HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Plumbing 1982-10-20.. RESIDENTIAL... APPLICATION/PERILIT 225 llorth ith Street Springfield, Cregon 97477 Buili,ing Diuision / zo-6 / D6 Cons!@_lenrk!_ SPFIINGFIELD -a.ceeitt t Date: I! ia:he responeibility of tta peori'- iplder to see tlut eL! "Jnspecttoft, d?e nade at:he proper tlne, ihet eaeh ad&esa is z'endabl.e ;root ciu stteei, an-C lhat the penit c.ztd. ie Lccateci at the fra-nt of th.e propetty.12ui!ii.4 h.ti:iotz.aVror:ed p'!)n sicll remain on the tsuii<i:ng :tte ax aLL'tines.- ?!?OC|DUPE ?CR IIiSPinICN R1SUIST:CALL 726-3769(recorCer) state Aour C"Jty Cesigr,e.ted iob nw,ber, iob aCiress, type- of ittspec:icn re|qu@bereetiyforinspect'ion'cont"dcta"so?anne"sr,.attear,"d.plnnenunbet'.Peque8tsreceixedbefcre7:00c:i ziLL be nade the sone Ccy, requeets made after 7:00 od vtLL be naie the nest :,ntkin-i dag. you" City' Desigra,ted Job Nwtber Is: -l c:-F :rlcti-71rr. I I qcAA;; b"' 1^froJ v. ltte. I U:IDE?SL;3 ?'II.BiIG. ILIC:?TAL 7 i9CEi.;iiCAL: io pe ncrie be;bte cny L,orR LS CCreled.. PCC!:IG t ?AU;DA!:C!I: ?o be ::aCe ;r+er rr"nc;es are ezcaated and fcrns are erectei, but prior to'.ng ccncteta U!!D1RG?2U:1D ? ,o To be natie aiterpricr tc set u.o of ot I,'|SALATICN/VAPCR B t lo be nad.e after aLL ir,-sulaticn ed requited uqor borie?s @e ia pla,ce bat before ag lath, Wp6-un bcatC cr unLL couering is cpplied, crd. befat,e oly insulation is concealed. DR?IALL IIISPZCYCI: Tc be naCe A1t;;-;u@;at fis in ota.ce, but prtor vo cng taVing, |lAS0!l?,1: Steel Location, boad Effijgroutin4 or uerticals in accorciorce ,iLth U,ts.C. Section it'00DSTc|/8: Aftet installatiott n)e anoleted. CURB & {PPBAgll A?.c.1N: After forns 7 r:lxp.p:coP ?L:;:stlc 1 :4!c!.4:t:c;a:i | lc be race cricr ;o ivsccliatl.on floor inauirion or decking. P)ST AilD 3ZA!,!: ?o be naCe prJor to lffiffici J-toor irsu'tazicn or Cecktng, -?.ct!c:] ?!'rl9!:tG. !:i::PTCAL I :4!Cfl- A:|IC;.a: .:;o tcrk 1s Jc te coteted. GIT-;7.ese tr"soeciiars'naue beer naie *d. zpprc,ied. ii?i?LACi: tutor :.o pkcir4 fcctng nctp-r.,ials ar.d before i'ranirq inspec- tion. ?R46'|I:|C: i,tust be tectesteC af'-et qorov,zl cJ' rcttgh Vlw:'bing, alecti- cal I nechanieal. AL! rooilrg braettq 5 chitmeys, etc. :|ius:- be . comple,-ed. llo r;crk is to be- con- - cecled un;il this insoeeiicn i,as 'been rade anC aporoted. PIIIAL PLU:181:IG FT:hL :.!E'?.AIICAL ??tlir =f=aaoft.r a,e evecteC but pz"Joi to paar.Jn4 cot1,2"ete. SIDIHA.LX t DRf\TiAI: lor aLL coa- C"ete pquirq uithtn st?eet right- of-un'g, tc be naCe after all. ercc- oating s6nolete & fo*'a ,;ork & sub- base retet+al in Plaee. ?ENCZ: ;t4ten conplete -- Prouiie @ or nottable- aections thtough Dn, ALL project conii:ions, such as the inscallacian cf ltreet zees, :c-Vleticn_cf tire required Latuscqirg, etc. , naat be satisiieC befcte tke SUiiDI:iG ?IllAL :cn be requestei- ilNAL BUILDI:IG: Tt.e Fincl Butlditq Ins.oecticn ntat be recuestei zller the lira,L ?Lwnbing Electrical, od, lleclnrtcel inspect'-cns rtauc been nade ard a-opt'ouza. Job Locaticn: f Aosesaorc :'!dD I Taz Lot # Phone *;ner: Addtess: Deseribe l'lork: Ljn-Q-)q.