HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1982-11-09d..RESIMNTIAL.. 2zs ttorth stt, strnffPLicATr?N /PERM* Springfield, ?regon 97477 Buildi,n4 Diuiston 7 26-37 53 SPFIINGFIET.D IUU ry Job ioccticn: las Lat # r*\')Aesessots )!ao I Subdi'o'Jstcn: ;-mt0!)ct C* .ld.dtess Cl-1 Ci:r1 : Descr"be f'lot'k: too&h vatue 4:D.oC) CL x?ccxo?g Date of App RanoCeL )!eclwni L Getetal ELectricaL P ha Sanilug seter eqped :t ?z,cper4i Line Septtc totk p'-r2ed ad. fiLled .rith gra:;et Pinal - llhen abcue ite::.s ate ccnptexei ai ahen Tencl);ion is eonr=Lete br stt-"t:- tuye roueC dnC. aretises cleanei up. !,!cbiLe tsLocking od let-tp Plunbing conneccicns -- saier al. aa'.et Electrical Catnection - Blockirg, se'u-,t anC pltnbing connections m;st be qprcceti befor e requestlng el.ee'-rical inscec! io;: .4ccessc,y Euili'-rq 2crckes, skirting, Cec).-a,Final - Aftar etc. are cr'ng Const?rctionJgnlig!_ t) ia lhe resgonsibili;y of the penri! hotl,er to see tt&t alt inspections dte nade at lhe ?z,opar t1h1e' that ecch a,Cdress i3 v2a;nl^i2 jroa the st?eet, anC ;iat the petnit cctd ia Lccated at the frtrt of tlc ptoperty.izuilCitq v)uicion aproted ttin shc,Ll renain on the Suiitilng :i:c at eLL' tines.- P1OCSDUP? ?0R Itts?tircil EOWST.'CALL726-3769 (recorCey) state your City Cesignted job nzaber, iob aCitess, llPe-of inspee=icn @eaciyforinspection,contrdcta?sora,mel,s-rlanecr,d,plonenunber.Peq1lest8receixedbefcre7:0Ca:,tiLL be rade the sane tkg, "equests ncde after 7:00 on vLl.L be naCe the neztlnnking day.8A 4 il il I I Ir o sI!9 !]EP!!::2_N: To be rnde aitetAAaian, but prior tc set up oi forms. U|ID!?.SL}.B ?LL'!EI:IG, ILIC?PIC,IL 7 i,lECiL:jic;L: io. be ndtie befote cng DO|'K LS Coler'ed. PC)t:lO 1 ?0UilDA!:C!l: ?o be r,r-Ce after zrenc'nes are escaoated atd fcrms cte etectei, cut priar tc pourtns ecnetete. u!!DiRC?0tt:!, ?au.!91:;c. sg"/t?, T ,|/IgR. DPA|IIAGE: io be naie priaz, co ;'iL- @6ir.ches. UIIDEPPLC)R ?LU:.s llc 2, !4!C!{A!IICAL : @oi f"oorJnsuk-,ion or Cecking. ?0ST AtlD 3EAi4: To be ncCe criov *-o installatt an of floor irsuiatia, or decking. W!2: ihtst. be rectesteC cflerqoroual o1' rough plwrbing, electi- cal I nechanicai-. ALt :,cofirq bracirrg 1 chir,ncys, etc. trasc be . coroleced. llo ';crk is to be con- - cealed untii lhis insoecicn is.s 'been node cnC aporcu'ed, Iour Ctty'Desigr,ated Job llwtber Is: INSWATION/VAPOR SARRITR ITISPIC?IAil : lo be trude aftet aLL insulcticn ed. requited uqor berie?s @e in pla,ce but before oty 1,ath, glpatn bcarC ct tnLL couering is cpplied, crd. before ay insulation is concealed. DRYiALL illSPlC?fill: Tc be nade -.. tf=er aLL aryual,L is in olace, bui pr'ior to any tapin4. llAS1llRI: SteeZ Location, bond bec'tc, grouling ot lserticcls in aeoriotee ,,tith U.ts.C. Section ,t00DS?c;td: .c t.A. After itatallation is FALTC:-! ?:',]:2::!G, !:irPr:.4: I \!!CX- ;-;l:'-;.-: .,O tC?l "-; tC ae cO'JeleC GIT i\-ese'irscec:ior-s'ncue b eer naie :rd. aoorcvel. | | f:.?:?L.lt5: *ior '.o plecrr4 !=c--rgI I A;t4aLs crd. beicre'f"o""s irtp"Z- tior. CAPB A 4PP3Q44| .a?.c.9v: Ai'ter fornsa,. electAE; pffi to pour|n4 eoncrete. StDSV!