HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1988-04-29!..RESIDENTIAL.. APPLICAT. - , /PERMIT 225 North Sth Street Spz,ingfield, )regon 97477 Buildtng Diuision / zo-o / Do f*l-u ,{-^*r Addtess: l?A_ (6-a,--c--d Jf Phone k<c./\oal ftV"7 zip: ?)v,st SPRINGFTELE' 3r Sr< ltlOtmer: City: t0l IXL,",Descrtbe hlork: ?.-,L-1,.( s F- €X<zrtZtry7*tary77as-/g/y2>Aq/a*rD?vcJzd 2224 PB/</e>27. aa6 tso'tt-g Additicn Renod.el g) Date of App Lieation VaLue aA Genet aL o c<> ELeetrical ' Mec?latieal It ia the responsibility of the penit holder to aee that aLL inspections are nade at the.prope" time, that eaeh address is t'eadab'-e frorn the street, and that the permtt eatd is Loeated at the frcnt of the property.*euilding Noiciot appro"^ed plan shcll remain on the Building Site at aLL ttnes. PROCEDUPE FOR TNSPEC?rON R\QUEST.'CALL 726-3769(z,eeord.et,) state youl, city desigrnted job ntmber,, job aCiz,ess, type of inspec=icn requested and ahen ilou uiLL be ready for inspection, Cont?aetars o? A,tners nctne otd plnne nunbcr. Requeets z,eeeixed befcre 7:00 c:, -^iLL be nwde the sane day, ?equests nad.e after ?:00 an trLLL be made the ncrt wtking day. LsL SI?E fNSPECTI)N: To be rrude after escaoation, but ptior tc set up of forne. ANDERSLAB PLUMBTNG, ELECTRICAL & WCHA|IICAL: To be nade before any uotk is eouez,ed. FCO?TNG & FOUNDATICN: ?o be naCe;fter tt enctes a?e escatsated and forns ane ereeted, but priot, to pourLr,g ccneret2.6 ^ ; ..i Ui aV t UNDIRGPOUTD PL)T,1911'T, SEI"IEP, w.ATER, DRAIIIAGE: Io be naCe pt"Lor to fil-Lira trenehee." 2t, floor insulction oy decking. P1ST AND BEAA: To be made prior toffiiiTTEGTof floot, insulbtion ordeckins. )\ f\ l ,?) R)UGH PLU!.lBIllG. ELEC?RICAL & l,lECH: ANICAL: No uork is to be co"*eyed ffiTTthese iwpections lntse been nade and approoed.. FfPEPLACE: Prior to plccirq facingmate?iaLs ard. before fraty,ng inepee- *.on. Aatbfaya ^ <ayA FRAIIING: Wst be nequested after apptooal of rough plunbing, electri- caL & nechanical. ALL toofing braeing E ehirnneys, etc. mast be eornpleted. llo ucrk is to be eon- cealed unti.L this inspeetLon lws'been made anC approoed. 24 FITIAL PANNillC)n FINAL AECflANICAL VA FTilAL ELECTRTCAL Iout, Citu ob Number fs: a Lnsu requ')red oapor burie?s c"e in place but before oty Lath, Wpsum boa.rC ot, tnLL cooering is applied, and before oty insulation is concealed. DRY\|ALL INSPEC?fON: Tc be nade @*r-dT&yuiIT-t s in plaee, but priot, to any tapittg. IIAS1NRY: Steel Location, bond beans, grouting oz, uerticals in aceordorce tith U.B.C. Section 2415. e l\ -7 unomrr.ooR pLUt.ErNG & r4ECltANrcAL:,''l@lillonof e C---2,A e l1Z u WOODSTOVE: anrpLeted. After installation is 4rqb 7y1 cuaa & AppRcACn AlpoN: Aftez, formst1 d," """";A-6;;n;6i to pouz,ins a Z Z l x concrete. SIDET,IALK & DRTWWAI: Fot, aLL con- a,ete paoing uithin street right- of-rfrA, to be nade after aLL eaea- oating conplete & forrn usotk & sub- base naterLal in place. IENCE: hrhen eonplete -- Pz,o'tsiCe gatee or mooable sections through P.U.E. ALL project conditions, such as tle i.nstalLation of street trees, co:nletion of the required Landscapirg, etc., must be satisfied before the BUfLDINC FfNAL can be requested. FINAL BUfLDIN?: The Final Building fnspection trust be requested after the Final PlumbingElectrical, anC Mechanical fnspeetions hate been made attd approocC. qqb s. +5+*Job Locaticn: Itoe.o+Jr -a5@Tai Iot #Aesessors Map # L"** lq L.r.cru",L fl-/ra,.da* r$tbditsision: Lisc. #dtue Expit,es Phone qa;jr7 bs/t 7L^ not r.