HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1988-03-25#.. RESIF*NTIAL.. 22s Noyth stl, s,t nlPPLrcAl\0N/PERI/1u SprLrqfield, 1regon 97477 Building Diudsion 7 26-37 53 SPTINGFIEI-D cto a)>, ilr 1 ?'7x Date: Ceneral Consln ction_Ldet r: i8 lhe reeponeibi-LilC of -tlre pendt ttoldet to aee that aLL inapectiotts ee nade at the prope? tisne, that each a44rees is reolgbief.yl-tly etnee.t, and, tlat the-pe.rit-eatd ia Located at the frcni of tne ioperty.*Building Nuicion ap?z.w-ed p|.aa shc.Ll pemain on the aun/ainig- -silc at aLL tines. P.R)1EDUP\ Fon, rySPEc?I1N .E-!-Q- yES?:CALL 726-3769 (z,ecorder) state your City designated. job ntmber,, job aCiress, type of inspecticn :ff"i!.! and,uhen you uiLL beieady for inspection, conttactor" oi ainers";;e"""4;?-;" nunbi.' prA;;i rcLer:i;La tZfcri z:00 an'enLL be nade the eane day, ?equests nade after ?:00 Gtt ttill be nade the nert wrking d.ay. you? citg Deei,gr,ated Job lhtrbey rs: t80pS" 0 'f)YJob Iocaticn: nesessors aap * f 10 3 35 2 O33oOTot Lot # Subdioision Ormer: Addtess:Phone: ci CArLd \ Desa4be Notk: 7-;rf8 Value 0-r,4 Date of AppL icatian Ad&ttian RemoCel SI?E INSPEC?TON: eccauation, but forns. ?o be made after pt"tor tc set up of of TNSULATION/VAPOR BARRIER IT\SPECTTON : To be nade after aLL insulaticn a""d tequ'lred oapoz' borie?s @e in pTace but before oty 7,ath, Wpeutn boatC orULL cooering is applied, and beforeoty irnulation is concealed. DEt.l1Lnro!] 0R Sanilan1 setser capped at properus^ Lire Septic totk ptotped attd fi,lled rtith grael WERSLAB PLUMBING, ELECTRICAL & MECIIANICAL: ?o be mad.e before angwrk ie cotseted. POOIIN1 & E)UNDAIfCN: ?o be naCe M t! encffi;;-ar,;-*c au at ed. and fortns ate erected, but prior to pottr"tng ccneret€. UND1RCROUIID PLUMBING. SEWR, WATER. DRAIIIACE: To be nade pr"tor to fil-Lirq trench.ee, UI|DFRFL))R pLUr.ErNG & \4ECHANTCAL :Io be nad.e prior to installition DRYWALL INSPECTTON: Ic be nade -. aftet, aLL Ctnluall is in plaee, but prior to any taping. I,IASONRI: Steel Location, bond beanc, gz,outing or oerticals in accotdotce uLth a,B.C. Section 2415. ilOODSTOVE: atnpleted. After installation is Final - Llhen abcoe itens are ecntpleted and uhen Cqtolition is eomp;Lete o! strac- tute moued and. prerrtses cleaneC up. Le Hcmes Bloeking od. Set-up Plunbing connectione -- aeDe? od. uatetfl,oor insul,ction oy deeking. POS? AND BEAM: ?o be nade pr.Lor toinstallatian of floot insulation ot deeking. ROUG( PLU|BIIIG. ELEC?RTCAL & MECH- ANICAL: No uotk is to be couez,e{mtil these irnpeetions hanse been nade cnd approued.. FfP.EPLACE: Pr.Loy to plceirg faeinomaterials and before fxaning inepelc-tion. FTNAL PLUMBING FINAL MECHANICAL PINAL ELECTRICAL CURB & APPROACH APPON: d,e e"ectAffiVffi After fornsto pour"ing concrete. STDEWALK & DRfVEWAI: For all con- ctete pauittg trithin st?eet ttght- of-teA, to be naCe after aLL erca- oating canplete & font uork & eub- base nater\al in place. !4!l: h4ten conplete -- Prouide gates or nooable sectians through P. U.E. Eleetrteal Connection - Blocking, aei-uD and plwnbing connections rn;st be qptc,*ed before requeeting eleclrtcal inspectiot Accessory BuilCing