HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 1989-10-17..REsIDENTIAL.. ]/PERMIT *n t# SPEINGFIELD 225 North rrO rrrnlr""'Or Springfield, Oregon 97477 BuiLding 7 26-37 53 otuision Date: Job Location: ?ct Iot #Aacesaore Map ll Subdioieion: Anter: Address:/r)Phone:7l'7 ) ci DescrLbe htork: Additian ,-/F Date of App I Value lontrac Phone:ors Address f ?'psfisc. # flars Board Res. Bxp General I Plurnbing l,lechanical Electrica S Electr lan Saritary eer,ter capped at properfu litce Septtc totk pattped and fi.Lled trtth gra;sel Final - brhen abctte itene are conpleted and uhen ilanolition is cotnplete o? at?uc- ture moued and premiaes cleaneC up. Blocki.ng o'd, Set-up Plmbi.ng connectione -- aare? od uater Electrical Connection - Blocking' set-uP and plmbing conneeti.one rruet be apptooed before nequeeting eleclrical inepeetion Acceesory* Building Final - After pcrchee, akitting, deela, ete. ate conpleted. Pege 1 of 2 SITE INSPEC?I)N: ?o be rmde after er."o;fro", T;, prtor to aet ip of forme. ANDERSLAB PLUMBING, ELECTRICAL & MECilANfCAL: ?o be nnde before anywrk ia cottered. F)OTING & F)UNDA?ICN: ?o be tmde MWF;;at e -e*caoated ard fonns are etected, but ptior to pout'LnS ecnerete. UIIDERGROUND PLUMBING. SSWR. W,4TER, PRAf!$gE: Io be tml.e prtor to fit- @Gnchee. ANDERFTOOR PLUMBING & MECHANTCAL: o1 floor inaulation or decking. ROUGH PLUMBIIIG, ELECIR]I4L & MECH: .ffiiTtheae inspections hatse been nade attd qpz,oueC. FfPEPLACE: Ptioy to pkcirq facingnateriala ard before frofing inepee- tion. FRAi1IN1: lrtust be requeated after apptortal of nough plutnbing, electti- a,L E necl'nnieal, ALL roofing bracittg & chirmeye, etc, mtet be i eompleted. No uotk ia to be eon- . cecled unti,L this i,nspectLon lae 'been made anC approoed. FTilAL PLUMBING PINAL MECHANICAL FII,IAL ELECIRICAL DRYWALL fNSPECIfON: Ic be made@ZT@Tte in ptace, but priot, to any taping. MAS1$RY: Steel Location, bond ffijgz,outi.rq or oerticale in accordotce vLth U.B.C. Section 2415. VOODSTOI,/E: entpleted. After inetallation ia It ie the rcepanaibilitg of tta permit tpldet to see tlnt aLL inapectiotts ate nade at the ptope" tine, that eaeh addrees is teaCabie fran tlu etreet, atd tlat tha penrtt oatd, ia Located at the frcnt of the propetfu.*BuiUing Diuicion appto"*ed plan shall remain on the Building Site at aLL tines. PRocgDURE FoR JNSPEcTION Rgqrlls?iCalL726-3769 (z.ecotd.et) etate yout, Citg,Tesigneted job nmber,, job aCdreas, type of inspeeti,cn eadyfolinspe'ction,Contlactolgoia*","",o,,,eZndpla7erunbey.P.equestsrcbei"1bdbefcle7:00a:zt"ill be rmde the sone dcy, ?equesto nad,.e aftet ?:00 an rt[LL be nwde the nest rwking day, Iour Citg Designted Job Nunbet, Is:(Q ta INSULATTON/VAPOR BARRIER IIISPECTION : To be rmde after aLl insulaticn ed tequired oqor burie?a @e in place htt befote ary Lath, gypoltn boatd ot tnLL cooering ie qplied, atd. before oty iwulation ie conceaLed. CURB & APPRCACH APR)V After formsoe erecteC but priot to pouring eoncrete. STDEWALX & DRIWIAI: For aI.I, con-clA;naofrAiffi