HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1983-02-08Pccetct !?.. RESIDENTIAL.. zzs ttorth sttt streeAPPL;cArr,N/PERWT Soringfield, 1regon 97477 Butlaing Di"*ision 726-37 53 SPFIIn{GFIEL.D ??. tG61 ft> ,'2a €7 /b.-*o f42e -6o @rnc 2e..ac> Ddie:= oe r,aie dt the pro?er line' t'L'et ccch 'zddtess is reaiabi'e rescotzsibilitY oi ttu Peni stTe'et' arLl. aildt the -2en'rit-;i;a,ia cs7ru^ed Pbn shsl at the flzt BuikiJng Sitc ?zocieu?s.ioR,r:fP.nrcil-lt--.{r-=s!_t^9:,L',": leQuested a.-A Alien :iCU .UTt b re iviag ) r-' 'ttit ite rade the sate &y, ?equests ncoe PLwbinq 14eclvt:icsL Constrteticn Lefrer rt ia :he i'ror,t the a2.,.'1)"'-- Cecking. To be rnie aitet prict tc se! uV of , hoae, to see ;lut aL! insPectiotts You" CiQ' nad,e aL required oqot bzt before ary tnLL cotser.)ng s.! ,)nsulatiott ecEl ia Lccaied of the ptoaertY. aLL t'Jnes.L renain on tha 26-37 69 (recorCer) state Your CitY Lesiguied iob nr,,bet, j'ob aibess, tYPe of irsoeclictt 1/.SOectlOnt ConttactcYs ot Oune:s rane 'td Phcne rrnbeY. Pequests receixed befcre aftar 7:00 oa utLLL be nade the na't :nrkiry dtY. Desigr,ated, Job ltunber "' QSOG'/O l---l s.rr5 i.?EPtr:Jrr''.' I I eccaoctlcn' tui J vz ttte. U;ID|?.SL;.3 ?LU:''!'I:IG. !L,7q?I!,iL, fri;:rc:;-lo ce r.aie ceiore cnY 6i{Tabs"rei. bcriers 4e Ln ?lace Lath, gryPsttnt bcetC ct is c'ppli.ed, ti beiore "Js eoncealed. ?ccT:!G 1 1CU;\DA?:CX' ?o be tnie ii:et trenches c?c- e=caJcted' cts' fZt'ns ee erec?ei, tut Pr:at to pow'Jrq ccnc?ete- - ultDisc?zuitD ?aI:'tP T::c,, s3'F?' -:i-:1F:1'! I DiAr:kci:-o be ta"ae 2iat to ;t't'- -' @ ccl;rch*. -1 u-:t ry* :cc,z t t ;Er:3 1r?:t,:ii3*.' ",I I Io be nc,ce prt cr floor insuizziaa or decktng' ?OST AitD 3ZA!'!: lo be ncde ?r:or tc #;L*l;;of f-Loor irsultxion ot neruArj. i]:SPfe!IC:l: 76 i22 ttaCe -E:?-=--. @A;;tL is1n pz'cce, but Prtot tu atg td?Ln4' WSO\IR!: Steel fr6{grouti',1a aceoriore uri-th 2415,. ,ICCDSTC'{Z: Aftzt i'LstdLlat'on':8=efiDLet€d. CUP.B a .aPPR74cP. -aP9,oN: . A'"1?",L1 t d erecxea but Pt"or '"o Pctr"t'g cor.cfete. 1f.Eutr.'/ t, SRI"TIA!: ?Or aLL can- #;ffii{;ffi street *Jght- "-iir', tc be ncCe a|-ter a7'! etcc- ,Lt::iL' eqnpleze t' fozn ';otk '1 cub- ba.se -,rctertal in Pi'zce' Loeation' bond oyJertl:ccls iil U,ts.C. Section E )f .::o to"t- ;kese .lvsoecaians )uue bec'tt roie crd, :2-otctel. F!1|?LACZ: P:.'Lo:, io Plcoirq iacing AAe cil befote irarir4 inegec- , FF-L-tlI:lC: lbts! 'ce tecuesxeC cfler E--o *r o L c 1' r ctig h p L u-b'Jr'6, 2 L e c t"":' JiL t necianieal. - AL! tcoi'Jrq 'biairtg 1 ehiweYs, etc' nrtsx be . co,aleied. !1o ;brk is to be eon- .L"it.d tnzil lhis insoec;ian |as 'been nod.e cnC aPoroxeC' lltlCg: 'rlhen conolete '- fuotide ffi'on aottable' sections thrangh b.u.e. :*,:^-Tu;*- ALL croieet cotiit:,cns, suc:. cs t'ne i'ns=ai-lcticn cf ii"eec i?ees' :c-tiei'-cn "i "s reouineti ,.,lr"q2ir4, ctc' ' 7'1tst be scx"snZl-1''i:"i t-L" guitDl::t ?lliAL =cn be reqteszed o ii,!1i,1,"1""i,"* ,*7r-*7"t, ii::r'"'3"';'"'ff"?T;r7"i" ;f\trii":, ,f."ef th'2 iinal ?Lu;rbirui FT\IAL PLU:/31:iG Fr:IAL )|E'ZA:IICAL -?rrr" =?