HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1987-08-13.t!{r;-. . .i ,.. L,L;_..v , .,4:6-+di:r..*.G!a-; _.- -.. _ _,. .. 'l I .i I " RESIDEnJ TlAL.. lzs ltlo,th sth stz.eeaPPLrcAff,N/PERllrr Spt"tngfteld, 0regon 97477 BuiLding Diuision 7 26- 37 53 Iocaticn:5? essore Map #3=3'3 Ic,s lot # seRlxcrrPr t' oosco 1.U. 1S-i-rr 1!ta {qs8Phone: Uc" s 6L{) , {v diuision: ne?: 'dress:\\ Additi.cn RenoCeL Date of ApoL GeneraL 9ns - -0;-- - \3-() Value A), /JA .r PLtoabirn L Cong!?uctton_!endg!_ Qomtt'na,l Tn It is the responribility of tlze penrit holder to aee that aL?, inspeetions oe nade dt ihe ptope! tine, that ecch ad.dress is reasahie Ttwtt the at?eet, anC that the penrtt card ie located at the frottt of the prope"tA.aBui!dingNuicionaoproxedp7;ansilcLLremainontleBuiLtiitlbSite.ataLL,ti.nes." ?POCEDUPZF1R IliSPEnI)ll R!]WST:CALL726-3769 (teeordet) state yout City desior"zted job ntmber, job aiiress, tyae of ircoec=icn requesxed a-vxi uien giou uiLL be reaciy for insoection, Cont?dctc?s o? arfie"s ncne cni p-rone nunber. P.eques.s teceii;ed befcre 7:0C ct'-iLL be nade the sane dcg, requests naie after ?:00 on urill be nade the nezt:sorkitt= ti.c.g. B70s qoIout, City Desigr,ated Job Nunbez, Is:. .-_I SIT' I:]SP::?IO!] : I ezcaaxion, but Io be nade after prlor tc set up of IIISULA.?ION/VAPOR BARRIER II]SP!C?IO!] : ?o be maie aftet, aLL insulaticn a.d. rcqu';:red oapor bavie?s @e in plaee btt befcre ory Lath, Wpstzn bcarC or rnLL couering is applied, and. before oty insul.a.tion i.s concealed. DE\|SLI?IO\t AR :.:OVZ) Sani'-ary sa,ter capped zt proper4i Lire Septic totk p'.inped add. fnlled ttth gra:sel- ANDERSLAS PLUI,,I3ING, ELIC?RICAL & 1 |ECH.J-::IC;:: Io be nacie before cng uo?K Ls eoocred. a ycormc 4 Fou;tDATrcN: lo be nace| ;Fi;;=;;;;;;-ar;s c auate d and. I DRY\IALL illSPEtrf)N: ?c be made after aLL dtyuall is in place, but prior to cny taping. WSONRI: Steel Location, bond beans, grouting ot, tetticals in aeeordorce vith U,B.C. Seetion 241 5. WOODS?O'/E: ;craT;t;A. After installation is CURB & APPRCACII APPON: After fornsoe erecteC but priot, to pouring cotE?ete. SIDEWALX & DRfIEWAI: Por aLL con- crete paoing uithin street right-of-txy, to be maCe after aLL ezca- oatinq cornolete & for,a uoyk & sub- base ttaterial in place. ?ENCE: hhen complete -- ProtsiCegatel o? motsable seetions through P. U, E. Final - l{hen abcoe itens are ccnpleted and uhen Certclitiot: is cornplete oy st,ru- ture nooeC od. prenrises cleanei up.fozms at,e erected, but prior to pout ing ccnerete. uND9RGp)ullD pLLI,tEINc) SEWgp, W.ATER, DRAIIIAGZ: To be maie prior to fil-Lir4 trenehee. FIIIAL PLUININC FTilAL MECHA\IICAL PTNAL ET.ECTRTCAL 1 uno*rucc? ?LU:srlG & I,IECHAIJIcAL:tof fl.oot insulction or decking. I P0ST AN) B!A!.,t: ?o be made prior to ) d;;ir;;7cn of iloor insulazion or decking. -I ROUCI| ?LU:BI:|G, ELECTRIEAL E IIEEH- I uttil these inspeetiors hauc- been nade anC cooyooei..