HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Curb Cut 1996-06-12I D l D D A a DATE ISSUED: ffi INSPECTION LINE SEE INSPECTIONS ON BACK SIDE APPLICATION DATE: 225 FIFTH STREET SPRINGFIELD, OREGON 97477 ENGINEERING DIVISION OFFICE TELEPHONE (503} 726.3753 ENCROACHMENT PERMTT NUMBER: PERMIT NUMBER: 9 6 O.1? I LOCATION OF WORK TAX MAPI zn: V7? 77 rAX Lor: srArE: c?z zre PHONE EXPIRATION DATE a7- PHONE 7/7 67/7 PHoNE 74/-/Uz PHONE: 7",/- APPLICANT SITE ADDRESS:Qrt ADDBESS: CITY: CONTRACTOR: ADDRESS OWNER cttv: 7;a-f,rty' STATE: SUBDIVI-SION: CONTRACTOB REGISTRATION NO PROJECT SUPERVISOR: REOUESTED PERMlTS: ACCOUNT NOIINSPECTIONS REOUIRED: APPLTCATTON FEE / DEPOS|T f erucnoacHMENT pERMtr No: .....,. VALID FOR SIXTY 160I DAYS FROM DATE OF ISSUANCE I cursrnrer E BoRE E oTHER Q ousr coNrRoL (TypE oF coNTRoL) I corsrnucloN, sroRAGE, srAGtNG Q ornrn Q aseHllr DEpostr TYPE OF SECURITY DEPOSIT BLANKET suaEry BoND I suntttv aoruo e casH / cHEcK CURB C'UT PERMTT NO: .... FT. 7INSPECTION: CURE / APPROACH AFTER FoRMs ARE ERECTEo 8UT PRIOR TO POURING CONCRETE.VALID FOR 180 OAYS FROM OATE OF ISSUANCE. tr tr DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: PER]OD OF USE OR TIME OF CONSTRUCTION: tr PLANS (TWo sETSI ATTACHED. AREA: LENGTH:WIDTH TYPE OF WORK: CUT OTHER: BORE: EXISTING SURFACE MATERIAL: I secorub DRrvEwAy (sEE sEeARATE AppLtcA SIDEWALK PERMTT NO:...,................ FT. nVALID FOR 180 DAYS FROM OATE OF ISSUANCE. Q r.rrw E REMovE / REpAtR fl eAVE eLANT srRtp fl seraacr ll CURBS|DE E TENGTH INSPF'TION, SIDEWALK / DRIVEWAY FOR ALL CONCRETE PAVING WITHIN THE STREET RIGHT OF WAY, TO BEMADE AFTER ALL EXCAVATING IS COMPLETE , AND FOFM WONT AT{O SUB,EASE MATERIAL IS IN PLACE. SANITARY SEWER CONNECTTON PERMIT: VALIO FOR SIXTY 160' OAYS FBOM DATE OF ISSUANCE I ro srue o MA|N L|NE (EASEMENT-R/W] D oTHER f sronrvr sEWER coNNEcnoN pERMtr: ........ VALIO FOR SIXTY (60} DAYS FROM OATE OF ISSUANCE I crrcx BASTN / BUBBLER E STUB e laatrultrue PRoOF OF INSURANCE: $5OO.OOO MINIMUM I erracueo O REOUTRED AMOUNT E S2o.00 / E$ ff$ t o.oo + $.1 s/FT E $10,0O+$.15/FT, T1 S5.OO /U E $5.o0 / TOTAL DUE: $ TOTAL DUE WITH PERMIT $ TIME: TIME: DEPTH:HEIGHT: BACKFILL MATERIAL: tr $ $ $ tr tr tr E$ _& FROM DATE: TO DATE: BACKFILL MATERIAL TO BE UTILIZED SURFACE REPLACEIVItNT MATERIALS TO BE UTILIZED TYPE OF DUST CONTROL TO BE UTILIZED: NAME OF OTHER UTILITIES IF THIS IS A JOINT PROJECT WARNING DEVICES TO BE UTILIZED: Advanca signing and work lons prot€ction to b€ in complianco with tho Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD)DESCRIPTION WORK SHALL COMPLY WITH CHAPTER X ARTICLE REVTS|ONS 8t24t95 FORM , lt6 5 OF THE CITY CODE. CONTRACTOR TO COMPLY WITH M UTCD OF SPRING t PLAN REVIEW COM MENTS / SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: BE9T9-EAT-IO-N WORK S-IIA'=L B-E!N_q9r\. UR!!$![CE_W!TH EXISTING CITY CODES ANts rA N D A R D s p E c I F I c A Tt 0 rv S, -e-xb e Fi As-N titE D-6eLo W. " - -' "' -r clclrpttarvcE wlrH cURRENT 001 002 003 004 005 006 007 008 009 010 011 012 013 014 015 016 017 018 019 020 021 o22 023 024 02s o26 o27 o28 029 030 031 032 033 343 Backfill with %" minus rock, Compact every 1 8" loose depth. Requires compaction with a stsel rolller. A.C. to match the greater of existing depth or 4". All cuts sealed for final inspection, Temporary patch may be used at the end of