HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1990-08-20<ll.. RESIDFNTIAL.. APPLICATi /PERMrt 225 Nonth |th Street Springfield' 1r'egon 97477 Buildtng Diuision 7 26-37 53 SPTTINGFIEI.D F Date: t It io the reeponaibility of tte pexmit holden to aee that aLL inapec-tions are nade at the p?oper tine' thdt eech address ia neaCabie fron the atnebt, and that the peinrtt oatd is Located at -t-hs. fro\l of .the-propenty.iSuitdirg D.Juicion approv,etl pl.an dfu:ll reta.in on the Building Sitc at aLL tines. qROTTDUN OOn flSpec*roil ngQuesricaluT26-3769 (t'econdet) etate your ctty designa-ted iob nunbet" iob acirese, type requested and ahen Ao;-;lTT"i;n"ady for inepection, Contrlactons o"n Aumers- nane -an-d plone nwnbct. P.equests recei,'ed ;^iit be nnde the sdte dcy, requests-mcde aftet ?:00 an viLL be made the nctt:,nrking day. of inspecli,ctr befcre 7:00 c:t SI?E TNSPEC?ION: e4;arr;ir-;;;AG forns FI!?EPLACE:;;t;iAC CURB 8 APPROACH APPON: ate erecteC but Prior After fonnsto pouring UNDERSLAB PLUMBING. ELEC?RICAL & MECH+IIIICAI: To be made before anY GF-i-iaZvered. POOTINC & FOUNDATICN: ?o be nsde ;ftetd;ffis ate eicauated and forns are erected, but prtot to pouring ccncreta. UNDSRCROU!]D PLU\NINC. SS'{ER, W.4TER' - Tf,$-66nchee. UilDERFLO)R PLUttBil'lG & MECltANrclL:ot floor ineulation on decking. POST AND BEAM: ?o be nade Priot to Tiidttdiffiof floot insulation or deeking. ffit;rese inspections haue been nade aru| approued. concrete. SIDEWALX E DRIVWAY: For all con-.t;t" wrrfr ,rttffi atreet right- of-rny, to be made after aLL exoa' oating conplete & fora utork I sub- base naterial in Place. To be rrude after prior tc set up of IilSALATION /VAPOR BARRIER IIISPECTION : requ'Jred oapor batu'iers are in place bui before any lath, gypsun boat4 or tnll couering is applied' and before ory inaulation is concealed. Iour Citg Desigr,ated Job Nunbet' fa: DRYHALL INSPECII)N: To be nadeifte"TTl@lfte in place, but prior to cny taPing, MASINRI: Steel location, bond ffiig"outi,ng or uet:ti,cals in accordattee ttith A.B.C. Section 2415. VOODSTOVE: ccnp6tA. After installation isT Priot, to plact,rg and befot'e fratning facing inspec- tion. !EUIN!: ltust be nequeated aftet approoal of rough plwrbi.ng, electri- caL & neclanical. ALt roofittg bnacing E chirmcys, ete. mtet be completed. No ulcrk ie to be con- ,cecled unti,L this inspection lae 'been nnde anC appnotted. FITIAL PLUMBING TINAL MECIIANICAL PINAL ELECARICAL IENCE: Vhen conPlete -- ProoiCejdGi or mottable secttona thnough P.U.E. ALL project conditions, such as the i.nstallation of sireet trees, conpletion-of the ,,nqui.nnld Undsiipi.ng,1tu., mtst be aatisfied befoie the BUILDIT'IG PINAL can be requested. FINAL BUILDINC: The Final Build.ing fnepection mtet be requected aftet' the Final Plunbing \J Electrical, od. Meclanical Inspectiono lana been nade atd app*ooed' Job Loeaticn: talotfl @Aesessors Map I a S-ubdittision: oA.mer: Phone:Address: 4r, €raYrce b fl/zarz, /a.arE Descrlbe hlot'k: Date of TI Neu N\X Addition RemoCel *?e value Ceneral l.lechanica Plurnbi ET a SuDentett;;/r clilnIilec E r