HomeMy WebLinkAboutAddressing Correspondence 2001-07-18\J DEV ELO PM ENT S ERV ICES D EPARTMENT Springfield Police Department Springf,eld Fire Department U.S. Post Office U.S. West Communications Northwest Natural Gas TCI Cable United Parcel Service SPRIi'GFIELE, Springfield Utility Board Lane Council of Governments 911 Dispatch, Public Safety Lane County Elections Department Sanipac Rainbow Water District Springf, e1d News/Register Guard 225 FIFTH STREET SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 (541) 726-375s FAX (541) 726-3689 July 18, 2001 Property OwnerlResident lglg 22"d Street, #38 Springfield, Oregon 97417 RE: Address Change I will notify the following companies and/or agencies of these space number changes by sending them a copy ofthis letter: Due to a recent land use subdivision approval, the street address ofyour property has been changed. Your Fopefty currently and commonly known as 1919 22d Street, Space #38, Springfreld, Oregon, also known as Lane County Reference Number 17032500, part ofTax Lot Number 00204 has been changed to 2164MaiaLoop. I am attaching a copy of the addressing map foryour reference. This change will become effective 30 days from the date of this letter (August 16, 2001). Please change your street address numbers on your home and on your mailbox (if applicable) by this date. If you have any questions, please feel free to phone me at726-3790. Sincerely, Lisa Hopper Building Safety Supervisor DEV E LO P lvl ENT S E RVI C E S D E PA RTM ENT Springfield Police Deparftnent Springfl eld Fire D epartrnent U.S. Post Offrce U.S. West Communications Northwest Natural Gas TCI Cable United Parcel Service SPltINGFIELO Springfield Utility Board Lane Council of Governments 911 Dispatch, Public Safety Lane County Elections Department Sanipac Rainbow Water Disfiict Springf,etd News/Register Guard 225 FIFTH STREET SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 (541) 726-3753 FAX (541) 726-3689 July 18, 2001 Property Owner/Resident lglg 22"d Steet, #2't Springfield, Oregon 91 477 RE: Address Change Due to a recent land use subdivision approval, the street address ofyour property has been changed. Your property currently and commonly known as 1919 22'd Street, Space #27, Springfreld, Oregon, also knownasLaneCountyReferenceNumber l7032500,partofTaxLotNumber00204hasbeenchangedto 2572 MaiaLoop. I am attaching a copy of the addressing map for your reference. I will notiff the following companies and/or agencies of these space number changes by sending them a copy ofthis letter: This change will become effective 30 days from the date of this letter (August 16, 2001). Please change your street address numbers on your home and on your mailbox (if applicable) by this date. Ifyou have anv questions, please feel free to phone me at726-3790. Sincerely, Lisa Hopper Building Safety Supervisor DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT Springfield Police Department Springfield Fire Department U.S. Post Office U. S. West Communications Northwest Natural Gas TCI Cable United Parcel Service S,,RINGFIELD Springfield Utility Board Lane Council of Governments 911 Dispatch, Public Safety Lane County Elections Department Sanipac Rainbow Water Distria Springfreld News/Regi ster Guard 225 FIFTH SIBEET SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 (541) 726-3753 FAX (541) 726-3689 July 18, 2001 Property Owner/Resident Lglg 22'd Street, #13 Springfleld, Oregon 97 477 RE: Address Change I will not$ the following companies and./or agencies of these space number changes by sending tlem a copy ofthis letter: Due to a recent land use subdivision approval, the street address ofyour property has been changed. Your properfy current$ and commonly known as 1919 22"d Street, Space #13, Springfield, Oregon, also known as Lane County Reference Number 17032500, part of Tax Lot Number 00204 has been changed to 2394 MaiaLoop. I am attaching a copy of the addressing map for your reference. This change will become effective 30 days from tlte date of this letter (August 16, 2001). Please change your street address numbers on your home and on your mailbox (if applicable) by this date. lf you have any questions, please feel free to phone