-L- t-l JrTur\ VaiueDate of .{pp , ))-' .-' ^- RanoCeL ac kro i"titu uene?d L DTIIOLITIO!! OR J:CW) BUILD:;JCS Sari.latg aeter cqped zt pz'cpe*i-; L'ir.e Septic tank p'.iryed a,.d. fiLLeC tith gratei linal _ i.,hen abcve ixens ee ecr,_olecei and uhen Cencl.Jtion is cornpLele o? sillic- ttse noueC aL cren'Jses clbaned up. iicnes tsLocking od Se'.-up ?Lwnbittq conneciicns -- sane! al, uctet Electriccl Ccmnection - Blcekin4, set-u. atd plwtbing eontections m;st be apprc,*ei be7'ore requeatin4 el-ectrtcal inspeelioz Accessc, s- tsuiliirg :crekes, skirting, dec?.s, 1 ^L^) Pinal - After -+^ ?qe1ol 2 I .ALL I4A]IHCLES AilD CLEA.IIOUTS IIUST BE,\CCES1TtsLE, .TDJL'57:Ii:]!:O 3Z:.!J'DE !.? lIO:iS? ?C CTY + N-hurK, a D--^ O JOB NO f-ot Sq. Ftg. 7 cf lct Cateraga ! of Stor)es ';'otd.L lleLchx roposnqni ?uilding Perzri! ?otal Ch,atgea I?!A Plunbz.ng Perr:it State Pemrri.t issu.ance Mech.an:.cel Permt soLAR --icEss REQ.- _ b-tetior _ Cormer _ Pcttiundle CUL-de-sac L-CO G+ Building Vqlue & Permit This pennt is granted on the escresa eondiiion that the said conattac--ionsitall, i.n til tesceccs, conlcrn io the )rdirance adoctei by the Ci,i7 cr, Spr")ngfrelti, tncluiing :he 3oning Ctdinance, tegulctir.g the ecns;=tjt)cn q.z<i.use oi bu+ldings, and nty be ;ucpend.ei or reuckei at cni t-:ae :.ccn uic-latl-on of zr;y prcu"isions of satC Ardinctzces. Receipt i: Stgrei Plumbing Permit N9 ?er.eon shall coastntct, inslal!, alter ot cltange an! rlcu ct eeistit-gglw2ine ct dtainage syste-n in .siole oz, in part, inlesi such. person is theLegal.possessor of e ualid plwtber,s Licensb, ascept th,at a pZrson nay dopltnbing xotk to p?ope?t! uhich is otmed, Leased or ogetcted ty the ,qpLi.- cant. Electricol Permit l'lhere state Lan requires tlnt the electmcal aork be done by an Elec.iricalcontz'aetor, the eleetz.ical portion of this permit shall rat be ualic untiltlle Label iu.s been signed by ttte Electr.ical- Contz.aetor. Mechqnicql Permit tseitconsCceugaTlo! Lat ?aces - -- Pees -- I!Z:,1 JQ.r'lL :{Value ;lain Qvaca iccessotu IUldu ttLUE S.D.C. 1.5 c ( - LUrliLt !a Resid.zntial (1 bcth) Seuer I ,()'OQI I IO.oo 4-t) (() :io Res. So. fta. Nat/Eetend. Circuits la@ctdV Sezvice ,,;C,FZE ?.,snzee ?TU'S Ezlwst HooC Vent ?@t Vco<istoie -- ;:tc...cACE:.!E:t? -- Secarn t! Decoeit SLotaoe+ i4aintmarca, Permtt sllenaLk Mobile Hcne TOTAL it+!0U!t? DUE:^4cI PLqt J;ctinet TiTT- f EAW 1A_REFULLY lx.LanlgD tke eonrpleted coplication for pernit, cnti iahereby ceriifg tlnt aLL i*fotnatibn heyeon'-Js true at"l. eZrrect, ar,l. ;fit'ther _cettify lhat ang ard. aLL xot,k tp-t'iottted shdll be done in ,cecy-dance with the ardinszces of the Ctty of bpmngfield, and ;he Lans of ti,restate of 0regcn pertainina to the ao?.k cescrrbec herein, crl. litcc lio cccu-P/-lc.'l vtll_ b-e ryde cf dra airuct'ttre uithou't perm-Jssion of the 3uiTdina ):--uision. i fuz,thev .e"tifr- ti,*tt only ecnt"actcrs ad anplcgees ula ,tZ inco:;rplianee uith CRS Z01.0SS r,sill be- use<i on thia pz,oject /0-eo- dlecxtieal Lcbel