HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1986-09-16APPLICA?ION/PERTTIT 225 North ith Stneet Springiield, 2regon 97477 Building Diuision 7 26- 37 53 .tob Locaticn: Aesessors I'lap f, Sttbdivision: A.nten: Address:Phone: zip: SPFtT'rlGFIEI-D [,],t ,trz,\(d DeacrLbe liork: . &in,b /,J,'/n- /ilrlr;'(, M'^"'- NNb@ ,,1r. ,L4o,,- {/ ent 2.L lla-t Additicn RenoCel i!cbi 00 Date of Aco Q-1,, -ga VaLue 4c2I e s :Li.sC. a 2 tot ll ]enercL N tt ,t^-;*: ^-1 )onst.rtetica Lcruier : is the resconsibiltt-u of tie Defiit holier to see that aL! insoections are nad2 at the ptope? tinz, that e3sft,.iitse3 is vsn;^'-'-ro\,xhe axreet, dnl thzt the oer*tt eatd. is Locatec at .the frcnt of ti,e orooertg3u!1i':-::i D|utcio:z aptrou*eci;L'an s?:=L-' renair o:z ti,e EujlctnL satc aa alfxinas." :2:::':P: Fa? ::js?ry:CALL726-3769 (recoriey) state uou? City iesiara.ted job2or?srea dtc -^i:en uou i;'tLL be reatiy .')cr insccexion, Contraexc?s c? G,me:s nctte cni;j.ane')''L be nacie xize sone dcy, r"oue"xs-o"rie cfxer ?:00 att tiLL'oe ,.;";h,;-;;;,;;;"k;;-';r. {b out r 'nur-9e?, xcD cccless, ntllDc!. :equesas tece "'., -; ; ^-'^-^ 2 . a,^ - lcut, Cifu Desiora.xed iob tiu.nbey Is:.zruiac'1 cr3l l l l c_-l 7.'a-a^--a.r.?o ce macie afcer pricn tc se: up ofe.xcarat;-cn, but fczme. ,o De oejore cny uotK LS FaC?.t;G 1 FOU:\D,i?IC\J: lo be rnaCe alae:. xrencnes a?e ezcauated ar,L forns are erecxed, cut prior to poun'lrq ccneteie, -.,vvLr.- rttt, t /!:L : rt.]::J:.t -1..'i::_-i_...' rcouired oaoor boyiets @e in place but beicre ory iaxh, g7psun bcari or tnLL cooering is epliea, ard. before oty insulation is concealed. (l DP:\iALL IilSPZCIf)It: tc be mad.e a1'xer aLL cryuall is in olace,but prior Eo cny taping. MAS)ll!?Y: SteeL iocdtion, bond De@ns, oz,outing or ue"ticcls in aceord.otce LtLth U.B.C. Section Sanitaty seter ca-V>ei :t p:cp*.:4 Lire Sepxic totk ptpea a:t fiLZeC uith grcte- linal - trrhen cba;e itens ate cc*oZetei cnd. thbn ianclixion is co==Le=e br s::---.- tuye houea cni prerrLses cieanei u>. )1,'::LT::C:,' :P i,t:,6 -c.9irE?11.t - : -: D3Aiili : to oe na.ae prior to ;iL-Lir4 yrenchec. I tyolnr:,cc.: ttu:sn:c a rccga::rut,) io oe nace oricr co insxallaxion of floon insulction or d.eckina. llcoi POST AI:' BEA!,,! insxalLciicn of ] FrilAL pLu!.tBrtc f ruar uscHA:trc^L ) nnet ELtaercAL l To be nadc priot, to floor insulation ot, CURB & APPRCACU APP1N: After fonnsat,e ereetei but prior to pour-ing conc?ete. IICODSTO],IE: ecrtpLeted. After installation is SIDEWAL]< 8, DRT"EI,T,Y :For aLL con- ?EllCE: hhen conpLete -- bo'tsiCe gaxei or notsable seetions through P. U. E. &cking. pattail )rtn,2r,tF Dft4nfctr 3 lseH_A;ilcil: io uork is xo oc cotet,edurtil these inspectiot:s ltzue- been nade arui acoroued.. FIPEPI,ACE: PnLor to plccir4 fcctngnaterials arul before fratting inspec-tion. WlJi: l4ust be requested after aporoual of rough plunbing, elecxni-cal & mechenical. ALL roofizq braeittg 6 chittmcys, ete. nrr,st be . eotrpleted. llo wcrk is to be con-. cecled until this inspection llo,s'been na<ie anC apptooed. crece pauing uiihin sxreet right-of-tey, to be maCe