HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1983-01-25.. RESIDENTIAL.. Zzs )torth stlt streeAPPL;cArr,N /PgF'l4r! SgmJrqfteld, Oregan 97477 Buildirq Diuision 7 26-37 53 SPFIIhIGFIEI-D o Job Loecvicn:/). 5ut" Assesao,"c )!dD ll f, O->ter: b-J4- 7?7 /.;.dtitess: City: Pkcne: -ftlLrL $*-..-+ I-ri o-o.Q -\ttt'o 9""-""j - \-e5-93 vaiued?oo.oo Desez+be Nork: iate of .lpp RatoCet v;'ecJ )t"-.,,-"- f*41t ors ,b o # ti'o o Sigred.: A e-/-r5-tr3Date: 7 -/o Ceneral L no SUILD)-;:CS Sani!o:.1 se,ter cq?ed :t ?rc?e*4i Lite Septic totk pqeC nd fiLled aith gra:;el- Final - ithea cbcue itens ee cctrplecei arC xhen iencl'.tion is ecr.ale=e Zr s:t-t:- tuye naoeC atti crer,aes clean-ei ut. Ecnes tsLocking ad Sac-ug PLmbinX connecticns -- sa)e? d. ucter ?Lectr.lcal Catnection - Blcckittg, set-r. atd. pltnbing conrecticns r;st be cpprc"*ed bey'ore tequestirq e! ec'-rical insp ec=iot .4.ccesec,g Builiin4 Ptnal - After :crckes, akirting, deci-s, etc. de ccnpleted. Constrr.ticn_1"*b!_ I! ia the resgonsibility of tla permit itoT.der to see that eLL ,)nspectiais dpe nad,e at lhe proper lLne, t?-at ecch aClrese i3 7qain11-2jron t;1s siteet, an| lhac the pen:rtt card ie kca;ed at the,"ttrtt of tl,e paooerty.a1uild,it4 V)uicr-ot cgpro"'ed pbt sk=L|- remain on the ts:,tii<i"ng St:e at tLL'tines.- of lnsoec=icnFCR'recorCer) state !ou" City Cesigrsted job ntmbez,, ce Cont?actcrs or A,zets r,ane crd pl"ane rurtbcr. be raie the sane Ccy, requests nd.e afts ?:00 on tiLL be taie the nest wrking dag P e c'air e d ln sc e c ti cr.s your City'Desigra,ted Job llwtbet Is:9 3 0i1u iob ai&ess, type Pequests teceixed befcre 7:00 an T ti?! i:isPzf:iil: To be nnde aitar%;AA*n; but priar tc set up of illta?2cr,9 arrtte!\ta 1r=^aafatt ) i,!!Cii).iiiCAL: lo be na<ie before cny uork is ectteyei. PCCTi|G 1 !0U:lDAt:Cil: ?o be ntCe C'-e" --r;;i; c1";-*cr.sated arti fcnns ote ez,ectei, but prior topouirq ccnc?eu€. FT|IAL .2LU:/ts1:iG ??tlrf tE.!,trf?.f =ftttf ?f=.f,ef,1." |NSULA?JOTI/VAPOP tsA.RRIll IJIS?ICIICII : To be naCe after aLL ins:,tlaiicn ed reo,tired oqor bawie?e @e in .ola,cebut before ozg la.th" Wpfln bcazC cr tnLL couering is cppli,ed, ani before @rA ,:nsulA.tion is concealed. DRYIA-LL filSPlclf?N: Tc be naCe aftet' aLL ct-gual,L is in place, but prior to cng tapirq. M.aSQIRY: Steel Location, bondfrdilfautinq or verticdls in aceorci.orce ltith A.A.C. Section , u:txlc2au:t, ?iL'!.er:;Gr_si,6i2_w:3,J Lir4 rrenekee. AilDEPILAOP ?'i]:,3 TIG }' !,1!C!!ANICAL :ffioi floorJneulction or Cecking. ?0ST AilD 3EA!,!: To be ncCe prJor to -^- insxcllanicn of iloor irsui.a,'.ior, ot Ceeking, EALIC:; ?!T,!P::]C. !:,C:PI:.1L " -',!!C,1- )-!ll);.1: );o ':cz.k ls tc ae co'-etec Gll- ;v-e s e i:"-sc e cticr.s hc;se b e en naie a"d zpprc:s-ed. IIPS?L.ACZ: Py.tor to plcc'r.rq fcc:.namcter,-als ar.d beiore i'rorirq inepec- tior.. FEeJli!|C: !,!ust be rec.uesteC cflen qcrots,;L of z,cttgh pltarb.Jng, elactr)- cal I necio.ntcal. AL! reoflrq brac:.tg 4 chi:r;neys, etc. rrr,sc be . ccngleted. llo ;crk is to bc- con- - cecieC until this insoeciicn ia,s'l62n nnd.e ati cporctei. I '.:nnletaf E,After instcllaiion is !!M9:t{ner conplete -- *outie or nouable aections tht'otghgates Dil? ALL proiect eoziitions, cuci cs ch.e "lnszallaxton ci' street c?ees, :c:tl-etion cf tine required Laniscaing, ctc., iast be sacisi'iei beicre the SU|LDI:IC FfiiAL:cn be reqtested. 