HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1991-02-19"1ob Locaticn: Aocesoors lhp i la Iat il + A^men: Addreas:Phow: Deecribe l,lotk:n ileD 5ldditicn RenoJ.eL Date of s t{,Q, \'Value tt.. RESI^5NTIAL.. C1MBINAII)N,. - LICAT I1N /PEPJ:,|IY 225 Notth |th Stteet SpringfteH, 2regon 97477 Build'tng Dioieion 7 26-37 53 SPRINGFIETD Date: Cont?dctota Addtees Lisq. il Expiree Phone cenerat \(qfi )*innekH 5\\\ YD{Stt"tr15D Ar)h PLmbing I ( L i,techar.iceL Supervi s i nq' El ectrician It is tha respaaoibility of the permit tolder to aee tlut aLL inapections are nod,e at tle propet tine, bhat ecch cddtesa ia rea:ia51.e frut thc atreet, and, tllo,t tha penrit card ie Located at the front of tlu ptopetW,tBuiUing Nuicion apptot;ed phn slnll retain on tlv Butding Stte at aLL- tinea. job aldrees, Lype P.eq:rreta racei.'ed PNOCSDUI?E FON INSPECATON RIQUES]T: CALLT @eadvfotuiLL ba nade the eane dcg, tequeoto nde A,nera nane and plone tha ncst &rking day. nwbcn. 26-t769 becoillet) atate your city deeigtrated iob rutnber, inepoctiotr, Conttaatoto oraft* 7:00 on vill be rude \)%{rcIour City Deei,gluted Job NunbeJ" Io: Reouirqd lnsnaeticns of inspecticn be1'cre 7:00 ca IN9ENLAB PWt'tEINc. ELE$ MECIIAIIICAL: To be tmde before oq r'tork is aouenad. FC1TWG t F1ANDATICN: To be m.d,eafliiEffizcaoated atd forma are ereoted, but prior to Wuriry ccnctetc. ut D,RG p.1ur D PLUM9J!9--?WE!. r,t.tT !3)n Ltrq trenchea. UIIDEPFWOR PLUI,1BIjI.IG I TIECIIANICAL:@of floor ineubtioa or decking, P0$r-A!!,-D!!M: To be rade priot to i."std.:a.LWof floor insulation or decking. Lo!c.!!-P LU: : I I rc, e LE C'r n ! C7nrcar,ffi G€lTthose inspections haue been nade and, apptoue!,. FIPEPLACE: &,rtor to ptccirq fccittgncteriale and before frodng inepec- tion. .rRAYINC: t'tust be requected, afien approval of. rough plwbing, electrt- cal I neclani,cal. ALI toofittg bracitq ! ohi.tnn6ye, etc. nraet be conplatod. tlo uonk ie to be can- ceeled until thio inapecticn laa been nade aC apprcued,. INSULATION/VAPOR BARRIER I1ISPSCTION : To be tmda after aLL insulaticn cd, rcquircd vqot bcrietd @e in place but before ory Lath' Wpsun boatC or ULL ooering i,e applied, ard before ory inaulation ie concealed, DRY\LALL IIISPECIIIN: Tc be tmd.e;fturutrA, ia in place, but pt'ior to cny taping. lUS)llRI: Steel Location, bottd @grputing ot oerticals in accordatce utth U,B,C. Section lII.e-JlsPEerloN:e.Zca[ation, but forma. FIIIAL PLAASIilC FINAL AESNANICAL FINAL EECTRICAL To be tmda after prian tc set up of 2415. HOODSTOTIE: @t-tea. ?ENCE: gates P.U. E. After irctallation is CURB & APPRCACIT APP.ON: Aftet forns are eiected but priot to pottt'ing cotEtete. SIDI\IALK & DRIVEIIAI: Fon aLL con- crete paing vithin ettdot t'ight- of-txy, to be ru.Ce after aLL exca- uating canplete & forn wnk & sub- fuse npterial in plaee. L4ter conplate -- ProuiCe on nouable aections through _.: ALL pnojeat conditiona, such ae the inetallatlon of etreet treea, corylltion-of ;ne requircd landsccping, eta., nilBt be eatiefiad bofone tl,o BUILDI;;6 FfilAL:an le raqueatad. ?IN1L BUILDINC: The Finat Buiding Iaapection naet ba requeateC aller Jhe Pinsl ?Lmbirlg Electrical, and llechanical Inepectiono luua been nade atd apptoved.o .ALL I,IANHCLES AND CLEANCUTS TIUS? BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUSTNENT TO BE I,L4DE AT NO COST IO CIIY tlnr\ 7 ,,ourr" r^u DETOLITIOI OR YOIA' SUIL::;ICS fl l Sod:aa aaxt cal;gei =t p,_opettg l.ine Septie tork p:.irrped an: filied ith gnaztel linal - ,tlthen cbcue iieas ote caqleted ozd uhen Cqlciition ia conplcta or at"uc- htre noued ar.C prarLaas cleanei up. Mobile llcnea and sat-tp connecticne -- oa,)er d. uaaer skitting, decks, etc. Acceesory Building F;;e 1 of 2 l I l tr I tltltltl tr Jcb Nwbcr: Lot Sq. Ftg. 7 of lot Couenaga. IN? TYPE _ fntertor Iat Facee - L,Houee # of Stortea