HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1991-01-08Job location: r Tc,r lot frAaoeaoors l4ap I LUCERNE MEADOWS 'Subdiviaion: Phote: 689-5567 Asner: Address: CAPSTONE HOMES, TNC. OF OREGON P.O. Box 22636 402 zip:ci ValueDate of q0 Xl,,, eililition RenoCel Dasoribe l,lork: SINGLE FAIITILY EESIDENCE Srt Phil Rose 15685lilec u r c 1i.t n x .. RESIDENTIAL.. APPLICAT.f ^\I/PERMTT SPHINGFIELD 225 North ith Street Sprtngfi.eld' 1negon 97477 auil:dtng Nuision ? 26-3? 53 Ceneral CaPstone Hones, Inc. of Plumbl S-J P7 u E, I:a Rose Mto: t P O.Bx 226 70-90 Main St. S d 97477 20-1B4PB 46664 17-90 6 89-5557 747-5989 12-90 747-7445 54437 10-90 6 86-090 5 Co. 7147* c 89976 Lane E . 97402 20-25 lour City Deaigratcd Job llunber fo: I MarshafLs Heatin 413 E. St. SpfJd 97478 25790 It io lhe reoponoibility of tlo permit holder to oea that all tnopectione ate nnde at the proper tine, that ocah cddtess ie rea4ai froot the atpeec. atd that the,ponmtt _oat1d ie Looated at -lh-e frcn-t of the--ptopenty.-rguildiwJ Nvi:-ior. apVnoted plan elu:ll nenain on the Building Sitc at all tines. nunber, mlainbcl". of tnspec)ict before 7:00 , tob aCibeoa, type R.qucats receivad Reatincd fnsnoeti.ons SI?E lNfPEqlgN: To be tmde aftenffifro";fri prior to aet ip of forma. uflpEnsLAB PLUN?INC. ELEernrcAL t ny 6iF7i-i6oued. lA romnc t F)UNDATTaN: lo be tace lL ;ftet ;;;ncffiZxcauated ard forns are enected, but pnior to pouing ccncrete, -7;l uNDsRcRoullD pLUMgrNc. sgr,a.?. r/.{fEt?. I /\l 1nntuect: To be nnCe prtor to fi,L- Lir4 trenclve. fr unomrLool pLttttlntG t tECnANTGAL: l /\l of floor inaulction or deeking. ' l-?1 posr AND BEAII: To be rmde pniot to I /\l iiiiaTlaffiof floor insulacion on deckittg. noucil PLutlBrltc. Er,EtrRlCAL '9 HECII- u t-thcse inapecliono haoe been nade awl approved,, FII?F,PUCE: Prior to plccir4 faoing nrateriale arul befone franing inapec- tion. FRAtlItlc: Wat be ?equeated after approval of rough plwrbing, electri- cal E neclanical. All toofir4j bnacing E chinmcya, etc, nwat be . completad. llo t,cnk ia to be con- , oecle/ until thio inepcotion lne 'been nade anC appnoved. I T,I S ULA"TON / VA PO R "A il N I E N I IIS PI}CT IO II : rcquined oapor barriepo ara in plaoe bui belone any lath' gvpourn boart or tnll ooveting ie applied, atd befono ay inoulation ia concealed. l-t DnvllAl,L INSPECIION: To be rmdo I Xl;fA;afA@ffto in place, - but prior to any taytng. MAS0N|I: Steel location, bond, dffijgtouting or ventioala in aoaordatrce vith u.B.c. Section 241s. Sani!a41 aerten capped at ptopcnty Line Septic tank ylnped atd fil,led tttth gra'. Final = l{hcn a}rtve itqw are canpleted and ulen dotol,ition ie oanplete or strr hre noued atd prenisee oleaneC up. Elooking atd set-up Plunbing oonnectione -- ac.nar, d uale' Elootrical Coneotion - Dlooking, eet-, and plrurbing coneotions nr.l,at be appro, befonc nequeoting eleotrtoal, inapeo )io. Aoceesor; BuilCitrg Pinal - tlftar pcncheo, akirting, decks eto. are oanpleted. w E ts IIOODS'TOVE:@a.Aftet inatallation ia CUITB E APPRCACII AP!?ON: After forns ave anected but prior to pouring conotete. SIDEIIAI,K E DIMAY: For all eon- "r,ete Wui$Etlfr atreat right- of-txy, to ba nade aften all exoa- oating oaqtleto E fona uonk t aub- base rmterial in Place. PEIICE: l{hen oaplete -- fuoPiCe @ or wuabli aactiona thrcugh P,U.E. ,$ Ouuti l.)*, .--1\ {\ 1., t.t\.Jri..^: , PIIIAL PLUTIDIIIC EINAL NECIIAIUCAL FIITAL ELEENICAL Al,L projebt condttiona, ouch ao blln i.netallation oi otrce| treea, oclplation^of tira neqiined landsccping, cto., mlrr"t be aati.cfied befoie the BUILDI\IC FIIIAL .can be tsqueobed @ Tlp Final Building fnapeotion nuat be nequeoted altat tho Final Ptwbin. Meclunical fnspectiono hqoo been nade atd approoed. PINAL DUILDINC: Eleabntcal, atd m tAr.t. ilAilttcLt::t AND ct.ElNou,t': Iitu:r ilt: ict:tssInLq, tNltliiltt:tl! T0 nl: ilAlrl: AT N0 CLt,I'. 1',0 CI',ly ?.t1te ! ol ncce.t,pt t lf ?a?