HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1983-10-12?.cce:-ct !..RESIbENTIAL.. APPLICA?ION/PERIIT 225 North 1th Stteet Spm)ngfield, aregon 97477 Building Diuision 7 26- 37 53 Cortiprctica_lede!_ SPFIINGFIEI..D You! CitA Designated Job lhnbet Is:83 a\3\ nade after aL lt ie lhe resgonsibilitl of ttc pexmit. i@tter to see ,hat all inspeetiorls de nad.e at lhe p?ope! lisne, that acch cddress is rea;nb'.e jron the st?eet, cnd tltet the penrtt cai ia Located at lhe frctt of thl-WoPe"tA-'r1uitdi"q V)uiciot ei"oo-e<i pi-ot s;til teaain on tle tsuildtng :ate et aLL ttnes. pROCgDUpg FOR IilSpgffICIi RgqlJESTrCALLT26-3769 (teeotd.et) state Vot)r City Cesigrated iob ntm,bez', iob alfuess, fa?e- of it'.spec'icn @"onvforirspeetion'contTdct"n,,ia'.tlelsnane-cnd'ptan.engbcr.P'equesleleceixedbefcte7:00,lziLL be runie the sane Ccg, ?eqtests ncde after ?:00 @,t r,rill be naCe the ncet lntkitq dag. |-] .t.|?g MSPIC!!)iI: To be naCe af!* 1 1 ffio", cuv F)rLor --c set u? oJ IOfiS. I I awqj?s\Ats ?rL'legte. tLzeillllL i \ECF.).:IICAL: ?o be matie beiore cngffiEa6oereC. PCO?flC 1 F1AltDA?ICtl: To be taCe M rz,enc;es ar"- e.ca.tated ard fcrms are e?ec*-ed, but prior to pourirg ccficret€. UIID'RGPOUIID PLUMS|:]C, S!'i!P, "1,1!gP.DP.AIllAiQi: To be .,fl7.e trior :o ."iL- @-:renchee. UNDERYLOAR PLUAflG 1 !4EC9AIIIC;L:@off"oorJnsuktiot or deek*,g. tequired uqor bavie?s @e in Pl,ace bttt before ang l,ath, Wpstn baoC or tnLL couertng is cppLied, and before oty insulation is concealed. I-LARYIALL I-'lSPtC!i0)l: Ic be nade \4ffi-tr@f;,s in pta.ee, - but ptior to 6ny --eP1nq. ItlAS1NRl: Steel Location, bond. 6ffig?outin4 or terttccls in accordstce LrLth U.ts.C. Section 2415. 'I00DST0!!: After installatian is anrpleted. . CURB & IPPRCACE A?ICN: Aftet formsee erecceC but prtot to pcurLn4 co?E?ete. SLD!'IALK ,i )RnTnr!: Por aLL can- cr,ete pdffffiE; st?eet r-ight- of-urg, to be naCe after all, ezca- uating canplete d ;-orn untk & tub- i>ase ncted-al "Jn plaee. ?ENCE: hlhen conplete -- ?rouiCejG or nouable'sectians thnough P.U.E. ect coniirions, sucl cs che :.nscalLaticn of s:?eet trees, :c:tl.e;-on cf lhe' LanCsccgirg, etc. , ntst be satisJ'ied bei'ore tie 3UILDI1IC ?flAL cdn be z.egestei. POS? .4itD BEA\4: ?o be nd,effiof fLoor irr,u deekittg. ptlot to Laiior, or these lnscectior.s lnue beer" nwie ord qgrtsed. a'afif ,t ar. - nc;efLaLa fu:ot +.o plcctr4 lccinc and beiore irotrtng inepee- !EAli!!,q: Ltust be reo.tested afle* @frl of roigh pl;reing, el.ecxi- cal I neeltanieal, AL! rcoi:-n4 btac'Jng 3 ehiwtcys, etc. rt"tst be cotoleted. :to 'ncrk ls to be con- cecLed until tl..is inspecticn ias 'been ma,Ce ard appro"-ed FI}1AL PI.U:,EI;IC ilLL pto;j requireci , 4 .tt;t;t ;.tECttAltrcAL 1f rrtnz i:rc?sr;AL I INAL tsUfLDIllC: T-h.e Fi.nal Suildin4 fnsaection ailst be reouectei ziter lhe linal ?l-unbirqi1.eccrieal, at1 Mecharictl ix,soecxzcns'itaue been ncrie anti' zaorouei. Job Loeaticn: Tas Lot #Assessore i.lq # Subdi:.ttsicn Phone: 1-mer: Address: oLt. Describe l,lorl<: q l...10l0VaLueD6te of A?p RenoCeL Im6or 923--l i ]General i4eehar:iccL tsUiLD!;|CS Sazitay ser.ter ecgted .t P?o?