me at'726-3790. Sincerely, Lisa Hopper Building Safety Supervisor DEV ELA PM ENT SERVIC ES D EPARTMENT Springfl eld Police Department Springfi eld Fire Department U-S. Post Office U.S. West Communications Northwest Natural Gas TCI Cable United Parcel Sewice SPR!NGFIELO Springfield Utility Board Lane Council of Governments 9l I Dispatch, Public Safety Lane County Elections Departrnent Sanipac Rainbow Water District Springfield News/Register Guard 225 FIFTH STREET SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 (541) 726-s75s FAX (541) 726-3689 July 18, 2001 Property Owner/Resident lglg 22"d Steet, #9 Springfield, Oregon 97477 RE: Address Change Due to a recent land use subdivision approval, the street address ofyour property has been changed. Your property curently and commonly known as 1919 22"d Street, Space #9, Springfreld, Oregon, also known as Lane County Reference Number 17032500, part ofTax Lot Number 00204 has been changed to 2350 Maia Loop. I am attaching a copy of the addressing map for your reference. I will notif the following companies and./or agencies of these space number changes by sending them a copy ofthis letter: This change will become eflective 30 days from the date of this letter (August 16, 2001). Please change your street address numbers on your home and on your mailbox (if applicable) by this date. If you have any questions, please feel free to phone ne at726-3'790 Sincerely, Lisa Hopper Building Safety Supewisor DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPAETMENT July 18, 2001 Property OwnerlResident lglg 22^d Street, #37 Springfield, Oregot 97477 RE: Address Change Due to a recent land use subdivision approval, the street address ofyour property has been changed. Your property currently and commonly known as 1919 22d Street, Space #37, Springfield, Oregon, also known as Lane County Reference Number 17032500, part of Tax Lot Number 00204 has been changed to 2668 Maia Loop. I am attaching a copy of the addressrng map foryour reference. I will notify the following companies and/or agencies of these space number changes by sending them a copy ofthis letter: SPFlINGFIELr, Springfi eld Utility Board Lane Council of Governments 91 1 Dispatch, Public Safety Lane County Elections Department Sanipac Rainbow Water District Springfreld News/Register Guard 225 FIFTH STREET SPRINGF|ELD, OR 97477 (541) 726-3753 FAX (541) 726-3689 Springfi eld Police Department Springfield Fire D epartment U.S. Post Office U.S. West Communications Northwest Natural Gas TCI Cable United Parcel Service This change will become effective 30 days from the date of this letter (August 16, 2001). Please change your street address numbers on your home and on your mailbox (if applicable) by this date. If you have any questions, please feel free to phone me at726-3790. Sincerely, Lisa Hopper Buildin g Safety Supervisor D EVELO P M ENT S ERV I G E S D EPARTM ENT July 18, 2001 Property Owner/Resident 1gl9 22"d Street, #68 Springfreld, Oregon 97 471 RE: Address Change Due to a recent land use subdivision approval, the sEeet address ofyour property has been changed. Your property currently and commonly known as 1919 22"d Street, Space #68, Springfield, Oregon, also known as Lane County Reference Number 17032500, part of Tax Lot Number 00204 has been changed to 2293 Maia Loop. I am attaching a copy of the addressing map for your reference. I will noti$ the following companies and/or agencies of these space number changes by sending them a copy ofthis letter: SPTIINGF!ELD Springfield Utility Board Lane Council of Governments 9ll Dispatch, Public Safety Lane County Elections DeparLrnent Sanipac Rainbow Water District Springfleld News/Register Guard 225 FIFTH STREET SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 (541) 726-s753 FAX(541) 726-3689 Springfi eld Police Deparunent Springfield Fire Departrnent U.S. Post Office U.S. West Communications Northwest Natural Gas TCI Cable United Parcel Service This change will become effective 30 days from the date of this letter (August 16, 2001). Please change your street address numbers on your home and on your mailbox (if applicable) by this date. If you have any questions, please feel free to phone me