etteet right- gf-taA" to be made after aLL etca- vating cattplete & forn wrk I aub- base nateri,al in place. ALL project conditions, such ae the i.nstallation of street treee, conpletion-of the required Land.secpirg, etc., tuet be eatisfied before the BUILDfilC EINAL ean be tequested. PINAL BU7LDIN7: The Final Bui.Lding Inapection mtet be requeoted aftet the Pi,nal Plmbing Electrical, atd Meclnnical fnepectione laoe been nade atd apptoued. *ALL MANHCLES AND CLEANOU?S TIUST BE ACCESSTBLE, ADJUSTUENI ?O BE MADE A? NO COST TO CNY \ 7 ,,ouor",o n l-l,-,, tr l T POST AND BEAM: To be nade orLot toffiffiffo1 floot ircul)tion or u deckittg.r 17 Yilce: hrhen eonplete -- ProoiCe U Wr..r mottable- sectians through I z L-co dSOLAR ACCESS REQ.-JOB NO. Df Iot So. Ftq. I cf lot Cateraqe # of Stortes Total Eeight fopograPhY Bedtoorns: Lot Pacea - Crot^ Corqet Panhandle Atl-de-eac I,OT TWE fnterior -- Fees -- FTG xITEM Itbin TOTAL VALUE S.D.C. 7.5 c Date Pai.d: #: Building Volue & Permit This perrrtt ia granteil on the el?reos eo:tdition tlw.t the, saidreonstraction "iiilf, 1." all r"eepects, confonn'to the 7ndinance adopted 5iy the C:tV 2fifiiiftiti, ticlianns'til'2rit"s cvdinanc-e, regulatins .thn u-11ty.:!:":*^ *a ""nL of -buildi.nga,- and may be_ auspended or reuokeC at cny ti.ne upon olc- Lation of oU prcoisione of eaid )tdinancee' Building Permtt Total Clnrgea State NO.FEE Fbtutes Reeilential (1 bath) SanerSeti Plumbing Permit No Derson sha|.L construct, inatall, alter or eltange an\ ned-c? exieting ;i,;Lr;" "; i;;ilo" "i"t* in ulaie or in patt, inlees sueh pereon is the i;;"1"';"r;;';;-;7;illii p\*,i",'a Lic-ena-|, eyept that,a pereon nas lo. pliitlLg "o"k to propeity iti.t i" otned, Leaeed or operated by the appli' eant. Plunbing PenrLt State tla,t/Ecterd Circuits Semsice ,00 (1 Electricol Permit whete state La teEtinee tlta,t the electtieal uotk be done by _an Electtieal C*t ";l;": tie elietyical iortion of thie _pernit ehall not be oalid until the Label -lae been eigtted iy the Electtical Contnacto"' ?otal D FEE I bhanat Hood Vent F@t llcodetooe Mecho nicol Permit Penfit fssudnce Meetwnicel Pet'mit -- ENCROACEMENT -- Penrit C'urbcut Sida,talk L Nobtle Hone * f flAW CAREFULLy ExillfNED tlte eonpleted application fot pennit, and do i"ilti iiriita itot ott infonnation hereoi- ia true and' cotrect, and r furthLr certi"ly that any irA att uork perfo*ned alnll be done in accor- d";;;;"rli ttL'oraln"ri.s of the citv of -sw"Lngfield" and the Laaa of the State of Oregon pertaining to the wik Cesb,tbed her.ein, end tlwt N0 1CCU- pLiCl ,ittt b"e ,mZ" of any" structure ui.thout pennissi-on of the Bui,lding N- vision, f fw,ther ebrtifi1 that otly eon-tt'actore and mplcyeea uho are Ln emplianee -rlith oas ?01..b55 ui-LL be ueed on thie proiect PLan Eroninet Iotal ,IOTAL AMOUN! DLIII: *15.1s Signed Date { liecei tl..RESIDENTIAL.. N/PERMIT SPEIlifGFIET-D 225 North ,r, ,,rounOr"t"O' Springfie\d, 1negon 97477 Building Diuision 7 26-37 53 2' 1r> fi)o b, IJob locaticn:r ?a Ipt