HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1988-11-302zs No,th stlt s;treeAPPLrcATr, ' PERI'lrr Springfield, )regon 97477 Building Diuision 7 26-37 53 " RESIDEI'1TlAL"SPFIINGFTELD tsolv ed: tlt 1o-A c)Date: ll (>r// ehone, J 76 -, zip:City DescrLbe llork Date of Applieation GeneraL fl NP-,n ll L ? value ,tdditian fil # Ia.r Lot ll Job Locaticn: Subdixision: Assessore Map # 0,mev, Addt,ess .k/{. n nl-ry t4echanicaL DEI-IOLTTIA!'! OR :,:O Di,ir n r:Ia( Sanitoty seser eapped at property Line Septio tank p';-ped and' tilled with gra;;el Fi,nal - tfiten abcue itens are ccmpleted and uhen Cenolition is complete or st?1^3- ture noueC an^d preniaes eLeaneC up. tlobile Hcnes Plunbing connections -- sa)er anC uater Ccnneetion - Bloeking' set-ua and plwnbing connections mist beforc requestirtg el,eclrical pct ckes, skirting, decks' 1^L^S 'ULocking and Seb-up ,bb apprcued inspec!iot AccescorA Buildtng L - After o.!e comp P:'t,-:e 1 Of 2 P It is the responsibility o! tle pernrtt loller to see that aLL inspec^tions ate nade at the propet time, that each ad'dtese is realabie from the striet, and thh.t ine peinrit estd i.g Located "t .th-q front of the -property.ibiitZi"s- riiiiLri approxed plbn sltall penain on the Building sitc at aLL ti-mes- pt?ocgDupE,Fon tlspEctrolt,E-E=}4EST;CALL 726-3769(r,ecordet,) state yout, city cesigrnted iob nw;'tber', job aCitess, type of inspeeti'cn requested and. uhen Aou uiL L be read! Jor t nspection, Cont-r_actor"- o"r- Arn"r"" r*nn "and phoie nunbet. P,equests receii;ed befcre 7 :00 cl ;.tiil be nlade the sdne ila!, r,equests-iade afier ?:00 on uiLL be made the neat aorkirq day' Iour City Desigr"ated Job Nutnbet' Iu gg I A G1 Consttttcl:ion Lender SITE INSPECTION, ercauation, but forms. To be nade after pt ior tc set up of UNDERSLAB PLUMBINC, ELECTRICAL & LIECHL\IICAL: To be made before ang 6ot k7i-iuet,ed. FOOTING ,C FOUNDATICN: ?O bE INACE af t er-TiZrrctii' anTZrc au at e d and forns ate etected, but prior to pourir,g ccncrete. UNDXRCPOU!]D PLUMDING, SEWEP, II,4TER' DRAIilAGE: To be na.d.e pr'ior to ILL- TiQ-liinches. of POST AND BEAM: ?o be nade Priot to 7i6tiTTfrl6{of floot' insulation ot decking, ROUcil PLAIIBUIC. ETECTRI?AL & \IECH; ANTCAL: No aork is lo be cou"ered. GiiTth.se inspections tntte- been made and approued., EfP.EPLACE: Prtor to plccir4 facittg mat""i-;G and befone froning inspee- tion. FRAI'IINC: Itust be requested aftet' approt:Ct of rough plur,bing' .electt'i-cal & meehanical. AIL roofing bracing E chinncys, ete. mtst be completed, Ilo ucrk is to be con- eecled until thi.s inspection has 'been made anC approued. DRY\IALL INSPICTION: Tc be nade Tner-atT'$witTts in place, but. prior to anY taPing. MAS1NRI: SteeL Location, bond 6Zffilgrouting or tterticcls in accordance uith IJ.B.C. Section 24L5. I,'n 'ION: To be made aLL insu 'barriers at'e in Pl,ace Lath, gypswn boarC or is applied, and before is concealed. WOODS IOVF,': cc@;m. After installabion l.s lp c; cuRB & APP!Q!!!!P:?pN:After .fonnspourl,ngate et'ect;A 6ui pt'ior to con:r,ete. ntil^D. aaa required oapor but before any tnLL couering oty insulation I D IIIIDEPFI,OOR PLUTIBING & MECI{ANICAL, floor insulction or decking. SIDE IALK & DRIYEIIAI: For aLL con- cr.et;nat frAfrln stneet right- of-mA-, to be naCe after aLL erca- oatin(t complete & fora usork & cub- base'rnaterial in Place. 