at726-3790 Sincerely, Lisa Hopper Building Safety Supervisor D EVELO P M ENI SEHY'CES DEPARTM ENT July 16,2001 SPFlIHGFIELO Springf, eld Utility Board Lane Council of Governments 911 Dispatc\ Pnblic Safety Lane County Elections Departrnent Sanipac Rainbow Water District Springfi eld NewsiRegister Guard 225 FIFTH SIEEET SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 (541) 726-3753 FAX (541) 726-3689 Property Owner/Resident lglg 22'd Street" #14 Springfield, Oregon 91417 Due to a recent land use subdivision approval, the street address of your property has been changed. Your property curenfly and commonlyknown as 1919 22d Street, Space #14, Springfield, Orego4 also known as Lane County Reference Number 17032500, part of Tax Lot Number 00204 has been changed to 2404 Maia Loop. I am attaching a copy of the addressing map for your reference. RE: Address Change I will notify the following companies and./or agencies of these qpace number changes by sending them a copy ofthis letter: Springfi eld Police D qlartnent Springfield Fire Department U.S. Post Office U.S. West Commurdcations Northwe,stNatural Gas TCI Cable United Parcel Service This change will become effective 30 days from tlre date of this letter (August 16, 2001). Please change your street address numbers on your home and on your mailbox (if applicable) by this date. If you have any questions, please feel free to phone me at726-3790. Sincerely, Lisa Hopper Building Safety Supervisor D EV ELOP M ENT SERVICES DEPARTM ENT July 16,2001 SPHtNGFIE!-E, Springfidd Utilif Board Lane Council of Gwemments 911 Dispatclq Public Safety Lane County Elections Dqlartment Sanipac Rainbow Water District Springfi eld NewslRegister Guard 225 FIFTH STREET SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 (541) 726-3753 FAX (541) 726-3689 Property Owner/Resident DD 22,d Street #12 Springfield, Oregon 97471 RE: Address Change Due to a recent land use subdivision approval, the street address ofyour property has been changed. Your prcperty currently and commonlyknown as 1919 22"d Streeq Space #12, Springf,el4 Oregon, also known as Lane County Reference Number 17032500, part of Ta:r Lot Number 00204 has been changed to 2388 Maia Loop. I am attaching a copy of the addressing map for your reference. I will notif the following companies and/or agencies of tlese qpace number changes by sending them a copy ofthis letter: Springfl elil Police Department Springfl eld Fire Departrnent U.S. Post Office U.S. West Communications NorthwestNatural Gas TCI Cable United Parcel Service This change willbecome effective 30 days fromthe date of this letter (August 16,2001). Please change your street address numbers on your home and on your mailbox (if applicable) by this date. Ifyou have any questions, please feel free to phone me a1726-3790. Sincerely, Lisa Hopper Building Safety Supenrisor \,oo., D EVELO P M ENT SERVI CE S D EPARTM ENT Springf, eld Police Departnent Springfi eld Fire D epartrnent U.S. Post Office U.S. West Communications NorthwestNatural Gas TCI Cable United Parcel Service SPRI,{GFTELD Springfield Utility Board Lane Cormcil of Governments 911 DispatclU Public Safety Lane County Elections Deparment Sanipac Rainbow Water District Springfi eld News/Register Guard 225 FIFTH STREET SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 (541) 726-3753 FAX(541) 726-3689 July 16,2001 Property OwnerlResidelrt lglg 22il Streeq #71 Springfield, Orcgon 97417 RE: Address Change Due to a recent land use subdivision approval, the street address ofyour property has been changed. Your property currentty and commonlyknown as 1919 22d Street, Space #71, Springf,eld, Oregon, also known as Lane County Reference Number 17032500, part of Tax Lot Nurnber 00204 has been changed to 2267 MuaLoop. I am attaching a copy of the addressing map foryour reference. I witl notify the following companies and/or agencies of these space number cha:rges by sending them a copy ofthis letter: This change will become effective 30 days from ttre date of this letter (August 16, 2001). Please change your street address numbers on your home and on your mailbox (if applicable) by this date. If you have any questions, please feel free to phone me at726-3790. Sincerely, Lisa Hopper Building Safety Supervisor \*r.D-, D E V ELO P M E NT SERVI C ES D EPARTM ENT July 16, 2001 Property Owner/Resident 7979 22,d Streeq #69 Springfield, Oregon 97477 RE: Address Change Springfi eld Police Department Springfeld Fire Department U.S. Post Office U.S. West Communications Northwest Natural Gas TCI Cable United Parcel Service SPTTINGFIELO Springfi eld Utility Board Lane Council of Governments 91 1 Diqpatch" Public Safety Lane County Elections Departrnent Sanipac Rainbow Water Distria Springfi eld News/Register Guard 225 FIFTH STREET SPRINGFIELD, OB 97477 (541) 726-3753 FAX (s41) 726_s689 Due to a tecent land use zubdivision apprwal, the street address of your properg has been changed. your prope4y currently and commonlyknown as 1919 22d Street, Space #69, Siringf,eta, Oregon, alsoknown as Lane County Reference Number l7o32so},part of Tax Lot Number Obzo+ nas bLn changed to2285 Maia Loop. I am attaching a copy of the addressing map for your reference. I will notify the following companies and/or agencies ofthese qpace number changes by sending them a copy ofthis letter: This change will become effective 30 days from the date of this letter (August 16, 2001). Please change your street address nurnbers on your home and on your mailbox (if applicable) by this date. If you have any questions, please feel free to phone me at726-3190. Sincerely, \rb,JNq@ Lisa Hopper Building Safety Supervisor DEVELA PM EI,IT SERVICES D EPARTM ENT July 16, 2001 Artie Mae Harlow 1919 22d Street Springfeld, Oregot 91471 RE: Address Change Due to a recent land use subdivision approval, the street address ofyour property has been changed. Your property currenfly and commonlyknoum as 1919 22d Street, Springfield, Oregon, also known as Lane County Reference Number 17032500,part of Tax Lot Number 00204 has been changed to 2365 Maia Loop. I am attaching a copy of the addressing map foryour reference. I will notiff the following companies and/or agencies of these space number changes by sending them a copy ofthis letter: SPRII{GFIELD Springfield Utility Board Lane Council of Governments 91 1 Dispatch, Public Safety Lane County Elections Departrnent Sanipac Rainbow Water District Springf,eld News/Register Guard 225 FIFTH STBEET SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 (541) 726-3753 FAX (541) 726-s68s Springf,eld Police Department Springfield Fire Department U.S. Post Office U. S. West Communications NorthwestNatural Gas TCI Cable United Parcel Service This change will become effective 30 days from the date of this letter (August 16, 2001). Please change your steet address numbers on your home and on your mailbox (if applicable) by this date. If you have any questions, please feel free to phone me at726-3190. Sincerely, Lisa Hopper Building Safety Srryervisor \,ou, D EV E LO P MENT SERVICES D EPARTMENT July 16, 2001 SPFITNGFIELD Springfi eld Utility Board Lane Council of Governments 9ll Dispatch, Public Safety Lane Cor:nty Elections Departnent Sanipac Rainbow Water District Springfreld News/Register Guard 225 FIFTH STREET SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 (541) 726-3753 FAX(541) 726-3689 Property Owner/Resident lglg 22'd Street, #53 Springfeld, Oregon 97 411 RE: Address Change Due to a reient land use subdivision approval, the street address ofyour property has been changed. Yoru property currently and commonly known as 1919 22d Street, Space #53, Springfield, Oregon, also known as Lane County Reference Nurnber 17032500, part ofTa:r Lot Nurnber 00204 has been changed to 2569 Maia Loop. I am attaching a copy of the addressing map foryour reference. I will notiS the following companies and/or agencies of these space number changes by sending them a copy ofthis letter: Springfl eld Police Department Springfield Fire Department U.S. Post Office U. S. West Communications NorthwestNatural Gas TCI Cable United Parcel Service This change willbecome effective 30 days fromtlre date of this leter (August 16, 2001). Please change your street address numbers oo your home and on yonr mailbox (if applicable) by this date. If you have any questions, please feel free to phone me at726-3190. Sincerely, Lisa Hopper Building Safety