Pital - After etc. ate eonp pct ekes, Leted. akirting, decks, PRA-\,!ING:, l"lust be requested aftet appz,ooal of nough plutnbing, e-Lectri-cal & meclwnical. ALI roofirq btactng E ehittmegs, etc. rrust- be . cotnpleted. llo uork ie to be edrt-. cealed until this inspeetton lus'bee.n nade anC appz.otted. tr Pnu't--e tq ALL ptoject eonditiorn, such as the inetallation of stteet tt,ees, conpletion of therequired Landseqing' etc. ' rmtet be eatisfied before the BUILDIN'7 ffNAL can be requested.. FTNAL BUfLDIN}: The Final Building. Inspection mst be reqteated aftet the firnl Ptwbi,ngElectrical, otd Meclnrical rnspeetiow 'taoe been ^oi- ord'ippooo"d. *ALL I4ANHCLES AND CLEANOIJ?S I,IJST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJaST\|E\U TO BE I,IADE A? NO CCST rO Cpy Page 1 of 2 il tr tr u a -, -lJ'^*L,SOLAR ACCESS REQ.-L-CO Bedvoons Iat Sq. Ftg. % cf Lct Coterage_ # of Stories LOT TWE _ Intericr _ Corile? _ Panlnndle CUL-de-sac JOB NO. Iotal Height Iopography Sourees Access th West DT House Lot Faces - -- Eees -- Building Vqlue & Permit This permtt is gnanted on the erpress eondition tlnt the sail-eonettaction slnll-, in all rbspects, conform to the Crdinance adopted fiiy the CitA of Springfield, includ.ing the Zoning Crdinance, regulating the ccnstracticn otd use of buildings, otd may be suspended ot' reuokeC at cny time upon oic- Lati-on of anA prcoisione of said otdir,ances. SQ. FTG ?OTAL VALUE Building Permvt Iotal Clnrgee Signed: X Value State S.D.C. 1.5 c r?EM l,lain Date Paid: Check ?ee: Plumbing Permit No person shall constmtet, inetalT-, alter or elange anA neu cr eristing plutnbing or drainage s1eten in ulnle or in pott, unless such person is the Legal possessor of a oalid plwnber's L'Lcense, eseept tlnt a pe"son nail Qopltnbing uotk to prope?tA ulrieh is oaned, Leased or opet'ated by the apPli.- cant. NO FEE CHARCE Sani Seuet, Fi-rh*es PLumbLng ve!,rrLt State Surel^,atge Total Electricol Permit Whet,e State Lan reEtines that the eleetrical uork be done by an Elecfu-ical Conttactoz,, the eleetu"Lcal portion of thi.s perTnit sTaLL not be talid until the label lns been siqted by the Eleetrical Cont?acto". TotaL Na,s/Ertend Circuits Serasice OO7\,\- -- ENCROACHMENT -- rT!M NC FEE 5 Mechar nicol Permit -'l 1 oo khanet Hood Vent Fot PertnLt fssuanee Meelnnical Per,rtt Sec.r'itu Deposit Storage l,lainterzance Permit Cuzbcut Sida,talk lence ELect?LeaL LabeL MobiZe Horne Reeeipt #: Total PLan Esaniner Date I HAW CAREFULLY EXAILINED tle completed application for permit' and do hereby eertifA tlat aLL infolrnati,on heveon 'Ls tt'ue and correct' crtd l furthbr eertifg that any ar.d aLL aork perforrned slnll be done in aecot- dance urLth the ozdinanees of the City of Sptingfield, and the Laas of the State of oregon pet'taining to the uork Cescribed herei.n, cnd. tlnt No occu- PI.NCY dill bb rnad.e of ang stz,uctwe aithout pennisaion of the Building N- oision. f further eet,tify that only contractot,s ad enplcyees uho a"e tn eo,zpliance Dith ORS 701.055 aiLL be used on thie project TO?AL AMOIIiI? DUE: *5,no Signed /-4 /^rx,a/ru rTEM Resil.znti,al (1 bath) Wetet * llcodstooe t'