5 \ h4ten conPlete -- PYouiCe or mottable sections tht'ough n TI FIIIAL PLUMBIIIG FINAL MECHANICAL FINAL ELECTRICAL P.U.E aLL proiect conclitions, such as tle i.nstallation of sll'eet tree_2., ecnpletion.of tie required Landsccping, Lt.,, i"t be satisfiirl before the BUILDINC FIIiAL can be nequested' EINAL BUILDINC: 'Ihe Einal Building rnspeetiott rmtst be requested cfter the Final Plwnbing n".ti."-t, ai Mechanical fnspectlions'lravc been nade artd approoeC. ,Ar,L MANI1CLES AND CLNANOUTS MUST BE ACCESS.TBLE, AD,II]:ji'!:iii]T TC PT t'i'41'8.1,? lIO I3ST TO CTTY {lt-l {C t7 soLAR AccEss r--co dn rQ.-JOB NO. !!eat P T,House Caraqe Access.Water lleate? North FinepLaceEast South Woodstote West Iat Sq. Ftg. 7 cf Lct Ccoerage # of Stortes Total Height ?opogrcphy \J LOT TYPE _ Intericr _ Co"ner _ Panlwrdle CuL-de-sac Lot Faces - BeCt oonsGr,Zone ae -- Fees -- Building Vtllue & Permit This penrdt is granted on the erp!'ess condition tlnt the said-constvuction shall', in atl rZspects, conforn to the hrdinance adopted 6;y the City 9fSpringfield, ineluding the Zoning CYdinanee, negulatirtg the ccnstmteticn and use of buildings, and may be suspended or reookeC at cnA tine upon uic- Lation of any prcuisions of said Ovdinances, Value TOTAL VALUE ITEI4 FTC x Pa"Jd: Signed: S.D.C. 1.5 x Duilding Pernrtt Total Cln:,ges State Plumbing Perrnit No pereon shall constract, instal'!., a'l,ter or clange any nea cr existing plutnbing or dtainage systen in utole or in part, unless such person is the-Legal possessor of a ualid pltnber"s License' eteept ttnt a person na'g do plw;bing uork to property uhich is oumed, Leased or opet'ated by the appli- eant. CIlAP,CE --41 NO TLL *5. Fictures Residential (1 bath) Seuer Electricql Permit Were State Lats requires tl^.at the electvical uot'k be done bg an Eleetrical Cont?actot,, the electrical portion of this permit slall not be ualiC until the Label has been si-gned by the Electvical Contractor'. L I 7s Nas/Estend Circuits Set t;ice /< zo 5Stcte lotal LilAfrLLNCCtrP Mecho nicql Permit E*hast HooC l,lcodstoue Vent Fan Pettntt fssuence Mectwnicel Pertntt -- ENCROACHMENT -- Sec"ttitu Deposit Storage Mainternnce Patmit Cvt bctt! Sideualk Fence Electrical Label Mobile Hcme J5.o"- /.25 Reeeipt ll: Plant Excminer Uate I HAVE CARSFULLy EXAMINDD the eontpleted application for permit, and do hereby certify that aLL information hereon ie true artd correct, anC f futthet, certifg that any ard aLL uork pelforned slnll be done in accot'- dance trLth the 0rdinences of the City of Springfield, ard the Las of the State of Oregcn pertaining to the utotk Cescribed herein, cnd that N0 )CCU- PANCY uiLL be nnd.e of ang sttwctu?e uithout perrnission of the Building N- uision. r further cez,tify that only contractors and etrplcyees who are in eonpliance aith oRS ?01.055 uiLL be used on this proiect TotaL ) ( {qy1",/ae T)TAL Ai4)UllT DUE: x 51 ,Js Siglned Date r?EM tJal on Plwnbing Pemit I ,ror" ,*.Oorrn --]| ,oro, *rou" -1