after aLL e.re-a- vating conplete & fotn larnk a sib- base mcteri.al in pl,a.ee. o ALL projeet conditions, such as the i.nstallaxion of atreet trees, conolc',ion oi tie required Larasccpitg, etc., ,tlast be satisfied bcfore the BUf LDfi;C FMAL can be requestcd.. PINAL EUILDfilC: The Final Building Inspeetion mtst be requesteC c!;er the Final PlunbiqElectrical, od lleciurical Inspect-.ons itauc been nade arui approvei. Bloeking @1d Set-up Plutnbing eonnections -- 6eoe? al. uc:er Electrical Ccnnection - Blocki Lunbina eo-nrieetions m;st be ct>rc;;e: befot,c ?equestang ei.eclt tcal inspec=io:: Aeeessory Buildirq Pinal - Lftcn pcrches, skirting, decl<s,etc. ate canpleled. r4, aet.-u= p ?a7e ! o! 2'ALL ttA!:EcLES AND CLEANOTDS INST BE A1CES'IBLE, ADJUSi:ti:E TO 9E tttDE t-? tio alS-T ?O Cry --l io E t.Jo. :cnc: SOLAR ACr.ESS REQ.- L -CO G+ OceuDancu Gtot, :ot Sq. Ptg. -. cf Lct Canteracc ! of Stories :otal P,eight :opogrqhy _ Interior _ Corner _ Panhandle CUL-de-sac -- Fee-s -- l,ccess.CaraoeP. L,House [,ot Faces - llortil E^a + South Vest aexJ.oons: heat Wat kangc IL Lacc toDe '!5:.1 This_-permit is gtanted on the eLTress eondition that the said consttweLions^ttal,Z, j.n-1ll.respee.ts, eonform'to the Ordirnnce edopteC b11 the City ofSprtngfield, including lhe Zoning Cydinance, yequlct'ing th-e ccnsttaeticnod .use o_f buildi,gs' otd. nay b.e-" suspended or reuokec at c11y t"ne upon vic-l.a.tion of @ry prcuisions of Laid ord.inances. ?OTAL VALUE :.D.C, 1.5 s I X Valuc Building Volue & Permit Build.tng Permit State Su.rehage ?otcl Clntqes esiiztttial (i bcth) Seaer ?ctc! e- Check Fee Reecipt # Sigte<i: a!. a - Plumbing Pernrit No persoi b\nii constntct, instal!, a\.ter ot, citange Gny neD cr e:istircplunbirg or drainage systen in uhole or in part, unLesL sr"i, tur,"ii-ii- tirnLegal.possessor of a ualid pzunber's Licens'e, &eept tr^.ct a o'""".n nev icoLunbing work to p?oDe?tu uizicn is otmeti, Leaseci dr operatec- cy the;>rL;_ Electricol Permit i\rne?e stdte Lan reouires tiu.x the eleetrical uork be ciotte bu cn Jlectyiccicontz'aecor, the elect.tcal ;orxiot: ai this ""i-ri "i*r1-io"':r) :;c!i ut:;-ithe -tabel has been eignei o'y t'ne Electrical Jonrtccra?. -,/;----;.;-^."'-^ I Total CVi.?ces bo >iViechonicol Permit :izanst HooC od.stote Mo^;^-; ^-1 D^*'t te I I 5 i I. -- LttvnJALtl,lL:; I -- - '-' +,, h^-^ --' 4 )raoe Tctal Cncroos ie"taLk r HAW 1AREFULLy lxLtq!ry|D. t-he eompleted aoprieation for pen i:, cnd d.chereby eertif.y that aLL itfo,:rati'on hereo,n'is tnue "i.Z"ii.", .rrn tfutthet' .ecrtifg thdt an!.t ard. aLL aork perfotned siuzl be d.o:te ;.n n.ron-ciance witit the ot';iinence.s of ti'tc city_'of-bpningfieid, ar.c th: Lcxs of thcs_tate of o:egcn pcrtaininc to the wrk ces'erib'cd hcr:e--n, c,a :iit i,rc ccc,)-PAIlc.r uill_ b-e tr?de of any st?uetu?e uithout pernissiot L7 tnn iizd.inc pi-vlslon- I lU"ther certifi; that otly eont?acto?s a;d enplcyees uho aie incanpliance Dith CRS ?O1.0SS uiLL be- used on this projec't I ile Hae ?ra sa Q5 -oo AL A,',,.OU1I? DTJE:'5G.ZO Adz-n-/ Date /5 '"o .1oO /.= . bo is- "' Penit Tssuxnee 1'LAt7 LIAnLneT I