ilAasesoors Map # Subdiuision: Otmet: Addtess: 5O &7ee *et-ilPhone: ,ci Srzof /zaa, e Vr2a r?zzz t ofu'z2e''7,y',Mizr.e v@e Z*z'r ' Describe llotk: Yalue tl Ned -vDate of App Licatian Additicn Renodel t rac t ors General i Plumbin l'lechanic ect,r Ld E Srr Elec t r clan Sanitoty seser capped at propertg' Lir:e Septic tutk prttped artd. filled trtth gra;tel Ptnal - I(hen abcue itens tte eonpleted and uhen Cqtolr.tion is conplete or sttue- ture mooed and premtses cleaneC up. I'lobi Blocking otd Set-up Plunbing connections -- s;azr d uatet Fi.nal - After pcrehes, sk-)r'ting, decks, etc. are eompleted. Electrical Ccmnection - E1-ocking, eet-up and plwnbing eonnections rnist be approt;ed before requesting eleclr'i:al inepection Aeceesory Buildi.ng Pege 1 of 2 SnE INSPECTION: ?o be nade after encaoatl;C-but prior tc eet up of forne. UNDERSLAB PLUMBING, ELECTRICAL & MECHTNICAL: ?o be tmde before angffi-ii'i6uered, FO1fINc & E)ANDATICN: ?o be nade Afrex6encGs a"e escaoated and forns are etected, but prior to pou*tng ccnerete. u_lpE4cP:-9=ut!p=PL|IMBING?sE'r.!R.W.AT^E!. DRAfNAGE: To be nlade prtot to fil- Tfi-lFdnehes. UIIDERFLOOR PLUTTBING & MECHANTCAL : of floor insulation or decking. PLS!-4!D BE4M: To be nade Prior to ffi€i|ffio-{of floor insulation or d.eeki,ttg. ROUGH PLUIIBIIIC, ELECTRICAL & MECH- lUrcAf,: No uork is to be co'*ered ffilT-these inspectione haoe beer nade and approued.. FIPEPLACE: Prior to ptacirq facingnatez,ials and. before fratti,ng inepec- tion. PRA!'IING: I,htst be requeated after approoal of rough plunbing, electyi- cal 8 meclnnical. ALL roofing bracing 8 ehinmeye, etc. rruet be eotrpleted. No uork ie to be con- , cecled until this inspectLon lae 'been nade anC apptoxed. FIIIAL PLUMBING FINAL MECITANICAT, FINAL ELECTRICAL TNSIJLATTON/VAPOR BARRIER IIISPECTION : To be npde after aLL insulaticn ard required uapor ban'iera are in plaee but befone any Lath, ggpsun boarC or tnLL cooering is appli.ed, and before oty inaulation is concealed. DRYWALL INSPECII0N: Tc be made @er-dl@TTle in place" but prior to any taping. MASINRY: Steel Location, bond tdiigrouting on oerticals in accordace Lllth U,B.C, Section 24L5. IIOODSTOVE: enpT;m. After installation ie PBPCEDUPE EOn INSPEC?19!_!!W!TCALL 726-3769 (reconder,) state yout Citg desigrnted iob rumber', job aCiress, type_ eadyfot,inspection,Contlactot,so;.a,,-,ers-,lc,eandphonenwnber,R'equestsreceitei.'aill be nade the sane day, requeets made after 7:00 on uiLL be rmde the nest uozrking day. Iour Citg Deeigr,ated Job Nwnbar fs:87,/a // It ia the reeponaibility of tle permit holler to aee that aLL inspectiona ate nade at the proPe? tine, that ecch adiress is read,abie fran the etreet, and that the penrit aatd ie Located at the frcnt of the property.