-LK d DRf',BiAY: ?or aLL eon- c"et.@-;l;ffi stz'eet right- of-t;cg, tc be naCe aJ'tar aL!. etca- oating eanplete ,l fovn ,;otk 3 oub- base ncter.[al in plaee. FITIAL PLU:ISI\C FT:UL !!EC.|A:IICAL FT:IAL !LZC:sTC:L ?ENC1: tlhen conolete -- Pro.liiejG or nouable'sections through P, U. E. ALL project eov.diiions, suc?. as the i.nstai.laczon cf stl,eet t?ees, :c:pleti.on cf ;;e tequined Latdsccpir4, etc., raat be scxisi'ied before the tsl.liiDf ;iG EIIIAL :cn be requested. FINAL ilILDIYC: The Fincl Buz.Lding fnsoeetion rust be requested zfter .the lirwl Plurbingllectrical, cnl, ],lechanical inspeettcno 4are been zaCe ard-cp.orcued .ALL !4AIIHCLES AIID CLEATICIJTS |,IUS? BE.\CCES;ItsLE, .4DJi,]57:!i:]I lO 38,'.Y,DS !.I lIO i:ST TC Ci:Y ?:ia 1 oi 2 Date: L\-tK- "-,,J{t ?=ge 2 JOB NO. bt Sq. Ftg. 7 cf Lct Cooerage t of Stotles Total P.eighc ?opography soLAR -CESS REQ.- _ fntelio" _ Corzer _ Panitanuile CUL-de-sac L-CO G* Stcte Pentat fssuctce MeclaniceL ?ernit Signed: Electricol Permit wez'e s"ate La,t te_q'uires tha.t r.he eleetrical uork be done by an lleetr"Jcalcontrqctor, tla elee+-rieal portion of this permit shall not be ualil. untiltle Label ius been eigned by the ElectricaZ- Contr.actot,. Mechq nicol Permit 3cze:CceuDancr Grour:Seitcons:Lot ?eces - )f t^.,^^;ecess !:z:!-- lzes .(VaLue 70!.11 7A.LL',! S.D.c. 7.s , (uc Building Vqlue & permit This.pezTt.Jt -is Ez,anted on the etD?ess eondition that the said ccnsttwctions.a,tL, ,-n alL reseeets, eonlctn =c the )rdirnr,ce zdoore.!.cy the IJ7 cjSprtngfieTi, i.nc.!.iing :he'Jon.Jr.g cyCinaiie, regulct-Jng th'e ecis;netlcn Ta:we o) butliing.s,. znci nay be_;usoerieC oz. rZuc?ei L= cr7 tine i:.r_ uic_La.iaan cl n,J prcui;iors ci saic )yd}czces. Puilding Pernit State ?o+;al ll"anges FT!CAPCZ listutes Residentia.L (1 bath) Seuer Plumbing Permit ilo- peteon slall canstruct, install., alter or cltan4e ang rea cr eaisting 4l_**.l.rrs cn drainage sy:i? in ahole oz,. in part, -.u^1""", ,".n p"i"o" is- th.eLegdL.?assessor of a ua1-id plunber,s License, escept tta,t a ?elson nay doplmbing aork to p"opert:! uhich is ouned, Leased or apenatei ty tn" "ppti-@nt. PLunH,ng Pen?it ,1U. llan/Ectend, Circuits lanpcrey Sentice i?!.u ;r?fl: tEaa bltast Hood. Vent lot llcodsxote OC -- ::lC?CAC::|.5:t: -- Secazitlt Decoeit Stolaqe i4aLntefc.nc", Peztnit SLA.anaLk 6Ea7OT.1L LI4OATT DUE:' Pta a-n.--n 7aiT-- I HAW CAREFULLy il.LAil.ED thz conpLeted caplication fot permit, crui ialereby certify tltat aLL infonrutlon heyecn'is tnte ar,-d cbwect, anC f fir,-.ker cez,+-afV lhat ang cn4 aLL xork serionred shalZ be dote in accot,- dance with the )tdinanees oi' the City of Springfield, and lhe Lat;a of theState of aregcn pefi:aining to tke uork Ces*ibeC herein, crd. iltcc yO OCCU- P!.xc.'l DILL be ,ra.d.e of dty sr?uctuz.e uithout permisaiot of the 3uiiciinE 9i-uision. f further :ez,tifi th-st o:tLy conttactots o.d r,rplcgees aha ctZ in ccaplicnee uith CRS ?01.055 aiLT- be used cn this ptojeet 4 -h Mobile llone