HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1981-10-14. o, u, *^i io $ru.iJ3f I3^, a ;PERMIT FECE.TPZ #CI:! Oi SPRIIIGFIELD 225 !;c?.!fl .si,Y .sL?.Em :-PPT::CFIEID, ORECa:I 974?7 ?rr:r*rg Diuisio-: SPRINGFIEID /a,/ "% /{, eO ,bO /f, ba tob Location: &tbdiuision: Aasasso,,.e lla? #Tac Lot # 1,-2 Anet Addrese Ph,one # Deeeyibe l,lotk llectrti,eal AdCiticn sctl Plone ':ontmcto"s lldie Genetal Ag,Actt SAS7. .- d. /ozn. l,!eciroticaL Construetion Lendet ?age 7 of 2 REQUIP€D INSPECTIOilS It is the rcsponsibility of the permit hclder to see th3t al.l iespections are made at the proper ti.Ete, that each address isrcadable frqn the street' ani that tha pefliit card is located at the f:nont of the properrya .{I]. nanholcs and cleanouts arc tc be adJusted at no cost to thc City SITE I}ISPETICN:;E,ffi;rEC To bc made after FIREPLACE: Prior to placing natenials and before franing tion. facing WOODSToYES: After insta]']'ation .prion to set u? of forns. UIIDEP.SLAB PLIJUBING, ELSCTP.IC.qL E HECHANICAL: To be nrade before any uork is covered. FMMII{G: Must be requested approval of rough plunbing, after CURB E APPROACI.I APP.oN: Afte! formsffip;iF to pcuring concrete. FOOTI}IG 6 F0UITDATION: To be made after trenches are e..icavated and forus are erected, but pricr to pouning concretc. cal 6 rnechanical. AlJ. nocfing, braein3 € chimaeys, etc. must be coErplotod. No work ls to be con- cealed until this inspection has been nade and app:roved. SIDEWALK 6 DRIYE'YIAY: For aII con- crete paving withiB street right- of-way, te be llade aften all, exca- vating ccmplete 6 forur work E sub- base materiEl- in place.UNDERGROUND PLUHBING, SEI{ER, WATER, DRAII{A.GE: To be nade prion to fiJ.- ling trcnchcs. INSULATION/VAPOR BARRTER INSPECTION: To be made after alI insulation and nequined vapon barriers ale in plaee but bcf,ore any la or WDERFLOOR PLUI,IBING t MECHANTCAL: To be made prior to installation of raIL covening is 0THER INSPEC?I0NS: may be rcquired in accordance lrith Building Code, to be indicated in ;lars or by no- tice from Building fnspector. any iasulation is coocealed. fLoor insulation or decking. POST 6 BEAH:r;;EIJffi'N To be nade pnior to of flcor insulation DR11JALL INSPECTION: To be mede after aI1 drywal.l is in place, but prior to any taping.on Cecking. R0u6H PLUMBING, ELECTP,IC.{L 6 UECI{- AllCf.\L: llo rork is to be covered GiEi-these inspections have been rmde and approved. }!AEqNRY: Steel location, bond Effigrouting cr verticals in accordance with U.B.C. Section 2r+15. FINAL PLUMBING All project conditions, such as the installation of street trees, corrpletion of the required landscaping, etc.' must be satisfied before the BUILDING FINAL can be requested. FINAL BUILDIIIG: The Final Building Inspection rrust be requested aiter the Final PLurnbingElectrical, and Mechanieal Inspections have been made ard apprcved. FI}TAL ELECTR,IC.