DEI.IOLI?IOII OR Sanilaty aer;et capped et property Ltne Septic tank punped ant filled uith gra;tel Fi.nat - I{hen aboue if,ens are canpleted and uhen Cenolition ia canplete ot' stru3- ture nooed atd prenrisee cleaneC up. e Blocking otd Set-uP Ptumbing connectiona -- 8.1iet atd ua*er Electrical Ccanection - Blocking, eet-uV and plwnbinq connectione mtet be apprcted before reqieting eleclrtcal inspeclion Acceesorg BuiLC:"ng Pinat - After pcrchee, skirting, decks, etc. ane cotnpleted. Pelte 1 of 2 w ,AT,L I,IAMrcT,ES AND CLEANOUTS IIU!:T RE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUSTIIEIII TO t'E TITDI AT NO COST TO CI?Y &z l JOD NO,SOLAR ACCESS REQ.- Gr L-CO S Bedroons. Lot Fdces -naInt Sq. Ftg. z cf Lot Cotterage _ ! ol Stortes Total Height INT TYPE _ Intericr _ Corner _ Panharulle CuL-de-sac !leat P. L.Itouse Access Lacc th tote TopographY -- Fees -- ITEI'I FTG x Va Building Vqlue & Permit This permit ic granted on the ecf)Pess cond-i.tion that the, lli!.-c-o1structio'iiott', in all rZspccts, conform'to the Ordinance adopteJ by Lhe City 2f iwiibfi,"ti, inct.lding'ti" 2oil."g crdinalt-e, regulct'i.ng .the clytnt:\:"':.,^ i"a ""oZ of Luilding$,- and may le euspended or reuokec at cny ti'me upon DLc- lation of atty prcoiaiono of said ordittances' l',ain TOTAI, VALUE S.D.C. 1.5 d { Duilding Permit PLan Date Paid: State Total Clargea Sigted: N0,Dtl CHARGE Plumbing Permit No peraon shall construct, insl;allr- a'!'ter or clange -cny neD.cP existing ;1,;irA or drainage ,git"" in ahoie o,r. in part, unlees such person is bhe 'tlg"; w"iurron o7" o iZlti ptr^Lnr's Lic.ensle, e,:ePt tt*t ,o ,p?:"1n nav do pliil;ii ,irk to propnrlg-intin is ouned, Leased or operated by the appli- cartt. Ftbtwee Residential (1 bath) Sewer Plunbing Pernit State Swcharge 1 Electricol Permit Vhet,e State La,t requires tt'.at the electt'ical uork be done by an Electrical Ciitr"-"lir, iin ni"trli"al pirtton of thie ,permi.t shall not be oaliC untit the Label'haa been aigned by the Electrical contractor' CNARCEFt't a.G q- a Mechqnicol Permit Neu/Ertend Citcuits Seroice State Total Erhanat ilood l,lcodsLote Vent F@t Pendt rsauanea Mechanical Permit -- ENCROACHMENT -- Sec.tnita Deposit Storage Maintenance Pormit C-urbr:ut Sida,taLk Fettce Etectrical talel Mobile Hone f HAVE CAREFULLy EXAI4INED S'112 ssnpleted application fo-r permit' and dc ;":;;;; Zi)lt7y-in"i-all- irtfo:,natibn hereoi ie true and correct' and r 'i"-n7lZn- "'untliiy that ,ny oi aLL uork pe-nfotned alall be dote in acsor- i;;;;;\i,- ih'"" odiin n "o"- o7 ihn cita .'of.-triii!"ffl:"XZr?,y ":,1" ,ffl n'of o!r2?,-stiTi if oregon pentaining to tho r'tork Ctact pLNcy uitl be nnde o1 oi,y" "trul,iire uithout permission of the Buildtng D:-' uision. I funthor certify that otly eon-tlac'torl and enplcyees ul:o are tt; Zipl,il".riitt ons ?01.'0"5s wiLL be-used on thia proiect ?otal Date r)rAL AM)Uilr DUE:' t- s a - 9) - Recaipt ll: l,Ja*on Fwrntea FTIItS 4 .