HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1999-02-10UOOD STOVE/INSERT TNSPECTIOI.I APPLICATTON CITY OF SPRINGFEILD BUILDII']C SAFET)' DIVISIOI.I 225 Fifrh Street Springf ield, 0regon 97 /.77 -SPclINCII€LO ' Office: 726'-3759 INSPECTION LINE;' 726-3769 e& Job Loca t ion b:4q ?*h Assessor-< Hap il :03jbLt 0vner:(* Address:./ Ci ty: VaIue Prelirfiinary lnspection is Uood .Stove/Pelle t/f nsert Permi lr"5 a *i), ATTENTION:O regon law requires you terone; #: 7qq- lity Ta>: Lot f;: t7'(,la Ont,/-'7-4?i / /q / / rge + S.45 adminiitrative rules are set fatttr cod 01- les one t titisttlollicataan of. in btate surcha Contr-aclor: Address: 1 fee * Si0.00 issuance = 526.20 total Type of fnspection Requested:{t -l n.Jo^(cd/ btX rL/4 Phone x: 3/3 -t ciiv, Fu4zrtl S ta te:(_Zip Qode:q?{o A Construction Contractors :Rbgi:str.ation ft : 0n3b/Expires:1a By signing'this permit/application, f agree to call for inspection(s) as required(726-3769). I scate that aII the information on this permit/application is correct and .that I vas provided vith the Uood Stove Safety'information for vood burning appliances and preliminary inspection standards. I (urther.state. that-the appliancef am installing'meets smoke.emission standards as set by the Oregon Department.af Environmental Quality or the Federal EnvironnrcntaL Protection Agency and I agree toprovide the. testing approval number to the irrspector at the time of inspection. Ialso understand that if I am requesting a prc).iminary inspection, the vaII covering may be required to be removed. 2 /o ture te 0 ELLET/INSDRTREQUIRED INSPECTION(S) : Date of Application:q Job ll:aD' PRELIHTNARY - f(, z(rt Total Amount Collected: Z aj Rec'bipt ll: 072* 3 f Issued By:ilo,/ tliecked for Deliquencies:Chccked for Ilistoricil Sta(us: * (e EEEE=====================