€!Qi Li1'.e Septic totk y"r.ped aad fiLLeC. uith gz'u^ei Final - Itthen abcue itens are e.n-o!-et€i! a-ti uhen Ter,rcl'Jtion is ca'wlete or stz-nc- tuye noued ai pretnses eLeaned up. tsLocking ad lat-up PlunbirX coanections -- sa/)e! otC. ualar Electn)eal Ccntecx.Jon - Blocking, aet-ui and plwrbing eo-nteetione rn;st be dpprco-eC before requesting el.ecli-cal ir.sgeelrat^- Accessorl BuiLiing :crehes, skirting, deci'-s, Leled. Ftral - After etc. @e ccnt? --ac - v,) o iALL |lAlltlcLis AND ?LEANOUT7 itus! BE.4CCZSIIELI, .4Djits?:ti:t! lo ss::ADt ltt uo::S? ?c Cry P'^ , JOB NO. bt Sq. F*. Z cJ' Lct Cateraga i of Stoies lotal laight ?ogogru3trg ?Ltnh)ng Per+it SOLAR -CESS REQ.- 1".4 FWr -/' -/ lnaevLc? - con* _ ?cnitcd.Le CUL-<i.e-sac L-CO G+ffildA.2 a 1 Plumbing permit il9 ?er.eon shazl conscz.'uet, instalT-, a7.ter or clunge dna r.eu cr existitzgql^yyry c-t,_<itzinarge ,y2l? tn.ahoi.e or. in pant, LnLesZ ,u"n p"rron is th.eLegd.L.?o6sessor oi a talid. plwtber,s Lieense, eccept th.cz a c'e:son ^ay d.opltmbing uork to p?ope?t! aidch is otmed, LeLsed. o'r ooerateit -;i" ippln-c,ant. Electricol Permit llhere stdte Lan reqtires th.at the electrtcal uork be icne bg qn llectricalcontraeton, the eleelrical porlion of this pernit altall rot- be oalil untilthe Label has been sigded lg the ElectricaL'Contracto?. taL ?enat Issr.tztce !,teciun--ccl Pesrjt -- i;lcP0Ac:i:.!t:t! -- Mechonicol Permit \\N\$$U Pesqrf t y5.ou f |IAW CAREYULLY EXillfilED the eonpleted aplication for perni:, atui Cohereby certify tltat aLL ix.fo:natibn hereoi is trae anC ecr*ect, trd, If"ethet certify that qnA ard aLL uoz'k oerfomted stwll be done i* a"ccr-dance:,rtth the Ordinsrzces of tke City of Spr)ngfield, ani ;he Lc;s of ice* State of 0regcn pertaining to the ,,nik Cesci-bbd heretn, cnd tha.t yO 1CCU- P!.NCI 'ntll be tmie of ctly strwctu?a urithout perwission cf the 3uiiding Di-uieion. I fttz,ther certiir- th.at o:tly contTacto"s a-d, aolcyees xho aZ in canpl:.ance uath CRS ?07.055 uill be used on this project L3 3edtcons ?7:za4eT:fl Aceessilouse Lot Faces - No?th Cr' 3, .s2'o' Sotth !t'qo llest \\'6',. I ----f.r/aa aaa ?TaLue )b.in 23a.e G*TG \C)G*l( (i'\G \\.qa\ lo -.':.1t IALtL rg.Gqlp J.u.c. l..) i I eoI I q.62 {'qr. 62 - Building Vqlue & permit This--perznt ts granted on ihe eqreas condition tlnt the said. eonsttact"l.onshalT-, in all pssps6s6, confcrm -to the crdinorce Jo.t^r ti'lnZ-'iit1 o;t!?:i:':"L!, '-.nc.!ud-.ng .-h-e Zoning Crdanczce, regul,;ti,g ;hb ccisir.rcticn ?:.r"" c1 cutlcing.s,_ azC n-=y b.e_ susperuied. or ri,sckei -t: cny tine uicn uic_Latlon oi nzy prcuistozs of ;atC jrdirances. ?utldirg Pernit lotcl Clatgea Signed: -Fistziles 1,5-oD oob 1esilzntial (1 bath) Se.sen \sjD \o,oo \5. oo GO c:;i:ce \5 ,Go :i0. llat/Eztend. Ciraits \\a@ \5.oo Iatapilrclrq.Semsica \\o.(D \ac 25.6 1,6 ?-G,a ;ic.a?t . =^- *hatat ilooC V€nt ?j AD aoo vcodsta:se d.nrar rle-r.rY \a,@ 3.60 \o.(:oqo \c).qo llcintencrzl- Pe*it :at!et- Side,taLk U :2?AL .-\!AUJT JU!:'L\jSZ '),loH-le !|cr,te Js ga\Bs