HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1989-10-31..RESIDFNTIAL.. - APPLICAT. -I/PERMIT225 North |th Street SprLngfield, Oregon 97477 BuiLding Diuisio.n 7 26-37 53 SPEINGFIEI-D 77Job Location:o !c,z Iot il {e'7-f-a l-aAaceeaors MaP il sl1bdi A.mer: ?0Phone:Address: ci Date of Application ")^x/!"b" j.ZJtl#,- 1,0/s *t*tu value LLOO ' 0O Hone addition RenoCel rac General Plurnbi nrca EJ,ec t.r Elec E t:lanervSu Sanilol'y seaet' eapped at property line Septtc tank pwnped ard filled r,tith gra;tel Final - l'1ten abcoe itens are conpleted and uhen Canolition ia conplete or sttuc- tuz,e moueC and pt'atrises cleaneC up. Blocking otd Set-uP Ptwnbing connections -- 8€1)eY ard. uater Electrical Connection' Blocking' set-up and plwnbing connecttone rrust be approted befoie nequeating elec|rlcal inspectio:: Acceasong Building Pinal - Aftet pct'ches, ekirting, decks, etc. are eompleted. Page 1 of 2 Iout City Deeigr.ated Job Nwnber fa: POR To a It ia the reeponaibility of tte permib ho-Ld-er to see that aLL inapec_tions ate nade at the prope? tine' that acch cutees is readable jrorn- the- atre'et, and ttit itte -peinit -c-ard id located ft .!h,e froll of -th1,pl1P-e-ltV'-tBuilding Diuicion appro"*ed plan,ehall remain on tlze BuildingT SiLe at aLL tLmes' pnocgDupE FOn rNSpECrroN.lqgtlEST:cALL 726-3769(tecordet,) state you? City cesigrated iob nwnbet" iob acdtess, type of inspeetior requested and uhen yoffLL be r.eady fo1, inspection, conttactor"'o"r- a^"r""*n Lnd pwne number. P.equests teceixed befcre 7:00 an t,iLL be rmde the eone dcg, reqteets-icde afiet 7:00 @n uvill be nade the nert tntking day. t1U U 2- SITE INSPECTION: ?o be nnde after "-""o&f-t";n"t prtor tc aet up of forma. UNDERSLAB PLUMBING. ELEC"TRICAL & t'.tCCULntcl,f,: ?o be nnde before any Git-liiZrered. FOOTINC & F)UNDATICN: To be rmde ;fT;F tr.encies dre acatated and forne ate etected, but Prior to pouning ccncreta. UNDqRCROUND PLUMBING. SS$IER, W,ITER' DRAIIIACE: Io be nade PrLo? Eo tLL- Tfr-$Znchie. UIIDERFLO@fr PLI]I,EING & MECHAIIQIL:of floor ineulation or decking. POST AND BEAM: To be nade Priot' to ffiliTffiGfof floor ineulation o1' decking, R0ucH PLUt4BrItC, ELECIRT?AL & MECH; ANICAL: No oork ie bo be coue"ed GlTTthese inspections hanse been rnad.e and appnooed. required oapor ban'iera @e in Place bui be|ore ory lath, gyPlun boatd ot tn|,L cooeti.ng is applied' attd before ory inaulation is concealed. DRYWALL INSPECUON: ?c be trude ;fier an-d'atrdlfie in p'Lace, but pnior to cny taPing. MASINRI: Steel Tocation, bond difrijgrouting ot' oerticals in accordance w|th U,B.C. Section 241.5, WOODSTOVE: After inetalZation ie ampleted. CURB & APPR1ACH AP.t?QN: Aftet fonns A,e e;;;t;[Tut pfiA tu pouritts concrete. SIDEWALX & DRIVEWAI: lor all con- cretenaDfr-;Eifi a tteet right- cf-tfry, to be nade after aLL etca- t)ating caaplete & forn wrk & sub- base nnterial in Place. PENCE: h4ten eonPlete -- Ptooide ffi or nortable eectione through P.U.E. facing inepee- tion. FRA|IINC: l"tust be requeated aftet' approval of rough plutr,bing' electni- cal E