HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Signage 1982-05-12CIIfff C)F SPF,IITGFIEIJD SPRTNGFIELD. OREGON 97 477 INFORLTTI0N:726-3753 ISSPECTI0Ti P€QUESTS : 7:6-5:09 CITY OF SPRI,\GFTELD SIG:\i CONSTRUCTIO}I fND ELECTRICAL IYSTALIITION COIIB TNAT ION APPL ICATION/ PE R\IIT LocATtoN oF slcx(ADDRESS) LEGAL DESCRIPTION / 7 OI{].IER OF PROPERTY I ADDRESS otiNER 0F SI6X(IF OTHER TH.r.\ pROpERTy oI{NER) ADORESS qa XJr\\J -[ --) PHONE ,r/. ztP PHONE NA.\IE OF BUSISESS, FIL\t, ETC. ERECT RELOCATE 1] ,rr.ren gftIER ,€.zne TYPE OF BUSINESS -a \< IDENTITY X DOUBLE FACE 1( xoN-roe:lrlrv _ SECONDARY - SINGLE FACE _ }IULTI.FACE INCIDENT rAx Lor t ZA O2 TYPE OF SIGN SI6N ClIi\R\CTER CHEC - PROJECTING x READER 80ARD BILLBOARD -yf rnresr,'"'votttc I'tARQUEE OTIIER Eit gftu I, P,4,F IYALL ROOF VET"DORS SIGN ERECTOR ADDRESS CIfi IICENSE :\t IBER -f EXP o^rE llilE 3a22 SIGN }IA.\UFACTURER (IF OTIIER TIL{\ ERECTOR),f,qPe PHONE A.ODRESS PHONE E IICTRI C.{L CO}JTRACTOR PHONE ADDRESS ICENSE NINIBER TOTAL HEIGI{T ABOVE GR,\DE I Ff vERTIcAL DIuENs toY oF slGN 3 S rut &.0a/h,rljHORrz0NTAL WIDTH OF SrCN . _ THIcKNEss oR DEPTH oF SI6N ./^2. ,,DIIIEIISION FRO}I 6R,rDN TO BOTTO}I OF SI6N- ,g.T OOES SICN PRGTECT BEYor*D PRoPERTY LINE YES J NO IF YES, DII''fENSION BEYOND PROPERTY LINE I(OTE: IF PROJECTION IS:.|ORE TIIT\ t2'' OVER PUBLIC PROPERTY IlIE SICN ERECTOR I.iI'ST FILE I{ITII THE BUILDI}IG DIVISION COPIES OFHIS PUALIC LIABILITY A,!D PROPERfi DA}IAGE INSURA.\CE POIICIES. rlLL SIGN tlAvE ELECTRICAL I{IRING? (vus -No rF yES, hmlcH Apply? $lecrntur, srGN rLLU}ITNATED (INDTRECTLy LI6HTED) DEsC-o.rgE TypE oF !-,\rERr..\rJ sl6]t rs colrsTp.ucTED 09 Fl4t r/c * nErAL - ELE;7ru PROVIDE UL ttlJllBER IF APPLICABL VALUE OF SIGN /4a a SITE INFOR.UATION (LA.\D IJSE)--EXISTING IJSE OF BUI OR LA.\D (OR I.AST USE IF VACA.\T): PROPOSED USE OF EUILDING OR I,d}iD: JYTI{ cllEcK oNE IF APPLICABLE: ILINDOOR BUSINESS _OUTDOOR ITERCHA,\DrSrNG EXISTTNG S1615 (Si6N CoDE)ARE TIIERE EXISTTNG SrCxSr ylVrS _NO IF rES, DESCRTBE ALL EXISTIIIG Sr6NS FOR BUSINESS, FIRY, ETC.: ALL EXISTING SICNS ON PRE}IISES(SA*\IE TAX LOT): I IIAVE CAREFULLY EXAIIINED the conpleted application for perr colrect, and I further certify that all uork performed shall Uniforrn Sign Code as adopred by the Ciry of Springfield andthe State of Oregon pertaining to the work described herein.City of Springfield is in full force and effect as required all required sign inspections listed on the approved pendt. rit and do hereby certify that all information hereon is tnre and be done in accordance with the Springfield Sign Ordinance, theall other Ordinances of the City of Springfield and the laws ofI further certify that Dy Sign Contractors License yith the by Springfierd City Codes 8-2-6(.3) and 9-1-2OL2\. I vill request n d NAI',|E(PLEASE pltfi) R0 BE R r /v. Tg,ttrt/ls SIGN DISTRICT ZONE DISTRICT SQUARE.FoorAcE oF srcN 6e€ frfTAbllED .. SIGNATURE INSPECTIoNS REQUIRED: sITE/LocATIoN _FOoTING oR METlloD OF ATIACH.\!ENr /$WCTRICAT prxel _OTHER FEES: ToTAL FEE FOR PE&\!IT /24 STATE SURCHARGE:.'/O SICN PER.IIIT O{TRGES:8/q, o b ELECIRICAL PER}IIT CIIARCES l/o,oo PLE.\SE i'..\D l) Separ:re S !11\og!ic:gp1: A separate applicetion is requtred for each seprr3Ee Jr5,'r1 as Jefrneo in che Sign Code. 2) El99r11qe : Any pernic issued under this applicacion will include wir- ngrnorons ign structure, the supply wires for connection musr be covered on Jn electrical permit. Electrical connection ,'lrust be nade only by r Stare Licenscd Electrical Contractor. Illu,ninated si.gns (both internslly and externslly) nust conform to Sec!ions 9-7-4 ({)&(5) and 9-7-tS of the Springt'ield Sign Ordinance. 