HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding Fire Damage Report 1979-01-05Gr l^of Sooo /alu-- l.nd CrAso B/J9 Q, zeo Oo o TO: FROI,I: SUBJECT: ing FIRE DAI,IAGE REPORT OR ELECTRICAL HAZARD /-* 7? FD-l 6 /a7\ Building Department Springfield Fire Department Structural Damage to Building Address or'location of building ,Ur/ll 6+4 5/--f56 Name of ot ner Type of build e- 'l 'l i ng , Store,reho use, etc. .St' Estimated value of building Estimated loss to building Date of fire Location of damage fn building (Roof, t^Ja 2 o o or, Interior, etc.) r'{ 1 I , Exteri Struc tural kness as a resul t of the fire (Burned iii ters, Beams, Joists, e Additional pertinent information f v . 6re- Electrical Hazard r'( ets, /30/ cc: l,li ri nq , 0u S iqn DATE: t {tn.n. Cd-( DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS CIlrTT O}- SPF,I}SG}-IEI-'D SPRINGFIELD, OREGON 97 477 JanuarY ?2, 1979 Mr. Darwin McCarroll 130 West 37th Street Eugene, 0regon 97 407 cc:Fire Department RE: Fi re Damage Report 0n 556 North 6th Street ' Spri ngfi el d , 0regon 346 MAIN STREET 7 47 -4221 prj ngfi el d , uiiding Dear Mr. McCarrol I : Pursuant to a fire in the building located at 556 North 6th street Oregon on January 5, 1979 an inspection was made by the Springfiel Di v'i s i on on January 17 , 1979 . ;*,/- ,S dB The entire ceiling and roof of the second floor was destroyed. Portions of the i.ionO floor-wdlli were destroyed. All of the electrical wiring'in the second floor was destroyed. The staiis and,surroundjng area are in an unsafe condjtion. The chimney is unsafe and it appears that it was the cause of the fire- Due to the extensive damage to the building we do not feel that it is poss'ib1e to repair or rebuild without exceeding fifty (50) percent of !!e value of the building. Should th'is turn out to be the case, the entire building must be reconstructed to meet present day code requirements. We feel that the prudent course for you to pursue is to remove the structure enti re'ly. Please direct all inquirjes to the Springfield Building Division at 726-3753. Dan Smith Bui I ding Inspector DS/ct S'incere,ly, ,r /o,,