lollez, to aee that all inopec_tiona ee nade at tlw popcr tine, that uch c.ddreae ia reacabie fron the etneZt, and thLt the pdrmit oatd ie Located St .th.e froll of ,the.Propett!iauildirg NoicTon appro"*ed pl.an sltall remain on tlu Building Site at aLL times. 26-3769 (recordet) state your City designated job nunber,job aCdz'ess' tYPe Requeets ?ecelxed' of inspecti.cn inspection, Cont"actors or Atmere nctne and plane numbet.befcre 7:00 d:t afte.t ?:00 on vYLLL be rrude the nett lnrking dag. Iour City Deeigtated Job Nutnber fs: PR1CEDUPE FoR INSPECTION R|QUEST;CALL 7 ;esu;;t;A-arAEen you uiLL be ready for *-iLL be made the sane dcg, r'eqtests nade SITE INSPECTION: eacarratTon,Tut forme FII?EPLACE: ^dt;i;G EITIAL PLUMBING FINAL MECHANICAL FINAL ELEC?RICAL DRYILALL INSPECAI)N: Ic be trade iftet-ffi@T;s in place, but prior to any taPing- I,IASINRY: Steel Location, bond. 66d{igroutirq or oertieals in accord@rce tith U.B,C. Section 241 5. Io be rmde aften pri,or to eet uP of INSI\LATION /VAPOR BARRIER ITISPECTION : Io be nnCe after aLL insulaticn atd required oapor bawie?a are in place bui belore any Lath, gyPsun board or tnLL cooering is applied, and. before oty insulation is concealed. UNDERSLAB PLUMBING. ELECTRICAL & MECHr'-NICAL: To be made before anY ffiE-ii-iooet ed, POOTING E FOUNDATICN: To be NNdE;fretTffies at'e &cauated attd fonns are erected, but Priot to pouring ccncrete. UN\1RGROUN) PLyMBINGT SE\FR, W.ATE{. DRAIilAGE: To be nade PrLor xo I1,L- T@-trenchee, I\I\DERFLOOR PLUMBING 8 MECHANICAL:of floor insulation or decking. POST AND BEAM: To be made Prior to TiaifrTatltrof floor insulation or decking. ROUCH PLU\LBIIIG. ELECTRICAL & MECH= VNrcAu No t oTi6 to be cooered ffi|Tth.se inspectione haoe been nade and apptoued. h,ior to Plccirq and before franing VOODSTOVE: 6mpT;TA. IENCE: gatee P. U. E. CURB & APPRCACH APPQN: After forms axe erecteAETfrA to pouring After inetalTntion ie lO 5\ Blocking otd Set-uP connecti.ons -- sanee otd ualer Connection - Blocking,set-up tbe apprct;ed inspeetiott Aceeesory Building After pcrches, akirting, decks, 1<are conpleted cottcrete. SIDEWALK & DRIVEWAY: For aLL con- - TGteiaoing ui.thin stneet right- of-t"cy-, to be made after aLL ecca- oating canplete & forn wt'k & sub- base naterial in Place.Iaclng inepec- tion. FRAHING: ttust be nequeated after appiooal of tough plwrbing' electri- cal, & meclwnieal. ALL roofing bracing & chirmeys, etc. rmtst be conpleted. No wrk ie to be con- aecTed until thia inapeetion lae 'been made and approoed. h4ten conPlete -- Ptouide or mouable sections through ALL pnoject conditions, such aa the i.netal_Lation of street t"ee_!,- conpletion-of tie ,.qu'inla-ina"ciping, Ltu., ,*ret be eatisfiid before the BUILDING EINAL can be requested' ?INAL BUILDING: The Final Buildittg Inapection mst be requeated after the Pitnl Plunbing E L "; ; tr;;;l;-'and ueelanical Ins pe ctTons'haue b e en nade and app,oo ed' *ALL MANHCLES AND CLEANOTJ?S IIUST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUS?ITENI TO BE MADE AT NO COST TO CIIY I 1 Dj31 tr T LAR ACCESS REQ.- Occ'upancy Grou,.Zone:Type/Const BeCroomqr L-co d Lot Faces - Setbacks lleat P,L House Carage Access. North East South woodsioue West Iat Sq. Ftg. % cf Lot Ccuenage LCT TYPE _ fnteriot, _ Co?ner _ Panhandle CUL-de-sac # of Stories total Height ?opography -- Fees -- Building Vqlue & Permit This perwit is granted on the er?ress cond.ition tlnt the eaid-construction slwll., in all r,"espects, eonforrnio the ordinance ed,opted tiy the City of Springfield, inctuding the Soning Crdinance, tegulatirtg the ccnstmcticn qnd use of buildi.ngs, and mty be suspended or reookeC at cny tine upon uic- lation of any prco'tsions of aaid ordinances, Building PetwLt Total Clanges ITEM F?C x Value State S.D.C. 1.5 t ?OTAL VALUE uc Date Paid: Signed: Receipt ll: No person shall construct, install, alter ot clnnge GnA netn cn ezisting plutnbing on dtainage syeten in uhole or in part, unless sueh peneon is the legal poseessot, of a ualid plunberts License, ercept that a Pe"aon may do plunbing uoz,k to property uhich is otmed, Leased or openated by the appli-- cant. PlumbCHARGE ^a' Sani Seuet NEM Ei.ctztt'es Resid.ential (1 bath) Plwnbing Penrit State 1 ng PermitI Electricol Permit Were State Lau requires that the eleett'ical uork be done by an Electrical Conttaetor, the electrical pottion of this permit elnlL not be oaliC until the Label lras been sigaed by the Electrical Contraetot'. C) ^fl?otal Na,t/Erterd. Circuits Set'uice Exhanst Eood. -- ENCROACITUENT -- INM NC.F9E CIIARCE State Mechqnicol Permit Ucodstoue PermLt fssuanee Meclnnical Pennt Sean'itv Deoosit Storlge bldintenance Permit CVbcut Sideualk .qence Electrical label aobfie,Hane,a\s4q.97,-5,"/1's,rs PLan Eraniner DaLe f HAW CAREFULLy \XAI|INED the cotnpleted application for pertnit, and do hez,eby cet,tify that aLL infornation hereon is ttae and. eonrect' ord f fut'tker cet,tify that any ard aLL uonk perfotned slnll be done in accor- ilance tith the 2tdinances of the city of Spr"ingfield, and the Laae of the* State of 0regcn pertaining to the wrk deecribcd herein, cnd tlnt NO ocCU- PANCY tlill bb naCe of ang- stt'uctute uithout perniesion of the Building N' uision, I further certtfy that only eontractol'l and anplcyeee uho are in conpl;-ance uith ORS 701,055 uiLL be uaed on thia proiect \a I L OTAL AI,IOUIIT DUE: A /+s > JOB NO. llcten Vent Fot ?otal (laroc-s h L