*Buitding Noiciol approted plan s?nLL remain on the Bui.Lding Sitc at aLL times. CURB & APPROACH APPON, ee erecteC but prior eoncrete. SIDEI,IALK & DRIVEWAI: For aLL con- crete pauirq uithin street night- of-txA, to be made aften aLL etca- uating eonplete & forn wrk & sub- base nwterial in Place. of inspeeticn befcre 7:00 aq OR !.IOW' BUILDI|]CS After formsto pouring IENCE: I{hen eonPlete -- ProuiCejffii on notsable aectione thnough P,U.E. ALL project conditions, such aa the i.nstallation of street trees, conpletior'-of bhe nnqiinn\- tinasccpL.ng, Ztc., mtst be aatisficd before the BUILDING FINAL can be tequested- FINAL BUILDIIIC: The Einal Building Inepection m$t be ?equested after the :'itnl Plunbing Electrical, attd Mechanical fnspecti,ons ltqoa been made ard approued' *ALL MANHCLES AND CLEANOUTS MUST BE ACCESSIBLE, AD,IASNIETII TO BE MTDE AT NO COST TO CIT:' Date: fres L ^N\v t lA ,,ooorn oo,o tr SOLAR ACCESS REQ.-L-CO dJOB NO. Zone: Lot Sq. ftg. I cf Lct Ccoent:ge I of Stortee total Height Topography TotaL Grou LCT ?YPE _ Interior _ Corner _ Panhandle C:uL-de-sac -- Fees -- PLan Eretninet,Date f HAW CAREFULLY EXAI,|INED the completed application for pennit' and do hereby certify that aLL information het'eon ie ttae and cortect, anC f furth-er certily that any and aLL do"k pePfot ned alull be done in accot'- dance vith the- 2rdinances of the ctty of Springfield' and the Lae of the State of 0r,egcn pe?taintng to the uork Cescribcd het'ein' cnd tlat No occu- pANCy L1LLL bZ nwZe of any structure uithout pernisston of the Building N- oisi.on. I further iertiiil that only contraelors od enplcgees uho are in eazpliance uith 1RS ?01.055 uiLL be ueed on thia proieet la BeCt ootns: t Faees - ccesa.P. L.House Carage North F:ast ll -t4ooAstoxeSouthlIIWest Y ValueI?EM SQ. FTG Llain &rdae Ca?Dot,t Accessot tl TOTAL VALUE S.D.C. L.5 x PLan Date Paid: Signed: Receipt #: Building Volue & Permit This permit is gnanted on the euppeBs condition tlnt the said conattaction "L^LL', i, al,L r-eepecti,- ioilir*'to the otdinance adop.ted by the city o.f ipil"g1l"td, inchding' the Zoning Cydinane-e, regulathzg the ccnstmrcticn *ra ""uZ of buildirqs,- and may be suspended or ,euokeC at cny time upon oic- Lation of any pncoisione of said Ordinancee. Euildtng Permtt Total Clntges State Plumbing Permit No pe?eon slwll constt'uet, inetal!,- alter ot clnnge -any neD-ct' existing pti*ing or dtainage systan in ulole ot in part, unless such pelson is the ingol pZ"""""on o7" o ,siolid pl*rb"r's Lic,ensb, et-cept that a P?"son ma7 42ptint1ig uotk to propez'ty ihich is oumed, Leaeed ot' operated by the appli- cant. Pl',rnbing Penrtt NO.TLL CHARGE t @ Fistures Resilential (1 bath) Seuer State taL Electricql Permit were state Lau requites t?.a.t the electrical uoy,k be done by,an Electrical contraetot, the electrical portion of this pernit ehall not be oalic until the Label lns been signed by the Electrical Contractot'. L Permi,t Nau/Ectend. Circuits Setnsi ce Stete ?otal -- ENCROACHMENT -- CIIARCENCFEE * Mechonicol Permit Prharct HooC Ucodstooe Vent Fan Permit rssuanee Sect*'tty Deposi! Storage Maintenance Penrtt Cvtbctt! Sida,talk Penee Eleetnical label Mobile Home tfl 0s I s.-ls5.35 ,IOTAL AMOUNT DL.I: *lJb 6 Date htrnnee P?ll'S Meelnricel Permtt