=^aof.'.': !,,4L ayaw--t-tat s7kJob Loccticn Tcz Lot #Assessora i!d? I Subdiuision: 1j;nen / Py'one:Adtbess: esc?ibe Ho?k: Icte of APPlica'-tcn / AO L E e z-< .7/3/z'-F?W,frz D*t>.rD 1F fas. GeneraL :.alEa Sani:ar'1 aeset eqped =t PtcPat4i Lire Septic tank V4ad nd' iiltad;tith grr;ei lincl - ih.en abcue 'ltens dze ecryLexed *nC uhnn 1.ere7')tiott is conple1e- ct s?r"c- 1i"-irna td' Pre:rises eleaned' u2' tsLocktng ad Se=-tP "LwbinX eotueeticta - s'ttl? sd' oaler Electr.leal Ccr,nec-.ian' BlcckinX' set-'t? . a*C olmbinq eoTinectlans rt;st be c??r.c!ec ;: ;";;- ;;A'.s t'Jns e! ec=dcal "Jnsp ec !'!o- .4ecessc,i Suiliitg :orckes, ekitting, decT's, a'- L ^) ?irli.L - !,fter etc. @e cat? ?:;e 1 oi 2 X I .ALL I,IAIIHC\ES AIID CL1AilCATS :ilST tsT .|C:ES,:tsiJ'.4t,'l's:.'5.'i1 :O 3Z :tiE .1r 'Tc it-c: :c c!:! I )--., JoB No.*3o<sotAR A-^.:ESS REQ.- Cc:t:ancy itqt !.ot Sa.. ?tg. Z cf !c? ?cuertga ! of Stor)es ?otc! !!eigh: ?cgogryirt ?uiZdir.g ?err,,t Stdte Sur.h lot-cl Chagea Pellrit fssu.cee Meei"an:-cel ?efiat Building Volue & permit \is .per+trJt -is granted on th-e erpress eond.ition ttat the said. eonsctwc:ionsha'!,, in all tescec=s, eonfcrn to the Ndi,a^ce- aietii ai1nz"'iit7 ,y2ln!:"t1, ).nc.Ziins zhe lonir.s- ci;;;;;;, rea,tZct!*s 2he ccns:_ei.)ct: ?:o..r"" o; buiid.ings, cnd n-zy c.e. ;us.pertieC Lr rZuckeC'rt or7 tr.r)' ,="* ui"-ta:Lan at'oty pt,cuisions of LaiC xd,nrances.- 'v u'r v?te L-CO G+ 3e&cons _ Interict _ Conner _ PanhanaLe _ CUl-de-sac Reeeipt 4: Stgneci: Mechonicol perrnif ls 'eet llest 2r !^., - ^ Lat la.ces - TaLue aca2sSt?.J -At.? .,.-.t-1J -.1t ,'LLU: s.D.C, I.5 ; { <a 2o.t ail,l 02? .iu!:zres Resiizntic.L (1 bath) Seuer Pltnbb.g perrit I tleu/Estend Cira:i..s 7o,< /v7q72 * Seruice / vhere state Lan reouine.e trat the eleetr.ical aotk be d,one by att greetriccrcontmetor, the eZeetr.ic*.;;rir";;Viii?p"-*,0, shall not be uaZic untitthe l.a.bel has been signed. W tnL- eil#"ZZlcontraetor. Chztces EI ectricol Permit *]w,:st llooC Vent lol vco<isxo::e t ! HAW 1ARSFULL? ,*:,',!r?_:y_e_on?Leted cpplication for perni:, cui ian:te?Y certify that aLL inibn,a:ton heyecn'.-s tttte ard, ecrrecx, cnl. ffir:i1er ca!ti-j'r- :hat ang ""d "ii ii"i';";:1"*"O stwll be d,one i,,: i,c3c?_dar,ce ,nih the atdinozc:: -"f ,ii ;;;;.ZV'.s:p;,sfiea: ;h*;;; -*i o1 ri,eState of Creccn oert:tninc to tke aoi'< Z"r"*.:toC het,ein, ct"l. ic: :tO CCC!_?/.xcl'nlil be na.ce ri -r..":!u?r*n" rl,:iit permission oJ. the 3urlcino )t_tt1.sLan. i f,tz,tV,er """:ni!_-rFi-orly ccniicuot,s cd,.qlcyei;s u*a "rZ i,co;p!.iance u:-th CRS zot-bss uLzz ii"u"Zi-"i-,nr" p"cJecx lobi!.a llcne ,2-=-= :'t. Sec"pnL :0?A! A.:.:Att:ff DUE:.#?o-#rLgned -t Da:e inartru Sourees t-Lta Cctcce ',/ate! iec:et lnc; i{aoactora 7/B @e !o)c! ("ctces Ctttbet z-s-e>EE------------ -