HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 1984-12-31.. RESID-.{TlAL.. APPLICATION/PERMTT 225 North Sth Street SprLngfield' )r'egon 97477 BuildLng Dtuision 7 26-37 53 SPFINGFTELD Date GenetaL Electt ical ConstmrctLon_l'ender rt ie the responsibility o! tle permit holdx to see that aLL ,lnspections oe nade at lhe p?ope! time, that each address is t'eaCabi-e fran the st?eet, arld that the pet*ot catd i,e Located at-!hg front of the-pro.Pe?tA.-*Suildiytg D.Juislon appro"*ed pLarz s?tcll remain on the Building Site at aLL tines. pnOCEDUpE FOR INSqEC?IOU R1IWST..CALL 726-3769(tecotdet,) state your City Cesignated iob nwnber', iob aCitess' lAPe-of inspe-c=tcn eadyfot,inspection'Contractarsil'a,mers.naneendp7nnenul,,tber.R,equestsz,eceixedbefcr,e7:00c:t :"LiL be made the s&e daA, r,equests-made after 7:00 an rvLLL be made the nect'eotking day- Iour Citg Desi-gra.ted Job Nunber fs I tlo?a 3 R e ouir e,,1 fn so e- c ti cns I,lobile Ecmes Blocking utd Set-uP Plunbing connections -- saoe? otd uater Electrical Ccmnection - Bloeking' set-up and plwnbing eonneetions rnist be apprct;ed before requesting electrLcal, inspectiott Aeceseory BuiLCing pcrehes, skirting, decks, Leted. Pirnl - After etc. ane comp Page 1 of 2 f^A f^--tq'as. ScOTc,s Lot #Assessors Map # Sabdittision: O,mer: Phone dAddress:taa City: DescrLbe htovk:r-l NeD { Va-!.ueDate of rZe!-fal- nddition RenoCeL SITE INSPECTI)N: To be made aftet %cao;tlon,5i prior tc set up of fonns. UNDERSLAB PLUMBTNG. ELECTRICAL & WCHt-llfCAL: To be nade before any Gik-li-ioeted. ?C)TING & F)UMOATICN: ?o be maCe after trenches a?e ezcatlated attd forns ate erected, but prior to pourLztg ccnerete. T]NDIRGPALTTD PLDMEING. SIWR, WATE.,.q' Onnttt$q: To be maCe pt:iot' to fiL- Tfr-fienehee. |I|DEREL)OR PLUIETilG & IIECHANTCIL : T;-6;-ide eriot' to installation of floor insulation ot' decking. POST AND BEAII: To be rnade Pri-ot' to ffifiTTillc-Tof floor insulation ot' decking. ROT]CH PLT]!,{BT!]G. ELECTRICAL & IIECH- l,UtCnf,: No uork is to be co"*ered ffilT-these inspeetions lntse been mad.e and approoeC. FIPE?L4IE: Pt'Lor to Placirq facingmatAlA; and before froning inspeb- tion. Ff;$!!\t: Ihust be requested after @pnffit of z,ough plzrnbing, el-ectv,i- cal & meehanical. AIL roofing bracitrg & chi.trmegs, etc. rmtst be eornpleted. !1o ucrk is to be con- . eealed until this i.nspeetton lws 'been nade anC approt:ed. ?TilAL PLUMBIIIG FTNAL MECHANICAL IN SULAT ION / VAPOR BAf;RIIR !!E!!!!!P!:OR :.10W) BUtLDI|ICS Sanitaty seaer eapsped et pt'operag- Line Septic totk pta-ped. and filLed. urLth 7'aiel Final - h4ten abcte itens ote cctnoleted and uhen Cernclition is eornplete o" stv'uc- tule noued anC, pz'enrtses cleaneC up. @icnand required oapor batwiers @e in place but before anU Lath' Wpsl/m bcatC ot rnLL cooering is applied' and before otg ittsulation is concealed. DRIWALL INSPECTI)N: ?c be made @"rffi@wtrts in p|,ace, but ptior to cng taPirq. I.,\AS1NRI: SteeL Loeation, bond Gifrilgz,outing ot uerticals in aceordrytce tnLth U.B.C. Section WOODSTOI,/E: cctATetA. Aftet, installation is CURB & APPRCACH APPON, ee erected