{ Receipt I.. RESIDF'ITIAL.. APP LI C AT Iw,' / PERl,lI T 225 Nov,th |th Street Springfield' Oregon 97477 Building Diuision 7 26-37 53 General P lurnb i l.lechanic ecErisa SP,lI'vGFIELD {'/ /7gG/ Dd.te: tt ie the responsibility of the pernrit ho?.der to see that aLL incpections ote nade at the p?o?er tine' that each cdlress is neadabie fnom the st?e'et, anl that the penrit caTd ie Located qt.t_h-e- f?ont of .the--property.-tBuildiry Diuicion appz.oxed plan slcll remain on the Building Sttc at aLL timee. pRocgDU!?E Fon INSpEcrIlil RIQUESTiCAUU 726-3769(record.ez,) state your City designt-ted iob run:ber', iob aCdress, type.of inspeclicn "ad'yfot,inspection,Contractol,soio,n","-,*,,eLndphonerulttbet'.P.equestsreceit;edbefcte7:00an*^iil be nade the sdne dcy, "equests made aftet 7:00 on rvLll be nade the ncxt :,nrking day. rour city Desigttzted Job Nunber ,", ? m 1 S: 5 SIIE INSPECTION: ?o be tnade after er;au;non,-but prtar tc set up of fonne. UNDERSLAB PLUMBINC. ELECTRICAL & MECH+I\ICAL: To be made before anY ffiF-lii)rsoted. FCO?ING 4 F)UNDATICN: Io be maCe INSULATTON/VAPOR BARRIER ITISPEC?ION : requir.ed oapor baw'iers ave in place but befone ory Lath, gVPsurn baarC or tnLL cooering is applied, and before oty insulation is concealed, DRYWALL INSPECIION: Ic be made ;F*7V-finuaTTis in place, but prior to any taPing. MASONRY: Steel Locatton, bond 6Zfrilgrouting or uerticals in accopd@tce Llith U.B.c. Section 2415, tr UNDERCPOUIID PLUMSINC, SgilER,'IATER, Danti4cg; io be naCe prton to fil-Ti$-iiirchee. UNDEPFLOOR PLUI.ETNG & I|ECHANICAL: o7 floot, insulction or decking. PlST AND BEAM: To be nade Prtor to aftet trenches a?e eccaoa ted and forms ate erected, but prior to pouning ccncrete. FIPEPLACE: nct;;l;G WOODSTOYE: ccnpT;TA. After installation is Tistallaticn of floot,insulation ot' deeking. ROUCII PLU|IBII]C, EI,ECYRICAL & IiECHA ANICAL: No uotk i.s to be co,-ered ffiiTthese inspectioris haue been made and. approued.. h-tor to plccirg fccing and before froning inspee- tion. rullc: ttust be requested after approval of rough plutrbing, electti- cal & neelnnicaL. AIL roofing braeing & chinmeys, ete. mast be . cornpleted. lto uctk is to be con- , cecled until thi,s inspection las 'been nade anC approoed. FINAL PLUI4BIIIG FIIIAL I4ECHAI\IICAL FINAL ELECTRICAL CURB & APPRU\CILE!9N: After forns,x" er*telErnii tu pcuring conerete. SLDEIIALK & DRIIIEI'IAY: Eot' all eon- ;""t "nA@;ltil; stre et nisht- of-tey, to be nade after aLL erca- oating canplete & forn tsot'k & sub- base naterLal in Plaee. IENCE: h4ten conPlete -- ProuiCe jdles or mortable seetians thtough P, U. E. ALL project conditions, suck as the i.nstallation of stl,eet tree_s, conpletion-of the n"q"7"L"a-iind"."pirg, ctc,, rmtst be satisfied befoTe the BUILDINC FINAL can be requested. ilNAL BUILDIN7: The Final Building Inapection mtat be requested afte* the linal Plwnbing Eleetrical, anC Meclnrical fnspections haDo been nade atd approued' 7 2Job Locaticn:# Tas lot #\3nlAssessors MCP # Sttbdiuision: Ph,one:Address: 4Aile": '.)7 S/rzta'&a ill)E %,4, Descri.be h'ork: ,nl* ,7zip ValueDate of APp Licaticn L Ci .q.dditicn rac tor Elec tr clanSrrpe DETIOLITIOII OR Sani'-aty seter capped at property Lire ,r*. r..,,rliilit L|l;rt'dr.,r,,rl i.', j 