3) Pl:ns Reouired: This cpplicari.on is ro be submi,tted wich two completesets or plans dr:un ro scele, showing dimensions and height of sign; ad-vertising nessrge on sig:n; location of sign on properry with dirnensionsto properry lines, structual details of suppor! franing, bracing and foocin3s; nercrials of constn:ction for sign and sign itrucrure; elec-trical equipcenc and lighring; size and loiation of existing signs on Properiy for the sane business, at1 as required to deternine compLiancenith che Springiicld Sign Ordinance (Article 7 of the Springfieid CityCode). Also. show the following infornation on rhe plor plan (plan showing properry lines and location of signs): a) Shos the locacion of sll existing sign(s) as well as proposed sign(s). b) Shov the lenglh of Ehe stleet frontage taken up by the business or building. c) Shov the locarion of enrrances open to the public and driveways, 4) l{hen required. becruse of design, size, etc., engineered drawings andcalcul:rions nust be precared by a licensed engineer or shall conforr.rto desrgn scend:rds on iile 3t the Buitding Division Office. 5) Plens of insufficienc clarity or detail will be rerurned to rhe ap-plicanr uith no pernir being issued. 6) Signs raust rnce! corner vision clearance requirenents as described inFig. 9 of the Springfield Conprehensive Zoning Code. 7) IiOTE: lio sign oay be erecred which is Less than 12 feet horitontallyor verticflly fron overhead electrical conductors in excess of 750volts, or less thrn 5 feet in any direction frotr overhead electri,callines vhich rre energited at less than 750 volts. ' 8) If e si;a is nos inst:lled r;ithin 60 days after the date of issue ofthis per:iir. the penrir shal.l be void. 9) Ils^oect ions: a) Sitr Inspection - g6 be made before the s ign is placed. Usually, the Fooiinq Inscection (if applicable) may be made at the sa$e line as rhc Src€ lnspecrion, The Footing Inspection is to be oarJe after hole(s) is excavated, but prior to the placenrent of concret e. b)Final Insoecrion - to be made upon completion of all work. \,,\LtD.\TIO)i h s4 ro5 lr {h* ,/fu # r4,N /o- tn '40 A+.v b CLERK DATE {-16-lL c)Electricel - All electrical signs nust be i.nsp cal hook up efrer the sign is erected and befo ected for electri- re the sign is turned on. crLL FoR fiE REQUTRED rliSpECTIoNS 0N THE 24 HoUB INSPECTIoN LINE AT726-3t"6e. jl SPECIAL COXDITIO.\S TO BE SATISFIED BEFORE ERECTION OF SIGN: 'O?€r't ' s t4 N UurT B€ *rAea Znz 7- otr 07ft* 5/€ 4) ADDITIONAL INFO&\IATION NEEDED BEFORE PERMIT TIAY BE ISSIJED: PLAUYS REVIEi{ED BY DATE \ 7,eZea -?22'€' .yeon ,/svo z/tuzr ?? .{/a CzTzzE &avq p' ? zr-z-7 ,?Z-r*- ?/2. - ?rzd , {xC lcPst APPROVED L 't9 srd/b /tr J'o/r .Yeal dP;,|/ -t/arv I 0 441"M USTi'. r=nef o p ftrJor*4t /f3t<d jl tleto ?o I I3zq > I .cl: '.:rr:.. \/z .t.- Bioned ,,OIDEN CL*BtEt5H0P PePst rir'* ,,?eeaee Setco lfuze 4/adrt/ /,eooe t -\--.--- - C carzs Beer s4oP /,fo ,u' z/4 /1/. 2/ :i7 do /.t,eKl'!d Ifb t\ \ \\ /*bte1 I Boarr/lt€ 4dL€ 70 aE EXTE^'a€ t'',P' ra zot tx.s7"^/? -r,7 r,r,,o 9.2r,., EGATAUEO -7 ,.€: 4tllRovED { '--4 , t'\. 7 'rEr/€o -=zGty' d? tt/aa'u /faa ,{tu.+f ?? la Crrzro 624v6-,44Tzrz{ ,2/--.- ?/s -?/26 Sioned eF4