1URB ,t .{P?RjACH 4?i2N: Aftet fotnsa";ZC;AZ-G pfrA tu po,,ri"q eoflcz,ete. SIDXilr'.L;( 8 DRII.EiAY: ?or all ec't't- crexe pauirq airhtn st"eet mght- of-t;cy, tc be nade a;'!ez, aL! edce- uatinq sxnolete ,3 forn wrk '1 eub- base ncterLal ,Jn pl-ace. 'Ldi"q lnsaecticn xillst be- recuested :iter the lir.al ?Lut:bir,3 cecticns hare been neCe ari zcgrcuad. lIllAL 3UIiJllC: !r.e Fincl 3ui ileccrica| , atc :!eei:a,--rc.:L lns 'ALL :.!;::HC:ZS AJD C:t;.;tCU:s :tUS! 3E .1C:!53:3:J, .{r"':,'S:::f."',! :0 33 :.!1ii ,'.: ."'' ::S: :C C::! ?:ge 2 JOB NO.o SOLAR A-ESS REQ.-L-CO G* leitcans: TdiT- a -- Faes -- Reeeipt i: Plumbing Permit Plunbing Pern:i,t Petntt fssttanez Meci:ant cel Petwit No person sha/L ca.stz"tct, instal!, altet or cltange aTrg v.eu cr e:isting plunbtn4 cr drainage systen in uiple or in patt, unless sueh petson is the Legal cossessor of a ual-id plwnberts License, e.ce?t that a pe:son na-g do plznbing uork to p"operb! uhich is otned, Leased or opercted bg the q?Li- ccnt. Mecho nicol Permit PLc'n Cutccu! Mobile llcne f EAVZ CARE?ULLY SXLAI\IED tje cornoleted aoplicavion iot peznit, cui d.o hereby certify that aLL "Jr,fo:,rlatian heyzcn is tmte arl. cbrtect, anl, i fur=her cettiiE lhat any crd aLL uoz.k :eriotned shall be done in ac=ot- dance vtth th.e ArCincnces of the City of Spnngiie|C, ani ;he Lc;s of thc St-atu cf 0regcn pefi:ainino to tke uo"k CescribeC herein, cd. :i1tt ]t0 3CC!.)-?!.lc'l aill ba raie oI' cn! svtucttLt,2 uithout permission of the SutlciinE 2i-uisian. I f,;rther:ertif'; ths.t osLU ecnttactots anC nptcyees ui"-o ai in ccaol:.anee uirh CRS 707.055 uiLL be used on ihis crcject Building V<Ilue & Permit Th,)s ?eorrJt is gnanted on the eq?qss cond.ition tlnt the said-cons*.tc;ion sha.1.L, rn aZL tesoects, eonfcrm to the Ctdinance ado-oted. by the CitT ci Sprtr.gflelti, :.nc!d.ing ;he ioning CrCinance, regzlctina lhe ecnstr.tet)cl tti tse oi butl,l.t,ngs, cnd n;u ba suaoerd.eC or reuckei at a1,J t')ne'-r.icn u:.c- Latian af zny prcu,Jsions of saiC Crdircnces. aAfrAf |ratt,d Date Paid Access x N'a Ir:i4 s.D.c, I.5.r Lot Sq. Ftg lopogrqhg fotal Cha"gea LCr Tv?! _ b-ter"Jcr _ Conner _ Panharuile CUL-cie-sac 7 cf !.ct Cozterage _ i oi Stor|es il^+-l t -.' -L, !izi,*es Reai.denti-a.L ( 1 bath) Seuet 'rlctey Electricol Permit Vhere State Lan teqtires that the eleetrical uork be done bg an llectnical Coatraetor, the electrlcal portion of this permit sla.Ll not be uali! untilthe Label ita.s been signed by the Electrical Contydcto?. Na,t/Eetend. Circuits Sensice Iotal :?.rf,F3X CIi}-P,Cg A'*qa^ 2411, e *hanst HooC Vent ?an 'tlcocistote I tS .otj . ("o /5.b0 -- a:1c,..cACs:.!!:t? -- Seanz-itu Datosit Storaoe Permtt SiCa,tzlk -^aa f rrt^tr\ta ^rr?- I-rt.1a a':VUttl UUJ.#t{.ao inera Soutces t-uc2 .f ethaeks ieet a^..--aevcTe lasr outtl Uaoasiore i,laintetnnce LLeca?..c11 !-CteL