HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Plumbing 1988-02-16.. RESID -NTIAL.. 225 North Stt Si;trelPPLrCAT70N/PERt'1rr SprLrqfieLd, 2regon 97477 Building Diuision 726-37 53 # SPFlINGFTELD t/dl Si,gned: "tp, llt I -OP Ca- b ) de- Date: GeneraL Phnbtng b4<> Ng Stre<-L.Job Loeaticn: Aesessors Map # lll 03 JU ag ?a Iot # Oll OO Sttbdioision: -R.-r., )et|€rzrw**\Otmer: Address: l3 AG €, Slr e<*lLG Jo 61Phone czty; $y7 vt yLaC*-LJ.'zip: Ql*ll Desu,Lbe Woz,k: Q tb-gx It t--t Na)-[.r-]6 VaLueDate of ,o IAdditian Renodel Electrieal Consj"uetion__Lende" Reati.na,l Tncnaafi.anc L It i8 the teeponaibility of the pendt hold,er to eee tlut aLL inapections are nade at the prope" tine, that eaeh address is ren4,thle fra n _tlv etyegt,_ and tlu.t the ,permLt eatd ie Located at the fzottt of the property.*Building Noision approxed pl,an shall yemain on the Bunlding Site'at aLL' tikes.- PROCEDUP,! FoR TNSPEC?I9\\-E0.W9!.'CALL726-3769(tecotdet) state yout Citg desigrnted job mmber,, job aCitess, type of inspeelicneadgforinspection,cont?aeta"soia*n,"",-,.L"ipn,7nnu,nbi..biq,istsrcLeli2ab27cre.7:00cnt"iLL be nade the eane dcg, ?equests ncde aftx 7:00 an tiLL be nade the nezt wrki$ day, Ioztt, City Designated Job Nunber fs 83o tas ercaoation, but ptLon tc set up of fonne. UNDERSLAB PLUILBING, ELECTRICAL & WCH!-\|ICAL: To be nade befoz:e ang ttOrk iS cOtSeyed. SITE INSPECTI)N: ?o be made aftez,INSALA?TON/VAPOR BARRTER NISPECTTON : To be nade after aLL insulaticn c,-d. required oapor bavie?s @e in place but before ang la.th, Wpsurn boatC or tnLL cooering is appli.ed, and. before otg itnulation i.s concealed. DRY\IALL fNSPECTf)N: ?c be nadeafter aLL dryaall is in pl,ace, but ptior to any tapirq. MASONRU Steel Locatton, bond beans, gz,outing or oerticals in accotdotce Ltith U.B.C. Section 241 5. W)2DST)VE: After installati,on is atnpleted. CURB & APPR1ACH APPON: Aftet fonnsd,e e?ectAffinnot, to pouring con2?ete. SIDTWALK & DRf',E'tlAY: For aLL con- crete paoittg uithin street right- of-tey, to be maCe after. aLL eeea- oating conplete & fonn uork & sub- base naterLal in place. DEI,IOLITIO!! OR Sanitonl seuer eapsped at properfil Lire Septic totk purped cnd fi.Lled trith graoel Pinal - l{hen abcue itene ate ccrnpleted avi.d uhen dqnclition is eorplete or atrac- ture notled and. prarlrLses cleaneC up. Hcmes Blocking od. Set-up Plunbing connections -- a€1)e! otd, oatet Electrical Connection - Blocktng, set-up and. plwnbing eonneetions rntst be apptc"*ed before requeeting eleclrical inspeetiot Aceessory BuilCing Firal - After pcrekes, skirting, deeks, etc. at,e completed. POOIIN9 & FOUNDAIICN: lo be naCe 4iet-tyencn;s at,e escauated and. fonns ate etected, but ptior to pout irq ecnerete. ) ? UND9RGPAUI]D PLUU) !rG, SgWEp., W.ATER,E T nnAW- @a-renches. UfiDERFLOOR PLIJI.IBING & ME1HANTCAL:rob@of floor insul,a.tion or decking. POST AND BEAM: To be nade prtot, tofrffiffiilffo| floor insuT)tion ot, deckittg. ROUGH PLI]!