Supewisor D EV E LO P M ENT SERVICE S DEPARTM ENT July 16,2001 SPFTINGFIELD Springfreld Utility B oard Lane Council of Governments 911 DispatclL Public SafetY Lane County Elections Deparrnert Sanipac Rainbow Water District Springfi eld News/Register Guard 225 FFTH STREET SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 (541) 726-3753 FAX(541) 726-3689 Property Owner/Resident lr9lg 22"d Street, #45 Springfield, Oregot 91 417 RE: Address Change Due to a recent land use subdivision approwal the street address ofyour property has been changed. Your property curently and commonlyknown as 1919 22d Street, Space #45, Springf,eld, Oregon, also known as Lane County Reference Number L7032500,part ofTax Lot Number 00204 has been changed to 2691 Maia Loop. I am attaching a copy of the addressing map for your reference. I will notiff the following companies and/or agencies of these space number changes by sending them a copy ofthis letter: Springfeld Police DePartment Springfield Fire Department U.S. Post Office U. S. West Communications Northwest Natural Gas TCI Cable United Parcel Service This change will become effective 30 days from the date of this letter (August 16, 2001). Please change your street address numbers on your home and on your mailbox (if applicable) by this date. Ifyou have any questions, please feel free to phone me at'726'3190. Sincerely, Lisa Hopper Building Safety Supervisor \t"s) DEVELOP M ENT S EBV ICES DEPARTM ENT July 16,2001 SPRINGFIELE, Springfi eld Utility B oard Lane Council of Governments 91 1 Dispatch, Public Safety Lane County Elections DePartment genipac Rainbow WaterDistrict Springfi eld News/Register Guard 225 FIFTH STREET SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 (541) 726-3753 FAX(541) 726-3689 Properly Owner/Resident lglg 22il Street, #44 Springfield, Oregon' 97 411 RE: Address Change Due to a recent land use subdivision approval, the street address ofyour property has been changed. Your property currently and commonly known as 1919 22d Street, Space #44, Springf,eld, Oregon, also-f."oi* * Lane County Reference Number L7O325OO, part of Tax Lot Number 00204 has been changed to 21L7 MuaLoop. I am attaching a cqpy of the addressing map for your reference. I will notify the following companies and/or agencies of ttrese space number changes by sending them a copy ofthis letter: Springf eld Police DePartment Springf,eld Fire DePartrnent U.S. Post Office U. S. West Communications Northwest Natural Gas TCI Cable United Parcel Service This change will become effective 30 days from the date of this letter (August 16, 2001). Please change your street address numbers on your home and on your mailbox (if applicable) by this date. If you have any questions, please feel free to phone me at726'3790. Sincerely. Lisa Hopper Building Safety Supervisor D EV ELO P M ENT SERVICE S DEPARTMENT July 16, 2001 SFF!INGFIELD Springfield Utility Board Lane Council of Governmen$ 91 1 Dispatch, Public Safety Lane County Elections Department Sanipac Rainbow Water District Springfi eld News/Register Guard 225 FIFTH STREET SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 (541) 726-3753 FAX (541) 726-3689 Properly Owner/Resident lglg 22',d Street, #33 Springf,eld, Oregon 97411 RE: Address Change Due to a recent land use subdivision approval, the street address ofyour property has been changed. Your properry currently and commonly known as 1919 22"d Streeq Space #33, Springf,etd, Oregon, also known as Lane CountyReference Number 17032500, part of Tax Lot Number 00204 has been changed to 2622MuaLoop. I am attaching a copy of the addressing map foryour reference. I will notifr the following companies and/or agencies of these space number changes by sending them a copy of this letter: Springf,eld Police Department Springfleld Fire Department U.S. Post Office U.S. West Communications NorthwestNatural Gas TCI Cable United Parcel Service This change will become effective 30 days from the date of this letter (August 16, 2001). Please change your strcet address numbers on yoru home and on your mailbox (if applicable) by this date. If you have any questions, please feel free to phone me at726-3790. Sincerely, Lisa Hopper Building Safety Supervisor