ths day. Slgning and zone protection to comply with MUTCD Cut concrete only on score lines or cold joints. Sidewalks and driveways min. 3,O00psi. Curbing min 3,500psi / No patchwork less than 3', Mest min. requirements on curb cuts, Spfd. code. Restora planted areas, Spfd. code 206.3.05 Spec. to Bore / Jack / No A.C. cuts. Mechanical compacting required. No patchwork allowed. Lateral cuts to have control density fill. Cuts to be polymerized crack sealed for final inspection Mininum 2" crushed rock %" minus. Minumum 4' clearance at any point, swing-away. Concrate minimum 4" depth, 3,0O0psi. Trench to be "T" cut. Needs Stats / Countv permit. No above ground enclosings in sidewalk ot handicap ramps. Oiamond cut A.C./Concrete value boxes to grade. Fresh Oil signs / Graded. Comply with Americans with Disabilities Act. Concrete slabs, 72hrs. curing time, 4SoOpsi. Concrete slabs rsquire ioint ssal material. Driveway requires dowels every 18". Submit traffic control plan prior to excavalion. Notify Traffic Division before excavatipn. Core drill main line, insert tee, 2% min' grade. Must comply with the provisions of ORS 757.541 ta 757.571 6" Circular hole/H2O-Vac. Comments: YOU ARE BEOUIRED TO CALL THE LANE UTILITIES COORDINATING COUNCIL'S "oNE CALL NUMBER" 1-800-332-2344 48 HOURS BEFORE DIGGING ONS:INS {"u^rcur AND sTDEWALK rNSpEcroNS cALL 726-3769 (RECoRDER) srATE youR DEStcINATED clrY JoBs r.rurvrain-/ieCrvrrr rrrurvreen, JoB ADDRESS, TypE oF tNSpECTtoN REoUESTED, AND wHEN You wlLt BE READY FoR rr.r-sirdiior.r, CoNTRACion;s on oWNEB;S NAME AND PHoNE NUMBER. REOUESTS RECEIVED BEFORE 7:OO A.I./1. WILL BE MADE THE SAME DAy;nEOUrSrS AFTER 7:OO A.M. WILL BE MADE THE NEXT WORKING DAY. INSPECTIONS ARE To BE CALLED IN AFTER EXCAVATIONS ARE MADE AND FORM WORK IS IN PLACE BUT PRIOR TO POURING CONCRETE. SANITARY SEWER, STORM SEWER. ENCROACHMENT PEBMIT AND OTHER INSPECTIONS CALL CITY MAINTENANCE AT 726-3761,tr Bv sionature, lstate and aqree, that lhave carefully examined the completed application and.do herebv certifv that all information HJ,;|X'i;i;L; iii"ii,nU|tl:;?"i ti.i;th'";';;,tii;'ih;it;y;;a';ll ti,t< peito,-n"oihait be done iq accordalrce with the ordinances of the iii:[s["'rrl:pJt#,:,r+tilL*1",.fiui;lftfltt;Eht#*r*,%lvI!;i:11J1s t1xtffl;ls il?A"""JsoffiBt8'l'?ir ss::J5%riil: project. The Citv mav inspect the work site described in this permit at any time during a one year period followinq the receipt.by the City of Lllri,J*";$t*ff:,:ii::, ,""'"2'r',"$yi[-d!-;i&".'{i; 3!'*"#';ng'"" s""fnlt'il"l;.li;.'r.t11'.i"i'd&'};;',192 ;t n,:f;flH5;3 18,,,r, davs (3olfrom the orte"Siin?ibti,L:,ii"olliiipriii'inb',i,dr"r.'V{;;[;;t io#ptetio it inij'iin"a ot th6 trrirtv days will be performed by the eitV anO the costs will be billed to the permittee. lfurthor aoree to ensure that all required inspections are requested at the proper time, that project address is readaole from the street, and the ap-proved set of plans will remain on the site at 8ll ttmes durlng constructlon. SIGNATURE: RECEIVED BY: Signature Date AMOUNT RECEIVED: RECEIPT NO: DATE PAID: VALIDATION:, f, ernvtr tssuED BY: FOR SIDEWALK AND CURE CIJT PERMITS PLACE A COPY (COMPLETED) IN PERMIT DRAWER. DATE:INSPECTION:# -DATE: woRK lN PROGRESS- AT TIME OF COMPLETION: DATE: ELEVENTH MONTH: DATE: b ^1L-9G f, rranrrurrNANcE INSPECTION: f rructrueERlNc REVTEWED BY TRAFFIC REVIEWED BY: DEPOSIT RETURNED DATE DATE DATE: DATE: DATE: DATE: .: ir-.',;;i,.r.