--1 tt-".wtlcz, PrLor to plceira feeina) A;;i;G and. befot e 'franini inrp.L-tion. 1 pru:lrtc: I,lust be tequested aftet, ) approrrrl of rough pittr,bing, eiectri-cal & neciwnieal. ALL toofing braeirq E chinmcys, etc. rrust be i eonpleted. llo ucrk is to be con-. cecled until this inspection lws'been tad.e anC approoed. licmes Bloeking otd. Set-up Plunbing eonnections -- saie? otC. uaier Electtical Ccnnection - Bloeking, set-uD anC plurnbing connections rn;st be apprct;eC before "equestLng eleclrtcal inspeclio;t Accessory BuilCing Piral - Aftcr etc. are conp pcrekes, skirting, decl<s, 1-!^) l l l l -- /1,}! t'no-, ll:-rrN) "r1 ALL ptoject cottditions, such as the i.nstallation of street trees, co-oletion of the required landsecpi.r4, etc., muat be eatisfied befote the BAil,DING FINAL can be requested. FINAL BUfLDI|IC: The Einai Buitd,ing fneoeet:ion mtet be requesteC cftet the Finet PtunbinXElectrical, otC l,leclnnical ldspect..ow lgtse been nade atfi-approoeC. 'ALL ||ANHCLES AND CIEANOWS MUS? BE ACCESSTBLE, ADIUflltZiE TO BE I,ILDE t? t:O C1ST TO ery Page ! of 2 _l Na,t aC t L-co G+ JOB NO. i cf Lst Ca:eragc SOLAR A - e-F Interict SS REQ.-EE -pOl) tj iroots Sect hatv). Corner Danhandle CuL-de-sac AceesS - Lat Fdees ' ilous"t,.D 'lestiotal P.eight iopogrqhY IT!:,! .leces TOTAL \IALUE Total Chatges Se*-ct Staxe S'Eci=yoe !cs -- Building Vcllue & Permit This penni t is granted on the etpress eondttion that the said. eonstruetion sLaLL, in all respects'eonform to the Crdirnnce adoPted bY the City of Springfield, tncluding the Zoning Crd:-nance, regulctittg the ecnsttili ^"cn and use of buildings, cnd nay be suspended or reuokeC at cnu t;.ne upon uic- Latio\ of any prcoisions of said Oxdit",ances. I UC t40S.D.C. 1.5 r Receir;t #: Plumbing Permit No pe?con shall construct, install, al,ter or eiunpe cnu neD cr e:isting plwnbing or drainaae slsten in ahole or in peri, unless sueii ietson is the Leaal possessor of a oalla plunber's L'Lcense, e$ceDt tiet a De?son nav do pltnbing uork to pt,oDe?xu uhieh is or,med, Leased or opet'axea by the appli- cant. VaLucx D-+^ D^: S I '; eu / Ezt er,.d. Ct retit s Electricol Permit hry1ere State La,t reouires that the electrical uork be done b-1 en Elee*-rieal Cont?a.ecor, tne electrtccl portion of xitis oert;it si",:!i- no; be yaiii unt:.ithe iabel ius been aignei by the Electrical Co?ixteciar. lotal. Cr,atces CiirC:IViechonicol Permit '.:itanst HooC Jent Pan Dzecsit ?otal Craroas i<ie.:aLk an2e Petrit Issuenec tlo-),--: ^ -1 D^n'^-' + -- ti,viiActlt:L:''1 -- -v1 PLan Ezcnlner uaLe f HAW CARSFULL:I EXL,'|INED tle eornpleted aoolication for perntt, cnd dc hereby eertifg that aLL itfotnation het,eon is tnue ari ecnrect, arJ f further eet+-ify that any ard aLL uork perfotmed siutl be aote in aecor- danee rrtth the Ordinances of ti'te City of SpriqfielC, and th: Lc;s of thc State of )regcn pcrtainino to the uork aescribcd heretn, cnd :iat t:0 1CCU- PANCy t itl be ra'le oi any structure uithout permission of the Suitding Di- uision. f fut,ther certify that otlq cont?aetors ai;d ezpZcyees aho are in co:tpltance uith CRS 70J.?ss uiLL be used on this project $-t: -8?a ls.oo 5oo tbtle Hane 1 (s""o l. llorttl / \:'': ^:: P'|,on Chcek Fcc: )ru *U,^., . ,.;- i.:i':,;' i-a:. a a # - aa 4, _ a , a Bu1, Ldl,rlg D't ul,slon 726-37 53 Aasessors Map #2a Uc B- ?cs lat # svbdioision: Asnet: Address: .]