*J ,4 8,-* il* " lTrdt 3o9? )>AQd L lz <t-? ?(t S:z-t Lal( c. /{7f/ -ctcto t-Jorr/ O a-'a DEI.IOLTT.OR Sanilaty seuer eapped ct pt,operf; Litce Septic totk ptnped and filled uith gra;tel Final - h1ten abctle itens are ccnroleteC and uhen Catolition is eomplete br s*,u:- ture moued and prerrLses cleaneC up. Mobile Hcmes Blocking ad Set-up Plunbing connections -- sa)e! aL aater Electz,ical Connection - Bloeking, set-ut and plwbing eonneetions nust be apprct:ed befot,c requesting eleclrtcal inspeelio:: Accessory- Bui.LCing Pirnl - Aftet pcrches, skirting, decks, ete. @e cornpleted. Pege 1 of 2 x *ALL I,IANHCLES AND CLDANOUTS MUS? BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUSTITTIII TO BE I.,TDE /.T IIO CSST TO CI?Y (9 SOLAR ACCESS REQ.-#JOB NO.L-CO BeCrooms This perTnLt is granted on the enp?ess eon"d.ition tlnt the said eonsttuction s_tnl.L, in_a_ll l,espects, conforrn to the Ordinance adopted y;y the City ofSpr,-ingfield, including the Zoning Cydinance, r,egulating th-e ccnstru'etibn and. -use of buildings, and may be suspended or. rbuokeC -ot "*y time upon uic-Lation of anA prcoisions of said fu,dinanees. X cotner Value TOTAL VALUE ?>Access +7" I?EM x A 7 I Z t Building Volue & Permit S.D.C. 1..5 e ') fu2p7;7 House Lot Faces - -- Fees -- Zone:Gto. lteat Sourees Lace tou-e v?.{o EuiLding Pernrtt ?otal Ctnrges State Date Paid: Signed Receipt #: / o-??a Panhan^dLe CUL-de-sac Lot Sq. Ptg. % of Lct Cooerage # of StorLes Total lteight Topography LCT ?WE fnterioz, /a4, fizrza* /% Prtz 2#_- Nq person slnll consttaet, insfall-" alter ot, elwrtge anA nel cr ecistingylmling or drainage sAsta.n in uhole or in part, unless sueh person is the Legal possessor of a ualid pLunbet,,s Licensb, e$cept that a pbrson nag do plutnbing uork to prope?ty uhich is otsned, Leased or operated by the ippli- cant. NO,f LL 2 rTELI Fi.ctr,te-s Resil.entiaL Qbatn) Seaer Plumbing Permit Electricol Permit hlLteve State Lau requires tlnt the eleetz,ieal uotk be done by an EleettieaL Contlactoz,, the electrical portton of this pemnit stnll not be oaLiC untilthe Label |ns been signed by the Eleetuical Contractol,, CiIAP,GE .+Ll NC FEE L ilArtc L Nan/Ectenl. Circuits Seruiee State Total Flntaee P?UtS 6_a> bhanst Hood.I "-SaVent Fo1 v 7-7n Vcodstoile /s-.'.^ trforuzruekb,7 7--&6- rL.t?,:?-+ *-*7-F 4zlb7 -- ENCROACHMENT -- Mechqnicol Permit M*Bdtrflee Meckanical Permit Secart Permit Clttbcut Sida,talk Mobile. ILcnre R 6e v t1 t> ?://-*E I EAW CAREFULLy gxil4fNED the eornpleted applicat.Lon for permit, and da hereby certify that aLL infotnation hereon is true and eorreet, ar,,L f fuz,ther cet +-ify that any ar.d. aLL uork perforned slnLl be done in aecor- d,ance tith the Ondinances of the City of Spz,ingfield, and the Lat;s of the State of 2regcn pertaininc to the uonk Cescribcd henein, ctzd llnt N0 )CCU- PANCy ttill be rnad.e of any sttuctuye uithout permission of the Building N-oision. f further certif"l that only contraetoz.s and enpLcyees uho are in eanpliance uith cRS 707.05s aiLL be used on this projeet rb/rr E-z> 3"./ f TOTAL AI4OUil? DUE:' ^?6', 4 /za?.zr Signed l4ain tqsA.