D EVELO P M E NT S EHVI C ES D EPARTM ENT July 16, 2001 SPRINGFIELO Springfi eld Utility Board Lane Council of Governments 91 1 Dispatch, Public SafetY Lane County Elections DeParrnent Sanipac Rainbow Water District Springfreld News/Register Guard 225 FIFTH STREET SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 (541) 726-3753 FAX(541) 726-3689 Property Owner/Resident Iglg 22"d Street, #28 Springfield, Oregon 97 477 RE: Address Change Due to a recent land use subdivision approval, the street address ofyoru property has been changed. Your property currently and commonly known as 1919 22d Street, Space #28, Springfield, Oregon, also k o*n as Lane County Reference Number 17032500, part of Tax Lot Number 00204 has 6ssl6hanged to 2580 Maia Loop. I am attaching a copy of the addressing map for your reference. I will notify the following companies and/or agencies of these space number changes by sending them a copy ofthis letter: Springfield Police DePartrnent Springfield Fire DePartment U.S. Post OfiEce U. S. West Communications Northwest Natural Gas TCI Cable United Parcel Service This change will become effective 30 tlays from the date of this leter (August 16, 2001). Please change yogr s6eet address numbers on your home and on yoru mailbox (if applicable) by this date. If you have any questions, please feel free to phone me at726'3190. Sincerely, Lisa Hopper Building Safety Supenrisor SPRINGFIELD D EV ELO P M ENT SERV I CES D E PA RTM ENT July 16,2001 225 FIFTH SIHEET SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 (541) 726-3753 FAX (541) 726-3689 Propeay Owner/Resident 7g:.9 22"d Steet, #26 Springf,eld, Oregon 97477 RE: Address Change Due to a recent land use subdivision approval, the street address ofyour properly has been changed. Your property currently and commonly known as 1919 22d Street, Space #26, Springf,eld, Oregon, also i"o*o * Lane County Reference Number l7l3zs}O,part of Tax Lot Number 00204 has been changed to 2568 Maia Loop. I am attaching a copy of the addressing map for yolr reference. I will notify the following companies and/or agencies of these space number changes by sending them a copy ofthis letter: Springf eld Police DePartment Springfield Ffue Department U.S. Post Office U. S. West Communications NorthwestNatural Gas TCI Cable United Parcel Service Springfi eld Utility B oard Lane Council of Governments 91 1 Dispatch, Public SafetY Lane Counry Elections DePartment Sanipac Rainbow Water District Springfield News/Register Guard This change will become effective 30 days from the date of this letter (August 16, 2001). Please change your streef address nunrbers on your home and on your mailbox (if applicable) by this date. If you have any questions, please feel free to phone me at726-3190. Sincerely, Lisa Hopper Building Safety SuPervisor \l"- D EVELO PM ENT S ERVI CES DEPARTM ENT July 16, 2001 I will notiff the following companies and/or agencies of these qpace number changes by sending them a copy ofthis letter: Properly Owner/Resident lglg 22"n Street, #25 Springfield, Oregot 97 477 :;PFl!hIGFIELD Springfield Utility Board Lane Council of Governments 911 Dispatch, Public Safety Lane County Elections DePartment Sanipac Rainbow Water District Springf,eld News/Re gister Guard 225 FIFTH STREET SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 (541) 726-3753 FAX (541) 726-3689 Springfield Police DePartment Springlield Fire DePartrnent U.S. Post Offrce U. S. West Communications Northwest Natural Gas TCI Cable United Parcel Service This change will become effective 30 days from the date of this letter (August 16, 2001). Please change your streeiaddress numbers otr your home and on your mailbox (if applicable) by tlis date. If you have any questions, please feel free to phone me at126-3190' Lisa Hopper Building Safety SuPervisor RE: Address Change Due to a recent land use subdivision approval, the street address ofyour propedy has been changed. Your properly ourrenfly and commonly known as 1919 22d Street' Space #25, Springf,eld, Oregon, also ioo*o * Lane County Reference Number t7}3z5}O,part of Tax Lot Nrunber 00204 has been changed to 2556 Maia Loop. I am ataching a copy of the addressing map foryour reference. Sincerely, DEVELOP M ENT SERVI C E S DEPARTMENT July 16, 2001 SP'lINGFIELD Springfield Utility Board Lane Council of Governments 911 Dispatctr" Public Safety Lane County Elections Department Sanipac Rainbow Water Distria Springf,eld NewsiRegister Guard 225 FIFTH STREET SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 (541) 726-3753 FAX (541) 726-3689 Property Ovrner/Resident lglg 22"d Street, #20 Springfie1d, Aregon 97 417 RE: Address Change Due to a recent land use subtlivision approval, the street address ofyour prcperty has been changed. Your prqperty currentty and commonlyknown as 1919 22d Street, Space #20, Springfield, Oregon, also known as Lane County Reference Number 11032500, part of Tax Lot Number 00204 has bem shanged to 2444MataLoop. I am attaching a copy of the addressing map foryour reference. I will notiff the following companies and/or agancies of these qpace number changes by sending them a copy of this letter: Springfleld Police DePanment Springf, eld Fire D epartment U.S. Post Office U. S. West Communications NorthwestNanual Gas TCI Cable United Parcel Service This change will become effective 30 days from the date of this letter (August 16, 2001). Please change your street address numbers on your home and on your mailbox (if applicable) by this date. If you have any questions, please feel free to phone ne a1126'3790. Sincerely, Lisa Hopper Building Safety Supervisor DEV ELO P MENT S ERV IC E S DEPARTMENT July 16, 2001 Property Owner/Resident lglg 22'd Steet, #17 Springfield, Oregon 91471 RE: Address Change Due to a recent land use subdivision approval, the street address ofyour property has been changed. Your property currently and commonlyknown as 1919 22"d Streeg Space #17, Springfleld, Oregon, also i*o-*" * Lane County'Reference Number t713}s}O,part of Tax Lot Number 00204 has been changed to 2428 Maia Loop. I am athching a copy of the addressing map for your reference. I will notify the following companiss and/or agencies of these qpace number changes by sending them a copy ofthis letter: SPFIIl{GFIELD Springf eld Utility Board Lane Council of Governments 911 Dispatch, Pr:blic SafetY Lane Corurty Elections Department Sanipac Rainbow Water District Springfield News/Register Guard 225 FIFTH STBEET SPBINGFIELD, OR 97477 (541) 726-3753 FAX (541) 726-3689 Springf,eld Police DePartnnent Springf,eld Fire DePartment U.S. Post Office U.S. West Communications Northwest Natural Gas TCI Cable United Parcel Service This change willbecome effective 30 days from the date of this letter (August 16, 2001). Please change your streeiaddress numbers on your home and on your mailbox (if applicable) by tltis date. Ifyou have any questions, please feel free to phone me at726-3'790. Sincerety, Lisa Hopper Building S afety SuPervisor SPr.!NGF!ELD DEV ELO PM ENT SERVI C ES DEPARTM ENT July 16,2001 225 FIFTH STREET SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 (541) 726-3753 FAX(541) 726-s689 Property Owner/Resident DD 22"d Street, #15 Springfield, Oregot 97 417 RE: Address Change Due to a recent land use subdivision approval, the street address ofyour property has been changed. Your prcperty currenfly and commonlyknown as 1919 22d Street, Space #15, Springf,eld, Oregon, also t oo*r, u. Lane Counry Reference Number |7O325OO, part of Tar Lot Number 00204 has been changed to 2416 Maia Loop. I am attaching a copy of the addressing map foryour reference. I will notify the following companies and/or agencies of these space number changes by sending them a copy of this letter: Springf,eld Police DePartnent Springfi eld Fire DePartment U.S. Post Office U. S. West Communications Northwest Natural Gas TCI Cable United Parcel Service Springfield Utility Board Lane Council of Governments 911 Dispatch, Public safety Lane County Elections DePartnent Sanipac Rainbow Water District Springfi eld News/Register Guard Tlis chenge will become effective 30 tlays from the date of this letter (August 16, 2001). Please change your steetaddress numbers on yonr home and on your mailbox (if applicable) by this date. If you have any questions, please feel free to phone me at126-3'190. Sinberely, Lisa Hopper Building Safety Supervisor \"r.e, DEV ELO P M ENT S ERV