{BII'IG. ELEC?RICAL & I,IECH: ANICAL: No uotk is to be co,^et,edw:til these inspeetions lntse been made ond approueC. FIPEPL-!,CE: Pt"Lor to plceirq faeingma_terials and. before ft,aning inspeb-tion. PLUMBIIIG FINAL AECUANICAL FINAL ELEC?RICAL FRAl.lIllG: tutust be requested aftet appz,oual of rough plunbing, electr"i-cal & nee?nnical. AIL roofittg btacing & ehinmegs, etc. trust be , cornpleted. llo ucrk is to be eon-. cedled until this inspeetton las'been nole anC approued. h1ten conplete -- fuouide or morsable sectians thnough DFAIAD. @c P.U.E. TA ALL pt'ojeet conditions' sueh as the i.nstallation of street trees, conDletion of thetequired Landsccping, etc. , naat be satisfied befoTe the BUILDING FfNAL can be requested. a\ IINAI: B.urL-DINc,- rh? il.nal Buitding Inipection mtet be requested after the Final plunbirq \-,/ Electrical, and Mechanical fnspections laoe been nade atd'approoed. E *ALL I4ANHCLES AND CLEANOUTS MUST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUST\IE\|| TO BE IL4DE /1.T NO COST TO CI?y Page 1 of 2 )";_ 5D l-1 ,,ouorn ,o " tr l T Z Lot Faces -Enerqu Sourees ?uoe lleat DT House Cayaqe Aceess.Watet lleaterNonth East Fireplace South Wood.stou"e West LCT TWE _ fnterior _ Cor.ner _ Panhanl.Le _ CUl-de-aac soLAR ACCESS REQ.-dJOB NO.L-CO BedroomsGrc bt Sq. ttg. 7 of Lct Cooeraga # of Stortes Total Height Iopogrcphy t^^^ Building Vqlue & Permit This petmit is granted on the erpress condition tlnt the said eonsttaction s?wLL, in all respects, eonform to the Crdinance adopted 6iy the City ofSpringfield, includ.tng the Zoning Cndinance, tegulating the ccnstrabticn and. use of buildings, cnd nay be suspended ot reuokeC at cng time upon oic- Lation of my prcuisions of said 1ydir,ances. TO?AL VALUE x S.D.C. 7.5 d Building Permit Iotal Clnrgea State Reeeipt #: Date Paid PLan Plumbing Permit N9 pereon slnll eonstntct, install., alter oz' elange anA ned cn ecisting plwnbirq or drainage sAsten in uhole or in patt, unLess such person is- the Legal possessor of a ualid plwnbet,ts License, eteept that a pbt,son mag do plwnbing uork to property uhieh is outned, Leased or operated by the appli-QA OD \u.t N0.FEE CHARGE I %D C) eantt. /lpJ'2)r Fi.stut,es Resil.ential (1 bath) Seuer Plutnbing Perrrtt State Qer GIJ +L^, 5a'(40 _l;-*- Electricql Permit WLpre State Lan reqttires tlat the electrieal uork be dane bg an Eleatrieal Contraeto?, the eleety"ical portion of this permit slall not be oaliC until the Label lns been signed by the Eleettical Contraetor. FEE Nett,/Eotend Cincuits Setoice State Total NC FEE CHARCE Mechonicol Permit llcodstooe Vent Fan kha$t Hood PTU. PermLt fssuanee Meclnnical Permtt -- ENCROACEMEN? -. Secarity Deposi,t Storaae Mainterunce Permit Cutbeut Sideualk !enee Electrieal Label Mobile Eotte PLan Esantiiet,Date f HAW CAREFULLy EYLALNED t\e eornpleted application for perrnit, and do hereby certify that aLL information het,eon is true and. cotrect, cnd f futtker cez,tify that any atd. aLL aork performed s?nLL be done in aceor- dance tLth the 1rdinenees of the City of Spr.Lngfield, and the Las of the State of 1t,egon pentaining to the uotk Cescribed herein, end. tlnt N0 OCCU- PANCY tLlL be rmd.e of anA st?uctu?e uithout permission of the Building Di-'tsision. I further certifg that only cont"actor.s and etrplcyees dho are in ctnpliance uith 2RS 701.055 ui.LL be used on this y'oject Iotal ""r^ A 7 -(6 -vv TO?AL AMOITII? DUE: *\zl oo Signed <)Q427/1a.r-\ Date -- ITEM VaLue l,tain Cet me Can'ront Aceessoru Total Charoo,s State Swehcrqe