/ be tmde thc "eEteBts l tr tr JOB NO tot Sq. Pcg. 7 of lot Couerage d t of Stortee Total Height 'Iopogtrphy rTEIq TOTAT, VALUE s.D.c, 7.5 t Build.ing Petmit State Total Clntgea I'isturea Reeid.entia,L (1 bath) Sani Seuer To t:Bedroona: INT TYPEIInterion Cornet Panhandle Cul-de-eao Building Vqlue & Permit Thte permit ia gtanted on the etpness eottd.ttion 'tut l1':,::.4r."-ol"*"tto" "iiitt', in alt rLrpecti,- conform't:o tlrc Ondinance edopte,il, ly the City of Sorinofield. inc!ud,in<; tid Lring Cvdinance, regulab'ittg the ccnstructicn "i;-';U-;Vl"li;i,,s;;: ";i ^ry 4o- "opended or rbookec at cnv time upon vic- Lation of ony pncuTaione of eaid ondinancea' t { ./o-/S-Pa DdCe f |AVE CAREFULL| EXu\IINED the completed apptication fo.r permit, and- do |"'iity iirlify tt"i-"ti-7"iorr*lion h"r"oi ia true atd cor,rect, atC I'irrli'nn ;nnti"fy that ang a'i alt i,rfk penforned alall be dote in accot- dance uttth *n oraii"iiZ"*of ii, city bf -spningfield, .and the .tcno of tha I state of oregcn p";i;;,i;i;g-'to the ooik Ceabribbd herein, cnd' ttnt No occ!- pANCy ttit1 be tmde;7-;;;" "l;";iin" ';tto"t penniesion of the guilding Di' rsiaion. f funthen "'"iin- ln"t otly con.traitore and .enplcye^o uho are in L^pl,ll"i'r;tt, ons ?01-'o:5s uiLL be- uaed on thia pnoiect Si.gncd ,l L-co *SOLAR ACCESS REQ._ lot Facea - !lea P. L.ae t xFTC & Date Paid: Ilecetpt ll Signed FI:E CIIARCE q, ^-<:l Plumbing Permit r ahatl conotmtct, inatall, alter or clange cny neo-ct eaiating.. "i aiiii.gi ayatZn in uhoie o-r in part, inleaa auch peroon io tle toeaaor of a rt-"tia phtnber'a Licenae, ezcept' that a Pe"non ila! q2 ;;ki"-b""wity itt.t, is ooned, leased or operated by the appli- plumbing Legal poa plmbing cant. a No pe?aon Phnbing Pernit State ),1'EM Na,t/Extetd Circuita Seruica Electricol Permit tthere slzte Lau requirea tllat the electrieal uork be done by _an Electnical ;;;-tu;l;r; ii* nio*7i"t pirlto" o1 this -permit ahall not be ualic until the tabet -lraa been aigned by Lhe ElecLrical ContractoP' ^ State Total CIIARCE!cll a>2 ? Exhant llood. aeVent F@t aa e a Mechqnicol Permit Permit Issuattoa Meclanical Penit .- ENCROACITI,IENT .. l4ain Cutbcu!/ sidetxLk I Nobile ltone t ,r/tryAf AUnnN$ nlt9. a /{27/ /uTLe Value ' fl,01.3 .rADA . Sectt itu Deoosit SLoraae Pcrmit :/3-€a /5-A{* 9on::a C'TY OF st"ttN(;t:tELt) 225 FIFTU S1TBBT SPRTNGPTEU), OREG0N 97477 INSPBCTION RBQUESTI 726-37G9 OFPICE: 726-3759 1 or JOB Permlts a re non-transferab e and expirelf vork ls not started vlthin 180 daysof lssuance or lf rrrork is suspended for 180 days. 2 COI{TRACTOR INSTALI.ATION ONLY Electrlcal Contractor Address Clty I ELBCTRICAL PBRHIT APPLICATION City Job Nunber 3. COIIPI.^BTB PBB SCIIBDUU BELOS Nev Residential-Slngle or Multi-Pamlly per dvelllng unit. Service Included: ftems Cost 1500 sq.f t. or }ess _l*Each additlonal 500 sq. ft or portlon thereof Ilach Manuf ,d llome or -Modular Dwelling Servlce or Feeder $ 85.00 $ 1s.00 $ 3s.00 A B Sum >-tt-\(---,! r Supervisor License Number \t'l.n(S Expiration Date \ Expiratlon Datel Slgna Supervislng Blectrlcian Ovners Name Address ct Plrone OSNER The installatlon ls belng.made onproperty I ovn vhlch ls not lntendedfor sale, Iease or rent. Ovners Slgn4,ture: ,C./rL DATE: RECBIPT *: C. Temporary Services or FeedersInstallation, Alteratlon or Relocatlon 100 amps or less 101 amps to 400 amps 401 amps to 600 amps -601 amps to 1000 amps- over 1000 amps/volts -Reconnect 0nly SUBTOTAL OF ABOVB 5Z State Surcharge TOTAT 00 00 00 00 00 00 $ gs. $ 60. $ go. $130. $300. $ ss. 200 amps or less ' $201 amps to 400 amps - $over 401 to 600 amps - $0ver 600 amps or L000:yoTts s 3s.00 40.00 80.00 ee ilBrr aEovf D. Ilranch Circui ts New, Alteratlon or Extenslon per panel One Circult Trro to ten Clrcults Each Addtrl ten orportion thereof s 1s.00 Miscellaneous (Servlce/feeder not included) -Each installation Pump or irrigation $Sign/Outline Lighting- $ Slgna1 Clrcuit or Iimited energy panel $ $ $ 00 00 35. 50 36. 36. 00 00 5 RECBIVED BI: 36'Qo& B. Servlces or Feeders (1.0 Branch Circults included). Instal}ation, Alteratlonsor Relocation: Constr Contr. Nuriber