{L |lo occupancy of the premises c:n be rnade until the Fiaal Building Inspection hes been rrrade and APPTOT'Ed' And. a CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY HAS BEE}I ISSUED BY THE BUILDI}IG DIVI- SICN AND PCSTED ON THE PREMISES. PR0CEDURE FOR INSPECTION REQUEST: CaLl 726-3769 (recerder)state your City designated ;'ob number, job adCress, type of inspection requested and when you will be ::eady for inspec- tion, Contracto?s or owners nane and phone numbers. Requests received before 7:00 a.m. viIJ. be nade the sane day, !.equests made after 7:00 a.m. wiLl be made the next working FINAT HECHAUIC,TI.L day.YOUR CITY DESIGNATED JOB NU}.IBER IS I Page 2 REFTRENCE NIII"IBERS L-coc i! JOB NI'}:BER I TYPE/ CO!'ISTRT]CTION OCCUPA!{CY GROUP BEDROOI4S ZONE i;4.te" He4te{ Lat Fa2es:- ;arege)f House North East South llest Setbacks Cotnet Lot TU?e Intet-ior Sq . Ftg. Ceage Ftg. CaQc?t TOTAL CIL4RCES ,Sto.:e 7. S x tlalue fi$s pert-t is gtofted on the .e'sP"€38 ctnditton -"llat 'iil" tL1'a'Z*tiii.iir:o" s?aLL, i'n aLL reai-ec-te ' co1'fo-y ii,i- tii-6ra;'ni.u" oAopli"a av tne c'';7 o-= ;pr'ngfieH' ineluli;eg the Zoning }tdinoee, "e?1Lat1n€ :''e con- ;;,;*t."1 end uee oi wiw.',a,', *i ''o'4 bb asvetdei o" rq)oked at otg tine upon oioZati':n ci dtl Ptatl- eiona of dail crdittoues. BA ILD III G V ALUE / PER!/!fi P|.an CTteek lee Date Paid ! llhere Stale La,r teqtivee tlut the eiec*Leai aork be dou bg ot Electrical Ccnt?dcto?, the electr\cal pot- tton cf thia penrit ehall not be uaiiC zrntll the $-bel lus been signed bA the ilectriccl Ccntrcczo". The ET,ectrtcal Safety Lat does tot rcqttire . tersorl to obtai,n a Licettsc a an electricist al/cr elee- tzical contraclo" tc nake an electrical 'ins::LletLcn ot p?ope"tA ahich is ooed by hinseii on a -mbe: of lrts imnedic'"e lorily ahLch ie not iztencad i:n sale, Lease cr rent. PLTIMBING PffiME! ELECIETCAL PSPTLN ?ATAL CNARCES lio. Setne" SUSTdlAL sugTtt.qL ?OTAL CARGES State ot 9.*-tenaionDireui Cep*uclion No person slnll constmtot, inatall, allet ct chotge etA net or ez':.,,stittg plunbing o? d".a71age syszatt in uhole ot ir. pet, wtleaa such petsott is 2he '>egal posaeslo" of a talid plunber'e Licerse, aceelt vilat L p"r"on *i ,1," pl,wnb7ng uork to pro:ei?g u?.'-eh ie wned, Leased or opetated bg the qtitcant. I,IECEA"NTC.4L PSRMI? Ver,t F@t SUB?UIA,L E!!CR2ACtti.tEilr SeauE- Stcrage I EAW CAREIUUY EXAMINED the completed application fot penrit, and. do herebg certifg tltat aLL infornarton hereoz is tzue od, cortect, otd. fftrtlet centifA that ory ond aLL wrk perfcrned shall be done in accor- danee utih the fudinotees of tle City of Springfield, and the La,te of the State of 1rcgan pettaining tc the wtk described herein, @d, that NO OC- CWANCy viLL be tmde of @q et?rctloe uttthout perrrissicn of the BuildingDi,tdsion. I f,*th* certifg tltat onlg .ont?acto"a otd enployeea uho d?ein canrpliance vith ORS 701.055 ttill be tsed on lhis ptoject. l,lainenatce Perwit D!18 Ctrbeut Sida,talk tlectrteal Label AT4OAilT DUE 8ui Dittision apptesed plet shatl renein on the Building at all tintes. l llcccss