<q Cetace *.72 Carnorl, 42:rc '47pa. - 2 ilatey Plunbing PenrLt 9tate Suteh,ay,ge Tcta!- CLnrqes I F,cce {..RESIDFNTIAL.. APPLICAl*N/PERMIT 225 North Sth Street Springfield, 1regon 97477 Building Ditsision 7 26- 37 53 svbdioision:"*+l 77 Arcr.-.*.- l4c. f,-l - u Ad.dress: tTet Qoa*.--i Jh Phone: k<C'L d/f r v"7 ? ) vcsl VaLue C-(F 'J >AQd L ? ?,/L €, /,/e SPRINGFTEI-tr'- 3r? aa . lt?,, t €- "LoIV O fr {LLt* Date: t o t- {/E 6/e'7/t Sr< l6rAsner citu: 2A Desc?Lbe h'ork: 7.r1,-l*( tF fuuofiro,2. / c*zae,<o-'*4, Lb-zry ry <7t-t Additian RenoCeL Date of Genet aL PLmbing o qa;97 b ?(t S:t-t \ ?{t 7{/ -<t<so t- I ! l,tecltrical It ie the reepoasibility of tle permit holl.et' to eee that aLL inspections ee nade at the ptoper tine, thdt each addtess is readai';e fian tle stteet, anC that the_permtt eatd is Loeated at the fwnt of the propetty.*Building Diuiciot appro"*ed pLan slell retnain on the Bunlding Sitc'at alt tines.- PPOCEDUPE-FOR LNSPEC?I)\I R9QWST..CALL726-3769(yeeordet) state youz, Citg designated job ntmber,, job aCi:tess, type of inspec=iot requested and uhen iiou uiLL be ready fot, inspection, Cont?dctars or Anne"s nane cnd ptone nutnber, P.equests receit;ed befcte ?:00 r,uiLL be nade the sone dcg, ?equests nade after ?:00 on tiLL be made the nett;,nrking day. t9olu,oIour City Desi,gr,ated Job I'lwbet, fs: Peati,noi Tn cnoa*t' nnc (" S,Job Locaticn: Aesessore Map #Tcr Iat # qToe TitcDo^frfnit. "rcA;ion, but ?o be rmde afterprior tc set up of forne. ANDERSLAB PLUMBING, ELFryRICAL & MECHT-IIICAL: ?o be made before any uork is cooered. Pdormc & F1:)NDATTIN: To be rmce;Fa-Aettctes are -eccatsated and. forms are ereeted, but priot to pouring ccncrete. .. -" -n TNSULA?ION/VAPOR BARRTER ilISPEC?ION : ?o be nade after aLL insulaticn ed required oapor batie?s @e in plaee bat befoz,e oty Lath, Wpsun boay,C ot tnLL couering is applied, cnd before oty insulation is concealed. DRYTIALL fNSPEtrfON: Tc be nade M@t-Ls in ptace, but prior to any tapittg. I,1AS)NRI: Steel Locatton, bond. beons, grouting or oerticals in aceotdotce Ltith U.B.C. Section 2415. il)1DST)W: After installation is anrpleted. ND Sanilaty seuet eapped et ptoperty Lite Septic totk p'"r=ped. and. filled uith gra;sei Final - hOen abcue itens are ccnoleted and uhen Cetnclition is cornplete by s*zie- ture noued and. prerLses cleaned up. x $ umtncnoutD pLur,rEtlq2_ ;EWE!2_ w.ATE&,ly Litq trenehee. 7 uaosnruooR pLUr.ErNG & r,rECHANrcAL:'-J of flooz, insulation oz, deeking. a Posr aito geau: To be nade prLor to, I Gd|7i[cn oi J-t oor insu-cacion or deckittg. -I ROUGH PLU,,!BII|G. ELECTRICAL & I,{ECH. I - wttl these inspectioris hatse been mad.e and. approued.. a rnwtecti wLor to olceira faeino| ;A;;iiffi and before'franin| in"pnl- tion. -- FRAllnlc: Must be nequested aftet, ) app"orr"L of rough pltrnbing, eiectti-cal & neelwnical. ALI roofittg bracLng E chinmegs, ete. rrust be eornpleted. lto ucnk is to be eon- cealed until this inspectlon lus'been tnode anC apprcued. llIl CURB & APPRCACE APPON: After forrnsee erecteC but prior to pouring conc?ete. SIDEIIALK & DRfIWAI: For aLL con- etete paoing uithin stteet right- of-tnA, to be maCe after aLL ecca- oating conplete & fom tprk & ntb- fuse na.teri.al in place. !E!!!: gates h4ten conplete -- ProuiCe ot mouable sections through FTilAL PLUI1BIIIG PIIIAL IIECHANICAL ?TNAL ELECTRICAL P.U.E, ALL proiect conditions' such as the i.nstallation of street trees, eonoletlon of the requined LanCseqing, ete. " rmtst be satisfied before the BU|LDINC EfiAL can be requested. ?INAL BUfLDINC: Ihe Final Building. fnspection mtst be reouested cfter the Ptnal PlwnbingElectrical, otd Mecluriccl Inspectlons luue been made arui'apptotscd. Hcnes Blocking old Set-up Plunbing connectians -- 6aL)e! a,C. oatet Eleetrical Ccmneetion - Bloekina, set-ut and plunbing connections m;st be ap>rct;ei befor e z,equesting electrteal inspee:io:: Aecessory BuilCing Fitnl - After pcrckes, skirting, decks,etc. ane cornple'.ed. Pege 1 of 2 *ALL I4AIIHCLES AND 1LEANOUTS ltUS? BE ACCESSTBLE, ADJAST!!ilE TO BE t,i4DE t? ilO C?ST ?O CEy tlt I appueattcn E /Ja /d {' at ) OO tr 2 soLAR AC_CESS REQ.-dJOB NO.L-CO Belroons: % of Lct Cotserage ?3 ?A> # of Stories / LCT ?WE fnterict Lot Paces - lleat P. L.House X Corner Total P,eight Panhand.Le Cul-de-sac Lace Topography O-??b -- Fees --x VaLue 4 Building Volue & Permit This pennlt i.s granted on the es?"ess condition ttnt the said eonstmtctionslnl.L, in-all.nes-pe-e-ts, eonform to the Ordinance adopted 6:y the City ofspt'Tngfield' including lhe zoning cydinance, regulctTng thZ ccnstru-etibn and .use o-f buildings, cnd may be_- suspend.ed or rbuokecLt "ry tine upon oic-Ta.tion of otA pz,ctsisions of iaid Otdinances. 7zrry $ay/E(ry .,<e' 7.rz? /S ,k<E/7ri€ FSrrc.e Tpqte;c7TOTAL VALUE S.D.C. 7.5 a 8z- Euilding Petnrtt ) State a7 Iotal CVnrges v5 Signed: NO FEE CHARGE Fiztt*es Plumbing Permit Residential (1 bath)No_ person shall consttaet, instal1., alter oz, ctunge ang nel ct, etisting ZL*tl,A or drainage sy,tgt in ulale or in part, -unlesl sueh person is theLegal.possessor of a ualid plunber,s Licensb, escept tlnt a pZtson na.g dopltonbing uork to property ahieh is otmed, Leased ot, operated by tl,rn ippli-cant. Seaer -^6 /E 2,e-4 Plunbing Pertrit -a I State Sutchatge ?- 1 iio. NailEcterd. Circuits Electricql Permit whet'e state Lan requires tlat the eleetrical uork be done by an Eleetricalco_ntractor, the electtical portion of this permit stull not be oalic untilthe Label lns been sig:ned bg the EleetticaL' Contra.ctor.Seroice 4 L 4 Permit CG State IotaL TLL ?tttDf? Mechonicql Permit bhatst Hood. Vent Fan I,lcodstoise Permit Issustee MecTnnical Penmtt Securi Permit Cvtbeu! Sidanalk Mobile ltone -- ENCROACHMENT -- 2z-*8ffi I HAW CAREEaLLY IXAUINED the completed application fon petmit, and do hereby cettify that aLL ilfo:nation hereoi is trae anC ebrrect-, anC f furtker certify that anA arl aLL aork perforned shall be dote in aeeor- dance rtlth the ozdin*rces of the City of Springfield, ani the Lans of the* State of 2z,egon pertainina to the uork Cesbribbd hnnZin, end tlnt NO OCCU- PANCY LILIL be nude of any st?ucture vithout permission of the Building DL-oision. f further cettifS that only contraeTors and arplcyees uho are in cmpliance uith cRS z01.0ss uiLL be used on this project ,/rre-' /r arev /ao ry25 b%zc 1/Fe paTtue:a.sz //2r,eaz-s F+5 7*>ar fu" 7h2HV, 1la,7zq ft.r.2y7r,u QryosroZ. P* Pgr>,7 AZ4/ry- 6 &iL *b,/,r r a ),, L Label [ 5V"'(2 .?a ?OTAL AilOUIl? DIJE:4 €z=t.re,Signed Ddte --D'/- g. LI IT914 n8tlzee BTUTS