meclanical. ALL roofing bracing E chirmeya, etc. rmtst be : eottrpleted. No wrk ie to be con- , cecled unti,L this inapectton lae 'been nede anC approued. FTREPLACE: ^ai;;l;G FIIIAL PLUMBINC FINAL MECIilNTCAL PIIIAL ELECYEICAL Prior to Plccirq and before froning ALL projebt condttions, sucl.: aa the i.nstallation of street tree_1,- conPletion-of the ,nquiLnnla-ird""ipirg, Ltu,, mtst be sati.sfied before the BUTLDTNG FrNAL can be requested' FINAL BUfLDINC: The Final Building Inepection mtst be requeated alter the Final Plunbing eteciricitr-'atd ilechanical rnspectlonc itate been made ard approoed- IAT,L MANIICT,ES AND CLEANOUTS MUST BE ACCESSIBLE, AD,IUSTIIENI TO BE I\L4DE AT NO COST TO CI?Y Date: JOB NO. ?otal ESS REQ..L-CO G* BeCroans: udcePLan Euanlnet I HAW CAREFULL| E0AMINED the completed application fo-t'permit' and do herebu certifu ttat ait-inionmtion hereoi ia tnte arui coruect' ani r'i;r71zr-;'";i1..7v- tiat ony o;.d aLL aork pe-rf-onted etnll be dote in accor- 'dance'vith th'e' Ordinai,cLe- of the City of -Springfield, .atd th.e Ia;e of thc iite of \regon pettaiiing io the w-rk Cesbribed hereln' and' tlat N0 9ccu- pANCy DiLL be nade o1'ony" rlruoture uithout, permisaion of the Building Di' uiaton. I ft*ther "n li\a- tn"i- oily controc'tors and afiplc,ees uho are in .*pl,i""i ,'Ltt ons 701.b"ss uiLL be- uaed on thia proiect t th t P.L llouae l,ot Facee - I of Storted Total Height Iopography IfrT ?WE _ Interior _ Corner _ Panhandle _ Cul-de-aac Iat Sq. Ftg. 7 of Lot Cooenaga Building. Volue & Permit This permit ia granted on the etpreEs cond-ition ttut the said.constntcLion shall, in atl reepecti,'ioi,ioi-i- ti-e Ordinance adop.ted l;iy the City of ip"i"gfinfa, inc!,'ud'ing'the \oni,'ng Crdinanc.e, regulaLtltlt tle cc.tlsL-n1:-'^:":..^ oird ,""2 of Luildingx,- and nay be euapende,T or reuokeC <zt ctitJ ticte ulon uLc' lation of any pt'cutsione of aaid 2ndinances' -- Fees -- VaLue TOTAT, VALUE ATTTMFTG t i S.D.C. 7.5 t Building Pennit Total Clnrges Stat6 Date Paid: Receipt il: Plumbing Permit No oerson slnll constntct, inetall, alter or change dny ned-cr ecisting';ir;r\;; .; draina.qe ayatan in ulole or in port, unlees such person is the i;;;1-';rr;;";; ;7; iltta pt"rtnr's Lic-ene'e, e'$9ePt that a peison 'nav 42 ptaalhg wotk to p*opnity iti"t i" oumed' Leaaed or operated by the applt- cant. Electricql Permit where state Lau requirea tttat the electrical uotk be done by,an Electrical Cir-tro-"tir, iin elicttiial lontion of this _permit elall r.ot be oaliC until the Labet -has been aigned Ay the Electrical Contractot ' Pltnbing Penrit NO FEE State rt N0. \ ITEM Fbtutea Residenti.aL (1 bath) Seuer lleu/Exterd Circuits Sentice .oa FgE CIIARGEITEM I Mechcrnicol Permit Ezhanet lla,7 Vent Fot Permtt Isauanee Mechanical Pertt -. EIICROACHMENT -- Secarittt Depoait Storage Maintenance Permit Cttrbcut Sidalalk Pence Etectrical label Mobile ltane Signed: ''4rr, iltoullT DUli'!r€.15 Signed Da be SOLAR AC-C I'hin lannaa Car.nor.L Aaeossontt CHARCE lla*an Total Chnroes F\trnnao lllltS llcodstotte ,Total ?.haraea State 9tchanae