?e /5Tg Phone: City:zip O)7'ltl r,\llt Date: General Cowtnctton Leader_ It ic the rcepontibility of tlc pernrit holda. to see that all iaspectioas oe nade at the proper tine, thdt ecch adfuess is teqCn\Le ft'ottr the e*Building C> -->Co tt?eet, and tlnt the pernit catd ie Luated, at the frcnt of the property. Diuicbn appro"^ed plot slnll remain on tlp Bunlding Site at aLL- tines. ?BpegDURE EOR IN9PECYI@EWS!.'CALL726-3769(recorder) state Aou" City desigrnted job nttrber, job aCfuess, type of inspeeticn eadyforirz,spection,Conttactat,soioo..,"",*,eLnd.pfu)enunber.-P.equestsreceli;|edt.efcri?:00o:ll'vill be nade the sane dcy, requests ncde aftet ?:00 on urLLL be nwde the nest aorking d, CV- 4aa N, l-gr+tJob Locaticn: Descz,ibe l,/ork: t-zv - n Value (e"a /':*t unCI&4 Date of &r-AAdditian RenoCel ezcantation, but pr"tor tc set up of fonne. ANDERSLAB PLUMBING, ELECTRICAL & WCH!.IIICAL: To be nade before any ,aork is cotlet,ed. P02?ING & FOUNDATICN: ?o be nade @;;Te?tcdes a"e escaated and. forrns are etected, but prioz, to pour"tng ccncrete. uNpgRGR) U !! p ?LUU!! N G- EEuE& y.4!8,c, DRAfilAGE: To be made g"Loz, to fil-T@-6enchee. UIIDERFLOOR PLAMBTNG & IIECI]ANTCAL :ro@of floor insul,ation or decking, POST AND BEAM: To be made prLor to diliTTatGVoT floot, insulation or decking, ROUGH PLU,IBIIIG. ELECIRICAL & MECH: ANICAL: No uotk is to be couet,ed ffiTthese irnpections Tnue been nad,e and approued. FTPEPLACE: Pm)or to placir4 fceingmaterials and. befor:e froning i,nspec- tion. FRAL'IIIIG: ltust be requested aften approtsal of rough phnbing, electri-cal & necTwnical. ALI roofing bracing & ehhtmeys, etc. rrust be , eonpleted. Ito ucrk is to be eon- . ..cealed until this inspection hnsrbeen made anC apptooed. After installation ie Z> CURB & APPR)ACH APPON: After fonnsee erecteC but prior to pouring conerete. SIDEWALK & DRf',EWAI: Por aLL con-cr;T;na,rfuAffi street right- ef-txA" to be made after aLL e*ca- oating canplete & forn uork & sttb- base matez"ial in place. ?ENCE: Vhen complate -- ProuiCe gatee or mooable eeetians tlwough P,U.E. SITE INSPECTI)N: Io be rrude after INSULATION/VAPOR BARRTER il|SPECTION: Io be made after aLL insulaticn and required uapor berie?a @e in place bat before any Lath, Wpsun baatC or ta.LL eooeting is applied, and before oty insulation is concealed. DRYTIALL fNSPEC?r0N: Ic be made a1tet'dT@iTT-te in place, but prior to ang taping. MASONRI: Steel Location, bond beons, grouting or oerticaLs in accordozee LlLth U,B.C. Section 24L 5. OR Sanito4 saset capped at propetfui Lir.e Septic tank yat'tped and filled t[th gra;sei Pinal - h4ten abcue itens are canpleted and uhen dqtalttion is cotnplete