-r i1i.. j3. 4.,i.. .: alltaGI:a€L() PU B LIC IVO N KS DEPA RTAf E N T 4Dh4tNtSt t;ArtoN t: N G t I't E E R t N6 111 1t1 $'! Qt'l hr,AlNlE:/,tArttcE AD^,t^ilStRAttoN/ENG|NEER|NG (503) 726.375j l'Ax (!fr3) 7?6 3689 ?i(,- ?25 Fftt.t Stts/)G,/\,Gf r/:( O. ( )t i , A,lAt,\lTt:U^r.t-t /4a1t 2-a a-a1 CAv.a^at u'a aa^' oo,e,__sy'j/_h6 APPUCANT (PROPERTY k ADORESS OF:PROPERTY FOR ORIVEWAY ,?7y'77 ApplrcAr{rs TELEPHoNE r.rur"irBER:hat: 7f/- 6717 a* ,': z.t7'o2/3 ax* 170 Please skelch the proposed drivtrvay. lnclude the loltowing applicable ilems: house or building. proposed driveway. eristing driveway. and street names. lnclude dirnensions and measuremenls lo ptoperly lines. road intersectioos and bordering driveways. (See altachmenl tor an example.)l: lr)z-ffiffiN mTmx:xa,',t c 6Edsi85&d6=9 serBods8qo,o Ooolo E @ q> o; ?o ts*. -l==)!o- =o-o o o No CL tr,:1 o€!, ql +o:---> rn @foo ao (D or^XD P6p I ,et fi 9o :,: trEor3 > 3a_= 39od ru 9o3Co 6 a l, om a -Tlo>3=or=<(n(on9,)< EHg a : cn --.+q (rt @ N CD z o dc o { o AtI NPPUCATIONS OUTSIDE TI{E CITY UIVITTS OF SPRINGFIELD TI{AT ARE TrytTI{IN TI{E URBAN GROWIT{ BOUI{DARY REOUIRE A TANE COUNTY PERI'IIT. l.lote: The City of Springfield will nol grant a second driveway permil on an /rrlerial or Colleclor Slreel APPLICATIQ.II FOR A $ECOND DRIVEWAY / QVERWTDTH DRIVE1VAY d V 1- Properly typc: Single Family Resider,." A Duplex O 2. The proposed driveway will take access fiorn wlrich sttee(.4/.4 3. Tho dislance (rorn llre edge ol lhe driveway lo tlro ncaresl cotncr (measutcd lo llto cutb return) is 5? rcet. '{. The second driveway will givo access lo: garage { carporl- side yard- Other-- 5. The dislance from tlreJrroperty line lo llre garage. carporl. fence. wall. ot otlrer. lwlrere ltre velricle is to bo parked) is { lr"et 6. VUill tlre propbied parking / storage ar€a creale a.vision obslruc-tio.n to adjacenl prcPedY-driveways or. lo any vehicular movemgnt on a gxrb[c slreet? (See vision clearance allachmetrJ.)-lli2-- Appl-can( hereby agrees lo install Ure requested driveway to City o( Spring,fieU standards. The apptrcant furtlrer agrEes lo harre 6'o( concrete in ttre sidewak area (adacent to tlre driveway).'and to pave lhe area b€hind Ule back edge of tIrc sidewatlq or driveway apror\ with a minimum depth o( 3- asphattic concrete or 6- o( podland cemen( concre(e. The area behind the sidewak shal be paved a minimtrm d( 18 feeL The appfrent agrees drat il tre/she do€s not pave the area behind Ure sidewalk within 30 days o( cudng lhe curb opening. the Caty o( Springfietd has (he authority to ctose the drivewzy access by removal o{ Ure curb cul. A[ incurred costs shall be assumed by Ore appficant and if unpaid. said cost shall Lrccome : lien of tte property. VVhen lhis appEcation k approved by (he City. lhe appticant musl oblain a curbcuUdriveway permil (rom the Pub[c Works Department. Engineering Oivision. Curbcul / Drivervav Permil Fee a. On an improved slreet (exisling curb): S1O.O0 plus S.15 per [neal loot of cu(b cul b. On ao unimproved street (no curb): 512.00 c- On currently unimproved st(eets thal are under construction: S12.O0 PROPERTY OWNER'S SIGNAruRE APPROVED B BUILOING PERIIIT NO TRA 9.1 ATTACI{h,lENT: Msion Clearance. Exarnp(e #l IC DIVISTON ,r,;1 ," qr/D/t ,TE: 4