ICE S D EPARTMENT Springfield Police DePartment Springfl eld Fire Departrnent U.S. Post Office U. S. West Communications NorthwestNatural Gas TCI Cable United Parcel Service SPFIINGFTELD Springf, eld Utility Board Lane Council of Governments 91 1 Dispatch, Public Safety Lane County Elections DePartment Sanipac Rainbow Water District Springfi eld News/Register Guard 225 FIFTH STREET SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 (541) 726-3753 FAX (541) 726-3689 July 16, 2001 Property Owner/Resident lglg 22'd Street, #8 Springfield, Oregort 97 417 RE: Address Change Due to a recent land use subdivision approval, the street address ofyour properfy has been changed. Your Foperty currently and commonly known as 1919 22d Street, Space #8, Springf,eld, Oregon, also known as Lane County Reference Number 17032500, part of Tax Lot Number 00204 has 6.sn shanged to 2336 Maia Loop. I am attaching a copy of the addressing map foryour reference' I will notify the following companies and./or agencies of these space number changes by sending them a copy of this letter: This change will become effective 30 days fromthe date of this letter (August 16, 2001). Please change your street address munbers on your home and on your mailbox (if applicable) by this date. If you have any questions, please feel free to phone me at726'3790. Sincerely, Lisa Hopper Building Safety Supervisor DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT Jnly 16,2001 Properly Owner/Resident lglg 22il Street #6 Springfiel( Orcgort 97 471 RE: Address Change Due to a recent land use subdivision approval, the street address ofyour property has been changed. Your properfy currently and commonly known as 1919 22d Street, Space #6, Springfield, Oregon, also known u. i*. Courty Reference Number 77032500, part of Ta:< Lot Number 00204 has been changedto 2314 Maia Loop. I am attaching a copy of the addressing map foryour reference. I will notify the following companies and/or agencies of these space number changes by sending them a copy ofthis letter: senlrrGrtelo Springfield Utility Board Lane Council of Governments 911 Dispatch, Public Safety Lane County Elections DePartment Sanipac Rainbow Water District Springfi eld News/Register Guard 225 FIFTH STREET SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 (541) 726-3753 FAX (541) 726-3689 Springfield Police DeParhent Springfeld Fire DeParunent U.S. Post Office U. S. West Communications NorthwestNatural Gas TCI Cable United Parcel Service This change will become effective 30 days from the date of this letter (August 16, 2001). Please change your streetaddress nunrbers on your home and on your mailbox (if applicable) by this date. If you have any questions, please feel free to phone me a1126'3190. Sincerely, Lisa Hopper Building Safety Supervisor DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT July 16, 2001 Property Owner/Resident Tglg 22"n Street, #2 Springfreld, Oregot 91 471 Springf,eld Police DePartrnent Springfield Fire DeParunent U.S. Post Office U.S. West Communications NorthwestNatural Gas TCI Cable United Parcel Service SPRI]{GFIELE, Springfl eld Utility Board Lane Council of Governments 911 Dispatch, Public SafetY Lane County Elections Department Sanipac Rainbow Water District Springfield News/Register Guard 225 FIFTH STREET SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 (541) 726-3753 FAX(541) 726-3689 RE: Address Change Due to a recent land use subdivision approval, the street address of your prqlerty has been changed. Your properly currently and cornmonly known as 1919 22"d Street, Space #2, Springfield, Oregon, also known L i*. County R.f.r.o"" Number 17O325OO,part of Tax Lot Number 00204 has been changed lo 2242 Maia Loop. I am attaching a copy of the addressing map foryour reference. I will notry the following companies and/or agencies of these space number changes by sending them a copy ofthis letter: This change will become effective 30 days from the date of this leuer (August 16, 2001). Please change your sfeeiaddress numbers on your home and on your mailbox (if applicable) by this date' Ifyou have any questions, please feel free to phone me a1726-3'790' Sincerelv. Lisa Hopper Building Safety SuPervisor