o! st?ue- ture mo'ued otd prewLses cleaneC up. Hcmes Blocking otd Set-up Plunbing connectione -- aa))e? d, uater Electtical Connection - Bloeking, eet-up and. plunbing eonnections rn;st be apprcred before requesting eleetrical i,nspeetiol Accessory BuilCing Piral - Aftet, pcrekes etc. an,e cornpleted. skirting, decks, VOODSTO',/E: @rATetA. ALL proiect conditions, such as the installation of street trees, eonpletion of the requined Landsecping, etc., rmtst be satisfied before the BUILDfNG FLNAL can be requested. YINAL BAILDIN1: The tinal Building Inspection must be requested after the Final PlunbingElectrical, and Meeharical fnspections hate been nade atd'approued. PTilAL PLUMBING FIIIAL MECHANICAL ?IIIAL ELECTRTCAL l *ALL t|AttHCLES AND CLEANOUTS MUST BE ACCESSTBLE, ADJUS?MEN| TO BE MADE AT NO COST TO CIty Page 1 of 2 u tr Ann Lus f-l ,-, L-C0 d a JO e No. ?otaL 1a SOLA R Atr4E S S REQ.- t#: PLcn Etanane" f HAW CAREFALLY EXilLINED t?e cornpLeted application fon pernit, qnd da hereby certify that, aLL information hereon is tz,ue and. ebrrect, cnd. f furthet: certify that any ard aLL uork perfozned a?nLL be dpne in accor- dance trLth the 1rdinances of the CitA of Spttngfield, and. the Lar;s of the* State of Oregcn pettaining to the uork Ceseribed herein, and tlnt NO OCCU- PANCY tyill be nwd.e of artA structute uithout pennission of the Bui|ding Di.-oision. f further certifg that only contractot,s and enployees uho are in eonpliance uith 1RS 701.055 uiLL be used on th.ta projeet V'zs *l P .L.LCr twE I*teriot Cotnet Panhartdle CuL'de-sac Lot sq- Ftg' Lot Cooerdgetcf * of storles Totol Height bPogtqltlt x I Ca?Dot't Aeeessoru TOTAL VALUE Check Pee: S.D.C. 1.5 a and. use of buildings, otd may be suspended ot, reookeC at cny tine upon oic- Lation of @ty prcui.sions of said 1rdinances. snd conslrqotNr;n ay ihe Citg of the ecnstructicn Thi,s PemrLshall, i,n tespects, inelud;-ng a nIdIuI gB t granted aL L Ld'Spri,ngfi.e Building Pemri,t lotal Charges State Plumbing Perrnit No person slnll constntct, inetall, alter ot elnnge an! net cr erist.ing plwnbi.n4 or drainage systan in uhale or in pant, unless such person is tle Legal possessor of a ualid phmber's License, eceept that a pe?son naA do plunbing uork to p?ope?tA uhich is oaned, Leased or opetated by the appli.- cant. l,lhev,e State Lan tequires tlat. the electrieal uoz,k be done by an EleettLcal Contractor, the electz.Lcal portion of this permit slwll not be oaliC untilthe label lns been signed bg the Eleetr-ical Conttacto?. Sigzed: N0.FEE CHARGE * Pirhttes Resil.anti,al ( 1 bath) Seuer Plwnbing Perntt State Nau/Eotend Circuits Sensice State Electricol Permit 2u FEE CHARCE * Mechqnicol Permit I{codstoi;e V€nt Fo't Echanet HooC BTU, Pentrtt fssu.mtce Meehanical Pennr.t /S.ao .75 5.7 -- ENCROACTMENT -. SecaritA Deposit Stotage llainternnce Pennit Cltrbeu! Si.danalk .qenee Electrical Inbel Mobile Honre TOTAL ltltOUllT DUE:*/5,'7s Date - VaLue - L llatet Res. So. fto. Iotal Clntces Electni.eoL I