but prtor concrete. SLDEWALK & DRT-"WAI: For aLL can- ctet"n@GGffi street right- of-uay, to be nade after aLL eeca- oating canplete & forrn Lsork & sub- base material in place. PENCE: hrhen conplete -- PtottiCejE66 or motsable sections through P,U.E. ALL pyoject eonditions, such as the installation of stl,eet trees' eonoletion-of the *"quZrnd. Landscaping, itc., mtst be satisfied before the BUfLDING FilIAL can be requested- ?INAL B|ILDfNG: The tinal Buildin4 Inspection mtst be nequested after the Ftnal Plwnbing Electrical, atd Mechanical Inspections hqtse been made and approtsed. : After fornsto pouring :l 3f EnfrD 7^ A rLLL' Ii\LVhD *ALL I,IANHCLES AND CLEANOUTS MUS? BE ACCESIIBLE, ADJUSTyIENI TO BE I''4DE 1\'T !]O CSST TO CITY tu o ( ry tr D JoB No 2 Lot Faees -Ene"ctu Sourebs T'1toe IleatSetbacks Df House Caraqe Aceess Water lleater North Range East Fir.epLace South Wood.stove % cf Lct Cooerage_ # of StorLee Int Sq. Etg.LCT TWE _ Intericr Co?net' Panltan-d.Le CUL-de-sac Total Eeight Topogrcphy West ITEM SQ. FTG x Value Building Vqlue & Permit This petTni.t ts granted on the erpress condition tlnt the satd constmtction s_|nL.L, in,a-ll -r.es,pe,cts, gonform to the Ordirnnce adopteC biy the City ofSpringfieT.d, ineLud.tng the Zoning Czdi-nance, r,egulcting thle ccnstyu-ctibn and,.use of buildings, and may be_ suspend.ed or ,euokeC it cry time upon oic_Lation of dnA prcoisions of iaid Ordir,ances, ?OTAL VALUE S.D.C. 1.5 c Building Petttrtt Fee: State Date Patd: Total Clnrgea #: Signed: rTEM NO FEE UrufrUL Fistutes Plumbing Permit N9 person sLnll constzact, install,, altez, ot ehange anl/ nea cr eristing 4lwnb.iw o, dz'ainage sys-t -n in uhole or in part, LnLesL such pez,son is" theLegaL.possessor of a ualid ql,mbet,,s L.Lcense, escept that a pet,son nag doplwnbing aork to properta uhich is ormed, Leased o, ope,ated ty tt n "ppt.t-eant. Residential (1 bath) Sani Sewer Plutnbing Petrit State ?otal * Na,t/Ertend Ci?euits Electricq I Perm it wele state Lau re-quites tlnt the eleetvical uork be done by an Eleatt*tcalcontractot', the eleetr-|cal portion of this permit stwll noi be ualic untilthe Label lne been signed lg the tlebtrical'Contractor.Iqnpq,@A Seruice Iotal * FEE CIIARGE ,S Mechqnicql Permit Echanst Hood Yent Fan Hcodstotse Pevtnit rssumtee Mechanicel Permtt * -- ENCROACHMENT -. Sectrttu Deoosit Stotage Maintenance Perwtt Clttbcut SidewaLk ?ence EXect?ical Label 68a f f<-2u Mobile Hone Z SOLAR A ESS REQ.-L-CO C BeCt oons o PLdn Date * r HAw 1AREEULLT EYAM!\ED t?e cotnpleted application for permit, and. dohereby cez,tifg that aLL infomotibn hereoi is ttue and c'oz,r,eet', cnC f fuz'ther' .cer+-!fu that any ard aLL uork perfotned srall be dnn" in aeeo?-dance trtth the ?z,dinance.s of the CitA Zf bry"ingfield., and the i,a"s of thestate of )regon pertaining to the aork cescribbd hnnbin, cnd tlat No occu-P!;NC! uall_ b^e ylCe of a1A structure uithout pernission i7 tlr. B;iWing Di-?)Lsion. r fu,then cez'tifE that only contraclors otd enplcgees uho ar-e ineonpliance aith ORS ?01.05S uiLL be-used on thie p?ojeet /;ls/- TOTAL AMOUNT DI,IE:*/s a9 *Date ,fq -