Total Height Topogruphy Cornet Panlwndle CUL-de-aac Lace t ITEM F?G x Value Building Volue & Permit Thia permtt ia granted on the esPress and-ition tlat tl9 aaid conatmtction' elull', in all rZepecte, confonn 7o the 1tditunce ailopted \y tne city o-f Spyt|tgfield, inctuding the -Zoning Cvditutrce, regalating the conettwcticn ,;rd *Z of -bui.tdings,- and nay be- eueperded or reooked at @tg tine upon uio- lati.on of any prcuisione of eaid Ordinances. TOTAL VALUE s. D. C.7.5 x t Butlding Pemit State Date Paid: Receipt il: Iotal Clangea * ITEM NO.FEE Plumbing Permit No pereon ahall conatmtct, inetall, alter or clunge-any nett-cr eriating phiAiilg or dtainage ayetqn in utote on in part, unleee auch pereon ie the i"iit {o"""t"oo of o vlatid pl*,bet'e lic-enie, eloePt tlwt a P?ra?! "ag 40^pthtiitg oork to prope*y itvi"h ie ottned, leaeed oi oPerated by the appli- odnt. Flirtul,ee Reeilential (1 bath) Sani Seuen Plunbtng Perq:it State I Electricol Permit ta Where State La requires tlwt the electrical uork be done by an Electrical Contractor t the electrtcal portion of thie per'mit alull not be oalid until by the Electrical ConttactoP.Seroice the label lae been ?otal * NC.FSE Mechonicol Permit, Edranst Hood Vent Fot Hcodetotte Permit fsau@we Meclwnieal Pendt * -. ENCROACHMENT -- Ftan toatntAi Pcrnit I HAW CARE?ULLy EXAMINED tle cornpleted appltcation fon penrtt, od do heteby certify tlnt aLL infontatibn heteoi ie tmte and' conrect, atld f furth-er eertify that atty ard aLL uotk penfonned alal-L be done in accot''dance tLth th'e- 1tdinanc-ee of the citg bf sprtWfield" and the Ia,te of the* State of Otegon pertaining to the ttork CeecrLbed henein, and tlat N0 OCCU' plncy oitt bz ,,aile of ang etruoture uttlout pernieeion of the Building Di- tiaion. I further cbnti-fg that otly contaactot| and .mplcyeeo uho are in . cattpliaroe -uith ons 701.0ss uiLL be used on thie ptoiect Ta Arbcut sideualk llsne *TOIAL AMOUNT DUE: ^ Date tlate? Total Charaes EF- I i CITY OF OREGOTV SI"IINGF'EL() BLBCTRICAL PERHIT APPLICATION225 FIrr;E SITBBf, sPRrNcPrBrD, ORBGON 97477 IIISPBCTT0I{ RB0IIBSI: 726-3769 OPPICE: 726-1759 1 OF qrme 3 A City Job l{unber COHPI,ETB TBE SCBEDT'I^B BELOS New Residentlal-Single or Multi-Family per dvelllng unlt. Service Included:ftems Cost 1500 sq.ft. or less Each additlonal 500 sg. ft or portlon thereof Each Manuf,d Home or - $ 95.00 $ 15.00 Hodular Dve1llng Servlce or Feeder Sum $ 35.00 _3S Address Clty Phone Supervlsor License Number Expiration Date Constr Contr. Number Explratlon Date Slgnature of Supervlslng Blectrlcian Servlces or Feeders (10 Branch Circuits included). Installation, Alteratlons or Relocation: B C. Temporary Services or FeedersInstallatlon, Alteratlon or Relocatlon 100 amps or less 101 amps to 400 amps -401 amps to 600 amps -601 amps to 1000 amps- over 1000 amps/volts -Reconnect 0nly 200 amps or less $ 201 amps to 400 amps - $over 401 to 600 amps - $0ver 600 amps or 1000 volts s 00 00 00 00 00 00 $ 35. $ 60. $ e0. $130 $3oo $3s $ $ $ $ 00 35 40 BO 00 00 35. 50 36 36 00 00 00 00 c1 Phone OITNER INSTALIATION The installatlon is belng.made onproperty I own vhlch is not intendedfor sale, lease or rent.Pump or irrigation Slgn/Outline Lighting- Signal Circult or llmited energy panel ee trBtr aEEF $ 36.00 D. Branch Clrcults New, Alteratlon or Extenslon per panel One Circuit Two to ten Clrcults Each Addtrl ten orportion thereof $ 1s.00 Miscellaneous (Servlce/feeder not lncluded) -Each installation Ovners Name Address ) a-\Lrlol B. STIBTOTAL OT ABOVB 5Z State Surcharge TOTAL RECEIVBD r 5 .0 Permlts are non-transferable and explrelf vork ls not started wlthin 180 daysof lssuance or if vork ls suspended for 180 days. 2. COIITRACTOR INSTALIJTTION ONLY Electrical Contractor / -{f7 Ia J/ G ( \ o,q 4 \ I 1 \ /f' T 7o .- L- I \ \ \ \ t._-