HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1986-09-16.. RESIDE-- IIAL.. APPLICA?ION/PERIIN 225 Notth |th Stneet Spz,ingfield" 2t,egon gZ4?Z Building Ditsision 7 26-37 53 Job Iocaticn: Aesesaors Map #11 oaSo 4s Subdiuision: Qnter: Addtess:ltn City: SPRI,rfGFIEL.E) Ic,s lat # Phone I 60 (tU it Describe uork: N OL Jrl-0,- edditicn 4rue { RenoCel ,7 ,,ourrn ,on" Date of oporl"ori", ?- lf, &?cVaLue -onttactors GeneraL 5rn PLunbin3 t7 a-+-i ^^7 llechanie,zl Consttuetion Lenaer I: is "he nescorzsibility of the pemit hozder to see that aL! insoectiotts are r,ad.e at the ?rope? time, that ecch adAness is read^aie:'rom t'he at?eet' "d tY!--t??,oermit-e-atd is. Loeated. at the fuatt;of tr,,e Dtooe"t!tzuil-i:tr€ Diut:iot ae?rou*ea cian shcll yeneir, o"-ti Elliil"L'-slii" ", aLZ tines. tr'rl-r^=D'.rr pnD TtteD=atf ^tt D=ntt?.6 -^ I t -Le- ILOJ . VALL '.eoucs;ea ana u'::en gou uiLL be reaciy fcr'-'iLL be made the sde dcy, "no"""iioLi) 26-376 9 ( reeot'der) state your City desigru.ted job no;bet, job aiitess tr=e oj irscee=tcn, Cont?detc?s cr 1i.mels nctne ct:i ;izone nunber. Pequesis receitei ce,'cre 7:C0 c:cfte" 7:00 on ttLL'oe naCe the ncst totkirr leOu1t frseee!i.cns Ycu? City Desigra.ted Job ihnber fs:8t o613 c:-= Trlca-^-7a.r. I ezcavaticn, cut - forme . ?o ce nade afterpriot tc set up of .Y t{.rltYJl. - pool.ti;G I FOU]tD.trrcu: To be np.CeI dJte? tpencnes an,e etcauate<i attd, formi; ate erected., but p?io" topourlr,g ccnereta.l ?o be Ito?K eotez,ed. I lttnlDao^t, To betrg xrenehee FTilAL PLUI4BITIC FINAL I,IECHANICAL FINAL ELEARICAL requ':,red udpon ba,rie?s az,e in plaeebut beJbre ory 'l.a,xit, Wpann bcari orrnLL coueting is aoplied, and. beforeoty insulation is concealed. t DR.Y|'ALL_IXSPICAION: Tc be madealtcr aLL cryuall is in place,but prior to cny taping. MASONRI: Steel location, bondbeans, grouting or oerticcls in aceotdotce Lrith U.B.C. Section ?o be after aLL insu )E:,:CLilIC:,' CP B'JILD:::'S Sanitarl seuer cappei ct ptooerty Li-e Septic totk pnea ed. filled trith gteieil f o?e cn! Fincl - k\zen abcue itens ote ccnoleted, arci uhen ia-:cl:.tion is corclete br s*-ur-tuye nouei anc pz,etrises cl'eenei u>. Le licnes I tlnoFnrrco! ptu::snc a ntcHarrctt, - l2 be mone pricr to insxallation offloot insulation or decking. I p.osr 4t!n auu: To be nad,e prior toI L,nstalLaxtcn of floor insuLation or d,eckltlg. - 4.Q.ttq!! _pLutlBr::c. .ELE:!!?\1AL S !|ECH-I AitIcAL: i,io uorkEto-;ffiered - urtil these inspeetior.s i,nue been made arui aopnoved. I enw\nc=ti wion to plceir4 faeingt mcterials arul before franing inspeie-tiot. 1 fnl::ntc: !'!ust be requested after ) apptoual of rouoh plwrbing, elect"i_cal & neciunieal. ALI noofing bracing C ehinmeys, etc. rust be . eonpleted. lto ucnk is to be eon-. cealed until this inspection lns'' 'been nad.e anC apptooed. |,/OODST1iE: After installation ts ccmpleted. CURB & APPRCACH App1N: After formsee ereeteC but ptior to pottring eonerete. SfDEI{ALK & DRfiTttl.!: Eot, all eon-erete pauing uithin street right-of-teA, to be made aften aLL e.sea-oating cornplete & forn unrk & sub- base material in place. !E!!E: Vhen conplete -- ProuiCegates or mooable eectians thnough P.U.E. ALL proiect conditions, such as the i.nstallation of stneet trees, eonoletion oi tivrequired Land.sccpirq, ctc., itust be satisfied before the BUILDI\\C FIlilL ean be requested. PINAL BUfLDING: The Einal- Buildittg *tsptction mtst be requected cften the linat Ptw:bitqElectrical, and I'teciunical Inspectzons it4oe been nade arui approueC. Bloeking @1d. Set*tp Plunbing connectiorts -- Ea)e? d. ucler Electrieal Ccnnection - Bloeking, eet-u= and plumbing canneetions m;st Lb d)2?ou^'eibefore requesting eleelri cal insp e'c'!io:z Accessory Build:-ng pcrckes, skirting, decks,Fital - After etc. are comp Paie 1 o! 2 l 'ALL |4AUHCLES AND CLEAN1UTS ttus? BE A11ESSTBLE, ADJUSI$:I! T0 BE |IADE LT lt) C1S't r0 Crv T l JOB "".fufuf,73 SOLAR ACAESS REQ..r--co c* lone:OecuDancu G?oJi-/Cor-st:Bearoeg _ Interio? Cortter ieat Panhandle CUL-de-sac c toxe -- Fees -- Sounees Access n Df House Lot Faces - :!x:.1 Building Volue & Permit This penrit is granted on the erp?ess eord.ition trnt the saici.consttaction sIuLL, in all respeets, confcrm to the ordinance edopteC by the City of Sptingfie1.d, ineluding the Zoning Crdinance, regulating the ccnstntcticn otd use of buildings, otd may be suspended or reuokeC dt cr1! ti.me upon uic- Lation of dny prcuisions of said ordinances. Date Paid Receipt #: Sigteci Plumbing Perrnit No pe?son stnll constntct, instal!, alter oz, c\tange cny neu cr e:istir-g plu.nbirq or drainage systen in uhole or in part, unless suen person is tize Legal possessor of a ualid plutnber's License, erceot t|",at a Delscn na'1 ic plut::bing uork to p?ope"t! uhich is ormed, Leased or operacea by the cppli- cant. TOTAL VALUE an^?<- Euildinq PenrLt State Stoehsae ?otcL Clapaes tesiieztial (i bath) Seaer State Sleeiayae 4^+-1 ari-i--6 x Valuc FE, Electricol Permit l{nele State La reouires tiut the electrical uork be <ione by an ilectticci Contractcr, tite eleetricaL aortiot of this Deniax si,aLl x,oc be vali utz=ii tize Label itas been signeC by the Eleecrical Contrcccot. - \ /;-- --; .: -^,: +^ *9cr@u Seyoice Pe?nit I I --::..t &/iechqnicql Permit :iunst HooC ent Fo1 cod.s!o;se PerrrLt Issuxnee Meciunical Perntit 15,"o -bo t s.bo -- i;,tcRoACHt.!r:17 -- ?otaL ietsaLk PLan Lsaniner L I I HAW CAREFULLy !XNifNED the completed aoplication for pernti, cnd dc hereby certify tlnt aLL irfo:,nation hereon is true and. eorueez, atC I fut thet, certif r- that any ar.d aLL aork perforned shaLl be done ;., aecor- danee rritlt the Otdinences of the City of Springfield, aruC thc Lcr;s of theState of Oregon pct,tainino to the uork Ceseribcd herein, cnd tizt t:O OCCI"- Pr'.NCy uitl t-e nv.de of any strueture uithout petmissiot of the 3uitd.inc Di-uision. f further certifii that o:tly cont?acto?s ard enplcyees uho ar'e inconpliance uath ORS 701.055 aiLL be used on this project n 7*oo bile Hure 1 .7AL A,I!OU\I? DUE:'(5, bO v/v Date Iat Sq. Ftg. z cf Lct Caserage_ ! of Stories Iotal P.ei,ght ?opogrcphy I -.:,:-: