HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 1986-11-12L -rcarotn6(l0O L6NC Py'one:1+6-q1 LLIr-,la vrr\ a"a) .. RESIDT -TIAL.. # 22s No,th r* ironi"trcATroN /PERI'.rr SprLngfield, Oregon 97477 BUL Ldlng u1,DLS1.on ? 26-37 53 SPFINGFIELD t) g ,l' /Ail-r? Date: Job Locaticn: Aesessore Map # Subditision: Asnez,: Addtess: Citg: t-t Nea Descz"Lbe I'lork Value tI ldditicn RenoCel i.lobile Home ZDate of AppL GeneraL ELectyLcal Meclur:icaL Cong!ruetion__Lendery PROCEDUPE FoR INSPECTI1\\ REO,LEST:CA eadY ,,YLLL be made the sane dcg, ?equests LL-7 26-376 9 (yeeoydet, ) state^--J'dTTfrpedETam, Contrac tc? s It io ttg tespoaribility o! the peznrit hodd to see that aLL inspections oe nade at the prope" tine, that ecch addreas i-s ren)'|ie fru n tlw at?eet, and tltdt the petmit card ia Tpcated at the frcnt of the WoPe"tA*guiUing Dioicion appro"*ed plan shcll vemain an t?e Building Site at aLL times. yout, City Cesignated job nwnber', or: Olmers'ncne and pTone nunber'. nade after 7:00 an vtLL be made the nert rtotkirg Ioun CitA Desi.gr,ated Job Nunber fs: job aC.iness, type Requests receiaed of inspee=i.cn befcre 7:00 si 6 I I SITE INSPEC?I)N: Io be nade afteracffion;Tut pz"ior tc set ip of forns. ANDERSLAB PLAMBING. ELECTRICAL & !99!!!IA!: Io be nade befoz,e any utork is couered. ?OOTING & F)UNDA?ICN: To be truCe after trenches are attd fonns ate etected, but prior to powlng ccncrete. UND1RCPOUIID PLUMBINC, SEilEP. WATER, DRAI!\GE: To be naCe prior to ftl- T@-f,-renches. AIIDEP,FLOOR PLAI,ETNG & IIECHANTCAL : of floor insul,ction ot, deeking. INSULATTON/VAPOR BARRIER ITISP9CTTOil: To be made after aLL insulaticn and required oapor berie?s @e in place but before otg Lath, Wpsun bcatC ot' unLL couering is applied, cnd. before ay insulation is eoncealed. DRWALL LNSPECYT)N: Ic be made @e"ZT@u"t Tls i-n place, but prior to ang taping. I,\AS1NRI: Steel Loeation, bond frffi|-grouting or oetticals 'Ln aceoz,dance LrLth U.B.C. Section 2415. WOODSTOI/E: e^pT;tA. After instalLation is CURB & APPR2ACH APPAN: After fornsee ereeteC but prtor to pouring co?Lcrete. SIDEIIALK & DRI',EWAI: Eor aLL eon- c";teVaofiAffi street right- of-uctJ, to be mad.e aftet aLL erca- oating camplete & forn wt k & sub- base matev"ial in place. a posr AND BEAM: To be nade pt*iot, to J A"t"it"tt;of iioot, insul-azion ot d.eckirq. R)UCH PLA,IBIIIC, ELECTRICAL & MECH: ANICAL: No uork is to be cotsered ffiiTthese irupections lnue been nade and apoz,otted,. , I rfpzpr,ace: Prlor to plceirg fceing: I ffie"ials and before franini l.r"p"Z- tion. 7 pRAl':fttc: l'lust be requested aftet ) appr.t"L of nough plinting, eiectni- eal & necTnnical. ALL roofittg' btactttg & ehinmeys, etc. rrust be . cotryLeted. llo ucrk is to be con- .. cecled unti.L this inspeetton has 'been made anC approoed. I I ?ENCE: gates When cornplete -- ProuiCe or mooable sections through PTilAL PLUMBITIG \c FINAL I,IICHANICALJ\ FINAL ELECTBICAL P,A.E ALL project conditiona, such as the i.nstallation of street trees, conoletion of the required Landscapitcg, etc., must be