1,1., "Septic tutk p:tnped and filled ttth gra;sel Final - l{hen abctte itens a.re conpleted and uhen Cenolition is complete or st!'Lic- tuz,e noueC and pretrises cleaneC up. e Hcnes Blocking od, Set-up Plwnbing eonnections -- sater atd. uater Ccmnection - Bloeking, set-up , skirting, decks, truseonnections be apprcu*edpLunbing LLeclricaeting inspectionrequea Accessot; BuilC;lng Fital - After pcrehes etc. ane conPleted. Page 1 of 2:l |AT.I, ILANIIC\,ES AND CLDANOUTS IIUST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUSTIIETIT TO BE I,IADE A? IlO CCST TO CIIY r , a JOB NO soLAR ACCESS REQ.-L-CO G+ th t P, L.ftouse [at Faces -LOT TYPE _ fnterior _ CoPner _ Panlandle CuL-de-sac ValueITEMY Iot Sq. Ftg. % of Lct Couerage ! of Stortes Total P,eight Topogrcplty I'btx- /.Az,r'tE I -/ 5.rc-crlpt.c,e.- /5i Carport Accessory TOTAL VALUE s.D.c. 1.5 x ./o 5 oo 5.2{ Z{ CHARGENO,T LLI?EM Fiztutes Residenti,al (1 bath) Sanitary Seuer Weter /5*l,/4 C"r*n)r; ,/J CHARCE /t NO ctEI?EM 1OLAL urur'ale6 Res. Sa. ftq Nan/Ettend Cit'cuits faipora"A Setttice l',t /5"1),1,/ /l l-rrn tt,,?-77c- ,7J NC * Mechqnicql Permit 7r CIIARCE bha.tat Hood llcodstooe Vent Ftt Permit Issuanee Mechanical Permtt -- ENCROACHMENT -- Sec,u.ity Deposit Storage l,laintenance Pcmit Cwrbcu! Sida,taLk !ence ELectricaL tabel Mobile Hane Bedroans !!eat PLan Date Paid: Receipt ll: Signed: Lace tove -- Fees -- * Building V<llue & Permit This penmt is granted on the express condition tlwt the said consttwction slull', in att rZspecti,- eonform'to the ordinance 1dop.ted 6y the Ci'ty o.f springlield, inctud.lng- the 1oning crdinance, regulctittg the ccnsttucticn irra ""2 of 'buildings,'and may be suspend.ed or reuokeC at cny time upon uic- Lation of any pncoisions of said 2rdir,ances. Building Permit State Total Cla"ges Plunbing Pemit State Surcl,an'ge Plumbing Permit No person shall construct, install,,- altet ot' change -any neo-c? existi.ng ptwntlng or drainage sAsten in uhole o-r in patt, unless such person is the iegal {osses"o, o7"o oLlid pl*rbnt"s Lic-ens-b' cept that a pe"son 'ou 40.pti^t&g uork to pt'operty iti"t, i" ooned, Leaaed or operated by the appli- cant. Electricol Permit whete state Las requires th.at the elect?ical uork be done by -an Electtical Conttaetor, the el)etuical portion of this permit stall not be oaliC until the Label lns been signed by the Electrical Cont?actot:' Strte TotaL DqtePLan Eronlner I HAW CAREFULL( ELANINED the conpleted application fo_r permit, and do ini"ti Lirti.fa that aLL ittfo:mation hereoi ie true and correct, an'C I ,ilrnli"nn .lerti?a that any ard aLL utork perfor-ned alnll be done in aecor- E)Li-*itn thZ'Ordinanebe of the Ci.tg of Springfield, and the Lans of the *,"1Lif 1regon pertaining to the uotk Cescribed herein, cnd tlnt NO OCCU- anicy ,ii iL *7n of any structune uithout permisaion of the Building D.i- oision. I further certifii thet only con_tractors at;d ezplcyeea Dtlo ale f.it earpliance uith CRS ?01.OSS uiLL be used on this proiect 7- z> T)TAL AI.IOUUT DUE: I /41,7s X Attu -?z Z,7.2) F\lrnana PTll'S State Surcharae Tota1- Charoes