satisfied before the BUfLDING FIIAL can be tequested. FINAL BILILDING: The Fi.nal Building Inspection mtat be requested after the Filat Plunbing Electnical, otC Mechar.ieal Inspections lwue been nade ard approoeC.o DEIIOLITIO!] OR i.:OW) BUTLDIiICS Sardtaty saser capped ct proPerfui Line Septic tank p;.xped ann filled tith gra;sel Pi,nal - l{hen obct;e itens ate catpleted and uhen dqnoliti.on is conrplete o? st?ue- ture moued and. pretrLses cleaneC up. Hcmes Blocking otd Set-up I Plunbing connectians -- sa)e? otd. uaaer Electrical Ccnnection - Blocking, set-uD and plwnbing eonnections tn:st be apprc"^ed before requesting electri,cal inspeclio:z Pirnl - After pcrekes, skitting, decl<s, etc. @e conpleled. Aecessory BuilCnng Page 1 of 2 sI *ALL T4ANECLES AND CLEANOUTS MUST BE ACCESSTBLE, ADJUS?!Eil! T0 BE L|,ADE A? 110 CCS? l0 cEy W""'l \\t:l I tr SOLAR A.C^^ESS REQ.-dJOB NO.L-CO Bedtooms Building Volue & Permit This perrrtt is granted on the ecpress condition tTat the said. eonsttactionslwll, in aZL respeets, eonform to the Ordittance adopte,L 5:y the City ofSpringfield, ine1.ud.tng the Zoning Crdinance, r'egulating the ccnstructicn anl. use of buildings, otd nay be suspended or reookeC at cn7 tine upon oic-Lation of cny pncuisione of said Ordinanees. -- Fees -- VaLue TOTAL VALUE Aceess Lace x rTEL!FEE CHARCE s.D.c, 1..5 0 Df House Z of Lct Cotetage Lot Sq. Ftg.Lot Faces - lleat Ran€e Main Building Pernrut ?otal Chatges State Sureh@ge LCT ?WE _ Intetior _ Cormer _ Panhandle CUL-de-sac # of Sturtes ?otal Height Topogrcphy Ptbtut,es Residential (1 bath) Sanitatg Seuet Watet Electrico I Perm it Wet,e State Lan requiz,es that the iQcttical aonk be d.one by an Eleotrical Contraetoz,, the eleetr.ical portion of this pemnit slnll not be ualiC untilthe Label lns been signed bg the Electrical Contractol,. ( Ila,t/Estend Circuits Setoiee State Iotal NC FEE CIlARCE Mecho nicol Permit ilcodstoite Vent Fan bhanet HooC gTU,, PenrLt fssuanee Meelnnical Pertntt Date Paid: Receipt #: b1-oLea: Plumbing Permit No_ pe?eon shall eonsh,uet, ins+.aL!, alter oz, c?nnge cnA ned cr existinq plutnbing or drainage systql in uhole or in patt, unless such person is the Legal possessor of a ualid plwnber's License, eseept tlnt a pbrson nay do plwnbing uork to ptoperty uhich is otned, Leased or opez,ated by the appli- cant. Plunbing Pernrtt 7 .- ENCROACHMENT -- PLan Exaniner Date 'liain Perrrit Tatal Sideualk LabeL MobiT.e Hone I EAW CAREPULLy EXil4INED tle eornpleted applteation for permit, cnd do hereby certify that aLL infotmation hereon is tz,ue and eorrect, and f futtket, eertify that any arl aLL uork perforned slnlL be dote it accor- dance tith the ?rdinances of the City of Springfield, and the Lc;s of the State of )regon pertaining to the w?k Ceseribed herein, cnd tiut N0 )CCU- PANCy uill be nade of any stTuctu?e uithout permission of the Building Di.-tsi.sion. I further eet,tify that otly contractoys and ettplcgees dho are in eotnpliance uith 1RS 70L.05s uiLL be used on thia project ?6 TOTAL A]"IOUil! DUE:.Date Storage